Anyway taking in mind the crticisms I've been given, I agree that offering a duel is the wrong choice. However, I have another idea of how we can demonstrate our strength in arms.

The Westerlanders and Adriana's dragoons. They all saw us coming back splattered in blood, saw us taking part in the fight with the Ungors personally and were explicitly left with a positive impression of our command in the mission. I'd be happy to get feedback for the following:

[] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to explain to the count why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.

That better?
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Frankly I would like to put forward at least a consideration of "Okay, Clearly we can't work together. Let's head over and talk to the count, I'm fully capable putting together my list of viable replacements for having you as part of the mission on the way."
Frankly I would like to put forward at least a consideration of "Okay, Clearly we can't work together. Let's head over and talk to the count, I'm fully capable putting together my list of viable replacements for having you as part of the mission on the way."

The thing is, I really, really the warrior priests with us. Them quitting the field might be inevitable if we roll badly, but I really hope it doesn't come to that.

Also even if we tell the priest that we can handle having the mission without him then that doesn't the solve the issue of him thinking we should be replaced as commander whether he comes with us or not.
[] "I ask for Ulricans because I was impressed by Urskoy. Urskoy followed me because he was impressed by my strength. Strength that I am more than willing to prove to you. Demean their sacrifice again and I will prove that strength to you whether you want me to or not."
[] "I ask for Ulricans because I was impressed by Urskoy. Urskoy followed me because he was impressed by my strength. Strength that I am more than willing to prove to you. Demean their sacrifice again and I will prove that strength to you whether you want me to or not."

What we do if he takes us up on the offer and challenges us to a duel? As Mopman pointed out we're talking about someone who's a bad enough dude that him winning against us is not all that implausible.

Also this doesn't solve the issue of him thinking we might be wanting Ulricans again because we were impressed at how good they were as expendable cannon fodder...
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The thing is, I really, really the warrior priests with us. This might be inevitable if we roll badly, but I really hope it doesn't come to that.

Also even if we tell the priest that we can handle having the mission without him then that doesn't the solve the issue of him thinking we should be replaced as commander whether he comes with us or not.
In a vacuum I'd also really really want the warrior priests with us, but if it's "Warrior Priests With Leadership That Hates Us", I'm less confident that's more valuable than a replacement would be.

As for the second, well, my thought is that if we both show up at the same time, the count will likely be more inclined to listen to the person who is Not Making Themself A Problem[tm] than the person who is Making Themself A Problem[tm]. Apply fanriel's considerable diplomacy to the Count who her reputation with is riding high with after a smashing success, rather than to the guy her reputation with is at a nadir.
In a vacuum I'd also really really want the warrior priests with us, but if it's "Warrior Priests With Leadership That Hates Us", I'm less confident that's more valuable than a replacement would be.

As for the second, well, my thought is that if we both show up at the same time, the count will likely be more inclined to listen to the person who is Not Making Themself A Problem[tm] than the person who is Making Themself A Problem[tm]. Apply fanriel's considerable diplomacy to the Count who her reputation with is riding high with after a smashing success, rather than to the guy her reputation with is at a nadir.
Would something like this be good? Your suggestion is part of the second paragraph.

[] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.
I'd be happy to get additional feedback for the following suggestion:
[] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.

Something tp change? Remove? Add?
I'm in favor of threatening to beat the shit out of him if he dares to continue defaming the name of the chapter we fought beside.

While threatening him might actually work given this is an Ulrican, others have, fairly, pointed out that the guy appears to be a bad enough dude that he might end up taking us up on the offer and then proceed to beat the shit out of us rather then the other way around.
I'd like us to snap a bit and also build our rep.

[ ] Has this human even seen the chaos wastes? Present Jaarpen as an unavoidably risky venture that became a near disaster, averted thanks to the gods, the heroics of wolves and our own rare anti-chaos expertise as commander and hero. Then go back to bed.
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I would like to add on to Imperious' suggested plans with the also relevant information that we are the person who discovered this beastpath and thus know best what we are up against and how to get there.

Edit: it's admittedly not much but it is a little answer on why we where given command of the current mission.
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I would like to add on to Imperious' suggested plans with the also relevant information that we are the person who discovered this beastpath and thus know best what we are up against and how to get there.

Edit: it's admittedly not much but it is a little answer on why we where given command of the current mission.
How about something like, your suggestions being added in the second paragraph:

[] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission, where we obtained critical intelligence while our forces suffered no casualties, about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.

I mention "critical intelligence" rather then a "Beast Path" specifically because I'm not clear about how much the count has shared with the Ulricans or whether the priest would even know what a Beast path is.
That puts it a lot better than i did and comes across as professional and composed. Also good call on "critical intelligence", It didn't even cross my mind the count might not have briefed the troops we asked for yet.
I like the work on the write in so far.

Insisting on how the Ulricans took on the most heroic jobs in all occasions in Jaarpen and that's a part of the reason they suffered such losses, and pretty much only them, in this mission is a good argument. The priest can complain about us using them as meatshields for her back then, but at least we would placate some of his pride in his comrades by honoring them.

Another argument we can put forward was how the mission was completely out of our expectations in term of danger. I think we started the mission expecting somewhat ordinary Norscans, and we ended up fighting dedicated Chaos sorcerers, their blessed bodyguards and a pissed off Chaos warlord.

We just have to avoid mentioning that our efforts to protect our Lightfangs with some extra spells might have given the Nurglite sorcerer enough time to cast the spell that doomed the Ulrican knights.
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[X] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[X] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission, where we obtained valuable intelligence while our forces suffered no casualties, about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.
[X] Write In: The Whole Deal
-[X] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process.
-[X] Mention, that Urskoy and his men volunteered out of their own free will for the counter-raid and for all the most dangerous jobs.
-[X] Say about their role in the vanguard, for which they volunteered as well, during the landing and that they later went with us up the hill, since they were the best troops available at the time, that could be expected to fight well against Chaos sorcerers and their lackeys, that we expected to find there.
-[X] Mention, that Urskoy agreed to put his men under our command for this job after our show of strength, which we can repeat, should it become necessary.
-[X] Tell the priest of the entire journey, the fight with the Khornate berserkers, of the magnificent stand of the Men-At-Arms, that fought with the Lightfangs side by side, sharing all of our perils, tying down whatever massive enemy forces they could.
-[X] The charge she and Urskoy's knights performed against the hordes of mutated Marauders to get to their shamans in order to stop foul rituals with human sacrifices present (Urskoy himself said, that it must be stopped for Ulric commands it).
-[X] The sacrifice of the Knights, that they pinned down whatever Marauders they could, giving Fanriel a fighting chance to reach the shamans and stop the whole thing.
-[X] The risks she took and that she succeeded at great peril to her soul, honouring their sacrifice.
-[X] The saving and healing of the single knight, that survived.
-[X] Urskoy and his men died as heroes while fighting against the Great Enemy and their deaths had meaning. We were there, we saw it and we shared in their perils.
-[X]The Norscan leader was slain in single combat by our second before the whole army, while Jaarpen was reduced to a smoldering ruin, the Grim Eyes' power broken beyond repair, many slaves from Jaarpen were saved and brought back home.
-[X] Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission.
-[X] Conclude, that we need the priest and his men, for their faithful are going to battle the Great Enemy once more and will require their aid. Their lawful liege instructed them to provide it under our leadership, for is he not their temporal ruler and commander?
[X] Give a tactical assessment of the difficulties involved in mounting an assault on Jaarpen. The defenses, the terrain, the dangers faced by the first wave, demonstrating your Martial accumen in the process. Point out then that even with those dangers, and that despite that as volunters the White Wolves didn't have to even be on this mission at all, Urskoy insisted that he and his men act as the vanguard, despite the extremely dangerous nature of the role, speaking well of their bravery both during the initial assault and during the entire mission. Point out to the dangers the Lightfangs and Fanriel themselves faced during the battle. Many of the Lightfangs fought back to back with the Ulrican men at arms, while your own second killed the leader of the Grim Eyes in single combat. Note that you yourself went deep into the enemy lines in order to rescue the captives and provided healing to the surviving knight when you saw him. Be clear that the White Wolves' casualties were by no means caused by you thinking lightly of their lives, but out of them bravely taking the most dangerous role in an already dangerous mission, in the process enabling the rescue of captives and the breaking of the Grim Eyes as a power for ages to come, ensuring that the White Wolves' lives were not lost in vain.
-[X] Finally if the Ulrican priest remains unconvinced point to him that he's welcome to question the men the elector count put under our command during the foraging mission, where we obtained valuable intelligence while our forces suffered no casualties, about our command skills and our valour, and that if even after that he remains he's unconvinced of either he's welcome to come with us to the count so that we can both argue our cases while the priest explains why his assessment of our capabilities should outweigh the count's own.
Mmmh too wordy. Ulric no lik wurd. Maxymum Unga Bunga gud. Me hit lotz.
I forgot Ulric's priests would be so martial. I was under the impression that they would be staying a bit behind the lines and mostly be rallying others, but now I wonder if that would be a slight against them and whether they would much rather be charging into the thick of things.

This might be a bit late, but I do think we can assuage his justifiable concerns by mollifying him (not sure how to do this off the top of my head), comprehensively explaining our plan of attack, offering to take into the utmost consideration any questions or concerns he has with our plan, and offering to make him our second in the endeavor. I'm not sure if he'll take it as showing weakness though, which might complicate things.
We just have to avoid mentioning that our efforts to protect our Lightfangs with some extra spells might have given the Nurglite sorcerer enough time to cast the spell that doomed the Ulrican knights.
By my read, that's not what happened. The Norscans got more time to cast their big ritual by us delaying for elementals, but it wasn't the big ritual which got the knights killed. It was the Nurgle sorcerer stepping away from that big ritual to cast a quick blast of battle magic.