Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

Also you have yet to make any arrangements for interim leadership, OOC as QM I made a suggestion for a worthy candidate...

He has yet to be approached with a hint of being left in charge, and if informed of that intent he may have some thoughts to contribute..?


Narrative crap -usually- does not impact your action economy.
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Also you have yet to make any arrangements for interim leadership, OOC as QM I made a suggestion for a worthy candidate...

He has yet to be approached with a hint of being left in charge, and if informed of that intent he may have some thoughts to contribute..?


Narrative crap -usually- does not impact your action economy.
Give me a bit and I'll make an edit.
Ack! I've had another brainfart... I almost forgot the 'Builder' Masserone impacts city stat/mod production costs.

Massarone Construction Company gained: 10% off all city construction costs, this includes city stats as well as dedicated stat based Augments/Mods.
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[X]Plan: Giving back to the community 2.1
-[X] Build Defense 1 (250R) (200 R)
-[X] Build Autocannon Defense Mod (200R) (180 R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) Build 1 M.A.S.H. unit for Atlanta (350R) (troop type no reduction)
Total Resources Spent: 800 730
Remaining Resources: 2,070

so factoring masserone reductions now shown in plan
[X]Plan: Giving back to the community 2.1
-[X] Build Defense 1 (250R)
-[X] Build Autocanon Defense Mod (200R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) Build 1 M.A.S.H. unit for Atlanta (350R)
Total Resources Spent: 800
Remaining Resources: 2,000
[X]Plan: Giving back to the community 2.2
-[X] Build Defense 1 (200 R)
-[X] Build Autocannon Defense Mod (180 R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) Build 1 M.A.S.H. unit for Atlanta (350R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) If the people of Atlanta that we can "poll" are open to it, help Denny Adaire get set up as what amounts to "Mayor" of Atlanta, including giving him communications resources and the like.
Total Resources Spent: 730
Remaining Resources: 2,070

@Dadarian Updated in case it matters to you.
I can give you the free action re: Denny Adaire now.

The man is a fixture, anyone that knows who he is rallies to the idea. Once a casual mention is made of the idea it takes on a life of its own. You would have thought you invented fire, as everyone oohs and aahs contemplating their future in an Atlanta where Denny leads.

Denny however remains oblivious...
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Giving until tomorrow morning to reach consensus. Shall be in and out the rest of evening.
I know it is a minor point; but I have made an error in nomenclature. The Autocannon is actually a Defensive augment not a mod.
The difference being Augments -usually- take up limited augment slots, Mods have no such limitation and usually modify either a stat or an existing Augment.

Defense of 1 means you have (0/1 augment slots), the Autocannon occupies (1/1). defense 10 same city? (1/10 augment slots) ;)
[X]Plan: Giving back to the community 2.2
-[X] Build Defense 1 (200 R)
-[X] Build Autocannon Defense Mod (180 R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) Build 1 M.A.S.H. unit for Atlanta (350R)
-[X] (FREE ACTION) If the people of Atlanta that we can "poll" are open to it, help Denny Adaire get set up as what amounts to "Mayor" of Atlanta, including giving him communications resources and the like.
Total Resources Spent: 730
Remaining Resources: 2,070

Plan: Giving back to the community 2.2 seems to have consensus ( @Dadarian did not object to the modification so I am assuming he is okay with the 'political' addition by @KnightDisciple ). I am holding off locking until 2 PM EST to allow for objections or additional votes. Only other contender is @Cmd. Frost plan w/t Pop. 1 that Knight based his versions off of.
A new Mayor in town (downtime #4)
Plan: Giving back to the community 2.2
-[X] Build Defense 1 (200 R)

Massarone's crew jump into motion, earthen berms are coated in cement and reinforced by lacing I-beams and rebar for added structure, the external face is also faced with cinder blocks harvested from the buildings leveled to improve sight lines outside the defensive perimeter.

Atlanta gains Defense 1!

-[X] Build Autocannon Defense Aug (180 R)
Defenses must be completed before they can be augmented, but by the end of day Atlanta receives...
Atlanta Gains Defensive Augment - Autonomous Autocannon Defensive Batteries!

Defensive Augment - Autonomous Autocannon Defensive Batteries 1,200 R
This mod gives you 4 batteries of defensive autocannons; (rifle: range type)
2d5+1 K-scale Impact damage. 2AP, 1 AV stacks with city defense. 8 structure
(these robotic guns gains benefit of range stat equal to city sensor stat)
Based off the GAU-8 Avenger autocannon platform, uses Depleted Uranium rounds.
Will not engage targets smaller than Cat-Zero. Capable of anti-air fire. May fire into 2 adjacent defensive sectors. (N,NE)(E,SE)(S,SW)(W,NW). Can be purchased max.twice per city. Second set covers sectors (NE,E)(SE,S)(SW,W)(NW,N). Range 5 / 15 / 25

-[X] (FREE ACTION) Build 1 M.A.S.H. unit for Atlanta (350R)

Atlanta gains 1 M.A.S.H. unit!

-[X] (FREE ACTION) If the people of Atlanta that we can "poll" are open to it, help Denny Adaire get set up as what amounts to "Mayor" of Atlanta, including giving him communications resources and the like.

Denny being himself he had been focused on keeping 'The Varsity' up and running as best it is able; But by no means is he dense and after about the hundreth sidelong glance or whispered conversation after your 'polling' of the local citizenry. He catches wind something is up... he corners the next gawker and forces them to spill the beans.

His spine goes ramrod stiff, and he marches straight to the council tent. Pushing his way past the honor guard with only an iron glance.

"Are you all serious? I understand when you arrived your presence was meant short term. The people of Atlanta appreciate all you've done. Are you intent to install me as interim leader like the rumors say??"''

The council assures him they are...

"If that is the will of the people of Atlanta I'll serve until they decide otherwise. I wish you'd asked me first before putting the idea in peoples heads though... You didn't do me any favors I had my damned hands full with keeping just the Varsity alive."

He gives a resigned sigh, "Well that ship has sailed; bring me up to speed about your plans for..." he chuckles " My city."

The council outlines the broad strokes of the current plan in progress and the intent to head for Savannah shortly...

Denny nods, "Time to start earning my keep as Mayor"...

For the first time since Denny took charge of "The Varsity" closed signs go up. The staff are sent spreading word of the fact Atlanta is an independent city, Denny is leading, and the Mayor calls on the citizens to lend a hand in building a better Atlanta.

Within hours Atlantas citizenry have upgraded the "Shoddy Civilian shelters" to "Civilian Shelters" with resources Denny had squirreled away...

Atlanta upgrades to "Civilian Shelters"!

Civilian Shelter: 25 R (-1 to a single highest casualty die roll) 1 shelter purchase permitted per 2 points of population. 10 population = 5 shelters / 5 shelters modify upto 5 dice.

All future upgrades to Atlanta must be made through Mayor Adaire.

(OOC) @KnightDisciple I need to better understand the "including giving him communications resources and the like" portion of your order to assess if there will be a cost involved.​
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Mayor Adaire taps further into his personal reserves and also sets in place:

Atlanta gains Civil Defense Patrol!

Civil Defense Patrol - squads of lightly armed soldiers & trauma medics that guard the civilian shelters, insure orderly evacuation, & prevent civilian casualty dice from exploding. One time purchase per city 250r
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At minimum, enough comms gear to check in weekly with us. Ideally comms gear he could give us early warnings, or ask for help or the like. Comms 0.25 or whatnot, as it were. I'm fine with a small cost.
At minimum, enough comms gear to check in weekly with us. Ideally comms gear he could give us early warnings, or ask for help or the like. Comms 0.25 or whatnot, as it were. I'm fine with a small cost.


Comms are problematic in the wake of the Cat-5 codenamed 'Apocalypse' appearance, the beast flew up into the upper atmosphere where it remains in low earth orbit. From there it continuously shits up the skies with its dander (the radioactive particulates that make propeller flight troublesome and jet flight an impossibility) as well as continuous electrical discharges (think EMP style discharges that supercharge the upper atmosphere) that make all but the shortest range radio/television/satellite broadcasts unintelligible garbled messes. (Kind of covered in the opening post ;))

This is the reasons scout aircraft cannot broadcast live from Atlanta to Savannah, even with the best Military grade comms radio is maxed at 30 miles before it becomes useless. THe only current way to keep contact over such extreme distances (240 miles) is 'Little Bird' couriers made available on both ends, maybe a weekly scheduled run to keep communication open and standby flights available both ends for emergencies...

(this is why the Ga. Tech professor was such a godsend, a possible way to eliminate particulate damage to engines would mean regaining Jets and jet speed flight as well as removal of the 2 hour flight window on prop aircraft before requiring maintenance).

Longer term high levels of comms in both cities could expand until they overlap; which then would provide instantaneous communications. Comms and sensors both have a 15 mile radius per level, representing reestablished phone lines, or radio relay towers, etc... (16 points of comms between the 2 cities would suffice...) you can always help build up other settlements between the 2 that could also act as relays taking the burden of some of those 16 pts.

TLDR; no such animal as comms 0.25 exists ; twas a noble gesture but not in line with this reality.
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Another thing that might merit discussion, when you leave for Savannah were you considering gifting any troops to Atlanta to bolster their defenses? Not a suggestion merely an inquiry.

The autocannon augment is good versus the larger threats (Cat-Zero+), the human scale API's are still a real threat and need an infantry scale counter to man their newly constructed walls. Any troop type from the build list with either the (SSC or Heavy SSC annotation would serve wonderfully). Without your contribution I'm sure the turn you leave Mayor Adaire will field something...
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Another thing that might merit discussion, when you leave for Savannah were you considering gifting any troops to Atlanta to bolster their defenses? Not a suggestion merely an inquiry.

The autocannon augment is good versus the larger threats (Cat-Zero+), the human scale API's are still a real threat and need an infantry scale counter to man their newly constructed walls. Any troop type from the build list with either the (SSC or Heavy SSC annotation would serve wonderfully). Without your contribution I'm sure the turn you leave Mayor Adaire will field something...
Hm. You know, let's set aside a couple Motorcycle Miltias and a couple of the infantry units, to start with. Or can we "build" a unit with our R before we leave next turn?
Hm. You know, let's set aside a couple Motorcycle Miltias and a couple of the infantry units, to start with. Or can we "build" a unit with our R before we leave next turn?

Yes, you can do anything provided you have the actions, resources, and knowledge. Building a known troop type to donate would be easy-peasy.

However if you allow the Mayor use of your auto jigs, access to the appropriate blueprints, & and any resources you offer to build what he thinks his city needs most... (fosters his new found independence and allows him to put his own people into 'his' defense force.)

He has demonstrated the fact the 'city' has its own action economy (upgrading Shelters and building Civil defense). What he currently lacks is any Manufacturing capacity (zero city stat).
Questions have been answered, Downtime actions resolved, now on to the narrative! (Shortly, RL responsibilities intrude...)
Nightfall & Mist rise (motw#2)
The day passes as most July days in Atlanta do; a sweltering heat and humidity that plasters clothing to you in an uncomfortable mimicry of the worlds largest sauna.

All the work of the day goes as planned; however without a tangible reason at all a sense of gloom and doom slowly builds, an unexplained sense from the primitive animal portion of your psyche. A sense of unseen eyes and malevolent intent that remains without form...

Sunset brings the first hints of relief, the temperature drops from swelter to merely uncomfortably warm, remaining too hot for even the dew to fall. The stars burn bright and the full moon blazes with a light that steal all color.

By three in the morning, the days heat usually has fled, condensation forms and the dew falls. This morning is strange; if anything the oppresive heat returns against all natural order.

Scouts notice an unusual vapor forming first above the Chattahoochee river to the north of the defensive perimeter. The odd tendrils thicken growing ropey. Mist should not form in this heat, and it never grows this thick or this fast...

What were tendrils becomes a wall five foot above the water, within minutes five foot of mist becomes fifty foot. Fifty becomes a hundred and fifty, and within moments sky and ground meet all in an ominous grey before they blot out the full moon.

Where the light retreats the mist advances... The wall of mist begins a slow methodical creep from the water onto the land as far as the eye can see both up and down river. Once the buildings closest to the river are engulfed, the scouts begin to hear scattered gunshots, unidentifiable noises, and one soul shivering screech of anguish that one could only hope had been an animal.

Advanced scout positions inside the fog report near zero visibility, Whereas clustering is usually a danger, here inside the pea soup thick fog, friendly fire from units spaced out is a more tangible threat. Without city sensors there is no way of knowing what lurks in the mist nor where it may lurk, other than of course Mammoths limited sensor suite.

The Mist is advancing quickly southward towards the defensive perimeter...

Visual is usually limited to a few hundered feet, with rare openings out 0.2 km.
Orders commanders? Need info on civilians and troop deployment please.
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[X] Plan Play It Cool
-[X] Ground Units deploy at the edges of city fortifications on Overwatch.
-[X] Air units do as much scouting as possible, focuses are a.) see how high the fog goes and b.) see if they can pinpoint anything in the middle.
-[X] Mammoth deploys....I guess 10 units beyond the wall/fortifications, roughly centered on the fog.
I'm breaking down the plan to clarify the salient points, so you can get a better feel for the tactical situation, this does not lock any portion of the plan merely provides more info to form a plan around.

[X] Plan Play It Cool
-[X] Ground Units deploy at the edges of city fortifications on Overwatch.


-[X] Air units do as much scouting as possible, focuses are
a.) see how high the fog goes

Beyond your operational ceiling

b.) see if they can pinpoint anything in the middle.

The length and breadth of the Chattahoochee spans over thirty miles the fog runs that ENTIRE distance... (IE. as far as line of sight from Atlanta extends and yet still more fog)

-[X] Mammoth deploys....I guess 10 units beyond the wall/fortifications, roughly centered on the fog.

You could center on the Northernmost point of the defensive perimeter... thats the point where the fog will impact the perimeter first. Mammoth integral sensor package might reveal more on 1d10 roll
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[X] Plan Play It Cool 2.0
-[X] Ground Units deploy at the edges of city fortifications on Overwatch.
-[X] Air units stay in reserve for attack run if/when Kaiju is isolated.
-[X] Mammoth deploys....I guess 10 units beyond the wall/fortifications, roughly centered on the fog.
-[X] Civilians move to shelters on the far side of Atlanta from the fog. If possible, arrange possible full-on evacuation routes, but do so quietly.