Mammoth Apostate vs the World 1: "Lost in the Mist"

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Hello all, I am your QM (Quest Master) for the upcoming "Mammoth Apostate versus the World"...
Senpai Open_Sketchbook gave a like!!!


The third monkey...
Somewhere 'near' Atlanta Ga
Hello all, I am your QM (Quest Master) for the upcoming "Mammoth Apostate versus the World" Episode 1: 'Lost in the Mist'. It is my salute to "Pacific Rim" / "The Mist" movie based on Stephen King's Novella / "Hellboy" / "Cabin in the woods" and many other sources too numerous to cite here.

-----Edited in: This alternate universe is to be considered science-lite, I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes science/biology/genetics/etc... for narrative purposes wherever you smell techno-babble bullshit, roll with it -or- if it offends you to your core move along, this is not the quest for you. My intent is to entertain to the best of my limited ability with giant robots punching giant monsters.

As the question often arises "Did Open_Sketchbook give you permission to run his (original intellectual property) game?"
I found a post giving permission to all and sundry to have at it, and links to the necessary resources to make it all possible.
In Which Sketch Makes Games - Megathread - Pen & Paper | Page 85

I will warn you I'm a wordy rascal and brevity is a trait I lack.

As you might expect it is one more in a long list of contenders to carry on in the grand tradition of "Cherno Alpha vs the World".
It is inspired by; BUT is not quite the same world, mine is a dark and brutal world where "Although it takes a Jaeger to cancel the apocalypse,the common soldiers can be heroes too."

WARNING: there will be more RP, more logistics (mostly on my end), and a bit more grim/dark feel at times than the average vs the world quest.

I would like to thank:
My partner in crime who handheld me throughout my entire creative process. Thanks Highwind, I owe you a world.

Special thanks also go out to:
Open_Sketchbook (Cherno) for starting my obsession & creating Hardbroiled that mutated into Jaegerbroiled, Fyrstorm (Tacit Ronin) for allowing me to participate in his Quest, and borrow the Altitude System,Killbles(Horizon Brave)and use of their grapple system, and in no particular order: Supersonicsound (Verde Morous), Jace911 (Romeo Blue), Fallenworldful(Crimson Typhoon), ShirowShirow (Wild Ronin)& all Cherno's other spiritual successors.

Being a variant world the rules -generally- follow the Jaegerbroiled bitter vets both know and love. But being my brainchild I am taking the liberty to add my spin to those of the QM's who came before me, building on each, and borrowing liberally from those great Quests.

Enough of the introductory yammer, lets get in to the GAME!!!
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Call to vote have posted the thread with a comment that basically amounted to "will edit in content later".
That's not the best way to start the thread. I am not sure people have even noticed the new content since not everyone renews their page to see if it is there yet.

A valid point, edited old confusing message out. This being my first Quest on SV (or any forum as I'm more an RPG in my living room guy) I'm sure that will be the least of my errors. All I can ask for is your kind indulgence as I work my way into this. Thanking all in advance for their patience.


[Timeline post Apocalypse (Cat. 5) , 3 months 14 days]
Your Commander is now two weeks over due, you've had no communications with any outside forces.

As the interim leadership the council has a rough decision to make.

Dig in temporarily at Atlanta and wait for Bracer Phoenix? The Combat Engineers are confident they can improvise the foundation of a more permanent settlement and even if you abandon it later the citizens of Atlanta will benefit from your hard work -or- should you attempt to recover your Shatterdome & find the Commander in Savannah?

Even as you begin to convene to hash these matters out someone approaches and demands to personally speak with whomever is in charge. When asked what this is about he states simply his time is valuable and he doesn't want to repeat himself endlessly to a bunch of underlings. He needs to speak to the decision makers...

An expensively dressed Gentleman awaits, a little crumpled but with a sense of purpose and authority that are tangible in the air around him.

[ ] Send him away. You're way too busy to waste time on indulging some rich guys sense of self importance.
[ ] Hear him out.
[ ] write in...
the Architect
Close enough to my eight hour mark I doubt it will sway back 4 votes in next 5 minutes... I'm calling it locked. I'm anxious to get this rolling...

[X] hear him out is our winner at 5/2.

Having decided to allow the man to speak his piece, he is ushered into the makeshift 'Council Room' (in reality it's only a Mess tent, co-opted to provide a venue to inform and allow debate between the various section heads to reach consensus and guide our fates.)

"Gentlefolk, I am Nathaniel Gulf and I represent several hundred souls who would like to join your convoy and earn your protection. I know your approached daily like this, and resources are always a concern. But me and my people can guarantee a return on your investment beyond your wildest expectations."

He pulls a thick folder from beneath his arm, and scatters various packets detailing completed, exacting, and beautifully envisioned and realized architectural projects from DARPA, CERN, NRC, CDC, NASA, and on and on.

"My partner Daniel and myself are... No excuse me WERE co-owners of one of the most prestigious firm of architects since the time of Ramses the Great. We are currently living now amongst our former employees, a construction firm that have placed themselves solely at our disposal.

If given leave to join your band of travellers we can all assist with building whatever you like, wherever you want, under budget, and on time. Feel free to send some of your Engineer Corps over to evaluate the equipment we have at our disposal or the knowledge of my crews. You'll find neither lacking.

Further if you help us re-establish our firm wherever you settle we will provide you with a service Sheiks have had bidding wars to obtain...

We will open an Urban Planning & Development facility at your disposal that for a nominal fee will provide you with blueprints for bleeding edge facilities to improve wherever you call home.

That's the pitch Gentles, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves..."

[ ] Accept the offer!
[ ] Call his bluff, have the Corp of Engineers evaluate their worth.
[ ] Decline.
[ ] Write in a counter offer.

Will lock this vote tomorrow morning... I will be around in & out to answer any questions that have crept in. It looks like a twice a day update seems about right for narrative, combat will be a more accelerated schedule probably every 2-4 hours (as my schedule allows).

I do have RL commitments that will sometimes supercede my desire to entertain you.
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Massarone Construction
I think we have achieved a clear consensus.

Mr. Gulf has been listening as you discuss the need to confirm their worth, he is used to being taken at his word and is a bit stunned that you didn't jump at the opportunity from his presentation skills alone.

(Apparently he is used to being wooed and courted for his skills as he claimed. His peacock like ego has taken a blow.)

After asking a rather crestfallen Mr. Gulf for directions a handful of the more knowledgeable Combat Engineers travel to a building about two streets outside the impromptu defensive perimeter where resides the hardy workers of Massarone Construction.

They have taken over the now abandoned 'Hotel Indigo Atlanta Midtown'. In its hayday it must have once been at least a 3 or 4 star hotel, the exterior has had all the doors and windows on the first two floors reinforced with newly made spiked studded burglar bars that feature clean, precise welds.

The streets that had everywhere else been choked with abandoned vehicles and trash are pristinely clear, hosting perfectly parked dump trucks and semi rigs along both sides of the road carrying well maintained heavy equipment and not just regular construction rigs, but also some specialist equipment for both road and railway construction.

Further down the block a stretch trailer holds molds for prefab concrete construction. Parked beyond that is a specialty trailer that is transporting a large scale concrete mixing tower for industrial applications that require on site mixing.

Everywhere you look a level of pride is reflected in the cleanliness and order in which they maintain their gear.

One of the Engineers breaks away when he sees a man climbing out of a rig with a large crane. He steps over and engage the fellow in a little friendly chat. About 10 minutes pass, he claps the fellow congenially on the back, laughs, and then returns.

He whistles lowly and then speaks to his fellow engineers;
"That fellow is apparently not only certified Heavy Equipment Rigging Specialist but is also knowledgeable in safe multiple story collapse,and working confined spaces.
If they're all half as good as him we might want to negotiate some freelance tutoring for 'Our' benefit."

Upon return to the Council tent, the lead engineer merely sweeps his gaze across the assembled councillors and then nods his head emphatically several times and smiles.

[ ] Write in how you handle Mr. Gulf and express your desire to retain his services if that is your wish.

Your oratory and diplomacy skills displayed will impact the level of bonus obtained.

This may take a bit...
Formulate your response and reach consensus. I will check back 8-9 pm EST and see how close you are to a consensus.
Adhoc vote count started by Smithsguild on Jul 2, 2018 at 10:31 AM, finished with 31 posts and 4 votes.
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Downtime #1
[X] Dig in temporarily and send out the scouts as far as they dare to search for Phoenix.

Digging in isn't mutually exclusive with trying to retake the Shatterdome, but I don't know tbout surrendering the initiative.

My input on the matter, I'm new to the genre of quest and mostly here to fight giant monsters as a giant robot. You're also moving quite quickly, but that's perfectly fine. I'll no doubt check in every couple days or so.

That said, here's a plan that builds upon what Cmdr. Frost says.

[X] Plan Sit and Explore
-Gather our resources within the city, take a proper pre-Savannah accounting, and build some moderately appropriate mini-Kaiju defenses around. This will help the city, the people, and us for the time being. The engineers and the construction company can be assigned to this. Meanwhile, we will dedicate the more mobile elements of ours to scout both our surroundings and the way to Savannah. Since our goal is to go to Savannah, a proper scouting will help us know the challenges.

All are quite cool with me; it appears we have a general consensus. Stated in various manners, but all contain a shared kernel I'm going to run with.

You have 2 downtime actions at your disposal, I'm distributing them thusly: (Unless an objection arises; in which case I can always ret-con). After the kerfuffle yesterday, I just want to get back to the 'fun'.

1 - "Reinforce existing Atlanta defenses using the engineers and the construction company."

2 - "Deploy the 'Pathfinders' to gain operational awareness of Atlanta environs and relaying that info back before they sweep southward towards Savannah along our former route. They will deploy at maximum dispersal while maintaining both visual and radio contact with each other. They are to use all caution as they acquire intel and look for any signs of Bracer Phoenix. Will attempt to maximize range over gaining detailed information."

The Engineers and Massarone workers are explained their tasks, to dig in and provide the best short term, need it now defenses they can provide. They get to work with a gusto. Using the Varsity as a hub they expand the perimeter outward to about 6 blocks, heavy equipment rumbles to life to clear all unclaimed vehicles from the streets, the civilian camp followers eager to assist scavenge gasoline, and rifle through the vehicles before the cranes grab the offending vehicles and drop them onto flatbeds to be taken away to be unloaded elsewhere. Sight lines are maximized and positions are determined to get the most uses possible from the tanks and mortars. Some abandoned building are dropped to provide rubble for berms, others with suitable substructures are reinforce to serve as impromptu shelters. Although unasked for in the plan Massarone steps up and picks a few of the more secure buildings inside the new defensive perimeter and does their best to reestablish water and electricity via generators to provide more suitable shelter for the refugees than tents or sleeping in their vehicles. By days end you have a warning siren and have established watch posts on all approaches tied into comms.

Gained a non-upgradeable w/o resource invested defensive perimeter; AV 1 to forces thus protected (to qualify as a city stat it needs be much more comprehensive but to protect your limited military assets, it currently works).

Gained 'shoddy' civilian shelter - it's not pretty but it gets the civvies off the streets into buildings that can withstand -some- abuse without collapsing upon their heads. limited time and resource invested but it enough to get the civvies the bonus from being sheltered during a kaiju attack.

Gained temporary housing - minor Morale bump for civilians

The Pathfinders circle overhead in an expanding ring, and then radio back that other than some pockets of survivors clustered here and yon Atlanta seems secure. No other military forces observed, no kaiju or nest sign present. When they reach the southeastern quadrant of their overhead patrol they shift slightly to center themselves over Interstate 75 and then continue southward until lost to sight. Up until the atmospheric disturbance makes their signal untenable there is nothing noteworthy to report... It is nearly 45 minutes latter before they come back into range.

"Command this is Scout Leader, no sign of Bracer. With our limited fuel we were able to scout about the first 70 miles of the return route to Savannah, we are happy to report no signs of Nest infestation or Kaiju - The road home appears clear."

Scouts are now down to 1 hour flight time before needing a maintenance overhaul.

So commanders; what is the plan? Extend your Atlanta stay or shall we begin the exodus back to Savannah or is there a third option unknown to me you'd like to pursue..?

We are approaching the 'Monster of the week' time and I want to know where we're going to host it ;). (Technically Monster of the week is a misnomer, but we have had a down time action and those are usually followed by an encounter of some flavor.)
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Information: For the love of mod...
Stop right there... No sir, you are the one asking for it.

You have apparently confused my composed and congenial behavior, as my being weak or easily bullied. You are wrong.

See, I don't care if you have giant robots punching giant robots. I care when you try to justify that scientifically and screw up the science. Or when you violate your own, in-universe rules, but if you'd stop giving technobabble I don't think you'd have any to violate.
for the love of mod...
This entire dispute is a gigantic waste of everybody's time.

1. Most people appreciate it when provide critique. People who don't care don't bother to critique. I'll be perfectly frank, @Smithsguild. When someone insists they're not "weak or easily bullied", inevitably it means they're just a hypersensitive asshole who's looking for a reason to fly off the handle. Your behavior in this thread follows that track pretty precisely.

2. I will never understand what compels people to wedge themselves into a quest when the QM doesn't want them there. I don't try to crowbar myself into parties I'm not invited to, and neither should you. A discussion thread is one thing. Hell a story is one thing. But a quest is like... an ongoing effort involving interaction. You wouldn't shove yourself into D&D game the GM doesn't want you in so like. That's just life. @GreatWyrmGold, you're clearly not welcome, so I'm going to make it clear that you should move along by banning you from the thread.

Jeeze Louise.
MOTW #1 Hakuja
About four o'clock in the afternoon, your northernmost scouts spots an unusual dust cloud due north about two kilometers outside the defensive perimeter that is shortly thereafter accompanied by a rolling thunderous din, double checking now through his binoculars; it appears Piedmont Atlanta Hospital has crumbled to rubble kicking a miasma of dust skyward.

Less than a minute later a second building just a little closer collapses; as the scout watch they see the breifest of glimpses, something organic whether it was a tenacle or tail they cannot be certain but without a doubt something wicked this way comes.

Newly installed sirens blare out their warning, and over 10,000 people scurry like roaches for the shelters. Without a dedicate civil defense force to ride herd on the mob, people push the slower aside, and the trampling of the small or feeble is a real risk. Panicky people rarely care who may not make it or the damage their haste might cost their fellow civilian.

Although every soul is glad that a Jaeger stands to defend them the vast majority know that Mammoth Apostle previously fell in combat, how much safer are they now under the protection of Mammoth Apostate a Jaeger that is largely unproven and of a lesser Mark?

The scouts maintain their vigil attempting to gather any information about the new foe, but without a sensor grid the intel is limited to visual observation of an elusive enemy relayed by voice over radio.

Preliminary reports of momentary sighting indicate you are facing a burrower.

Category 2
Designated ATL-26-001 Codename: 'Hakuja'
Short, squat, and covered in thick bony plates that run from the top of the head down the length of the tail, as well as large plates protecting the anterior aspect of each leg.
The face is armed with two hinged skewering mandibles widely enough spaced to not impair its lethal bite.

All 6 of the beasts legs end in wickedly curved heavily muscled claws that appear both strong and nimble.

Your Conventional Forces are arrayed inside the defensive perimeter, the defenses constructed support enough options for shifting to meet the likeliest approach if it maintains course and speed. The troops shuffle into place along the perimeter with surprising precision considering the length of time they've been working together.

All that's left is Mammoth's deployment (unless you choose to take any of the conventional out with Mammoth to face the beast.)

Hakuja is now 1.8 Km north of defensive perimeter.

Your deployment orders?
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downtime #2 writeup
(OOC: I was 'inspired' to jump on the write up early... Enjoy!)

The cleanup goes well, with the use of CO2 from scavenged fire extinguishers, and some large pressurized tanks scavanged from the Coca-Cola bottling plant the blues decay is arrested before rampant decomp can occur.

The requested samples from Hakuja (armor, claw, and mandible) are flooded in Co2 and placed in refrigerated trucks for transport. It was interesting that when the various bony plates were first subjected to the funeral pyre they released a fire retardant gel that almost quenched the surrounding flames. These samples merit closer scrutiny in a dedicated lab space.

It was wise to position armed soldiers to guard the cleanup workers as at least a half dozen organisms that were secreted around and inside Hakujas body made attempts on the workers or to scuttle away. Concentrated fire from the AK-47 were more than sufficient as the APIs appeared singly, enmass it might have been a different story.

Gain Research Token - Hakuja Retardant Armor -

On an unrelated note; later in the day one of Jack Massarone workers comes bearing news.

The Black marketeer is looking for an ongoing deal, not piecework. He is willing to contract on to serve your needs in exchange for exclusive rights to all your dead specimens not counting research specimens you choose to retain at the aforementioned 20/80 split. He and his men are willing to relocate to your location.

[ ] Accept the offer for exclusive rights (not counting research specimens you choose to retain)
[ ] Decline the offer
[ ] write in is always a valid choice

(OOC - Opportunity to earn some QM appreciation and interact building some depth with some world building. Offer up a Name, mannerisms, appearance, and backstory for our Black marketeer the more involved, the bigger potential rewards. Even minor contributions that inspire me to greater efforts can reap rewards. I'm trying to offer opportunities for player investment in OUR shared world.)​
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downtime #3 write up
2 votes for current downtime plan, no alternative plan forwarded. Calling it locked.

[X] Send Scout Copter 'Little Bird' Observation Squadron to Savannah to check the status.

The four and a half hours since the 'Little Birds' departure midmorning; creep with a slowness that turns patience into a punishment.
All eyes privy to the missions nature turn skyward with each errant machine noise that -might- be a helicopter returning.

Finally the radios carry the first hint of news to a crowd of eavesdropper 'busy' within listening distance of the Comms.
"Loccent Command, this is Bob White leader. Savannah Shatterdome stands, we say again Savannah Shatterdome stands!"

A cheer goes up before a senior comms officer waves everyone back to near silence.

"ETA until landing less than two minutes... And command be aware we've brought an unwelcome guest, or at least its corpse. Might want some of K-science lab rats at touchdown."

A minute later, the landing pad is cordoned off to keep the improvised landing pad clear of an overeager crowd. Only a pair of senior officers and a handful of scientists are allowed within.

The first five copters make quick precise landings engines sputtering fouled by particulates , but it is the sixth straggler lagging behind that draws every eye.

The plexiglass windshield cracked and broken and pressed into that break a waking nightmare, a ...?hornet-like?... vespiform the size of a large man, the black and yellow rings around its abdomen lose all semblance to a terrestrial insect as the dual stingers that penetrate the plexiglass a full eighteen inches attest.The head pushed in through another hole over a foot into the cockpit was riddled with bullet holes destroying much of the profile, the spotter had emptied a full clip, reloaded and pumped in another half a clip before the gribbly had the decency to die.

"We had hit around the 193 mile marker of the return route about 40 something miles from Savannah when we spotted nest sign that had engulfed an overpass.

Sir, you've never seen a thing like that... it was beautiful but in an eerie, unearthly way. Plants colors no plant has a right to be. Fluorescent 10 meters high stalks orange as a day-glo traffic cone with purple fringe fronds that moved against the breeze, when our prop wash hit 'em they lit up with internal lights that reminded me of a christmas tree!?!

That's when this fucker hit our canopy, and we went evasive. There was about a dozen more of his buddies we outran; as we were discouraging him with my 9mm from coming into the canopy. They came from beneath the overpass and I'll bet a month's pay they have a hive under it.

Sir, that nest was small, but they're the most aggressive things you've ever seen and they are right on SR-16 the alien vegetation expands to both the north and south bound on and off ramps thick enough traffic can't pass. A local detour is impossible but the nest doesn't extend much past the highway.
I think however with some liberal application of napalm to singe wings and some M-60s to clean up should do the trick. They were good enough for Vietnam, I say we go 'Apocalypse Now' on their asses and make for home."
[ X ] Scout around Atlanta for military personnel or other "useful" people-groups; technicians, construction workers, etc. We've got some folk, let's get some more.

Asking around you find there is a plethora of opportunities; so many in fact you will need to assign who is checking out which possibility. # of Troops/type - Destination

(example: 1 unit AK infantry to Ruins of Grady hospital)

⦁ Dobbins -Naval Air Station Atlanta (Marietta) might find: ?military personnel?

⦁ Fort McPherson army base (East Point) might find: ?military personnel?

⦁ Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (between Hapeville and College Park) might find: ?aircraft mechanics, pilots, air traffic comptrollers?

⦁ The ruins of Grady Hospital (Thanks Hakuja!) ?might find: Doctors, nurses, & medical specialists ?

⦁ Various College campuses might find: ?Professors/ TA's from a wide range of degree programs?

⦁ Center for Disease Control (between Druid hills, N. Druid hills, & N. Decatur) ?might find: Virologists, Epidemiologists, Geneticists?

All of these and many more exist and fall under Scout around Atlanta for useful people. If you avail yourself of all of the above listed, any remaining troops can : "assign troop type - Destination general search" and I'll fill in any might find blanks.

Devote as many or few of your conventionals as seems appropriate... It is still considered the 1 action.


'Little Bird' Observation Squadrons are 2 hours past 'safe' flight time... They risk catastrophic failure if used w/o maintenance action. Each hour of flight time adds to the cumulative penalty.(+check for failure at each take-off/landing)
At 2 hours roll 1d10 , on a 'natural' 10 unit destroyed, 3rd hour a natural 9 or 10 destroys, etc.,
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