Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

I... I have no words.
No, I actually have some.

1) Are we getting any formalized spell/skill/ability for sharing our regeneration?
2) Who is Samantha again and can she contribute to the meeting?
3) This is rather awkward...
4) Apropos of nothing, I think our burning of the forest from near Canadian Border might have contributed to Clocktower being declared terrorists, by someone using it to claim "Clocktower took over Canada and this fire was their plot".

Samantha is our Secretary/intel gopher/accountant etc.

They probably cant outright say that about the forest fire since probably no proof exists that we did it unless somebody saw us flying out on a not really inconspicuous plane a few clicks from the border :/
I think the Light might have flexed their muscles to set this up, which might be a reason why at least Karen is forced to go along with it.

Or maybe Karen made a now inconvenient Oath that CF are exploiting.

Or the most simplest and hated of the possible answers: Realpolitiks.
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They probably cant outright say that about the forest fire since probably no proof exists that we did it unless somebody saw us flying out on a not really inconspicuous plane a few clicks from the border :/
It doesn't matter if they don't have proof.
But people can connect the dots pretty well, and Illuminati can spin the stories even better.

Fire in the town, and we flee; lost in the forest, then fire at the border that also connects to the forest; suddenly, Clocktower gets several Magical Girls to deal with outstanding threats - including a fire user. There was actual suspicion thrown at Canada for possibly making that forest fire. Canada is part of the Commonwealth - that includes Britain. Those are facts.

And they are suggestive enough to spin a convincing story, proof or no proof.
Or maybe Karen made a now inconvenient Oath that CF are exploiting.
If they make an offer to leave us out of the war and in peace, Karen would have to at least let us hear it, because she promised to keep Una as safe as she can.
"I swear that so long as I or another I trust completely lives, I will ensure that Una will be cared for to the best of my ability in the case of your absence."
So, ahead of talking with the "counter force", I feel like their actions make a lot of sense in a way. When they launched an airstrike to take out us and our sister... without knowing the background, it's what I'd have done. After all, from their perspective, their long-term rival that recently collected three powerful magical girls just fabricated another one. If they wait, as far as they know, they'll be up to their eyeballs in a tide of endless magical girls in a couple of years if they wait. Even if they're not sure they can win the war, there will never be a better chance than now to try.

I can even imagine how the illuminati would have some mostly-noble reasons for opposing the secretive cabal of magicians who quietly run a bunch of European countries from behind the scenes. Sounds pretty sinister like that, right? Besides, I have a lot of misgivings about Karen, a lot of which might be actually true. (Mind Control)

I think we need to make sure to warn them about other upcoming issues like the demon invasion. Because having everybody kill each other would only make that easier, and it would be a tragedy for a bunch of well-meaning and powerful people to die.
[X] {Location} A nearby Cafe in London
[X] {Party}
-[x] Daiyu
-[x] Morgan
[X] {Time} Now

Neutral location, no time to set up anything, and bring only Daiyu with us.

Edit: Make that Daiyu and Morgan
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[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now Daiyu for the battle sisters with Morgan there as the Clocktower's witness. Also reliable source of info if we need it.[/Time]
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now That time tag is going to be hilarious for this vote[/Time]
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now I think this is the IC choice I dunno if bringing Morgan means Karen will know everything that happens though, unsure if its the best meta choice but the difference to me is negligible enough I'll take the IC.[/Time]
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
[X] [Time] Now I just have a bad feeling about bringing Morgan.[/Time]
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now So like, why are so many people end their replies with time?[/Time]
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now So like, why are so many people end their replies with time?[/Time]
Because "[Time]" is a BB Code, so the forum automatically inserts a closing tag at the end of the post.

Unless you put a PLAIN tag around the TIME tag like I just did, but I think that fucks up the tally program.
[X] [Location] A nearby Cafe in London
[X] [Party]
-[X] Daiyu
-[X] Morgan
[X] [Time] Now I really hope we don't burn any bridges with Morgan, I mean if they bring any proof of clocktower's wrongdoings, that's putting a harsh light on a subordinate who would have no idea what the clocktower's convert operations does. I only hope Cerys don't get all angry beyond reason over the it like what she did to that poor shipgirl just because Una. Anyway it would be interesting to hear what they have to say![/Time]
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[X] {Location} A nearby Cafe in London
[X] {Party}
-[x] Daiyu
-[x] Morgan
[X] {Time} Now
Sorry if this deviates from the current topic of conversation for a little bit, But I'm surprised that noone has brought up the prospect of the illuminati/counter force leader being a victim of demonic possession, if that's even a thing, or if the main adversary is even smart enough to set up something like this. If so, it maybe possible to extrocise him in some way.

Of course, either that, or, It's truely just random bickering, poliltics, and, well, paranoia that caused these events.
Kind of want to use Una to guilt trip them but Cerys would never risk her that way

I don't understand why the freaking Illuminati would care about the life of one girl when they have possibly killed hundreds, even if she is a magical girl.

Also, I don't understand why we are going to a potentially insecure location in the middle of a populated center. While it would deter attack in case this is a trap, since it is a populated center, the foolish adversary may have a plan set up to put us into blame for an attack on a London cafe. Sort of like saying "Hey, we tried to negotiate with these guys, and they blew us up!" This maybe a plan to discredit us in the eyes of the public even further.

While a cafe would be dangerous for that reason, A neutral location would be dangerous in it's own right. Who's to say that they won't to try to pull the same gimmick over there, but of course, they would be able to pull over more forces.

So, I advise that while, yes, setting the meeting now would prevent the adversary from springing any fast ones on us, That doesn't mean that they will agree to it.

Basically, going to the cafe is a bad idea, only if that they may be able to target us and our surroundings to pin us as 'real' terrorists. On the other hand, Going to a neutral location would mean that they would be able to spring more forces on us. We can check for traps as much as we want, but they have to have a couple tricks up their selves and some kind of false flag op going on if they directly came to us and asked us for a meeting. They are confident here, and we have many reasons not to like that. Because, again, do remember that they do have quite the track record for scattered assassination attempts, and today is no different. They are the experts in the subject, after all.

[] {Party}
-[] Daiyu
[] (Time) Thirty Minutes.
-[] While in waiting time, make sure to ask for advice.

I say thirty minutes, because, while that does give the adversary more time to prepare, it gives us more time to prepare as well. We need to come up with a game plan here, remember, they came up with the idea of the meeting in the first place, So they have had a lot more time to prepare for this. Going in now with no plan is strategic suicide. We need to Huddle-up.

Also, it says we can't bring Karen to the meeting, but we can bring Karen to the Huddle-up. Remember, she's our boss, and we need to make sure that not only to protect our interests, but her interests as well. We need help with this, even if we do have the entirety of SV here, we might need some more insight on what they might do in-universe.

-NOTE: Have no idea where we might have a secure location. Going to try to come with a place when we have time.
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I say thirty minutes, because, while that does give the adversary more time to prepare, it gives us more time to prepare as well. We need to come up with a game plan here, remember, they came up with the idea of the meeting in the first place, So they have had a lot more time to prepare for this. Going in now with no plan is strategic suicide. We need to Huddle-up.
We don't actually. Going in right now reduces the risk of it being a trap, we don't actually have any more info to work with in 30 minutes and as magical girls we are immediately ready to go full power
We don't actually. Going in right now reduces the risk of it being a trap, we don't actually have any more info to work with in 30 minutes and as magical girls we are immediately ready to go full power
And as I said, yes, I do realize that going now decreases the chances of them being able to set up a trap at the target location. However, in the meantime, the delay will not only help us go over the information that we know, but will also help us to put our emotions in check. We don't want to go off in the meeting, and having some downtime prevents that from happening. They might even try to peave our emotions to make us do something regretful. We must remember that they have the initiative, and that they are confindent in their ability. They must have a trap card in their hands, and we would want to try to list off as many possible offenders as possible. Going now mostly prevents any physical attacks they might try on us, but it would boost any pscyological attacks if they play their hand. Waiting would make it be vice versa.

Diffrence is, is if we prepare for phycisal attack, we will have an upperhand to win the PR game and brush it off to them. On a pscyological attack, we would be the ones who attacked them/got averigated first, and I bet that they would have someone watching, same with the Clocktower. Either side would be able to publish what truely happend, and it would significanly ruin any proclaimations that either side made.
...I think that, especially after the display from just the previous day, even the last people now understand.

That trying to provoke the human nuke is a bad idea.
...I think that, especially after the display from just the previous day, even the last people now understand.

That trying to provoke the human nuke is a bad idea.

That maybe true, but these people haven't exactly shown logic and a perfect track record when, you know, starting world war 3 out of what can be described to be jealously? :V

EDIT: *New Personal Note* Reminder that jokes don't translate well over the internet without proper symbols. I've learnt this the hard way by now, I should really remember this.

ADD EDIT: I understand that, they in fact, do have a plan against us, and the fact that their are reason for this, However, given by their previous encounters with us, that doesn't understate the fact that they might try to make us do something stupid. That's all I'm trying to say here, and giving Creys more time to calm down might help us in that regard.
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That maybe true, but these people haven't exactly shown logic and a perfect track record when, you know, starting world war 3 out of what can be described to be jealously?

Please keep in mind that any assumption which starts with "that side is being stupid" is not a good assumption.
As a reminder:
It might be somewhat surprising, but yes, the Counter Force do have multiple valid and sensible reasons for what they are doing.
Just because you do not know what they are, does not mean they don't exist.

EDIT: I understand that, they in fact, do have a plan against us. However, given by their previous encounters with us, that doesn't understate the fact that they might try to make us do something stupid. That's all I'm trying to say here, and giving Creys more time to calm down might help us in that regard.

I reiterate:
trying to provoke the human nuke is a bad idea.
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