Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

While it is, IIRC, an Offense ability, it's one of the five abilities in total that have to do with Intercept conflicts at all:
You made Overwhelm sound a lot more powerful than it actually is. It only adds 75% of the opponent's Base Damage, not their Total Damage. So stuff like their dice roll, buffs they have, Vorpal, etc increase their damage without increasing your damage.

There's also a few more abilities related to Intercept that aren't on that list of five you gave.
  • Primordia: This weapon can initiate Intercept conflicts against Spells, in addition to regular attacks. (Spells with any Intercept variant can initiate Intercept conflicts with other spells)
  • Cleave: When you win an Intercept conflict, break the opponent's weapon. This ability by itself does NOT provide the ability to initiate an Intercept conflict.
  • Sunder: The same thing as Cleave, except the opponent's weapon breaks regardless of who wins the Intercept conflict.
It's also worth noting that attacks with Unstoppable essentially auto-win Intercept conflicts.
So, uh... a quick note from me.

...wait a second, need to... ah, there it is. Here, have some music for the occasion.

Now, what I wanted to mention is that my participation will change a bit starting now. As of today, I am part of Rukia's newly formed workshop, which means I get to see a lot of the stuff behind the scenes and additional knowledge by virtue of checking it and giving the QM feedback.

I personally think it would be wrong to use this additional knowledge for our advantage, so I will not do that. I will still participate in all discussions about topics I have no further knowledge about and discuss voting, though.

The main change, however... will be that someone else has to get to actually writing the votes. I am not planning to just ignore it, but other people should get the chance to shine as well.

In short, expect me to join the votecrafting-discussions as always, but not to provide any complete votes of my own.
And now an addition note from me:

Which is basically the same as Naron's :V

I too have joined the Workshop.

This also means that my participation will change similarly to Naron's. Whilst me votecrafting when I was more active in thread was rare, I too now will no longer be making votes.

I'll still discuss things, and maybe even analyse things that aren't linked to any foreknowledge I might gain, in the interest of not being unfair, any topic that can relate to things I have foreknowledge of will be by necessity off-limits.

That said you all will probably adjust to this change with me (especially since I had been absence from the thread for a time) then with the change with Naron, so I have faith that you will be fine :V.
I can help contribute to things like Combat and Training, I'm decent at that.

It's all talking to people and stuff votes that I'm useless at.
Quick! Naron said it so it has to be a hint!:V

But seriously, I do like the sound of that even if it does leave us with 72 xp.
Despite looking like a very nice upgrade, I'm tempted to hold off on buying it as long as possible.

It combines and replaces two leveled abilities, which probably means that it starts with their combined EXP equivalent.

That means you're trading two level 10 abilities for a more powerful ability that's higher than level 10.

I'm tempted to grab some more (relatively) easy levels for the component abilities before grabbing the upgrade.
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Despite looking like a very nice upgrade, I'm tempted to hold off on buying it as long as possible.

It combines and replaces two leveled abilities, which probably means that it starts with their combined EXP equivalent.

That means you're trading two level 10 abilities for a more powerful ability that's higher than level 10.

I'm tempted to grab some more (relatively) easy levels for the component abilities before grabbing the upgrade.

That is an incorrect assumption, it doesn't start at a higher level than either of the abilities.
That is an incorrect assumption, it doesn't start at a higher level than either of the abilities.
Well, until we got outright told that, the only info we had to go on was the only other example in this system of multiple leveled abilities combining into a new ability (Nepgear's INDESTRUCTIBLE CORE), and in that case the new ability started off with the combined total of the component abilities' EXP.
Well, until we got outright told that, the only info we had to go on was the only other example in this system of multiple leveled abilities combining into a new ability (Nepgear's INDESTRUCTIBLE CORE), and in that case the new ability started off with the combined total of the component abilities' EXP.
As someone who checked it not two days ago, I can say you are mistaken.

The requirements were Core Containment 10, and Armored Core:Adamantium with no level specified.
At the time we had Armored Core at level 5.
When we purchased INDESTRUCTIBLE CORE (Level Up 13 if you are wondering), we've lost Core Containment, and we've transferred the experience of Armored Core. Leaving us with IC Level 5.
Was still a net gain in both raw health and resilience from those levelups.

EDIT: In this case, Armored Soul, Regeneration and Will to Survive are 3 distinct abilities. I presume that purchasing the upgrade will fold Regeneration and Will to Survive into Armored Soul - and Armored Soul will keep its level.
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A few weeks ago i said i wanted to get back into drawing and create a more 'age appropriate' drawing of Cerys rather then the adult Neptunia character we have now. Its taken awhile to get my skills back to something that doesn't make me completely annoyed so ive decided to show you a rough draft i have of a Cerys bust. I haven't bothered to colour or shade it properly because its was only really a test of my skills with a stylus but i think it gives an idea of what im imagining her to look like. I have two versions here of different hair colours {Warning they are kind of big]:

As for the reason why i did one of them blonde? Well i found it rather wierd that Cerys and Una were the only characters in the story thus far that have non standard hair colours. Considering Cerys is a welsh name (and she was originally born in England) i thought it appropriate to see how she would look with a native hair colour. I gave her curlier hair for the same reason. Regardless of how much Una loves manga they are Japanese :p

As for the finished version? Well i would like to try to finish upper body shots of both Cerys and Una before Christmas but that kind of depends on how busy i end up being.
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A few weeks ago i said i wanted to get back into drawing and create a more 'age appropriate' drawing of Cerys rather then the adult Neptunia character we have now. Its taken awhile to get my skills back to something that doesn't make me completely annoyed so ive decided to show you a rough draft i have of a Cerys bust. I haven't bothered to colour or shade it properly because its was only really a test of my skills with a stylus but i think it gives an idea of what im imagining her to look like. I have two versions here of different hair colours {Warning they are kind of big]:

As for the reason why i did one of them blonde? Well i found it rather wierd that Cerys and Una were the only characters in the story thus far that have non standard hair colours. Considering Cerys is a welsh name (and she was originally born in England) i thought it appropriate to see how she would look with a native hair colour. I gave her curlier hair for the same reason. Regardless of how much Una loves manga they are Japanese :p

As for the finished version? Well i would like to try to finish upper body shots of both Cerys and Una before Christmas but that kind of depends on how busy i end up being.
I would love to say something about these, but I can't, since Photobucket refuses to show them.
Please re-host on Imgur?