Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

and being able to clear the air is going to be stupidly useful. But remember, hellbeasts are chaff. Good chaff, but chaff nonetheless. Our kit seems to be mostly anti army, with a slow firing shot that can pull double duty as anti army killer, but taking on an infernal army is not going to be a cake walk unless they don't have any champions with them.

You are not wrong there. We really need to step up our swordplay to take care of whatever survives the initial blast.
we're getting power leveled to deal with armies and contest army killers. We only seem overpowered right now because we are a decent sized fish in a small pond. compare some of the boss monsters we've fought to say a hell beast, and keep in mind hell beasts tend to get deployed in swarms.
A swarm of Hell Beasts is actually not a very big threat, even right now.

Juggernaut Wave has Target:Army, which means that if we cast it at a huge group of Hell Beasts, we'll do upwards of 64 million damage while treating the entire swarm as a single target.

Subtract from that ((200 * number of Hell Beasts) + 1d(100 * number of Hell Beasts)) to find how much damage the swarm takes.

Then divide the amount of damage the swarm takes by 20,000 to find out how many Hell Beasts die.

That means that if Cerys rolls a 1 as her MM roll and the Hell Beasts roll perfectly, she'll still take out 10 of them in a single cast at her current level.

Once Juggernaut Wave reaches level 15, that becomes a guarantee of oneshotting a swarm of 64 Hell Beasts.
A swarm of Hell Beasts is actually not a very big threat, even right now.

Juggernaut Wave has Target:Army, which means that if we cast it at a huge group of Hell Beasts, we'll do upwards of 64 million damage while treating the entire swarm as a single target.

Subtract from that ((200 * number of Hell Beasts) + 1d(100 * number of Hell Beasts)) to find how much damage the swarm takes.

Then divide the amount of damage the swarm takes by 20,000 to find out how many Hell Beasts die.

That means that if Cerys rolls a 1 as her MM roll and the Hell Beasts roll perfectly, she'll still take out 10 of them in a single cast at her current level.

Once Juggernaut Wave reaches level 15, that becomes a guarantee of oneshotting a swarm of 64 Hell Beasts.

yep. we can kill a 64 hell beast strong formation every 4 turns. which is less useful then you'd think when there are 4 formations of 5 approaching from different directions with only one trying to fully close to melee at a time. We saw this in the quest this is based on, army killer spells are well known to hell, and they know how to mitigate them*. This is just for the chafe by the by. hell beasts are mooks, big mooks, but mooks nonetheless. look at under an open sky if you want to get an idea of the kind of mid level champions hell can throw around. we are specked pretty hard into anti army, but against single champions? if they catch us with juggernaut wave on cool down we're fucked.

*during an escort mission we were swarmed, and they spilt into distant groups specifically so we couldn't kill them quickly with neps army killer spell, or her army killing basic attack.
That means that if Cerys rolls a 1 as her MM roll and the Hell Beasts roll perfectly, she'll still take out 10 of them in a single cast at her current level.

Once Juggernaut Wave reaches level 15, that becomes a guarantee of oneshotting a swarm of 64 Hell Beasts.

Uh... you are not counting from T:A there, right?
Because taking out 10 with 64mil damage does sound a little small.

Actually... looking at it, we deal 128k Base. That would be enough to kill 6 Hell Beasts.
Target:Army gives a x500, so we could shoot 6*500 = 3,000 Hell Beasts out of the sky in one shot.

*during an escort mission we were swarmed, and they spilt into distant groups specifically so we couldn't kill them quickly with neps army killer spell, or her army killing basic attack.
That also depends on how far we can spread the damage; Nepgear's Starshine has no Detonate or any of its derivatives and deals far less damage than JW even with T:A.

64mil damage is six times what we know is enough to destroy a continent; even when the fact it comes from an Ability mitigates the AoE, it would probably still be enough to catch almost anything near enough to reach us in four turns.

Edit: Additionally, they need to
a) know we have it and
b) send enough Hell Beasts to put us in a pincer attack without our allies catching them
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Uh... you are not counting from T:A there, right?
Because taking out 10 with 64mil damage does sound a little small.

Actually... looking at it, we deal 128k Base. That would be enough to kill 6 Hell Beasts.
Target:Army gives a x500, so we could shoot 6*500 = 3,000 Hell Beasts out of the sky in one shot.
Actually, I derped on something completely different when trying to use WolframAlpha to calculate the maximum size swarm we can oneshot when Cerys rolls a 1 for MM and the swarm rolls the maximum possible for MM.

I entered
500 * (128000 + 63 + 1) = (200x + 100x) * 20000
instead of
500 * (128000 + 63 + 1) = 200x + 100x + 20000x

The real maximum swarm size we can guaranteed oneshot right now is 3,154 Hell Beasts.

At level 15 Juggernaut Wave, that increases to 18,918 Hell Beasts.

The actual math for 50 Hell Beasts is
Juggernaut Wave: 128,000 Base Damage, +1 Dice, +63 Spell Boost, x500 Target:Army = 64,032,000 Total Damage
50 Hell Beasts: 10,000 Base Resilience, +5,000 Dice = 15,000 Damage Reduction

64,032,000 - 15,000 = 64,017,000 Total End Damage.

50 Hell Beasts: 1,000,000 - 64,017,000 = DEAD!
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That also depends on how far we can spread the damage; Nepgear's Starshine has no Detonate or any of its derivatives and deals far less damage than JW even with T:A.

64mil damage is six times what we know is enough to destroy a continent; even when the fact it comes from an Ability mitigates the AoE, it would probably still be enough to catch almost anything near enough to reach us in four turns.

Edit: Additionally, they need to
a) know we have it and
b) send enough Hell Beasts to put us in a pincer attack without our allies catching them

juggernaut wave is super killy yes, but it's once every 4 rounds, and hell would cheerfully send a million demons to their deaths to find that out. At that point it's just a matter of timing the waves. We are an army killer par excellence, but we can still be overwhelmed if we are carless and they are clever. The bigger issue would by they send an army to force us to kill it with jugernaught wave then they have a champion try to kill us while it's on cool down.

the point I'm making is we are not unbeatable. as is our abilities present a difficult and expensive but very solvable tactical issue, and that's without tapping into hells stock of extraordinary assets. a magic immune champion would wreck us if he was too durable to kill with temperature control.
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juggernaut wave is super killy yes, but it's once every 4 rounds, and hell would cheerfully send a million demons to their deaths to find that out. At that point it's just a matter of timing the waves. We are an army killer par excellence, but we can still be overwhelmed if we are carless and they are clever. The bigger issue would by they send an army to force us to kill it with jugernaught wave then they have a champion try to kill us while it's on cool down.

Actually, their main problem would be that Cerys is not alone.

Only an idiot would leave their walking nuke without some guards in case of ambushes. And Daiyu will most certainly hang around us as well; stalling an enemy for a few turns until the next Wave goes to town on them is something she can do.
Actually, their main problem would be that Cerys is not alone.

Only an idiot would leave their walking nuke without some guards in case of ambushes. And Daiyu will most certainly hang around us as well; stalling an enemy for a few turns until the next Wave goes to town on them is something she can do.

and if you think they won't responded to a concentration of force like that with there own army killers, things that will shrug off juggernaut wave then your going to be in for a nasty surprise. we are strong sure, but we are very much the David in the coming fight, if we get cocky we'll get blindsided and die.
and if you think they won't responded to a concentration of force like that with there own army killers, things that will shrug off juggernaut wave then your going to be in for a nasty surprise. we are strong sure, but we are very much the David in the coming fight, if we get cocky we'll get blindsided and die.

You make it sound as if we will parade around.

Honestly, if they bring their own Army Killers to Earth, something went definitely wrong; especially because the Unified Light would instantly seize on the troops drawn away elsewhere by starting a counter-offensive while humanity roflstomps however many demons come.

Keep in mind that it was said the Akashic Pillar's entry into the eternal war would have brought its end within a few dozen years. The UD would have fallen from that, had they not won the gamble at Hope.

In short, Cerys will only be one of hundreds of thousands of humans Thirteenth Hell has to fight, with probably a handful of Magical Girls running around.
And we know that there are others capable of bringing as much destruction as she does.

Unless they expend an entire legion (~1,000,000,000 demons for those unaware), they stand no chance. And before they get the intel to find out where to concentrate forces to manage killing Cerys, they will have been thrown back already and the UL falls into their flanks.

In short, unless they roll one or several crits on recon and get lucky, we will have the initiative.

Supremacy of Man is in effect here, too... and the demons can not even afford to launch an all-out war on a race that might even be willing to join the UD for all they know.
[X] Fluff all day everyday.:tongue:

And yeeesss, we can now finally work on Alpha and Omega with judgment wave out of the way for awhile.
You make it sound as if we will parade around.

Honestly, if they bring their own Army Killers to Earth, something went definitely wrong; especially because the Unified Light would instantly seize on the troops drawn away elsewhere by starting a counter-offensive while humanity roflstomps however many demons come.

Keep in mind that it was said the Akashic Pillar's entry into the eternal war would have brought its end within a few dozen years. The UD would have fallen from that, had they not won the gamble at Hope.

In short, Cerys will only be one of hundreds of thousands of humans Thirteenth Hell has to fight, with probably a handful of Magical Girls running around.
And we know that there are others capable of bringing as much destruction as she does.

Unless they expend an entire legion (~1,000,000,000 demons for those unaware), they stand no chance. And before they get the intel to find out where to concentrate forces to manage killing Cerys, they will have been thrown back already and the UL falls into their flanks.

In short, unless they roll one or several crits on recon and get lucky, we will have the initiative.

Supremacy of Man is in effect here, too... and the demons can not even afford to launch an all-out war on a race that might even be willing to join the UD for all they know.

ok, there is so much arrogance in this I'm not sure how to break it down. to start with our blow up an army spell is not what one would call subtle. they are going to figure out that we have it pretty fucking fast, and likely that it has a cool down a bit after that. We are not subtle, even if we hold back the miles wide rolling fire storm an army killer spell will make them sit up and take notice. we will not be on of hundreds of thousands of humans, we will be a high priority target. I mean for fucks sake, they dropped a godamn shoggoth one random legend MG in cannon. Hell alone has deep reserves of high end combatants, they are not going to so much as blink about burning multiple high end kill teams to take down an army killer.

second, we are not going to be fighting alongside counterforce. we are going to be fighting alongside armies that are in no way ready to fight nonstandard foes. Our job as I see it is to buy time for mankind to become counterforce, to retool to fight shit like hill sized crabs and swarms of flying demons. Until then as powerful as mankind's tools will be they are going to be made for the wrong foe. Remember the giant bird? how a half dozen Air to Air missile didn't do that much damage because they are not meant to fight let alone hit things like that? that's going to be a common issue for the more exotic monster. Worse the things they will have no issue with and the things we have no issue with will overlap a lot, meaning we are going to have to fight things we are not specked to hard counter because a lot of the things we hard counter are going to be wiped out by conventional forces.

third the idea that the unified darkness won't be able to spare army killers is bubpkiss. They have always had army killers to spare, they just have poltical issues where most of said army killers tend to fuckoff and do their own thing. Great for the unified light, bad for the new shiny interesting world that some adventurous or ambitions army killers are going to want to play with. Were not going to see the kind of shit that killed the goddess sure, but we are likely going to see some fairly heavy hitters who are coming to earth to try and carve themselves a slice of the new pie. Strategically those guys are fucked cause nukes , but they are likely going to be next to things that we don't want to cover in fallout meaning we are likely going to have to fight at least some of them.

in short, it is not going to be a cake walk and we could very easily end up dead if we are carless.
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[X] Daily (The current method)

As nice fuff is I want to work on the grunts survivability like training so they know when to fight or live another day.
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