Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

My initial gut instinct is to ask for artillery support. Specifically for White Phosphorous rounds. Use them to start the party and turn the Area of Operations into a controlled burn. That should flush out the Willows if they are in any way mobile, and pretty much kill them if not. From there, if they can move, we play interference and keep them in the burn zone.

I think we should make sure the fire can not spread first; our speed is limited and we can not fly, so we should make sure there are gaps in the forest where a fire can not spread through, or even make some by ourselves if need be.
our plasma ball doesn't damage us right? how stupid of a move would it be if we charged the tree surrounded by a ball of plasma? given that it isn't magic but thermal sense...
I think we should make sure the fire can not spread first; our speed is limited and we can not fly, so we should make sure there are gaps in the forest where a fire can not spread through, or even make some by ourselves if need be.
It's unlikely for there to be any natural barriers impeding fire spread where we're going. Unless there's too many Willows across several square kilometers, Cerys' Thermokinesis ought to work well enough to control the spread.

our plasma ball doesn't damage us right? how stupid of a move would it be if we charged the tree surrounded by a ball of plasma? given that it isn't magic but thermal sense...
Cerys has had problems controlling the Plasma in the past. It was something that was being worked on, but the problems have yet to be resolved.

Rukia, how many Willows are being targeted and what's the size of the Area of Operations?
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Okay then, first draft.

[] Battle Plan Bonfire
-[] Burn the forest ahead of you, but make sure the fire does not spread outside of your range
--[] Stay two hundred metres behind the fire and make sure only ash is left where you walk
--[] Once you find Willows, test them with Thermal Spear; if this does not work, go in with Infinity Edge
---[] retreat after successful hits and do not fight more than one at the same time
---[] If they try to pull you in, cast Halt on yourself
---[] Call in the artillery if you find more than one in the same place
---[] Call in an airstrike if you find more than five in the same place

I added a line about Thermal Spear because the mages we were with could not feel our Thermal Control working, which the spears are an extension of. Maybe this works... and if not, we have a sword.
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I should probably explain your support.

Your artillery has all of the ammo it could ever need, High Explosive, White Prosperous, Napalm, Air-burst. You don't need to worry about it running out, it's thoroughly stocked.

Your air strike is strong enough to glass most anything that it hits. Four planes, each carrying two 1130kg bombs tent to do that.
Cerys has had problems controlling the Plasma in the past. It was something that was being worked on, but the problems have yet to be resolved.
but would controlling the plasma even matter here? everything around us we want to burn. so why does it matter if a little gets splattered around? it would still hit the trees.
I added a line about calling the airstrike for five or more Willows in one place.
I think Cerys will call for different ammunition by herself if whatever the first shot has does not work, so that does not need an additional note.

Additionally, because it fits thematically:
I'm not a fan of choosing to use the airstrike as you've put it. I see it's use as the "OH SHIT" button. Artillery will suffice in almost every case unless we're getting absolutely swarmed by Willows. Also, as I see it, we're not on a time limit, we can take our time. There's no reason to directly engage them unless they're trying to run away.
wait these are trees right? don't they act and think really slowly? aside from that is there a reason we don't just sit on the edge of our 800 Meter range and just freeze them to death one at a time?
[] Battle Plan Bonfire
-[] Burn the forest ahead of you, but make sure the fire does not spread outside of your range
--[] Stay two hundred metres behind the fire and make sure only ash is left where you walk
--[] Once you find Willows, test them with Thermal Spear; if this does not work, go in with Infinity Edge
---[] retreat after successful hits and do not fight more than one at the same time
---[] If they try to pull you in, cast Halt on yourself
---[] Call in the artillery if you find more than one in the same place
---[] Call in an airstrike if you find more than five in the same place
[X] Battle Plan Bonfire

I guess this is fine but I'd rather open up with an artillery strike in the form of a creeping barrage to hopefully soften up where Cerys first enters and advances.

Because these things have some form of anti-air I'm worried about sending in air strikes.

Was waiting for Sinarblood too, but he's been busy lately?
Don't worry I see him, insightful commentary longer then the actual chapter inbound.:V
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wait these are trees right? don't they act and think really slowly? aside from that is there a reason we don't just sit on the edge of our 800 Meter range and just freeze them to death one at a time?
They can eat magic, so our Thermokinesis won't work directly. Setting everything else on fire and driving it towards them should still work.
I guess this is fine but I'd rather open up with an artillery strike in the form of a creeping barrage to hopefully soften up where Cerys first enters and advances.
We could just use the artillery liberally. Use thermal sense to get their locations and bombard them from range while using lots of FIRE to control and corral them.
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Okay then.
I can not really change anything about attacking the trees, though. Having the artillery shoot all the time is not my plan A and the sword is only used when our ranged options do not work.

Version #2

[] Battle Plan Bonfire
-[] Burn the forest ahead of you, but make sure the fire does not spread outside of your range
--[] Stay two hundred metres behind the fire and make sure only ash is left where you walk
---[] For safety reasons, keep your Ignition Aura just right above your armour as another protective layer; make sure it does not touch the ground
--[] Once you find Willows, test them with Thermal Spear; if this does not work, go in with Infinity Edge
---[] retreat after successful hits with Infinity Edge and do not fight more than one at the same time; do not let them pin you down
---[] If they try to pull you in, cast Halt on yourself
---[] Call in the artillery if you find more than one in the same place
---[] Call in an airstrike only if you get overwhelmed or are otherwise in deep trouble

We can open a path just fine with our Thermal Sense, no artillery needed. With how far behind our fireline I put Cerys, nothing can ambush her.

We could just use the artillery liberally. Use thermal sense to get their locations and bombard them from range while using lots of FIRE to control and corral them.

As the Scamps showed us, Thermal Sense does not work on trees.
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They can eat magic, so our Thermokinesis won't work directly. Setting everything else on fire and driving it towards them should still work.
but our thermokinesis isn't magic? it's under our abilities, not our spells? and it also doesn't have a magic modifier?

-Control thermal energy, also allows you to sense temperature in a radius of 800 metres.

we can control thermal energy around us, nothing here says anything about controlling it with magic.
Well... no complaints so far, I will lock this one in with one more addition.

[X] Battle Plan Bonfire
-[X] Burn the forest ahead of you, but make sure the fire does not spread outside of your range
--[X] Stay two hundred metres behind the fire and make sure only ash is left where you walk
---[X] For safety reasons, keep your Ignition Aura just right above your armour as another protective layer; make sure it does not touch the ground
--[X] Once you find Willows, test them with Thermal Spear; if this does not work, try to create Plasma Sphere right next to them from a distance... if this does not work either, go in with Infinity Edge
---[X] retreat after successful hits with Infinity Edge and do not fight more than one at the same time; do not let them pin you down
---[X] Keep up the heat around them with Thermal Sense
---[X] If they try to pull you in, cast Halt on yourself
---[X] Call in the artillery if you find more than one in the same place, or get injured
---[X] Call in an airstrike only if you get overwhelmed or are otherwise in deep trouble

Now Cerys calls down the artillery as well when the trees actually manage to injure her. Which basically means that in the moment they become actually dangerous, she retreats and has her allies bomb them to death.
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Was waiting for Sinarblood too, but he's been busy lately?
*blink* why are people waiting on me, after the vote was locked I started reading other parts of the thread etc again, thinking that I'd catch up on more recent posts once update was done :V

Lucky that I went back to more recent posts at all :V

Ok so one point: We can use thermal control anywhere within 800 metres of us without issue, if we can't use thermal spear anywhere within 800 metres than some magic must be involved. Hence we could probably start testing things, very far away, or else if we can't we get confirmation that it is useless to do so :V.

In fact, I was kind of scratching my head when people decided to first test out making plasma sphere usable by making it move instead of seeing if we can make it at range since that is thermal control based (though compression might be magical, might not be), despite the fact that I suggested to do so in my magic analysis :V.

Would really have been good to have had that tested out on both abilities by now :V.

This of course assumes that we can identify from 800 metres away with thermal sense just fine which may or may not be the case. Or else we can just get a good view of them then keep that in mind with our senses and back up and test it.

Could be possible to just set everything around them on fire for a while with thermal sense and see if we could eventually kill them with that heat alone from a somewhat safe distance. We can't just target them and raise the heat, but if something is a thousand degrees around you, you are going to feel the heat anyway over time.

If we can manage long distance magicless thermal spear or hurting it with just long distance thermal control then there is no point in calling in the artillery strike, because we can just systematically take them down and numbers matter much less when we have 800 metres of dodging space due to their immobility.

Even if we can't I would recommend doing that if we call in an artillery strike, because Rukia somewhat hinted they can shoot the artillery strikes down, and all that fire might b able to blind their senses depending on how they would be able to detect it. Might not. If it does (they have some type of visual sense/ maybe even thermal sense to see) good, if it doesn't… well if they still knock the artillery out then it isn't like the fire actually hindered it the shoot since at most it only acted to help the target stand out more :V.

I think that the airstrike could be worse than useless, because they could shoot the plane out of the sky, and then we would be down the plane and the bomb without it helping any.

Also those are resources we probably are going to need with the other monsters (not just these 3 there are 11-12 total from update), and gambling them on something that can shoot it down isn't worth it.

Most of my other ideas would have benefited from more time to test things and aren't really that viable atm.