Vampires, kings and queens of darkness and death, they are plague upon the world of the living abominations who should have never existed.
They are hunted by all living beings for what they represent a world which nothing will die and no god shall be worshipped which the divine beings (except the four) do not want particularly the latter which mean that shall no longer exist.
You are a vampire of von carstein recently transformed into a vampire a creature of the night, but before we tell your history, tell us who were you before your transformation into a being of darkness.
[] A Magician: You were a magician a being who could use one of the winds of magic particularly the wind of Hysh the wind of light, and because of this you were hunted, since then you possess a burning hatred to the so called witch hunters and any organization who acts like them.
- Paronoid: Years of being hunted and fearing what time they may come for you have left their mark in you. +2 intrigue, -1 diplomacy.
- Magician: you are a magician a being who was born with the ability to control the winds of magic. +3 magic
[] A Soldier: You were a soldier, you fought for your country loyally for decades never voicing against your superiors, you were rewarded with betrayal the nobles wanted to kill peasants for their sadistic pleasure and you were one of the unlucky ones to be selected for. You were the only one who survived.
- Tough Soldier: you have survived multiple battlefields and have the skill to back it up. +1 martial, -1 learning, +0.50 health.
- Patient: you times at the battlefield have engraved upon you that being patient is one key part of victory. +1 intrigue, +1 stewardship, +1 diplomacy, +1 learning.
[] A Noble: You were noble once, you were to be the heir of a patch land insignificant in the greater picture but it was your home, it was attacked by a cabal of dark elves they pillaged everything and killed your family, for all you know you are the last member of your family, you somehow managed to escape the conflict and days after you became a vampire. Now you are seeking a purpose in your new unlife.
- Flamboyant Schemer: As noble you have received education in courtly intrigues. +3 intrigue, -1 stewardship.
- Underhanded Rogue: You have received diplomatic education as befitting as a son of nobles. +3 Diplomacy, -1 Martial
Ahhh l see, tell me then being of darkness and blood where are you currently located, l am sure your response will be interesting for sure.
AN: Do not post/vote yet. Okay so this is gonna be my first ck2-ish quest so l an open to any good suggestions and help you guys, l was inspired by hundreds of ck2 but most importantly the loki quest (which is great go check it out).
You are Aleksander Von Carstein, if the name did not give it away you are a vampire, a newly transformed one to be exact, you are currently located at the county of Mousilion the home of the Red Duke, thought you did not know where he was but you definitely knew that he isn't he would sensed you or one of his servants would have reported your existence to him. But putting that aside for now, you situation is quite precarious at the moment you have no lands, no armies, but you have some funds.
+10,000 gold coins
Your story has just begun.
[] Learn Tactics and Strategies: You have feeling you gonna have the learn this subject and fast. DC 50
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Learn The Way of The Blade: You do not know any form whatsoever of combat with weapons much less a sword, but at least you could try. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Gather The Undead: The undead are currently leaderless but this will certainly not last forever. DC 50
- Rewards: Gains undead army, new options.
[] Talk with the locals (humans): Surprisingly enough there is humans in here, maybe it could be useful to foster good relations with these mortals. DC 20
- Rewards: Meet the locals, new options
[] Learn The Art of Diplomacy: while you certainly can hold your ground in a debate, learning more is never bad. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on roll.
[] Learn Statecraft: If you ever hold a kingdom then you must know how to manage one. DC 10
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Build a secret hideout: Having a secret hideout will surely come in hand. Stewardship DC 30; Intrigue DC 40
- Costs: 50 Gold Coins
- Rewards: Gains a secret hideout.
[] Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Hear the rumours of passing merchants: It seems that – heavily guarded – merchants pass through Mousilion and bring with them news of Brettonia. DC 5
- Rewards: Unlocks Brettonia rumour mill
[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters in the moment. DC 30
- Rewards: New light spell
[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
- Rewards: New vampiric spell
[] Learn Shadow Magic: Ulgu the lore of shadows is perhaps the most dangerous magic in the world after all how can you fight agaisnt your own shadow. DC 50
- Rewards: Learns Lore of Shadows
[X] Plan Newbie Vamp
- [X] Gather The Undead
- [X] Talk with the locals (humans)
- [X] Build a Secret Hideout
- [X] Hear The Rumours of Passing Merchants
- [X] Practice your vampire of magic
2053 by The Imperial Calendar
[X] Gather The Undead: The undead are currently leaderless but this will certainly not last forever. DC 50
- Roll: 1d100= 54 + 15 (Martial) = 69 Success
You manage to gather a suitable host of undead but there are still many undead left in the lands of Mousilion, but at least you know you now own a few thousand of them. Rewards: Gains 5,000 Skeletons and 3,000 Zombies
[X] Talk with the locals (humans): Surprisingly enough there is humans in here, maybe it could be useful to foster good relations with these mortals. DC 20
- Roll: 1d100= 11 + 17 (Diplomacy) = 28 Success
From your talks with humans, you now know that their situation is bad, like really bad. They are starving and being picked own by the undead and other creatures that resides on their home, and since Brettonia has made no efforts to help well let's just say they are very angry at the lords of Brettonia for not even attempting to help. The merchants do not trade for they literally have nothing to offer. The majority of the villages are either destroyed with no survivors or are in the path towards that destiny, if this continues there will be no more humans in Mousilion only the undead or other types of creatures.
[X] Build a secret hideout: Having a secret hideout will surely come in hand. Stewardship DC 30; Intrigue DC 40.
Cost: 50 Gold Coins
- Stewardship Roll: 1d100= 98 + 16 (Stewardship) = 113 Critical Success
- Second Stewardship Roll: 1d100= 65 + 16 (Stewardship) = 85
- Final Stewardship Result = 196
- Intrigue Roll: 1d100= 75 + 20 = 105 Critical Success
- Second Intrigue Roll: 1d100= 16 + 20 (Intrigue) = 36
- Final Intrigue Result = 141
Okay you may have exaggerated a bit. After you bought the materials from the merchants, you went on and searched a place to build your hideout, you ended finding a empty cave you put your new undead servants to work one thing led to another and now you have an entire underground complex which can not only house not only you but your army as well and it can still be expanded, of course there are multiple hidden passages to act as hidden places for your servants in case the complex is invaded and for you to escape in a last resort. The walls and supports were sculpted with efficiency in mind, there is no light in here as well as you and your servants do not need light to see, these are the initial components of your new home, more will certainly be added in the future.
The best part is that no one knows that this cavern – now a complex – even existed. Now what to name it for surely this achievement of yours must have a worthy name.
[] Write-in name
Rewards: Gain underground complex, new options. Gain Trait: Architect: You Architected and build what may be one of greatest works in history when not even wanting the result. +1 Martial, +2 Stewardship, +20 Bonus to armies in sieges
[X] Hear the rumours of passing merchants: It seems that – heavily guarded – merchants pass through Mousilion and bring with them news of Brettonia. DC 5
- Roll: 1d100= 44 + 20 (Intrigue) = 64 Success
Okay so Brettonia leader's are now officially insane.
Rewards: Brettonia rumour mill unlocked.
[X] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
- Roll: 1d100= 29 + 15 (Learning) = 44 Success
You cannot describe the feeling that is using magic the closest analogy you can get is moving an invisible limb of yours, only those who wield magic can understand the feeling.
Now apart from that you discover a new spell when notice that a wind current suddenly formed out of nowhere growing more strongly with each time that passes, you immediately cut the flow of magic and the wind ceases to be.
Rewards: Gains Vampiric spell Wind of Death, +1 to magic attribute.
Gm note: the name of your new base shall now be The Mousilion Rose.
New Errantry War: The king of Brettonia has a declared a new errantry war against a new horde of beastmen which was ravaging parts of Brettonia, he leads a massive army of knights and men at arms towards the location of the beastmen horde this has also taken all but a minority of Brettonia leaving it almost completely defenseless.
New Orc Horde: News from the empire come that a new orc horde is coming through the black fire pass, emperors have declared temporary peace to combat this threat and already marching their respective armies towards the black fire pass.
The Lady is Silent: The lady of the lake, the deity of the Brettonians (wel of the nobles, the peasants pay lip service to her) is silent she no more contacts and empowers her champions, the nobles are distressed about this.
Dark Elves Raid: Dark elves take advantage of the token defenses in the cost of Brittonia and raid with impunity.
You are Aleksander Von Carstein and you are happy with your current situation, you have The Mousilion Rose a underground complex which may be considered one of the greatest works in history and you have discovered that the armies of Brettonia have left.
But you are not optimistic or arrogant enough to think that everything will now go perfectly, you will just have move on and see what happens.
Choose one:
[] Gather The Undead: While you have gathered thousands of undead there are still thousands more out there in the darkness of Mousilion. DC 40
Rewards: Gains Undead Army
[] Help The Humans: Protecting the humans against the undead will definitely foster good relations with, you will act as guardian protecting them against the undead threat. DC 40
Rewards: The humans will see you as a guardian, all actions involving humans will have the DC reduced.
[] Build Corpse Pile: A corpse pile is where the garrison force will stay acting immobile until a enemy invades your home. DC 15
Cost: 100
Rewards: +5 to defense of the rose.
Choose One
[] Organize talks with the merchants: The merchants may prove themselves trade partners. DC 50
Rewards: 100+5d100 gold
[] Talk with the human leaders: Talk with the leaders of the surviving villages to foster relations. DC 45
Rewards: Establish official relations with the humans.
Choose one
[] Cemetery: Building cemetary to store dead corpses to resurrect them as either a last line of defense in case the rose is is being invaded or to gather more basic undead troops, they also attract the basic undead giving them a feeling of home to them. DC 20
Cost: 100
Expenses: 150
Rewards: Gains Cemetary, can now recruit base undead units (Zombies and Skeletons).
[] Scout The Rose for minerals: You build your fortress under the ground surely there must be some types of minerals. DC 35
Rewards: Discovers if there are any type of minerals and metals, new options.
Choose one
[] Create a spy network: Creating a spy network will be greatly needed if you maintain your existence a secret and also learn whatever dirt secrets the Brettonians hide. DC 55
Rewards: Gains spy network, many new options
[] Create Strife: This Land already have a fair amount of strife add more and there will be only chaos and destruction leaving you to take over the remains. DC 28
Rewards: Mousilion is thrown into more chaos and strife easy pickings for you or someone else to conquer.
Choose one
[] Bond of Bones: When added to the traditional summoning rituals, Magic becomes much stronger when seeking out skeletal remains. DC 56
Rewards: Recruitment Cost For Skeleton Troops (when you can do that) goes down by 10%.
[] Bond of Flesh: Acting the same way as The Bond of Bones the magic used in the act of the traditional necromantic rituals when seeking the flesh of the deceased. DC 54
Rewards: Recruitment cost for zombie troops (when you can do that) goes down by 10%
Choose one
[] Learn Tactics and Strategies: You have feeling you gonna have the learn this subject and fast. DC 50
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Learn The Way of The Blade: You do not know any form whatsoever of combat with weapons much less a sword, but at least you could try. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Learn The Art of Diplomacy: while you certainly can hold your ground in a debate, learning more is never bad. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on roll.
[] Learn Statecraft: If you ever hold a kingdom then you must know how to manage one. DC 10
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters in the moment. DC 30
- Rewards: New light spell
[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
- Rewards: New vampiric spell
[] Learn Shadow Magic: Ulgu the lore of shadows is perhaps the most dangerous magic in the world after all how can you fight agaisnt your own shadow. DC 50
- Rewards: Learns Lore of Shadows
[X] Plan Raising Cattle
- [X] Help The Humans
- [X] Talk with the human leaders
- [X] Cemetery
- [X] Create a spy network
- [X] Bond of Bones
- [X] Practice Your Light Magic
The Year is 2054 by The Imperial Calendar
Help The Humans: Protecting the humans against the undead will definitely foster good relations with, you will act as guardian protecting them against the undead threat. DC 40
- Roll: 1d100= 40 + 16 (Martial) = 56 Success
You protect the humans against the undead, and they now revere you for it they situation was already so bleak and then out of nowhere comes a guardian who protects of course humans still die you cannot stop all of the undead but the losses are minimal and most importantly of this act of yours, you now definitely have a spot in the hearts of the villagers.
Rewards: You now have the respect and love of the humans of Mousilion (well the surviving ones at least)
Talk with the human leaders: Talk with the leaders of the surviving villages to foster relations. DC 45 35
- Roll: 1d100= 95 + 17 (Diplomacy) = 112 Critical Success
- Second Roll: 1d100= 75 + 17 (Diplomacy) = 92
- Final Result: 204
Okay you do not know if its because of your actions or because you are just that good, when you went to speak with the leaders after revealing you were the shadow protector of the last human villages on Mousilion.
One thing led to another, and now you are the most loved being in all Mousilion much to your amusement they have also pledged their loyalty towards you, so now you own the last remnants of Mousilion. Does that mean that mean you are now the Duke of Mousilion? According to the villagers and yourself, yes yes you are.
Rewards: Gain Title Duke of Mousilion and complete control of the humans and – technically – the rest of Mousilion. Gain Trait: Socializer: You very presence attracts everyone to you making them listen to your every word with utmost attention +3 Diplomacy.
Cemetery: Building a cemetery to store dead corpses to resurrect them as either a last line of defense in case the rose is is being invaded or to gather more basic undead troops, they also attract the basic undead giving a feeling of home to them. DC 20
Cost: 100
Expenses: 150
- Roll: 1d100= 19 + 18 (Stewardship) = 37 Success
The cemetary was build and you can feel the undead coming towards the locationof it inside your fortress with this you can now bind these undead to you in the safety of your fortress.
Rewards: Cemetery build can now recruit basic undead units (Skeletons and zombies).
Create a spy network: Creating a spy network will be greatly needed if you maintain your existence a secret and also learn whatever dirt secrets the Brettonians hide. DC 55
- Roll: 1d100= 36 + 20 (Intrigue) = 56 Success
You manage to create a spy network centered around Mousilion, you have eyes and years in every place of the Duchy where there is life which is to say the villages of the humans.
Rewards: Gain Spy network in Mousilion.
Bond of Bones: When added to the traditional summoning rituals, Magic becomes much stronger when seeking out skeletal remains. DC 56
- Roll: 1d100= 99 + 15 (Learning) = 114 Critical Success
- Second Roll: 1d100= 33 + 15 (Learning) = 48
- Final Result: 162
While you were researching the bond of bones you came thought a breakthrough that not only allowed you to finish it but to gain an unique insight into magic this new understanding of the magical led to your own magic growing stronger than before.
Rewards: Recruitment of Skeleton Troops now cost 10% less. Gains Trait: Mystic: In your studies involving the magical arts you have come thought a unique understanding of it +1 Stewardship +2 learning +5 magic.
Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters in the moment. DC 30
- Roll:1d100= 77 + 15 (Learning) = 92 Success
You achieved a spell of hysh the lore of light when you extended your hand and what looked wide distorted lance exited it, as undead being proving that the vampires can use the lore of light and the preachings of everyone including the fucking witch hunters about the wind of light are false, it is not some kind holy power or something like that it is the manipulation of light.
Surface to say you are quite pleased with yourself for this act.
Rewards: Gains Light Spell: Lance of Light. Gets to the see the faces of everyone when you wield a light spell as an undead.
- Bloody Battle: The host that marched against the beastmen suffered high casualties in the first major battle of the war, thousands died including many nobles, there are those who wish to go back to Brettonia but the king and his circle of confidantes still call for the Errantry to continue.
- The Fay Enchantress Warning: The Fay Enchantress came to Brittonia with a warning, she spoke of a shadow which left alone will grow to devour the whole of Brettonia, though she admits that she does not know what this shadow is or where it is located.
- Norscan Raiders: There have been sightings of the dammned vessels of the Norscans, tribes that worship the dark gods of chaos and now they raid the cost of Brettonia, there is nothing the token force can do to stop them as they were still dealing with the dark elves and now the Norscans.
- The Green Knight Appears: The mysterious green knight has been seen across the cost of Brettonia helping the defenders against both the dark elves and the norscan raiders vanishing as soon as the enemy either retreats or is destroyed.
- Empire Beats Back The Orc Horde: The Empire('s) managed to beat back the orc horde that threatened to pass through the black fire pass after a period of inaction among them, then after that the hostilities returned.
- Chaos Cults Rise: As an after effect of the recent norscan raids there has been a rise in chaos cults, witch hunter organizations are coming towards Brettonia to deal with the issue.
You are Aleksander Von Carstein and you have done much in the remaining past two years, you now rule over the duchy of Mousillion while is definitely no great duchy it will certainly be one after you are done it but first there are many projects that must be addressed for that to be realized.
Choose One
[] Gather The Undead of Mousilion: While you have gathered thousands of undead there are still thousands more out there in the darkness of Mousilion, and as its ruler it is only natural for they serve you in death while they could not in life. DC 40
Rewards: Gains Undead Army
[] Build Corpse Pile: A Corpse pile will add a layer of defence to your capital against invaders. DC 15
Cost: 100
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +5 defense to the Rose
[] Train the militia: The militia are poorly trained men and women who only knows the basics of the basics training them is not only needed but necessary. DC 20
Cost: 50
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Militia gains a +10 bonus
[] Recruit Undead (Write-in number): The undead of Mousilion take residence in the cemetery you recently build inside your underground complex providing new recruits for your army. DC 5
Costs: Skeletons 30 gold; Zombies 100 gold
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Recruit new undead.
Choose One
[] Organize talks with the merchants: The merchants may prove themselves trade partners. DC 50
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: 100+5d100 gold
[] Show your true nature to the humans: While certainly not a good idea whatsoever you can't keep your true nature a secret forever. DC 60
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Humans of Mousilion now know that you are an vampire.
[] Talk with the necromancers: Your spies recently reported to you that a cabal of necromancers has recently arrived in your duchy contacting them would be wise. DC 45
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Contact established with cabal of necromancers.
[] Start a propaganda campaign: Start a propaganda campaign to favor vampires in a better light. DC 85
Cost: 50
Time: 3 Turns
Rewards: Humans now see vampires in a better perspective.
Choose One
[] Rebuild The Villages: The villages are pretty awful and you even saw some houses breaking down, rebuilding their entire infrastructure from the ground up is needed. DC 45
Cost 500
Time: 1 Turn
Expenses: 200
Rewards: Villages Rebuild into corrupted villages. Population Happy
[] Cursed Fields: Is not really cursed in any way everyone just named that way, these fields use magic to rapidly grow the crops needed to the humans generating a good amount of food in low amounts of time. DC 30
Cost: 500
Time: 1 Turn
Expenses: 100
Rewards: +100 Income. +90 Food Income.
[] Forester's Shack: There is a surprising amount of forests around Mousilion, setting up forester's arround them would definitely help with the growing economy.
Cost: 600
Time: 1 Turn
Expenses: 100
Rewards: +100 Income
[] Vampire Crypt: By the construction of the crypt your moments of rest are easier and much more faster, allowing you to realize much more. DC 25
Cost: 1,000
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: +2 Actions in everything else.
[] Hills: The hills of Mousilion are said to have rich mineral wealth, you need to see if that is true. DC 10
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Mineral survey of the hills
[] The Underground: You build your capital deep underground surely there must be some mineral veins down there. DC 10
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Mineral Survey of your portion of the underground.
Choose One
[] Expand Spy Network: Expanding your spy network will be useful in the long run, also because you want to know whatever dirty secrets the nobles are hiding. DC 39
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Spy Network Expanded.
[] Create Strife in Lynesse: Lynesse has the the rest of the lands of Mousilion your lands and with their armies and nobles out you are sure you can create some sort of chaos and strife. DC 49
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Strife in Lynesse
[] Divert the Witch hunters from Mousilion: As much as would you want to to rip apart these mortals limb by limb you know you must maintain secrecy about your existence and the changes of Mousilion the best you can. DC 55
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Witch Hunters do not come towards Mousilion.
Choose One
[] Bond of Flesh: Acting the same way as The Bond of Bones the magic used in the act of the traditional necromantic rituals when seeking the flesh of the deceased. DC 54
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Recruitment cost for zombie troops goes down by 10%
[] Distribute grave gift: There are warriors who are buried with their armor, with this magic the caster makes the armor cling to their bones when they are raised from the dead. DC 49
Cost: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Skeleton Troops gain +5 to combat rolls.
[] Unnatural Strength: The skeleton troops do not possess the strength and weakness of flesh, with this spell the caster makes so that they have an unnatural form of strength. DC 35
Costs: 0
Time: 1 Turn
Rewards: Skeleton troops gain +5 to combat rolls
[] Risen Champions: Summoning long-lost warriors to join your shambling dead boosts the yearning hordes' capable champions. This ensures that martial prowess, as well as numbers, can bring about victory. DC 40
Cost: 0
Time: 2 Turns
Rewards: Skeleton and Zombie troops gain +10 to combat rolls.
Choose One
[] Learn Tactics and Strategies: You have feeling you gonna have the learn this subject and fast. DC 50
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Learn The Way of The Blade: You do not know any form whatsoever of combat with weapons much less a sword, but at least you could try. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Learn The Art of Diplomacy: while you certainly can hold your ground in a debate, learning more is never bad. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on roll.
[] Learn Statecraft: Now that you hold a duchy you must learn how to run one. DC 10
- Rewards: Depends on roll
[] Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
- Rewards: Depends on Roll
[] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters in the moment. DC 30
- Rewards: New light spell
[] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
- Rewards: New vampiric spell
[] Learn Shadow Magic: Ulgu the lore of shadows is perhaps the most dangerous magic in the world after all how can you fight agaisnt your own shadow. DC 50
- Rewards: Learns Lore of Shadows
[X] Plan: All of Mousillon's Men
- [X] Train the militia
- [X] Talk with the necromancers
- [X] Vampire Crypt
- [X] Divert the Witch hunters from Mousillon
- [X] Unnatural Strength
- [X] Learn Statecraft
The Year is 2055 By The Imperial Calendar
Train the militia: The militias are poorly trained men and women who only knows the basics of the basics training them is not only needed but necessary. DC 20
Cost: 50
Expenses Until Finished: 50
- Roll: 1d100= 34 + 16 (Martial) = 50
The training begins with the Militia learning what is needed in troops, formations, how to handle weapons, etc. Finishes in one turn
Talk with the necromancers: Your spies recently reported to you that a cabal of necromancers has recently arrived in your duchy contacting them would be wise. DC 45
- Roll: 1d100= 51 + 20 (Diplomacy) = 71 Success
You met with the cabal of necromancers who has recently made a camp in the forest, you talk and they accept to join you. Their faces when you not only showed them your home and after that revealed that you were the new duke of Mousillon and is loved by the peasants was just priceless.
Rewards: Gain 5 necromancers, DC to martial, and learning involving undead or necromancy is reduced.
Vampire Crypt: By the construction of the crypt your moments of rest are easier and much faster, allowing you to realize much more. DC 25
Costs: 1,000
- Roll: 1d100= 18 + 19 (Stewardship) = 37 Success
You command and instruct your undead to build your crypt the place where you shall rest and recover after the construction is done you infuse it with dark magic now your moments of rest shall not only be much more pleasant but faster as well.
Rewards: +2 actions to everything.
Divert the Witch hunters from Mousillon: As much as would you want to rip apart these mortals limb by limb you know you must maintain secrecy about your existence and the changes of Mousillon the best you can. DC 55
- Roll: 36 + 20 (Intrigue) = 56 Success
Your spies manage to divert the witch hunters from Mousillon by doing a tactic many used before.
False Information.
The spies spread false information about the chaos cults in various provinces of Brettonia making them all forget about Mousillon and focus on the 'healthy' parts of Brettonia and not coming anywhere closer to Mousillon.
Rewards: Witch Hunters diverted from Mousillon they are now focused on the other parts of Brettonia.
Unnatural Strength: The skeleton troops do not possess the strength and weakness of the flesh, with this spell the caster makes so that they have an unnatural form of strength. DC 35
- Roll: 1d100= 89 + 17 (Learning) = 106 Critical Success
- Second Roll: 1d100= 37 + 17 (Learning) = 54
- Final Result: 160
When you are learning how to increase the strength of your skeleton troops you came across inspiration, you further studied the subject even after you finished with the spell, after all, you follow your own understanding of magic in taking a wider view of it.
Rewards: Skeleton troops gain +5 to combat rolls. Gain Trait: Scholar: You have learned great things in your life but why stop knowledge is power after all +3 learning, +4 Magic.
Learn Tactics and Strategies: You have feeling you gonna have the learn this subject and fast. DC 50
- Roll: 1d100= 100 + 16 (Martial) = 116 Critical Success
- Second Roll: 1d100 = 80 + 16 (Martial) = 96 Critical Success
- Third Roll: 25 + 16 (Martial) = 40
- Final Result: 252
When you start training your Tactics and Strategies, you didn't expect much. It seems that you are a military genius in the aspects of Tactics and Strategies, who would have thought?
Rewards: Gain Trait: Strategist: You are a natural strategist, making plans that seem incredible but to you are simply average +2 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +20 Bonus to armies in defense rolls. Gain Trait: Brilliant Strategist: You are among the most Brilliant Strategists and Tacticians in the world +9 Martial, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue, +0.5 Health, +20 Personal Combat Skill.
- Brettonia Victory: The Brettonians score a victory against the beastmen and suffer little in the way if casualties but are being constantly harassed by the beastmen, the war is now becoming longer than expected.
- Sylvania Stirs: Rumors comes from the empire('s) of a prelude of a new vampiric war, the men and women of the empire('s) now prepare for the second vampire war.
- Raids Intensify: The raids upon the coasts are intensifying, the green knight is now seen with much more frequency leading battles against the raiding forces and vanishing towards the next battle.
- Witch Hunters Arrive: The witch hunters and now they hunt the worshippers of chaos in every place of Brettonia thought they don't go towards the dreaded Mousillon. They shall be here for five whole years.