Lords of Darkness (WHF CK2-Ish Quest)
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Guide a newly transformed vampire in the world of warhammer fantasy.
Votes are closed (Chamon Dharek)
Votes are closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Apr 21, 2022 at 11:15 AM, finished with 56 posts and 6 votes.
  • 7

    [X] Plan: Divide and Conquer
    -[X]Group 1-4
    --[X] attack the walls with a combination of barrage and zombie pile-climb, Giants are to focus on towers and siege engines while skeleton warriors are to barrage the walls and any aerial forces with arrows. Necromancers are to be divided into 10 being on dispeling/banishing duty, 4 on buffing the undead, and the last 4 on throwing curses at the enemy forces. Black knights are to take ground while the grave-guard come to back them up, ensure that the forces are split in two (two waves just in case things get hairy)
    -[X] Group 5
    --[X] Attack the Gatehouse with a combination of barrage and magical attacks, using the giants and skeletons to aim for the gatehouse and its defenders, once the gate is breach and the gatehouse itself a wreck, then zombies will swarm to provide a ramp for the black knights to charge in, while the Grave guard will follow suit for the harsh duty of punching through the lines by grinding them down. 18 necromancers on dispelling/banishing duty this time, to ensure that chaos cannot fully send daemons or other worse things at us.
    [X] Plan Bring Down the Walls
Votes are Closed (Next Steps IV)
Votes are closed.
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on May 5, 2022 at 5:33 PM, finished with 21 posts and 10 votes.
Votes are Closed (The Siege of Praag)

Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on May 10, 2022 at 2:49 PM, finished with 18 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Lets End This.
    -[x] The army of Undeath:
    --[x] Same verse slightly different from before, split grave guard and black knights 1/4 of their numbers, the 3/4's of them are to attack the fort while the last 1/4 are to stay behind and guard the rear-lines, however this time the army of undeath will assault the city of praag from a single direction rather than the surrounding of the city like last time. Also this time will take greater care of any rituals to NOT send the city into the warp. (Zombies charge and act as a ramp for the black knights and grave guard to charge into the fray, 30 necromancers on artillery duty along with the undead giants, the other 20 on buffing the undead, another 20 on banishment/dispell duty, the last 20 are to coordinate against any rituals or backup the city receives from other chaos territories like the troll country and the chaos dwarves making a run for the city)
    ---[x] If possible, capture the leader or leader of the chaos tide within the city and sacrifice them to Dracul in a ritual...see if Arch-Lichdom can be given to Kel-Thuzard for new hero unit! (This is optional, if the necromancers feel they can't reasonably do it then don't.)
    ---[x] Again, if something allows them to summon more Daemons/Angyls of Dracul (Future Dracul lend a hand will ya?!?) then do so if reasonable.
Votes are Closed (The Blood Tide - Aftermath)
Votes are closed
Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on Sep 17, 2022 at 1:02 PM, finished with 34 posts and 30 votes.