9.7 Aftermath of Honor; Suite de l'honneur
Jun 15th, 1795
It felt like everything was too quiet when the King… fled from his former kingdom on the only ship not taken from him by Serre and his men.
Everyone in the city was terrified of the victory in the rain. It seemed like the entire city lost something else in the battle… pride?
Something you didn't understand that much.
The treaty that had been sent back to Paris was well received, at least from your initial reports, and there were even talks of expanding your campaign, to build great statues to you in Paris and Avignon.
But it was not to be as … You have received some… peculiar news.
Napoleon needs you back in Paris for a Special assignment. The Mission to Egypt has been canceled for… Well, the reasons he said could not be solely placed in writing. But something has happened in France, and all 100,000 men under your command cannot be wasted on a foreign adventure
However, you received another report and order from Robespierre, desperately requesting that you continue the march to the East, saying that your army is the only one that can secure interests in the Middle East in a timely manner.
You need to prepare for what is to come.
And hope everything doesn't burn down while you try to prepare to leave.
(You have 3 Army Actions)
You have 20 Army wealth and 8 Personal Wealth
[]Reprisals and Renegades: There are Several men within the Army who have committed minor crimes to the people of Palermo, mostly drunkenness, and loudness. You will intervene before your lax approach leads to problems. Cost 1 Army Wealth DC: 25 Reward: You punish the criminals in your army.
[]The Cleansing of Chamnas: Chamans and his tactics need to be handled with the utmost respect… but also the utmost punishment. What he did was… barbaric even in the wars you fight, with the horrors that war can inflict. DC: 45 Reward: You put Chamans in his place, and hope that he doesn't start any more demoralizing or barbaric attacks without your order.
[]To Maintain Order: The victory in Palermo has led to many… Sicilians feeling broken, humiliated, and bitter. They see your victory as humiliation. And, you need to keep your men safe. If there is trouble… you will make sure there is not. Cost 2 Army Wealth DC 35 Reward: The Sicilian Backlash roll will be decreased by 20.
[]Recovery and Recuperation: The men are victorious, and you are very aware that this may be the last peace and time of rest they may get for a long time. Cost 3 Army Wealth DC: 1 Reward: Morale improves.
[]Request Volunteers: There are many Sicilian soldiers who are in awe of the victory that you have won at Palermo, and you are in need of 500 men in Dumas I Corps to replace the ones who were lost. Cost 1 Wealth, DC 40 Reward: I Corps is back to full strength.
Personal Actions:
(You have 6 Personal Actions)
[]The Ball of Palermo: You have never been to a Ball before, and the officers wish to host one for the new Republic… and to bury any old feelings that may be held by the French and the Sicilians. Cost 1 Wealth DC 10 Reward: You go to the First Ball of your life, you hope to not make a fool of yourself.
[]Broken Toys: Louis is not talking about Staff work, but you need to know who he is doing… And if you need to send him home to France. DC:??? Reward: Is Louis fit for duty?
[]A Request from a Princess: Charlotte has come to you with a request. She wishes to leave the Army for a few months, to go to England, and sue her Uncle for robbing her of the money she had rightfully earned for writing her stories. Cost 1 Wealth. DC: 5 Reward: The Princess goes on an adventure. Pray for her. (She will join Brian and Napoleon in the Rumor mill for the duration of her adventure.)
[]Absolution for Auclair: The Holy Father, Pope Pius the VI has requested that you meet with your officers in Rome. He has several things he needs to discuss with you, and the future. Whatever that means DC: ???
[]A Russian Roulette: Ivan Smolin, former ambassador to the French Kingdom during the old regime, was here in Sicily, and he has an offer that seems too great to just… ignore. DC: ???
[]To Unwind and Destress: You want to find out what you truly enjoy doing in your free time. DC??? Note: Linetail what type of Hobby you want to Try.
[] A Small Gamble: God doesn't play dice, but you could. You're smart, so making money this way shouldn't be hard... right? (Gamble 1 wealth to potential to gain up to 5 wealth. If you fail, potentially lose 4) DC ???
[]A Novel idea: You want to take up writing... perhaps it's a good thing for you to do. DC:20
[]Propaganda for Dummies: You are going to churn out your own stories, and propaganda, making you look as the hero that France needs in her time of need... Hopefully without making yourself look stupid. DC 65
[] Study & Read: There are books to read and things to learn. DC: Depends on chosen stat level
-[] Write-in Stat to increase
[] Study & Practice: Practice makes perfect. DC: Depends on chosen skill level
-[] Write-in Skill to increase
AN: You may have noticed that today is a very short update.
Well we have a lot of things happening right now at home right now, and I need to sort some things out before the super-long updates can continue.
So it may take a week or two to get everything sorted.