1) Egypt campaign (if we do it), seems actually doable right now, or at least very likely to be better than OTL, as the RN is not actively opposing us, which means no Aboukir (unless UK attacks us, of course), which means French Navy dominates the western med, which means secure logistics along the coast (very much the reverse of OTL)
Well we have Parsha acting as a man inside the country, and we can use him (and he us) to subjugate the Egyptians and see our position secured, either with a puppet sultan, or from the Ottoman's caving to our demands once we achieve our objectives.
2) We cannot on our own decide to abort, given, as far as we know, how many of our patrons and friends literaly risked their heads to let us go (rather than be tried for treason straight away). going back without orders would, again, as far as we know, not only put our life as risk, but also theirs, not to mention Louis and Charlotte.
While partially correct, situations back have changed dramatically, both governmental, and foreign affairs wise.
3) Are we, as far as we know, at war with the Ottoman empire? If not, we can request from Paris a formal declaration of war to be declared just before our attack on Egypt. Request to know when the declaration will be provided to the Ottomans so we can plan on our attack. That might actually trigger a 'Shit, we are planning to restart a war at a time we really need Peace to rebuild. Better call her back straight away' moment in Paris.
We are not at war.
Dude, we just invaded a country and are in the midst of planning to militarily subjugate another without a declaration of war. That's already pretty morally dubious, we're just gonna be showing the troubles of occupation, because, let's be honest, there's no such thing as a kind invader.
But there is such a thing as a lineiet negotiator, in absolute victory.
We are here to secure our interests and future supply lines. Now if our boys in Paris decide to do something about that, that's on them, not us.
sure there be a lot of unhappy ppl about because most of the local army just got killed, but who going to rebel if most of the army just got killed.
Well that depends. Does Ferdinand have an army to even strike back and retake Sicily from Naples?
No, he does not.
I'm fine with that. But I dislike the Notion that we can never succeed in making the People accept French Rule sometime in the Future because we only ever get the Option to go 'Lol murder death kill' instead of, you know, actually trying to set up a functioning Occupation or new Government.
We will not be the one in charge of said occupation, as our orders mean we need to leave to have the element of surprise.
I think what Magoose meant by his announcement of us showing the dark side of this occupation is we are gonna be showing the resistance of the natives. They are gonna be ambushing us, killing Frenchmen, we're gonna be doing the same thing, stuff like that. We're not gonna be Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan, but with such a conservative country under our belt, some degree of brutality and resistance is gonna be expected.
This will not be an easy campaign.
And even with local support from Parsha and his Egyptian allies, we are going to have a tough time of it.
One thing I do hope that comes in the update is some perspective. We just, you know, invaded a country, subjugated it and are planning to exploit its resources for our gains. We are most certainly the bad guys in this scenario, no matter how nice we try to act.
Well... Cyber had some ideas for actions to be used to get those perspectives, spending them to maintain order among our victorious troops, before they do something stupid.
Fair, but I don't want us to be one-note evil for the sake of evil either.
We are not evil, we are commanding an army that is subjugating people.
We may be liberating them from a monarchal oppression, but that does not mean we are not freeing them from oppression of a different sort.