Opinion: Napoleon's Obsession, and that idiot surveyor's younger sister. At least you have proven yourself on the field, and have an eye for talent. Unlike Bonaparte.
Name: Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Titles: Générale de Brigade
Age: 41
Height: 5'8/172 cm
Hometown: Versailles, France
Birthday: 20 November 1753
Nicknames: none
Honors and Decorations: None
Beliefs: France Centric
Republican Sentiments: 0 "I Fight for France, nothing else matters."
Monarchist Sentiments: 5 "I had served many years in the King's Army, and even helped the young children's aunt escape mob violence into more friendly territory. I did it because it was my duty. Nothing more."
Allies: Napoléon, Nicolas, Count Luckner, Charles-François du Périer Dumouriez, François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
Enemies: Maximilian Robspiere, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, Brian Auclair.
Offices Held:
Past Offices held: Chief of Staff of The Army of the North, the Army of Vendee, and the Army of Italy (interiumn)
Battles Fought: None
Battles Commanded: None
Battles Won:
Battles Lost: None
Campaigns Led: None
Military: 15 "Do not expect me to be anything less than a man who can wage war."
Charisma: 11 "I am not my superiors equal in speech craft."
Decorum: 15 "A Uniform is an Extension of oneself. Keep it well."
Stewardship: 20 "I have little time or energy to waste the army coffers, or my own. People need to care about the coin they have."
Intelligence: 18 "I never once thought my self lesser to any man… save one."
Education: 17" A man does not become an engineer by being stupid."
Subterfuge: 18 "I hide information only when it helps the operation… and that is all the time."
Combat: 8 "I am not a swordsman of note. Only that I can fight."
Oratory: 11 "There is nothing I fear more than a poor speech"
Command: 10 "I am a General in the army. I know my duty."
Cavalry Command: 10 "I am an administrator. Not a commander."
Infantry Command: 8 "The infantry are nothing if not extensions of a general's will."
Artillery Command: 11 "Cannons are something I enjoy working with."
Grand Strategy: 19 "Operational Efficiency is of the utmost importance. You need to have a clear objective or the operation fails."
Engineering: 24 "Why Destroy, when you can outthink your opponent and make him force battle on your terms, when you have the advantage of defense."
Logistics: 24 "To maintain supply is the most vital skill any general can use. I am the best at it. That was why I was named chief of staff for three separate armies."
Manual Labor: 1 "I have men for that."
Law: 18"The Law is the Law for a reason."
Administration: 25 "Do not make me organize the entire army again… it might even get better than the last time."
Irrespectueux: This man has been disrespected by his superior, being passed over being Chief of Staff of his army to an up jumped Surveyor.
-This man does not like your brother or Napoleon that much. He only tolerates you because you are his superior.
-Operational Efficiency (Command rolls) will be decreased by 5, unless given the Chief Staff office in the Army.
-If given, he will provide a +10 to all Operation rolls that you are not directly a part of.