La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

Parlez-vous français?

  • Oui, je parle très bien français!

    Votes: 162 14.3%
  • Un peu.

    Votes: 188 16.6%
  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 330 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

    Votes: 161 14.2%
  • ¿El español es lo suficientemente bueno?

    Votes: 86 7.6%
  • Ich verstehe dich irgendwie.

    Votes: 64 5.6%
  • Я очень хорошо говорю по-русски.

    Votes: 64 5.6%
  • 我听不懂。

    Votes: 35 3.1%
  • 何を言っているのですか?

    Votes: 28 2.5%
  • nuqneH pa'!

    Votes: 10 0.9%
  • فرانسه بلدنستم

    Votes: 7 0.6%

  • Total voters
I want to say I'm surprised that there isn't another vote and people want to meme the corps system into reality early.

But I'm not.

You people are getting freaked out over nothing, what does it matter if he thinks little of you? He doesn't hate us, he just thinks of us as some girl he's gonna work with, nothing more, nothing less. It's the typical work relationship.
It's just he hates our brother.

That's kinda a red flag to some people.

Even though Berthier has a very petty reason to hate him.

And no its not about the coup. That is actually something he approves of.
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Personally I'm just wondering how we're going to use him. Since we just picked our CoS and then picked up a CoS with a higher star rating.

Which is a bit ackward...
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That's still a thing? I figured that went out of style after Europe figured out bullets go through plate and hurt like a bitch.

Seriously speaking, I recall watching Hornblower (same time period, British navy, if you're unaware.) There was an episode where the protagonist and his crew were captured by the Spanish navy and interned for a lengthy period in a facility near a civilian settlement on the mainland.

Austria falling at competency

I wouldn't call that unusual. Y'know, between the fact they've only won 35% of their wars (in comparison to the chadly French 65% victory rate) and that one time two Austrian armies attacked each other... And that other time they walked onto a Serbian artillery firing range during WW1.
Personally I'm just wondering how we're going to use him. Since we just picked our CoS and then picked a CoS with a higher star rating.

Which is a bit ackward...
Just because he isn't your current chief of Staff, does not mean you are going to use him.

You just have to find a use for him... or make De Lisle something else.

That's still a thing? I figured that went out of style after Europe figured out bullets go through plate and hurt like a bitch.

Seriously speaking, I recall watching Hornblower (same time period, British navy, if you're unaware.) There was an episode where the protagonist and his crew were captured by the Spanish navy and interned for a lengthy period in a facility near a civilian settlement on the mainland.
Well capturing generals is a thing that would warrant a ransom or exchange by warring powers. especially if its competent generals.

We could have actually gotten a pretty penny from Brunswick and his buddy, had we chosen to keep them as prisoners.

Also, there is such a thing as sieging a city, holding it hostage then... you know... being bribed to leave it alone...

An oldie but a goodie.

I wouldn't call that unusual. Y'know, between the fact they've only won 35% of their wars (in comparison to the chadly French 65% victory rate) and that one time two Austrian armies attacked each other... And that other time they walked onto a Serbian artillery firing range during WW1.
Sorry, I should have said Austria failing at Basic compatency.
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Feels a bit odd there isn't any mention of the coalition members turning against each other or arguing, half the reason France won the wars is because their enemies weren't known for getting along.
I'd like to make a character sheet since it seems to be coming back in style, thinking between Laurent de Gouvion St-Cyr or an old Scottish character I wrote a while back.
Oh, I was meaning to ask: could we get sheets for the attitudes of Spain, Portugal, and the Ottomans? I'm feeling kinda curious.
Oh, I was meaning to ask: could we get sheets for the attitudes of Spain, Portugal, and the Ottomans? I'm feeling kinda curious.

I mean... We're about to add rolls for that in the rolls... so.

Spain: We're staying out of this.

Protugal: Britain, calm the hell down, we can fix this if we make the right choices.

Ottomans: Why am I even here?
Berthier is married, with three kids at this point.

No, he stole the job opening that was opened up as chief of staff... because, Brian, while competent, is no Berthier.

Yea, that's pretty petty reasons to hate him, no drama at all , Brian little sis is disappointed in you . Though then again being near Nappy B. is worth fighting for.
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The final General.

Opinion: Hello Thérèse. It's good to see you again. Though I'm still a little off, you are a higher rank than I.

Name: Jean-Baptiste Kléber
Titles: Générale de Brigade
Height: 6'3/ 190.5 cm.
Hometown: Strasbourg, France
Birthday: 9 March 1753

Honors and Decorations: None
Beliefs: Revolutionary Republican
Republican Sentiments: 10 "What we have seen today, is the birth of liberty… and it's a violent beginning to bring a better world."
Monarchist Sentiments: -5 "Do not mistake my respect for the old powers as something that should be rivaled… No, it is history that I respect… not the current affairs."

Allies:Thérèse Auclair, Brian Auclair, François Kellermann, Charles-François du Périer Dumouriez

Enemies: Charles William Ferdinand Duke of Brunswick.

Offices Held: Générale de Brigade in the Army of the North
Past Offices held:
Battles Fought: None
Battles Commanded: None
Battles Won:
Battles Lost: None
Campaigns Led: None

Military: 13 "Hah, battle will be fantastic."
Charisma: 15 "A man who cannot speak is not a man at all."
Decorum: 15 "A Uniform is an Extension of oneself. Keep it well."
Stewardship: 13 "Well I haven't ruined myself yet."
Intelligence: 13 "To think you were always smarter than me."
Subterfuge: 15 "I have a feeling things… are going to get worse before they get better."

Combat: 14 "En Gaurd!"
Oratory: 14 "I still laugh how you stutter when speaking sometimes."
Command: 14 "Shall we begin?"
Cavalry Command: 14 "I will strike the enemy's rear!"
Infantry Command: 17 "And the Army will keep them down."
Artillery Command: 13 "And Cannon will destroy them."
Grand Strategy: 13 "I will admit, planning ahead has never been my forte."
Engineering: 25 "I will make a monument to last a thousand years."
Logistics: 12 "Kellerman always said that it would bite me in the ass."
Manual Labor: 19 "Let's get our hands dirty."
Law: 11 "The Law is only followed because men with guns enforces it."
Administration: 13 "Well, at least the paperwork will kill me before the enemy does."

Un Vieil Ami: Kléber is an old friend of yours from the Army of the North, and he's quite grateful that you are working together again.
-If you are supervising (fighting with) or commanding over this commander in the army. Certain battle rolls will be increased by 5.
-He's more trusting than the others… at least because he knows you.
-He is more willing to defend you from the more… male dominated circuits of the army if you let, him.
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Pre Campaign Interlude 1: A Changing Fate/Un destin changeant
Pre Campaign Interlude 1: A Changing Fate/Un destin changeant

August 11th, 1794​

You sighed as the paperwork was finally completed. The day at least in your tired emotionally and physically drained eyes was over.

You had finally reorganized the Armée d'Orient, and you would be reaching the marching orders. De Lisle and Berthier were clashing egos' that found it impossible to work with each other… but somehow, their combined efforts made this… effort into something you could only dream of.

A reality.

The organization, and how it was mobilized, supplied, and maintained, that made sense, was easy to understand and even copy in the right circumstances.

That was not what finally brought you relief.

It was the possibility of taking a break. A break in the monotony that was working as a General.

But you had a slight problem.

What were you even going to do?

"Charlotte, what can I possibly do to keep my mind off of certain things like work?" You asked as Charlotte looked up from the book she was writing in.

She seemed rather shocked you even asked. "I left multiple letters on your desk, including one from Brian, Napoleon, Colonel Chamans, and… The University of Paris."

Wait, the University? You thought it was shut down when the Revolution started? It was opening up again?

You then looked at the letters.

"How old are these letters?" You asked.

"The oldest is two weeks ago from Brian. Something about a wedding."

How nice. You hope he enjoyed himself.

"Next." You rambled as you kicked your feet up.

"General Kleiber and Colonel De Lisle are going to invite the officers and their families for a feast, and have invited you to join them."

Oh, that might be fun.

"And that last one?" You asked.

"Well, there is a publisher who wishes to write a biography."

You would ignore that.

Now… Let's read those letters…

Oh my goodness-

Reward: Le Armée d'Orient has been established by you and your officers. Due to you creating a method of organization that has never been seen before, You gain +1 to Grand Strategy, Administration, and Logistics.

Other Generals of France will Take note.

What do you do?:

[]A Wedding from Italy: Brian is getting married?! Who is the… of. The name said it all… Bonaparte's Sister. What the hell kind of Blackmail did Napoleon have to make your brother marry his sister… or, worse… genuine infatuation on Brian's part that led to this.

[]The Dinner with Officers: You will go join the officers in their feast, and hopefully at least get them onto a few more good will lists.

[]The University of War: You are going to do the one thing you should have done a long time ago when Brian gave you the chance with his Officer's Paycheck. Finish your schooling. But now, you are going to study one science. The Science of War.

[]A Family of Choice: You are going to ignore the Letters, ignore all those potential futures and take a breath. Gather the family that you seemed to have created… and try to learn what Louis wants.

[]Finding a Hobby: You are going to sit down and try to find something you like to do for enjoyment, rather than… for your job or your trade. (Linetail what you want to try out.)

AN: Well now, that didn't take long. But Me and @Plausitivity decided that we would take a small break from the Action of Planning and Army Maintnece for a little bit (and so I could get the Army Sheets all sorted out and drafted for the Frontpage), We are starting an Interlude Session, but instead of taking part in a nation defining event, we're focusing on the personal dealings of our intrepid heroine.

And ask the most Anime question that we could think of. What does she do in her off time when not planning her next campaign?
[]A Wedding from Italy: Brian is getting married?! Who is the… of. The name said it all… Bonaparte's Sister. What the hell kind of Blackmail did Napoleon have to make your brother marry his sister… or, worse… genuine infatuation on Brian's part that led to this.
...Well, I didn't see that one coming.

I kinda want this, because he's our brother, but...
[]The Dinner with Officers: You will go join the officers in their feast, and hopefully at least get them onto a few more good will lists
This sounds important. Really Important.
[]The University of War: You are going to do the one thing you should have done a long time ago when Brian gave you the chance with his Officer's Paycheck. Finish your schooling. But now, you are going to study one science. The Science of War.
This sounds interesting and useful, but if we're going to ignore Brian's Wedding and the Officer's dinner...
[]A Family of Choice: You are going to ignore the Letters, ignore all those potential futures and take a breath. Gather the family that you seemed to have created… and try to learn what Louis wants.
We might as well do this, because we have to take care of Louis, we took him as our responsibility.
[]Finding a Hobby: You are going to sit down and try to find something you like to do for enjoyment, rather than… for your job or your trade. (Linetail what you want to try out.)
I don't have much of an opinion regarding this, so I'll see it as low priority.

Also, the increase in our stats was because of our decisions regarding the army, or it was something it was going to happen regardless of anything we'd choose, @Magoose?
Also, the increase in our stats was because of our decisions regarding the army, or it was something it was going to happen regardless of anything we'd choose, @Magoose?
I decided to give you a bone, and considering the Corps system would not be invented for another few years....

Well, here it is. You memed it to existence.
I decided to give you a bone, and considering the Corps system would not be invented for another few years....

Well, here it is. You memed it to existence.
Ah, yes, memeing our way to victory...

Those dirty Mameluks have no chance of defeating us now that we have the power of Memes and the Revolution on our side!
I'm assuming that we can only chose one for now so let me present my argument for why we should go to the University.
clears throat
We have 11 Command, 6 Cavalry Command, 10 Infantry Command and 9 Grand Strategy and we are about to embark on a campaign to fucking Egypt.
Also what's more anime than going to a School in a time of war? As seen in the documentaries Fire Emblem Three Houses and Trails of Cold Steel.
I'm assuming that we can only chose one for now so let me present my argument for why we should go to the University.
clears throat
We have 11 Command, 6 Cavalry Command, 10 Infantry Command and 9 Grand Strategy and we are about to embark on a campaign to fucking Egypt.
Also what's more anime than going to a School in a time of war? As seen in the documentaries Fire Emblem Three Houses and Trails of Cold Steel.
...So, we will meet a German teacher that has the potential for a godlike power, and that we will convince to our cause in the name of The Adrestian Empire The Republic, so we will defeat the rest of the continet?

I'm in!
If the gains of going to the University are determined with a roll with Thérèse's 25 intelligence giving a reroll, that could be very helpful to her military stats.