La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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    Votes: 162 14.3%
  • Un peu.

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  • What? Francis? Nope.

    Votes: 330 29.1%
  • What? Oh, don't be silly, my dear!

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  • 何を言っているのですか?

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  • nuqneH pa'!

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  • فرانسه بلدنستم

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To be fair, with how popular we are, I'm sure we could win a seat if there was an open vote, same with Napoleon, not sure about Rob
To be fair, with how popular we are, I'm sure we could win a seat if there was an open vote, same with Napoleon, not sure about Rob
Yeah... but the problem is... we can't run for public office.

We may be in a world where Homosexuality is decriminalized, but women holding public office? Being able to vote?

Not there unfortunaly.
Therese about to be appointed as third Consul : " I love the Democracy. I love the Republic".
Brian: "For god sake, why is it that Napoleon wishes to be surrounded by his friends and destroy his political enemies, I will never know."
I mean if we go back and become third consul that opens up the opportunity to support our dear husband in his bid for Emporer and we become the wife and start of a new royal house which might appease rest of Europe if we temper Napys eternal war state of mind

Pal this is the republic

A violent as fuck and with shiton of instability but still a republic

I rather keep democracy than going full monarchy again
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Not saying that the Republic has a chance of surviving, but it does...

Not a big one, but a chance, nonetheless.

"No napoleon you cant become emperor for life.....and neither you robespierre as president"

Mfw the mc is going to be the sypha to robespierre and napoleon trevor and alucard when it comes to containing their ambitions and backstabery

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I'd prefer a Republic too.

But if the Choice is between a Republic led by Robespierre and France, no matter the Government, led by Napoleon, then I'm gonna go with Nappy.
The thing is, Robe is far more liberal than Napoleon, and far less likely to... well push us to the sidelines in terms of societal roles.

Nappy however is willing to treat us (according to our promise) as more of an equal... maybe not a true equal, but someone he will listen to.
"No napoleon you cant become emperor for life.....and neither you robespierre as president"

Mfw the mc is going to be the sypha to robespierre and napoleon trevor and alucard when it comes to containing their ambitions and backstabery

I thought we were already that to Chamans, Severin and all our generals, only with less comedy.
The thing is, Robe is far more liberal than Napoleon, and far less likely to... well push us to the sidelines in terms of societal roles.

Nappy however is willing to treat us (according to our promise) as more of an equal... maybe not a true equal, but someone he will listen to.

I thought we were already that to Chamans, Severin and all our generals, only with less comedy.

Well it turns out politics is more like babysitting a bunch of psycos on ego trips to ensure they dont crash and burn the country
The thing is, Robe is far more liberal than Napoleon, and far less likely to... well push us to the sidelines in terms of societal roles.
He's also far more likely to go on another "TO THE GUILLIOTINE!!"-Spree, so there's that.

Plus, with us being the Sister of one of the Guys that ended his first Reign of Terror, I ain't trusting him to not try to get rid of us in some way.
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Like if I'm gonna be honest, I prioritize our character coming to power more than anything. Revolutions have a habit of sidelining women after a while. If we want to cement the reforms France has had and advance Women's rights, we need to get our character into political power.
Like if I'm gonna be honest, I prioritize our character coming to power more than anything. Revolutions have a habit of sidelining women after a while. If we want to cement the reforms France has had and advance Women's rights, we need to get our character into political power.

I agree with this, if we don't want to just stay a Poster Face of the revolution then we really need some form of political power.
As long as it keeps the peace, doesn't fuck the economy, and protects the natural rights of citizens I won't have a problem with Nappy taking charge as emperor. Plus he's likely to listen to us, if not as his gf/wife then as one of his most successful military commanders, not to mention Brian, whose word would still hold quite some weight.
And that is why we must go to the altar. In some areas Monarchy is still far more advanced than republic.
careful that is counter revolutionary talk
Like if I'm gonna be honest, I prioritize our character coming to power more than anything. Revolutions have a habit of sidelining women after a while. If we want to cement the reforms France has had and advance Women's rights, we need to get our character into political power.
Well even if we wanted women's rights, I'd argue that industrialization, standardization of French, and universal schooling would be an idea that would be more in line with raising everyone up and make them far more accepting of women's rights. It makes everyone wealthier, makes us ready for the inevitable throw down with our enemies, and gives us a more meritocratic manpower pool we can use.
I agree with this, if we don't want to just stay a Poster Face of the revolution then we really need some form of political power.
Military power is political power, change my mind.
As long as it keeps the peace, doesn't fuck the economy, and protects the natural rights of citizens I won't have a problem with Nappy taking charge as emperor. Plus he's likely to listen to us, if not as his gf/wife then as one of his most successful military commanders, not to mention Brian, whose word would still hold quite some weight.
Brian can tell Napoleon to go fuck himself, to his face, and stop being stupid, get a laugh out of the man and then Nappy will sit down and learn why he needs to sit down.

That is powerful.

Pray our brother doesn't die, because that kinda power is something that can stop disasters like Russia.
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[] Plan Peace with Sicily and the Church
-[]Reprisals and Renegades: There are Several men within the Army who have committed minor crimes to the people of Palermo, mostly drunkenness, and loudness. You will intervene before your lax approach leads to problems. Cost 1 Army Wealth DC: 25 Reward: You punish the criminals in your army.
-[]The Cleansing of Chamnas: Chamans and his tactics need to be handled with the utmost respect… but also the utmost punishment. What he did was… barbaric even in the wars you fight, with the horrors that war can inflict. DC: 45 Reward: You put Chamans in his place, and hope that he doesn't start any more demoralizing or barbaric attacks without your order.
-[]To Maintain Order: The victory in Palermo has led to many… Sicilians feeling broken, humiliated, and bitter. They see your victory as humiliation. And, you need to keep your men safe. If there is trouble… you will make sure there is not. Cost 2 Army Wealth DC 35 Reward: The Sicilian Backlash roll will be decreased by 20.
-[]The Ball of Palermo: You have never been to a Ball before, and the officers wish to host one for the new Republic… and to bury any old feelings that may be held by the French and the Sicilians. Cost 1 Wealth DC 10 Reward: You go to the First Ball of your life, you hope to not make a fool of yourself.
-[]Broken Toys: Louis is not talking about Staff work, but you need to know who he is doing… And if you need to send him home to France. DC:??? Reward: Is Louis fit for duty?
-[]A Request from a Princess: Charlotte has come to you with a request. She wishes to leave the Army for a few months, to go to England, and sue her Uncle for robbing her of the money she had rightfully earned for writing her stories. Cost 1 Wealth. DC: 5 Reward: The Princess goes on an adventure. Pray for her. (She will join Brian and Napoleon in the Rumor mill for the duration of her adventure.)
-[]Absolution for Auclair: The Holy Father, Pope Pius the VI has requested that you meet with your officers in Rome. He has several things he needs to discuss with you, and the future. Whatever that means DC: ???
-[] Study & Read: There are books to read and things to learn. DC: Depends on chosen stat level
--[] Charisma
-[] Study & Practice: Practice makes perfect. DC: Depends on chosen skill level
--[] Oratory

Sounds pretty solid
[] Plan: Peace without Reprisals
-[]Reprisals and Renegades: There are Several men within the Army who have committed minor crimes to the people of Palermo, mostly drunkenness, and loudness. You will intervene before your lax approach leads to problems. Cost 1 Army Wealth DC: 25 Reward: You punish the criminals in your army.
-[]Recovery and Recuperation: The men are victorious, and you are very aware that this may be the last peace and time of rest they may get for a long time. Cost 3 Army Wealth DC: 1 Reward: Morale improves.
-[]To Maintain Order: The victory in Palermo has led to many… Sicilians feeling broken, humiliated, and bitter. They see your victory as humiliation. And, you need to keep your men safe. If there is trouble… you will make sure there is not. Cost 2 Army Wealth DC 35 Reward: The Sicilian Backlash roll will be decreased by 20.
-[]The Ball of Palermo: You have never been to a Ball before, and the officers wish to host one for the new Republic… and to bury any old feelings that may be held by the French and the Sicilians. Cost 1 Wealth DC 10 Reward: You go to the First Ball of your life, you hope to not make a fool of yourself.
-[]Broken Toys: Louis is not talking about Staff work, but you need to know who he is doing… And if you need to send him home to France. DC:??? Reward: Is Louis fit for duty?
-[]A Request from a Princess: Charlotte has come to you with a request. She wishes to leave the Army for a few months, to go to England, and sue her Uncle for robbing her of the money she had rightfully earned for writing her stories. Cost 1 Wealth. DC: 5 Reward: The Princess goes on an adventure. Pray for her. (She will join Brian and Napoleon in the Rumor mill for the duration of her adventure.)
-[]Absolution for Auclair: The Holy Father, Pope Pius the VI has requested that you meet with your officers in Rome. He has several things he needs to discuss with you, and the future. Whatever that means DC: ???
-[] Study & Read: There are books to read and things to learn. DC: Depends on chosen stat level
--[] Charisma
-[] Study & Practice: Practice makes perfect. DC: Depends on chosen skill level
--[] Oratory

I don't like that we're criticizing one of our commanders due to the tactics he was using. As long as he is using them in the name of France, and bringing her victory, why do we care how he does it. Also, gotta up that morale, it might be the last time the soldiers get to do it.

Edit: Is there a moratorium, @Magoose , or can we just vote?
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War is politics by any other means.
Speaking of:

Clauswitz may be looking at our campaigns and battles to use as the basis for some of his thoeries.

And Chamans will most certainly be one of the many men looked at as the father of mobile/total war doctrine.
I don't like that we're criticizing one of our commanders due to the tactics he was using. As long as he is using them in the name of France, and bringing her victory, why do we care how he does it. Also, gotta up that morale, it might be the last time the soldiers get to do it.
Its less that he did it, but more that he did it without orders.
Edit: Is there a moratorium, @Magoose , or can we just vote?
There is a moratorium for a few more hours.