Chibi S1E13 Spin the Bottle & S1E14 Big Vacation New

Chibi S1E13 Spin the Bottle

Let's all brace ourselves.

Wow, they're getting on with it this time, it's only taken 12 seconds to reach the episode content. The tradeoff is that you need to turn your volume way up this time.

I think the title skit has begun. Neptune, Pyrrha, Weiss, Ren, and Jaune sit in a circle on the floor of Team JNPR's room. Weiss complains (to Pyrrha) that it's "childish"; Nora bids her to "Hush!", placing the bottle before sitting down between Jaune and Neptune. So that makes, uh, Arkos, Renora, and (consults shipping chart) Iceberg as the expected (heterosexual) pairings present.

Jaune spins the bottle first. For maximum comedy, it threatens to stop on Pyrrha (to Pyrrha's delight), slows even further in front of Weiss (to Jaune's delight), before actually coming to a halt facing Ren.

Nobody says anything. After a few seconds of this, still nobody's saying anything, but the uninvolved four all slowly move their gazes in sync from the bottle to Martial Arcs. Ren is the next to look up and accept his fate; he follows up by spritzing something into his mouth. Poor planning - he ought to have expected that to be necessary at some point tonight, so why not do it in advance?

The skit ends there, for reasons.


Transition #3 has Gambol Shroud remain stuck at the top of the screen for a long moment. The real chibi Blake bursts through the door to Team RWBY's dorm room with almost exactly the right timing to appear to dislodge it with said door.

Blake has been accosted by Zwei quite enough, and won't be able to rest until she exhaustively searches the room for him. He's not hiding under Weiss' bed, or in Ruby's bed. He's not hiding behind the lamp on the desk, or in the book next to it. (These are not impossible, given Blake hiding behind a freestanding desk lamp not long ago.)

This is some great music, just saying.

Fears assuaged post-search-montage, Blake settles down in bed. Unfortunately for Blake, the camera has not shown us the entire pillow she's using, and the visible part looks suspiciously non-white. ...I knew it, she has mistaken Zwei for her pillow. Zwei, you look far too smug about this.

{#14: Nora jets by, using her hammer as a flying scooter. It leaves an exhaust trail of pink hearts; another expands from behind her to fill the screen, then contracts away again.}

Team RBY lurk in the courtyard. Yang has her Scroll; Blake, a book ("Dealing with Hyperactive Children" →); Ruby, a cookie. Ruby would like to know if the "workout thingy" is here. Cue Nora to declare that it is, in a manner that suggests that she's running it. Yang remains self-conscious about her perceived weight after the cake incident from five episodes ago.

Nora is leaning all the way into pop-cultural depictions of the stern athletics trainer. She confiscates the respective 'fun items' before revealing that this is where the "Thunder Thighs" joke from V7 was foreshadowed. No Blake, it's not a derogatory term if you're in danger of being earthquaked like that.

Nora proceeds to put them through the personal training from hell, outracing each of them comfortably at at least one form of exercise. I don't know what they're all called, so I'll avoid embarrassing myself by trying to name any of them (at the possible cost of embarrassing myself by admitting I can't name all of them). Also an offhand reference to the grandmother that we know by now that Nora doesn't actually have.

Team RWBY lie in an exhausted pile as Nora slides over on her head and pronounces them done. With the warmup. Throwing her weapon at Ruby (top of the pile) with instructions to bench it (which I'm 99% sure is also a form of exercise) just collects Ruby in the face. "She's not human," Yang (bottom of the pile) gasps out. Cue Jaune to agree; Pyrrha and Ren have opposite arms immobilised in casts, and Jaune, being Jaune, is in an everything-below-the-neck cast. I see this was Nora's attempt at obtaining new victims.

I'm certain the music here has a name, but I couldn't tell you what it is.

More ad-speech. It's gonna get old fast.

Chibi S1E14 Big Vacation

Remember to turn your volume down again!

An exhausted Blake enters Team RWBY's dorm room and flops on the floor. (I've done that once. Slightly overrated.) She's so exhausted she can't be bothered putting up a fight when Zwei decides it's time to greet her.

It... just keeps going like that. Poor Blake.

"I did not ask for this. These are unauthorized snuggles."
Blake shifts away a little. Zwei does his best impression of Ruby dejectedly getting up and leaving, and is instantly prevented.
"I didn't say to stop."
Apparently leaving isn't authorized either.
"If you tell anyone about this I will shave your butt."

This is weirdly adorable.


Weiss is somewhere, with luggage. The view out the window includes at least one utterly stationary aircraft, so I'm going to guess airport.

Zoom out to reveal Ruby, also with luggage, and far enough that overhead signs for "gates" are visible, and Ruby is talking about a "vacation" (I'm Australian enough that I will be pronouncing it "holiday"), so yeah, almost certainly airport.

Speaking of 'I will be pronouncing that differently', Weiss remains just as exasperated with Ruby calling them "BFF"s as she was in V03C01.

"Fine," says Weiss, "I suppose one more person won't ruin my vacation." And with a line like that, it is guaranteed that there will be more than one. Blake and Yang are guaranteed; Jaune probably, the rest of his team maybe.

It's all of them except Pyrrha, plus Sun and Neptune whom I keep forgetting about. Poor Neptune, dragged along to the beach. By Ren, of all people. Oh and here's Zwei who was hidden in Ruby's luggage until he chose to emerge just now. Mountain Glenn flashbacks intensify.

{#15: The Junior Detectives logo.}

Let's all brace ourselves.

Sun and Neptune fail to work out which of them gets to be bad cop (the other one is stuck being good cop) before Nora is shoved into the interrogation room. They both end up being bad cop, which rather undermines the strategy. Sun resorts to informing her that there was a witness to "the pancake incident". Also the month of March is Chibi canon, so probably the months of the year have the same names in RWBY as they do IRL.

Cut, implied to be to the past, to a police lineup of Team RWBY+NP (who are all apparently 2 ft tall). Any idiot could assess the circumstantial evidence that Nora looks her post-cake size. Ren may not be any idiot, but he's an eyewitness, implied to have been promised protection, and points straight at Nora. Ow my poor Renora heart.

Cut back to the interrogation room, where Nora flips the interrogation around, and Neptune is abruptly very evasive about his potential alibi. He might have been somewhere else embarrassing, but this is Chibi so I'd say he probably actually did the crime ("the Pancake Massacre", as Nora puts it).

Believe it or not, it's both!

I prefer this one. Much less police brutality.

I'm just not going to bring up the ad-speech again unless/until it goes away.

This is weirdly adorable.

Even people with Cynophobia need puppy snuggles sometimes.

So this is that ASMR thing. I went and checked when it got popular, and at least on KYM there's no record of any major spike in interest in the months leading up to this episode's release (when it would have been produced), so I can't explain the thought process.

Probably originated in RT and CRWBY itself actually. A number of people in the studio had developed a fondness for them around this time.
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We leave just before that happens.
More denial of built up anticipation humor I see XD
That's all, apparently. I'm not sure whether that skit was much longer or much shorter than it seemed.
I feel like this was an attempt at highlighting how weird ASMR comes off to those not into it but not sure.
(It was not. It was very much a product of 2015/2016.)
Kind of curious what you mean by this, everything feels so blurred these days.
Chibi checks Bumblebee off its list of shipping jokes to make.
I did enjoy the jokey flirting XD
Most Chibi episodes were shorter than this skit. Entire Chapters of Volume 1 were shorter than this skit.
Really shows how much more funding they were getting.
I was fully primed to enjoy best credits music, t
Maximum comedy is achieved when it occurs to Ozpin that classes are on and Team RWBY are meant to be in them. Or maybe he's just doing his best to end the ongoing embarrassment, who knows. Team RWBY flee in at least three different directions.
I did love this joke XD
(consults shipping chart)
I love the shipping charts.
so why not do it in advance?
lso an offhand reference to the grandmother that we know by now that Nora doesn't actually have.
She ight have, maybe she died fighting the Grimm that attacked Nora's home in an epic last stand?
More ad-speech. It's gonna get old fast.
You'd think they'd edit them out.
This is weirdly adorable.
It is XD
(I'm Australian enough that I will be pronouncing it "holiday")
This is an Australian VS American thing?
plus Sun and Neptune whom I keep forgetting about.
plus Sun and Neptune whom I keep forgetting about.alid
Poor Neptune, dragged along to the beach. By Ren, of all people.
I do love when Ren gets in on shenadigans.
Even people with Cynophobia need puppy snuggles sometimes.
But only on their terms!

Probably originated in RT and CRWBY itself actually. A number of people in the studio had developed a fondness for them around this time.
It would somewhat explain that ad we got before episode 10.

Kind of curious what you mean by this, everything feels so blurred these days.
Basically, not to explain recent history much, but negative perceptions of American police have become notably more prevalent over the past ~ten years, which makes 'jokes' like this one land harshly to notably more of the audience.

You'd think they'd edit them out.
I mean, how much can you even edit YouTube videos? I don't know if there's enough editing granularity to remove any evidence of the ad speech without destroying the credits, and the credits are kind of important.

This is an Australian VS American thing?
As far as I know, "vacation" is very much an Americanism, and in most cases I am committed to resisting Americanisms. "Holiday" is the preferred term in Australia, and I'm pretty sure in the UK as well, so I'm guessing any of the English-speaking world that the US hasn't overwritten (yet) would probably agree.
Basically, not to explain recent history much, but negative perceptions of American police have become notably more prevalent over the past ~ten years, which makes 'jokes' like this one land harshly to notably more of the audience.
Ah right that makes sense, I think cos discussions and arguments about police brutality were always a topic that came up in political discourse in my family my perception never really shifted so much as remained consistent.
I mean, how much can you even edit YouTube videos? I don't know if there's enough editing granularity to remove any evidence of the ad speech without destroying the credits, and the credits are kind of important.
Hmm touche touche ><
As far as I know, "vacation" is very much an Americanism, and in most cases I am committed to resisting Americanisms. "Holiday" is the preferred term in Australia, and I'm pretty sure in the UK as well, so I'm guessing any of the English-speaking world that the US hasn't overwritten (yet) would probably agree.
I'm also Australian, I just thought vacation meant travel where as holiday meant time off XD
Chibi S1E15 Neptune's Phobia & S1E16 Bike Race New

Chibi S1E15 Neptune's Phobia

Jaune is playing up how he and Zwei are "bad boys" (never mind that Zwei is constitutionally incapable of not being the goodest boy) so much that they have to be engaged in some hilariously petty act of rebellion.

Yep, they're sitting on Bumblebee, which is not going anywhere, Jaune just set up a fan in front of it to simulate the noise and airflow of going somewhere.

Here's Yang to be unimpressed. She could also be surprisingly encouraging, but the laws of comedy suggest otherwise. On the other hand, I have mentioned before that constant conformance to the laws of comedy eventually saps all the comedy out...

Definitely unimpressed given what we can all tell Jaune was about to say. Both "bad boys" clear off the bike pronto. Jaune neglected to give the sunglasses back, which is soon rectified.

The "bad boys" are left coughing by some mixture of exhaust and burnout residue as Yang clears out.

This joke is starting to outlive its welcome, I'd say. So why are they reemphasising it? What's coming? ...It's Ruby to tell Zwei he's a good boy, of course.

Ruby and Zwei leave to "eat Weiss' homework".

Oh Jaune. The only thing missing from this ending is Pyrrha - I keep watching the last few moments and she keeps not appearing.


Sun and Neptune walk down the street, with less of a forecast of police brutality. Neptune freaks right out when a passing car threatens to spray a roadside puddle at them. I get the feeling this might not be funny to me either.

Cut to somewhere in Vale, doesn't matter where, what matters is that it's raining. Neptune really isn't sure about this whole 'exiting the building that he currently occupies' thing. ...That is a lot of umbrellas.

Cut to a shower stall. Uh oh. ...Not too much trouble, just that in addition to the rating-mandated full outfit, he was wearing floaties. He proceeds to slip over on his way out of the room, which is the kind of thing that would justify/reinforce that phobia if it happened regularly.

Cut to Neptune being the world's most useless pool lifeguard. I'm going to skip past this because I will not possibly find it funny.

Cut back to the first scene, where we discover that this is the diegetic-montage storytelling technique. Neptune admits that Sun might have a point, which puts him one up on V01C11 Jaune.

{#16: Pink hearts bubble in from the bottom of the screen and replace the background with Nora's emblem. Nora herself abuses the camera a bit before departing rapidly to stage right, where the hearts follow her as they bubble out.}

There is a present wrapped in Ren's colours. Nora is here. I'm getting the feeling that Nora wrapped it for Ren, who is now here to open it.

It is now Chibi Renora hours, complete with that Boop rearrangement in the background.

Ren isn't having a bar of this 'gift from a secret admirer' thing. The question is, which level is he playing at?
  1. Ren is oblivious to Nora's poorly-hidden affections, which is ironic because he's busy pining for them.
  2. Ren is oblivious to Nora's poorly-hidden affections, and just isn't in the mood for anybody's. This one gives me the most Chibi feelings, but you all know my strike rate.
  3. Ren is aware of Nora's affections, doesn't want to complicate matters with a 'secret admirer', and has missed that it's Nora.
  4. Ren is aware of Nora's affections, is pretty sure she's the 'secret admirer', and is trying to bait her into admitting to it.
Nora, you are protesting way too much.

Ren is playing on level 2, and has torn out the hearts of Nora and all the viewers:
"Or it's a trap from one of our numerous enemies; or worse, another one of your pranks."

...It appears that it probably actually was a prank (which Ren fully saw coming). Chibi, why do you do this to me.

Chibi S1E16 Bike Race

Blake looks fairly put-upon to be reduced to starter for a bike race, but I always think chibi Blake looks like that so I'm probably wrong. She's probably enjoying it greatly on the inside. Anyway, the competitors are:
  • Yang on Bumblebee, the conventional option.
  • Ruby in a wagon pulled by Zwei (chasing a bone dangled off a fishing rod held by Ruby), the standard-chibi-logic option.
  • Challenger Approaching: Weiss on a pedal-powered tricycle. Ruby and Yang find this uproariously funny. I think the joke's going to be on them.
Weiss continues to play up her emotional connection to her bike to lull her opposition into a false sense of security. Like, this thing's named "Stardust", as in 'eat my dust' probably.

I was not quite correct: the bike's not anything special and neither is its rider's skill at riding it, but she also has her weapon on hand and freezes those other two inconvenient competitors. Should have antagonised her less. Probably wouldn't have changed your fate, but maybe... Also Blake finds this hilarious, and don't think I missed that reference to a popular film franchise (unfortunately Bruce Willis was not in it, so I can't make that continuity reference).


Yang does stand-up comedy, armed with puns. It doesn't go well. It goes so un-well that Sun, forced to stay in attendance by Ren, steals the show. Protip: If ever you're telling a heckler to "stop being funny", you're probably losing.


Jaune and Blake are sitting in the common room reading books. My kind of social activity.

After a while Ruby walks through with some kind of chibi Grimm (I think it's a Beowolf, but you all know my strike rate) latched onto the back of her cape. Jaune wants to know what the story is. Ruby is not interested in telling them, which probably means it was highly embarrassing.

After some conversation, Ruby continues walking. Blake has not noticed a h*cking thing.

Jaune lampshades his status as possibly a supporting character. Oh, so that's what that conversation between him and Ruby was subtextually about. Blake is so disinterested she's mistaken Jaune for Sun. Really Blake? Would you expect Sun to be reading a book?

Abruptly the Beowolf wakes up offscreen. Ruby is launched back into view briefly before running back into combat. A lot of plates fly past to shatter, punctuated at intervals by Zwei running past to join the fight, then Zwei and a potted plant flying back, accompanied by the last plate rolling to a stop.

"Are you sure you're not the one with the monkey tail?" asks Blake. As I've said before, there's a lot to unpack there but let's throw away the whole suitcase. Jaune just stares into the camera instead of trying, which, mood.

I was not quite correct: the bike's not anything special and neither is its rider's skill at riding it, but she also has her weapon on hand and freezes those other two inconvenient competitors.

I maintain Grandma Schnee was as much loved and missed by canon Weiss as with her Chibi counterpart, even if Canon Weiss wouldn't bring her old tricycle to the race. Canon Weiss may freeze her opponents, however.

Cut to Neptune being the world's most useless pool lifeguard. I'm going to skip past this because I will not possibly find it funny.

I'll admit, while chibi's relatively fast paced gags work for me, given that if you don't chuckle at one segment you'll have a different one to try soon enough anyway, the Neptune's phobia one especially doesn't work for me, given what the books showed as the origin of said phobia.

Yang does stand-up comedy, armed with puns.

And in so doing, actually has more puns than canon Yang ever actually did. It's almost entirely an actor allusion and nothing more really.

Blake has not noticed a h*cking thing.

To slightly adapt an old Red vs Blue line: "There's a fine line between not noticing, and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life."
I maintain Grandma Schnee was as much loved and missed by canon Weiss as with her Chibi counterpart, even if Canon Weiss wouldn't bring her old tricycle to the race. Canon Weiss may freeze her opponents, however.
I'd comment that clearly being a decent person clearly skipped an entire generation of Schnees, but on second (first?) thought Willow's cool before and eventually, so really it was that moustachioed outsider, who is an outlier adn [sic] should not be counted... Look, all I'm saying is Beacon-era Weiss would have good reason to prefer her grandparents to her parents.

I'll admit, while chibi's relatively fast paced gags work for me, given that if you don't chuckle at one segment you'll have a different one to try soon enough anyway,
Ah yes, the Airplane! aka Flying High! school of comedy,

the Neptune's phobia one especially doesn't work for me, given what the books showed as the origin of said phobia.
I don't even have the full picture and I still couldn't watch this skit. That is not an invitation.

To slightly adapt an old Red vs Blue line: "There's a fine line between not noticing, and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life."
Words to live by.
I don't even have the full picture and I still couldn't watch this skit. That is not an invitation.

Smart man. Honestly, phobias are a dangerous thing to play with in comedy. Blake's works better, because while she was uncomfortable around Zwei in volume 2, it wasn't to the extent of Neptune and water. And a lot of the skits with Blake and Zwei have more then just 'cat scared of dog', be it the vacuum cleaner or unauthorized snuggles, which Neptune doesn't get.

Chibi S1E15 Neptune's Phobia

Gosh this had some of my least favorite skits, I recall the back end of Chibi's first season really dragging for me. Yang getting her bike back was nice at least, but I hated the stand up routine one so much ><
I maintain Grandma Schnee was as much loved and missed by canon Weiss as with her Chibi counterpart, even if Canon Weiss wouldn't bring her old tricycle to the race. Canon Weiss may freeze her opponents, however.
I did like Stardust as a concept enough that it was used as the name for RWBY's stole airship in The Knight Errant.
To slightly adapt an old Red vs Blue line: "There's a fine line between not noticing, and not caring. I like to think I walk that line every day of my life."
Look, all I'm saying is Beacon-era Weiss would have good reason to prefer her grandparents to her parents.
True facts, Nichola had great vibes and Grandma Schnee gifted trycles, iconic.
Chibi S1E17 Save Nora! & S1E18 Evil Plans New

Chibi S1E17 Save Nora!

If you thought skits had been awkward before, witness the debut of bathroom-occupied humour. Not my favourite thing. In this case, Ren is in the bathroom, Jaune is waiting outside, and Pyrrha is turning up to distract Jaune. Let's hope this doesn't turn out like an afternoon with my (very young) nephew.

Jaune, you absolute idiot, this should not terribly embarrass you. You live with both of these people! You all agree bathrooms exist!

Ren is replaced by Nora, because of course.

Nora is replaced by Sun, because of course.

Long story short, it turned out like an afternoon with my nephew. Let's put that one in the 'never rewatch ever' pile.


Nora is being menaced by a Grimm. She calls out for Ren.

Given Nora's reaction to Sun drop-kicking the Grimm, I'm thinking this was a setup. I'm not sure why it was a setup, though - we are familiar with the inscrutability of Nora's mind.

Cut to same scenario elsewhere in the courtyard, this time with Yang saving Nora and getting yelled at for ruining the setup.

Cut to Nora trying to womanhandle the next Beowolf into position, at which point Ren springs the setup early (you knew it was going to happen). He drops a compliment or two and wanders off again. Nora's disappointment is legendary - until the compliment sinks in, at which point she's so exuberant as to physically damage the Grimm. Yes Nora, you broke another one. You seem to make a habit of that, more than the average for your chosen profession.


The Junior Detectives commiserate that they haven't had much success lately.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asks Sun, which is bound to be subverted. Sure enough, Sun is thinking "upgrade time!" as opposed to Neptune thinking "musicals!" before changing his mind and going with Sun's idea.

Cut to a "POLICE SURPLUS SHOP" as the music starts (it's probably a rearrangement of something else entirely from the RWBY soundtrack, but I'm not ruling out a reference to some other genre of film or TV). They walk out with some new gear. Naturally the Shopkeeper runs the place.

Cut to an "ARMY SURPLUS" outlet. Same deal. I'm not sure why they need 2.5 helmets each, but I'm not about to argue with this lot because that seems like the expressway to police brutality. Naturally the Shopkeeper runs this place too.

Cut to a shop called "EASY RIDERS", whose logo appears to be a bicycle wheel. I predict that the Shopkeeper will have sold them a vehicle, or two. ...Two, and spot on. They are strongly implied to have spent a h*ck of a lot of money.

Cut to the consequences of their actions: in their overly-encumbered state, they're having trouble carrying their other purchases to their new motorbikes. Suddenly, Emerald and Mercury! Their Chibi debut is just getting on the bikes and riding them away. Easiest theft they've ever done. Sun and Neptune, being Sun and Neptune, are in no condition to do anything about it. Protip: Account for your carrying capacity when planning your shopping trips.

As of this episode, there have been more episodes than unique transitions between skits.

Chibi S1E18 Evil Plans

The pickles return, and cause Ruby just as much trouble. Sun offers to help. "Let me show you how a real man handles this," he says, like a man who is about to not handle this. ...Called it.

Sun lampshades the degree of difficulty before floating asking Yang for help. Ruby immediately shoots this down hard. I feel a diegetic montage coming on.

No montage, just Yang. We are still about to witness the cause for Ruby's apprehension. Ruby tries frantically to deflect Yang's attention, but is unsuccessful.

Ruby and Sun dive for cover as the rumbling begins. A comedically exaggerated number of plates, plus the pot plant, plus Zwei (when did he get here?), go flying at them as Yang attacks the jar offscreen. It ends with the sound of a shotgauntlet discharge, and the lid of the pickle jar flying at them.

When we cut back to Yang, the kitchen area is somehow pristine - all the debris was sent at the others - and the jar is open and otherwise intact.

It almost looked like they were going to get out of it okay, but then Yang stuck her hand in the jar and the shotgauntlet got stuck in it. Ruby, Sun, and Zwei flee for their lives as Yang's temper rises again.

No, this fire is not Yang-caused, it's the new skit-transition...

{#17: Fire appears, fading to an orange background to Cinder. She blows a kiss at the screen which obscures it in more fire, or something. Ugh.}

The music has church organ in it as we see Cinder's whiteboard of "Ultimate Evil Plans". On one side, Cinder gloats. On the other, Emerald has an unreadable look. Is she worshipping Cinder's every incomprehensible action? Is she weirded the h*ck out? It's Chibi facial expressions, goodness knows I can't tell.

Cinder opines that the only threat to their evil plans is someone discovering them. Emerald suggests maybe not making them so obvious in their dorm room. "It's fine," says Cinder. This is Chibi, so it will not be fine. Yep, immediately Ruby and Nora barge in to socialise.

As Cinder and Emerald contort themselves to block Ruby and Nora's view of the whiteboard, Ruby and Nora hang lampshades on Ruby's friend-making attitude. When they ask about the mostly-hidden whiteboard. Cinder finally thinks of flipping the thing over, incidentally hitting Emerald in the head with it on the way. Should have thought of that earlier, and also this is why she'll leave you.

The cringe is real as Cinder and Emerald protest way too much that the "elaborate scheme" Nora saw couldn't possibly be evil plans, then almost completely fail to make up a cover story on the spot. Fortunately for them, they picked the right magic words to convince Ruby that her gut instinct of 'befriend' was right. Unfortunately for them, Mercury immediately walks in and undermines everything they just said. Fortunately for them, he has the good sense to retreat instead of digging anybody any deeper.

Ruby and Nora take their leave. Emerald, stuck thinking at least one level of "I know you know" past them, can only see their behaviour as anything other than genuine. Joke's on her, I guess.


Back in the kitchen, Ruby puts something in the oven. Cue Weiss to ask about it. Ruby explains she's making a cake. (I made a cake on the weekend. It was delicious, and surprisingly easy.)

It is once again time to have jokes about Weiss' socioeconomic status. Making a cake yourself is "ridiculous. Why not just have your cake butler bring you one?" This is, of course, a completely alien concept to Ruby. Not having one is a completely alien concept to Weiss.

Ruby asks Weiss to watch the cake while she walks off for a minute. This guarantees that it will go terribly wrong during that short time. Further ensuring this is Weiss' remark that she doesn't cook. Oh dear, she didn't know the word "kitchen".

Ruby is incredibly and probably-overly optimistic about Weiss' oven-watching skills. Ruby, you're assuming that someone who didn't know the word "kitchen" five seconds ago has any idea what they're watching the oven for or what to do about it if they see it!

Weiss, left unattended: "I wonder what all these buttons do?"
Ohhh h*ck oh no.


Ruby returns to find the kitchen on fire and Weiss running "away" from it in circles. Fortunately, she brought a fire extinguisher, which fortunately, by cartoon logic, is capable of extinguishing everything. As I fully expected, the cake is extra-crispy.

Weiss, being chibi Weiss, starts with the victim-blaming. Ruby demands Weiss assist with the cleanup. Weiss doesn't know what that is. (This establishes that there is no continuity between Chibi skits and/or they're presented out of order, because Weiss certainly knew what cleaning was in at least two previously seen skits. I'd believe that it could be out of order - she got introduced to this 'cleaning' thing, found she liked it, and started doing it at every opportunity, to Blake and Zwei's horror. Speaking of which, Ruby seems to have improved at baking since Episode 1, making the hypothetical continuity very snarled indeed.) Ruby's response is to spray her with the fire extinguisher, tell her to "ask your cake butler", walk off, and throw the empty extinguisher at her on the way out. Fair.

I have made fifty million typos this episode. Some of them may have survived to posting.

Chibi S1E19 Pillow Fight & S1E20 Roman's Revenge New

Chibi S1E19 Pillow Fight

Absolute total absence of the channelcruft: the RWBY Chibi 'title sequence' (not exactly a sequence) begins immediately, so we're in episode content within five seconds.

Ruby walks past the dorm room door, sees Zwei sleeping on the rug (the site of the unauthorised snuggles), and comments that he "has the easy life". Cue a montage of how much he does not, whose transitions are all Zwei's head (with the sound of precisely one bark):
  • Jaune is cornered somewhere by two Beowolves. Enter Zwei to drive them off by barking and growling.
  • There is a bomb on Ren's desk whose timer is already at seven seconds and counting. Ren still has decision paralysis on whether to cut the red wire or the blue wire. Enter Zwei to cut the blue wire with one second left.
  • Weiss is frantically searching the kitchen floor for something, and is starting to give up on finding it, delayed only by fearing Jacques' wrath for losing it. Enter Zwei with her necklace.
  • Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald have been stacked in a pile out the front of that one Dust shop. Cinder fumes at the collapse of all her plans as guess who perches triumphantly on the pile.
Wait, this must be Zwei dreaming. (Also they all end in somebody saying "I'm saved!".) Anyway, Zwei returns to the dorm room and flops on the rug, just in time for Ruby to come by and observe that he hasn't moved at all. Okay, so Zwei isn't dreaming, he actually did do all that. Understandably, he's not receptive at all to Ruby trying to make him exercise.

(It took me a while to pin down the basis of the music - it's Red Like Roses [V1].)

{#18: This time the background is beige-to-yellow and enters (and leaves) in bananas. Sun, of course, enters by hanging by his tail from top of screen, just like in the show, and leaves to stage left with some acrobatics.}

Ren is on a bench reading a book, and Sun is hanging by his tail from a nearby tree. Neptune enters at a sprint, catches his breath, and informs them of the ongoing pillow fight. Sun is enthused. Ren is anti-enthused, and throws the book at Sun when Sun attempts to drag him into whatever zany scheme is doubtless being cooked up at this very moment. No, I'm absolutely wrong, Ren was on board and was just retaliating to Sun insulting him as uncool. That's Chibi for you, I guess.

Cut to Team RWBY's dorm room, where the imminent pillow fight is being taken with all the requisite seriousness. Ruby has constructed some high ground out of the desk and chairs; Weiss has found an existing position on Yang's bunk. Yang is taking cover behind some other wooden element that I can't identify from this angle. Blake has nested with some pillows on Weiss' bunk, and by the whiteness of her eyes she may be a noncombatant. Zwei is reprising his tumbleweed performance.

Some banter is exchanged between the high ground before Ruby cocks her pillow as one might a gun (complete with sound effect) before leaping to swat Weiss off the bed with it. Weiss goes flying into the barricade Ruby just left, which shatters. Blake was right to be worried. Actually, is Yang participating, or is she also just trying to ride out the storm?

It's very Chibi that this is being taken more seriously than S1E5, y'know, that time when Ruby and Weiss were actually armed.

I am, once again, wrong about nearly everything: apparently this is a 2v2. As Ruby leaps down to press her attack, Weiss cues Blake in with a Glyph, which Blake uses to lunge at Ruby. Ruby is sent backwards into the bookshelf by the door, wrecking it. This is getting fairly destructive even before Yang's inevitable revenge. Yang fires two pillows at Blake, complete with shotgun sound effects - hang on, they're all using the pillows exactly like they would their usual weapons, how did I not realise earlier? Anyway, Blake dodges both, allowing the second one to hit Weiss behind her (oops).

Yang now enters rapid-fire mode, shotgunning pillows all over the room. Blake has to really work to avoid getting hit. Then she disappears. Yang correctly suspects Blake's up to something. Sure enough, Blake reappears behind her, tongue extended in taunt. Yang winds up to throw Zwei (whom Chibi has previously compared to a pillow by way of Blake) at her, and completely succeeds because that's funny.

Yang rushes to Ruby, who is dramatically feigning impending death in the same way that Weiss and Blake are dramatically feigning already-effective death. Yang proceeds to dramatically feign great sorrow.

It is this scene that Ren, Sun, and Neptune witness from the now-ajar door. "This isn't what I was expecting," declares Sun. Ren thinks they're dishonouring the very idea of a pillow fight. Sun, that's not ominous at all. /s

Ruby walks down the dorm hallway later, probably about to have those three happen to her somehow. ...Not quite: Those three are in possibly Team JNPR's dorm room having a much more conventional pillow fight. (I'm trying to imagine having a feather in my eye, and it's painful.) Ruby, of course, declares them all to be amateurs.

Chibi S1E20 Roman's Revenge

Absolute total absence of the channelcruft continues.

In the common room, Ruby attempts to get sympathy from Blake about likely failing a test. Blake says nothing. Blake does nothing. I get the feeling that Blake will turn out to be a shadow clone establishing an alibi for her presence elsewhere. Ruby reads the response she wants to get and leaves in a better mood.

The next person to rubber-duck off the apparent Blake is Jaune, who convinces himself to convince himself that it might not be a great idea to confess to Weiss. Good thing, too, because next along is Weiss. Weiss manages to think that Blake found out about some noodle incident™ that Weiss was hoping she could keep hidden. The apparent Blake is, of course, immune to bribery.

Yep, shadow clone. Now here's the real Blake to pop it and wonder why this one won the cosmic expiry-time lottery. Then she wonders why she won some other cosmic lottery as Ruby, Weiss, and Jaune parade back past to thank her for her 'advice' (and in Weiss' case, drop off what was claimed to be a "lifetime supply of tuna" but had better only be the first instalment for reasons of best-before dates and small size of box). Blake is extremely confused, but is smarter than to question the tuna.

{#19: The background is fire. Cinder is being chased by Zwei. I much prefer this one.}

We gear up for an epic fight between Zwei and a Beowolf, except Zwei appears to be leashed so it might be less of a fight than it at first appears.

Even less so - the Beowolf is leashed also, and they were being walked by respectively Ruby and Cinder, who verbally continually trip over each other trying to apologise for the conduct of their own animal companions.

{#20: Oh hi Torchwick. After twirling his cane a lot, he shoots the camera, because of course he does.}

Team WBY are having a great time watching Ruby play with Zwei, culminating in the old 'pretend to throw fetchable' trick.

Some distance behind them all, Roman Torchwick monologues dramatically that he will have his revenge.

The monologuing is extended, and does not impress Neo.

"Things are gonna be different," monologues Torchwick. Neo, facing the camera, holds up a sign bearing the words ‹THEY WON'T›. I can see why people got attached to her. She puts it away right as Torchwick turns to start giving her orders. Don't ask where she kept that death ray. {{I'm told that the death ray is later canonised by a book.}}

The loading of the death ray is interrupted by Ruby approaching in pursuit of Zwei (which is clear by sound volume before it is on camera). No, just Zwei. Torchwick attempts to shoo him away. Zwei, being Zwei, is not shooed, instead biting down on Torchwick's weapon. Torchwick's dialogue implies that Zwei's mistaken it for the stick that Ruby pretended to throw, which is funnier, but undermines my theory of Zwei as an evil-detecting dog.

Torchwick and Neo are both concerned for some reason. Neo even breaks out a ‹PLAY DEAD!› sign. ...Ah, oh yeah, that thing's a firearm. Both are blown away by the accidental discharge onto the poorly-animated highly explosive death-ray ammo. Or 'accidental'; Zwei might have planned this all along.

Ruby re-enters scene just long enough to fail to recognise the 'stick' as a weapon and take Zwei away for a walk.

Torchwick, his hat, and Neo descend from kingdom come in that order. When Torchwick asks how he looks, Neo cannot resist getting in a pun: ‹FETCHING›.

The reupload hasn't even tried to lengthen the credits music it lifted from Episode 19.
I can see why people got attached to her.

Chibi Neo is a delight, as the Only Sane Man to Wile E. Coyote Torchwick.

Okay, so Zwei isn't dreaming, he actually did do all that.

Torchwick's dialogue implies that Zwei's mistaken it for the stick that Ruby pretended to throw, which is funnier, but undermines my theory of Zwei as an evil-detecting dog.

Torchwick and Neo are both concerned for some reason. Neo even breaks out a ‹PLAY DEAD!› sign. ...Ah, oh yeah, that thing's a firearm. Both are blown away by the accidental discharge onto the poorly-animated highly explosive death-ray ammo. Or 'accidental'; Zwei might have planned this all along.

Look, I'm just saying, Perry the Platypus/Zwei the Wonder Corgi teamup.

Chibi S1E17 Save Nora!

Oh boy, sorry for not keeping up, stuff has been happening and the passage of time is relentless.
Suddenly, Emerald and Mercury!
Now this set of jokes I really loved XD
he says, like a man who is about to not handle this. ...Called it.
Normally that's Jaune's thing, but it applies equally well to Sun XD
No montage, just Yang.
Ideal, always more Yang. Also this one was cute XD
this is why she'll leave you.
This is such a specific thing to end as relationship over but I agree XD
I made a cake on the weekend. It was delicious, and surprisingly easy.
Congrats! I didn't make one but did get bought one :3
Ruby returns to find the kitchen on fire and Weiss running "away" from it in circles.
Pfft I recall this was super cute XD
throws the book at Sun
Chibi Ren is so fun XD
by the whiteness of her eyes she may be a noncombatant
Oh my gosh XD
It's very Chibi that this is being taken more seriously than S1E5, y'know, that time when Ruby and Weiss were actually armed.
Though not quite as seriously as the food fight, but more melodramatic.
Blake has to really work to avoid getting hit.
She also flirted~
Ruby, of course, declares them all to be amateurs.
One o my fave skits ever.

Also a fun gag and reminds me of that theory that Blake's Semblance leaves a literal clone.
Even less so - the Beowolf is leashed also, and they were being walked by respectively Ruby and Cinder, who verbally continually trip over each other trying to apologise for the conduct of their own animal companions.
Love this bit XD
I can see why people got attached to her.
I think a lot of people also Rubber Ducked Neo too.
Chibi Neo is a delight, as the Only Sane Man to Wile E. Coyote Torchwick.
I think a lot of people also Rubber Ducked Neo too.
Terminal ice cream waifu disease. Yes, I am implying that Chibi Neo somehow has it.

Oh boy, sorry for not keeping up, stuff has been happening and the passage of time is relentless.
I know that feeling!

Ideal, always more Yang. Also this one was cute XD
Pfft I recall this was super cute XD
I think our definitions of "cute" may differ slightly.

This is such a specific thing to end as relationship over but I agree XD
I'm just saying, this kind of emotional negligence from Cinder was the second-biggest factor in Emerald switching sides in V8...

Clearly I missed it. (checks wiki) Solid maybe. (checks TVTropes) Okay, might be something there... (checks episode) Yep, at 2:05. Unfortunately, it didn't help her.
Terminal ice cream waifu disease. Yes, I am implying that Chibi Neo somehow has it.
Pfft there's so many layers to that XD
I know that feeling!
My sympathies but also mood.
I think our definitions of "cute" may differ slightly.
Chibi Yang going all gung ho on something for making Ruby hungry was adorable to me XD
I'm just saying, this kind of emotional negligence from Cinder was the second-biggest factor in Emerald switching sides in V8...
Sorry for the lack of clarity I understood that I was just joking.
Clearly I missed it. (checks wiki) Solid maybe. (checks TVTropes) Okay, might be something there... (checks episode) Yep, at 2:05. Unfortunately, it didn't help her.
I respect your research and no it didn't help her, no mercy in a pillow fight XD
Yup. And I don't think Cinder ever realized it, even during the Jinn vision with Emerald standing with the heroes. She just took it as a betrayal.
In all fairness its not like Cinder has healthy relationships to judge against; she's been met with irrational hostility, abuse and incomprehensible betrayals all her life, this is just another one for the list to her.
Yup. And I don't think Cinder ever realized it, even during the Jinn vision with Emerald standing with the heroes. She just took it as a betrayal.
In all fairness its not like Cinder has healthy relationships to judge against; she's been met with irrational hostility, abuse and incomprehensible betrayals all her life, this is just another one for the list to her.
If the two of you would kindly stop making me feel sorry for Cinder. (/s, mostly)

Chibi Yang going all gung ho on something for making Ruby hungry was adorable to me XD
Best older sister, honestly.

Sorry for the lack of clarity I understood that I was just joking.
I've never missed a joke in my life. (/s visible from orbit)

Yeah, I know that feeling too.
Chibi S1E21 Cinder Who? & S1E22 Security Woes New

Chibi S1E21 Cinder Who?

I will assume that absolute total absence of the channelcruft is the new norm.

Oh no, Ruby has bought friendship bracelets for herself and Weiss. I'm fairly sure V3 Weiss wouldn't have been too receptive, let alone Chibi Weiss.

Weiss, for some reason, accedes.

The joke is that they were handcuffs? What? Well, I guess it's technically correct, which is the best kind of correct...


Weiss is sitting at the desk writing to Winter, which makes this the first mention of Chibi Winter.

Weiss, having explained that she isn't team leader, now has to explain her team leader, who is currently - let's see - using Crescent Rose to keep a whole chicken just out of Zwei's reach. Mountain Glenn flashbacks intensify. Weiss calls her "interesting". Weiss follows up by calling Ruby "a person", possibly the only fair response to her (Ruby) eating a cookie through her nose, an act which thankfully we do not actually see.

(I can see why Winter might have found Ruby "appropriately underwhelming".)


Ruby and Yang sit at the table in the common room playing chess. The 'white' pieces are actually yellow-orange, to match Yang (because black is already Ruby's secondary colour). The game has been deeply developed already.

After a while of deep consideration by both parties, Ruby moves what I'm pretty sure is one of her rooks (it took a bit of freeze-frame analysis) across the board and declares "Checkmate.". Yang has time to acknowledge "Good game." before Weiss and Blake come hurtling into the room, having heard the magic word which Ruby and Yang now think they ought to rename. I chuckled.

(Fun fact: there is an entire Wikipedia article for the chess game played in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.)


Weiss is sitting at the desk, this time viewed from behind so we can also see the door, so that we can see when Ruby kicks it open (to Weiss' shock followed by exasperation), all excited that "that upperclassman from Haven wants to hang out!". I'm guessing this will be Cinder. Yep, Ruby names Cinder.

Weiss either hasn't heard of Cinder or is pretending really hard. Weiss asks what Cinder's last name is. Ruby realises she has to think about it.

Cue a montage of the possibilities, each introduced by a silent-film title card:
  • "Cinder Mall": Cinder and minions are shopping for clothing. Cinder holds up an outfit she canonically wore, although I've forgotten when, and asks Emerald "This is something young people wear, right?".

    The more this scene is observed, the funnier it gets. The brand/store name behind them is "Always 17", which is probably poking fun at the characters aging in comic book time. Cinder's line is insinuating that she's older than that and radiating 'how do you do, fellow kids?' energy. The sale posters behind them are for 50% off all "hero clothing" and "evil clothing", and I'm certain the display referred to by the former has copies of at least Blake and Yang's outfits. Mercury is just playing that fighting game on his Scroll...
  • "Cinder Falls": Foreshadowing! Delicious foreshadowing! And oh so close to the right answer! But also, Emerald and Mercury, safely at the top of the staircase, find it hilarious.
  • "Cinder Doll": The 'punchline' to when the therapist says Sockpuppet Cinder isn't real and can't hurt you.
  • "Cinder Stalls": I'm hoping for a punctuality joke rather than a toilet joke. ...It's better than either of those things, and three callbacks to boot: Cinder frantically plays for time so the Junior Detectives can't enter the dorm in search of Evil Plans before the rest of her team (Neo included) are done hiding all the Evil Plans. The stalling quickly reaches implausible levels, and the hiding is nowhere near done...
  • "Cinder Lols": (braces self) ...Yep, Cinder Falls has had her revenge on Emerald and Mercury both.
  • "Cinder Bawls": An ensemble cast celebrate what the banner tells us is "WORLD PEACE ACHIEVED". I can see why that would set Cinder off, given she's, y'know, Cinder. Emerald and Neo have no idea what to do about this.
Ruby gives up and reckons it's "Cinder Autumn, or something". Henceforth I am unable to can. Weiss just shuts the whole thing down by declaring she's busy studying. I can feel some more flopping around on the desk in Ruby's future...

YouTube has recommended me somebody's video essay from 2016 on what they think happened to Remnant's moon. I'm not one to watch random video essays, but I'm guessing it will have aged badly.

Chibi S1E22 Security Woes

Jaune joins the rest of Team JNPR in the common room, interrupting Nora bashing Ren's head in with her hammer. Pyrrha is idly spinning a spoon without touching it. "Let me guess," he says, "you guys are bored?". Mainly Nora was.

Jaune has brought a board game by the name of "Compost King". (Americans pronounce "compost" weirdly.) The others are not enthused. Pyrrha (who only at some point during the sales pitch put her spoon down) is audibly straining to remain polite; Ren is under no such obligation. Perhaps he's heard of the game before, because Jaune explains that the simulated composting takes place in real time. Yikes.

Nora makes her own fun by simulating UFOs abducting cows, and draws in Pyrrha (who is inexplicably able to magnetically manipulate the wooden-looking game pieces) and Ren to play the role of XCOM. Jaune fumes that fun can only be achieved by following the rules, completely missing the fun occurring in front of him. Fortunately, Nora stumbles on the secret to draw him in: link it back to compost.

(Is this board game foreshadowing Oscar? Probably.)


Cinder has passed through a metal detector; Emerald currently is; Mercury is next in line. I'll give you one guess what's going to happen. (Shoutout to Shopkeeper playing TSA.) I just hope it isn't terribly ableist.

Mercury gets fed whole-body through an X-ray machine, which has been discouraged for a century due to health risks of being whole-body irradiated. And he doesn't even get let through security. I think that counts as ableist.


Weiss opens the dorm room door. Immediately Ruby, standing on a chair, shouts "Wait!". Blake is reading on Yang's bunk. What did they do to the floor?

"The floor is lava!"

Weiss accuses Ruby of being five years old. Blake backs up Ruby, but I can't tell how sincere she is or isn't being.

Ruby has failed to consider that Weiss, who has provably used Glyphs as platforms before, is grossly overqualified for this game.

Cut to Yang getting the greeting from a bored-sounding Team WB (Ruby was, somehow, too slow to get a word in). I predict that she will soak it up with her Semblance. ...No, just recoil-propulsion up to her bunk. Is that allowed in the dorms? Ruby is exasperated that nobody is playing the game her way.

Cut to surprise Torchwick getting the same greeting from a bored-sounding Team WBY. I predict that Torchwick will disbelieve them, step on the "lava"-floor, and inexplicably burn to a crisp. ...I got it this time! For maximum comedy, his hat is fine.

Once more, the reupload has not tried to lengthen the credits music.