Chibi S1E13 Spin the Bottle & S1E14 Big Vacation
(Verified Michael)
- Location
- Wherever I am, there I am
- Pronouns
- He/Him/His
Chibi S1E13 Spin the Bottle
Let's all brace ourselves.
Wow, they're getting on with it this time, it's only taken 12 seconds to reach the episode content. The tradeoff is that you need to turn your volume way up this time.
I think the title skit has begun. Neptune, Pyrrha, Weiss, Ren, and Jaune sit in a circle on the floor of Team JNPR's room. Weiss complains (to Pyrrha) that it's "childish"; Nora bids her to "Hush!", placing the bottle before sitting down between Jaune and Neptune. So that makes, uh, Arkos, Renora, and (consults shipping chart) Iceberg as the expected (heterosexual) pairings present.
Jaune spins the bottle first. For maximum comedy, it threatens to stop on Pyrrha (to Pyrrha's delight), slows even further in front of Weiss (to Jaune's delight), before actually coming to a halt facing Ren.
Nobody says anything. After a few seconds of this, still nobody's saying anything, but the uninvolved four all slowly move their gazes in sync from the bottle to Martial Arcs. Ren is the next to look up and accept his fate; he follows up by spritzing something into his mouth. Poor planning - he ought to have expected that to be necessary at some point tonight, so why not do it in advance?
The skit ends there, for reasons.
Transition #3 has Gambol Shroud remain stuck at the top of the screen for a long moment. The real chibi Blake bursts through the door to Team RWBY's dorm room with almost exactly the right timing to appear to dislodge it with said door.
Blake has been accosted by Zwei quite enough, and won't be able to rest until she exhaustively searches the room for him. He's not hiding under Weiss' bed, or in Ruby's bed. He's not hiding behind the lamp on the desk, or in the book next to it. (These are not impossible, given Blake hiding behind a freestanding desk lamp not long ago.)
This is some great music, just saying.
Fears assuaged post-search-montage, Blake settles down in bed. Unfortunately for Blake, the camera has not shown us the entire pillow she's using, and the visible part looks suspiciously non-white. ...I knew it, she has mistaken Zwei for her pillow. Zwei, you look far too smug about this.
{#14: Nora jets by, using her hammer as a flying scooter. It leaves an exhaust trail of pink hearts; another expands from behind her to fill the screen, then contracts away again.}
Team RBY lurk in the courtyard. Yang has her Scroll; Blake, a book ("Dealing with Hyperactive Children" →); Ruby, a cookie. Ruby would like to know if the "workout thingy" is here. Cue Nora to declare that it is, in a manner that suggests that she's running it. Yang remains self-conscious about her perceived weight after the cake incident from five episodes ago.
Nora is leaning all the way into pop-cultural depictions of the stern athletics trainer. She confiscates the respective 'fun items' before revealing that this is where the "Thunder Thighs" joke from V7 was foreshadowed. No Blake, it's not a derogatory term if you're in danger of being earthquaked like that.
Nora proceeds to put them through the personal training from hell, outracing each of them comfortably at at least one form of exercise. I don't know what they're all called, so I'll avoid embarrassing myself by trying to name any of them (at the possible cost of embarrassing myself by admitting I can't name all of them). Also an offhand reference to the grandmother that we know by now that Nora doesn't actually have.
Team RWBY lie in an exhausted pile as Nora slides over on her head and pronounces them done. With the warmup. Throwing her weapon at Ruby (top of the pile) with instructions to bench it (which I'm 99% sure is also a form of exercise) just collects Ruby in the face. "She's not human," Yang (bottom of the pile) gasps out. Cue Jaune to agree; Pyrrha and Ren have opposite arms immobilised in casts, and Jaune, being Jaune, is in an everything-below-the-neck cast. I see this was Nora's attempt at obtaining new victims.
I'm certain the music here has a name, but I couldn't tell you what it is.
More ad-speech. It's gonna get old fast.
Chibi S1E14 Big Vacation
Remember to turn your volume down again!
An exhausted Blake enters Team RWBY's dorm room and flops on the floor. (I've done that once. Slightly overrated.) She's so exhausted she can't be bothered putting up a fight when Zwei decides it's time to greet her.
It... just keeps going like that. Poor Blake.
Blake shifts away a little. Zwei does his best impression of Ruby dejectedly getting up and leaving, and is instantly prevented.
Apparently leaving isn't authorized either.
This is weirdly adorable.
Weiss is somewhere, with luggage. The view out the window includes at least one utterly stationary aircraft, so I'm going to guess airport.
Zoom out to reveal Ruby, also with luggage, and far enough that overhead signs for "gates" are visible, and Ruby is talking about a "vacation" (I'm Australian enough that I will be pronouncing it "holiday"), so yeah, almost certainly airport.
Speaking of 'I will be pronouncing that differently', Weiss remains just as exasperated with Ruby calling them "BFF"s as she was in V03C01.
"Fine," says Weiss, "I suppose one more person won't ruin my vacation." And with a line like that, it is guaranteed that there will be more than one. Blake and Yang are guaranteed; Jaune probably, the rest of his team maybe.
It's all of them except Pyrrha, plus Sun and Neptune whom I keep forgetting about. Poor Neptune, dragged along to the beach. By Ren, of all people. Oh and here's Zwei who was hidden in Ruby's luggage until he chose to emerge just now. Mountain Glenn flashbacks intensify.
{#15: The Junior Detectives logo.}
Let's all brace ourselves.
Sun and Neptune fail to work out which of them gets to be bad cop (the other one is stuck being good cop) before Nora is shoved into the interrogation room. They both end up being bad cop, which rather undermines the strategy. Sun resorts to informing her that there was a witness to "the pancake incident". Also the month of March is Chibi canon, so probably the months of the year have the same names in RWBY as they do IRL.
Cut, implied to be to the past, to a police lineup of Team RWBY+NP (who are all apparently 2 ft tall). Any idiot could assess the circumstantial evidence that Nora looks her post-cake size. Ren may not be any idiot, but he's an eyewitness, implied to have been promised protection, and points straight at Nora. Ow my poor Renora heart.
Cut back to the interrogation room, where Nora flips the interrogation around, and Neptune is abruptly very evasive about his potential alibi. He might have been somewhere else embarrassing, but this is Chibi so I'd say he probably actually did the crime ("the Pancake Massacre", as Nora puts it).
Believe it or not, it's both!
I prefer this one. Much less police brutality.
I'm just not going to bring up the ad-speech again unless/until it goes away.