[] The Captain allowed it: The intelligence they had given had proven useful, and what accounts it gave of life on this world didn't indicate the 'grotz' were treated with anything approaching dignity and empathy, and the Directorate DID have laws for allowing the rescue of refugees. Besides, technically speaking, it wasn't a violation of the prime directive: as shown by them crashing their whale into the Endeavor, the inhabitants of Monstro did in fact have space travel in addition to warp travel: the Directive never specified that it had to be technologically assisted space travel. A loophole that would land the captain in extreme hot water (and one that would likely be closed immediately), it would likely cause her to get a citation for improper conduct and some form of formal penalty for the action, but it would be accepted. Gain 1 Grot Refugee. Kyte lands in hotter water with Directorate.
can't bring myself to not let this dude come along but it uh def not a good idea to let a bunch of his friends come along either due to them being a whole new species, we don't know if they could eat our protiens how they will intergate ect feels like a accpetable comprise
[ ] Gravity: The anti-gravity systems of the Endeavor were one of the major things that kept your ships from tearing themselves apart when they moved. Damage wasn't horrible, but even at 4/5th capacity, it meant that when you launched there would be considerable damage from the stress of escaping Monstro's gravity well.
stop the ship tearing itself apart from when leaving
[ ] Communications: Right now, it wasn't just power that was at a premium: by bringing comms back on, the engineers would free up a massive amount of bandwidth, enough to hopefully allow the spirits of the ship to piggyback on the systems, letting you rouse them from their forced dormancy.
this will synergize with the below action in waking our spirits up which will massively improve current situation
[ ] Rouse the Machina: The Endeavor only had a few Machina in its crew: Navigation, Power, Security, and one in the main Mag-Tek Altar. Each of these technomantic spirits could prove the difference between life and death, with their arcane abilities being capable of empowering the ship to greatly improve performance.
syngerize with commucation to get the spirits up and going and get the really big ones up
[ ] Rouse the Drones: Meanwhile, the Drones were far, far more common: enough to effectively double the workforce, and right now, all hands on deck were needed. If they were brought back online, it would mean the repair of the ship would go immensely faster and the security team would be greatly reinforced.
double the repair speed so stuff get repaired better and quicker too and gets our secrtruiy safer too
can't bring myself to not let this dude come along but it uh def not a good idea to let a bunch of his friends come along either due to them being a whole new species, we don't know if they could eat our protiens how they will intergate ect feels like a accpetable comprise
[ ] Gravity: The anti-gravity systems of the Endeavor were one of the major things that kept your ships from tearing themselves apart when they moved. Damage wasn't horrible, but even at 4/5th capacity, it meant that when you launched there would be considerable damage from the stress of escaping Monstro's gravity well.
stop the ship tearing itself apart from when leaving
[ ] Communications: Right now, it wasn't just power that was at a premium: by bringing comms back on, the engineers would free up a massive amount of bandwidth, enough to hopefully allow the spirits of the ship to piggyback on the systems, letting you rouse them from their forced dormancy.
this will synergize with the below action in waking our spirits up which will massively improve current situation
[ ] Rouse the Machina: The Endeavor only had a few Machina in its crew: Navigation, Power, Security, and one in the main Mag-Tek Altar. Each of these technomantic spirits could prove the difference between life and death, with their arcane abilities being capable of empowering the ship to greatly improve performance.
syngerize with commucation to get the spirits up and going and get the really big ones up
[ ] Rouse the Drones: Meanwhile, the Drones were far, far more common: enough to effectively double the workforce, and right now, all hands on deck were needed. If they were brought back online, it would mean the repair of the ship would go immensely faster and the security team would be greatly reinforced.
double the repair speed so stuff get repaired better and quicker too and gets our secrtruiy safer too