I think that we should get all of the gods their first temple before we do the Hallowed shrines along with the Enshrined spirits
I've been pushing Enshrined Spirits these past few turns because with the various ShipShrines I think it's one of the few cheap ways we have to increase the safety of warp travel; it can also provide non-warp supernatural protection for our acrologies too with the CityShrines in case we get another bad roll on HazardTek and get slapped with something like the Lifesurge again.
Here's what I'm working on as a plan base, going by last turns numbers so we'll probably have some extra points in EXP and FTH to spend that are not accounted for here.
The big things in this plan are finishing up the last two quadrants so we're not totally blind to 50% of our surroundings, getting our warp capable ships set up with a herd-boosted Secondary Enshrined Spirits combo and the Revelation scanner so we can send them out to explore better and for longer, getting up some more and boosted DSMs because of the big bolded paragraph telling us they're seeing something weird, and putting a bunch of the work needed into getting a Valiant.
Completing Lifeforce Batteries also gives us the 1 Warp we need to finish Mystek Protective Wards the turn after, the same turn that the Valiant would be launching and the same turn that we would be able to complete our Extremely Advanced NukeTek weapons for it.
[] Plan: Scanning the Circle
-[] Explore Galactic North
--[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Explore Galactic East
--[] TKK Accomplishment
-[] EXP (33+)
--[] Construct Valiant Class Ship +19 (19/40)
--[] Orbital Defense Arrays +2 (10/10) -1 Nuclear
--[] Deep Space Monitors +2 (2/2) -1 Network
--[] Geode Canyon Extraction Operation +10 (10/10) +1 Nuclear
-[] CUL (22)
--[] Compulsory Secondary Education +5 (10/10) -1 Network
--[] Secondary ShipShrines +15 (15/15)
--[] Frontier Hospital +2 (2/20)
-[] FTH (22+)
--[] Enshrined Spirits +10 (10/10)
--[] Lifeforce Batteries +9 (10/10) +1 Warp
--[] Mystek Protective Wards +2 (22/40)
-[] ACD (23)
--[] Extremely Advanced NukeTek +3 (3/20)
--[] Revelation Class Scanner +20 (20/20) -1 Artefact
Nuclear: 2 > 2
Artefact: 2 > 1
Warp: 0 > 1
Living: 1
Network 2 > 0