[ ] Korgum'ai: Simian in appearance, the Korgum'ai resemble, at first glance, ancient extinct earth primates such as the Gorilla, were it not for the extra set of eyes located on the sides of their head. The resemblance is only skin deep, however: the Korgum'ai biology is far more robust than any mundane primate, the result of millennia of evolution on their relatively harsh homeworld causing all manner of internal adaptation to help them survive: it is said that the Korgum'ai invented the head transplant before they invented the wheel, though obviously such an assertion is ludicrous.
The Korgum'ai start with high Expansion Points, allowing them to rapidly develop worlds and expand their territory.
Start with the following technologies and traditions:
Universal Transplants: A trait of the Korgum'ai is that their bodies are biological plug and play machines: any lost limb or organ can easily be replaced using the organs or limbs of a different Korgum'ai. In some cases, it doesn't even require being the same organ or limb: in the early days of Korgum'ai medicine, it was not unusual for more amateur surgeons to accidentally put a heart where a liver goes, and a common joke among the Korgum'ai is that of someone going in for surgery to replace a lost arm only to wind up with a third leg.
Eldest: There are those among your people who are blessed (or perhaps cursed) with freedom from age, another quirk of your species hyperrobust physiology. Such a condition usually occurs late in your species lifecycle; the result, an eternal octogenarian. With time, these Eldest tend to accrue vast amounts of experience and wisdom, though few opt to remain part of civilization.