Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Tzeentch or not this guy is clearly very shifty just showing up conveniately when Stiz was destroying the dark mojo and trying to undo Stiz's character arc which is defeating his own demon and the Mojo gods very explicity said that dark mojo is bad.

And need I remind everyone what happened the last time when we invested too much on Dark Spirits? We have enough Dark Spirits problems already, no need to add more headaches.
Tzeentch or not this guy is clearly very shifty just showing up conveniately when Stiz was destroying the dark mojo and trying to undo Stiz's character arc which is defeating his own demon and the Mojo gods very explicity said that dark mojo is bad.

And need I remind everyone what happened the last time when we invested too much on Dark Spirits? We have enough Dark Spirits problems already, no need to add more headaches.

I propose we get Anti-Chaos wards this turn, then go for the Fool to put Tzeentch through unimaginable agony via tomfoolery and plans foiled not through intrigue and wits, but through sheer stupidity and luck.

Also, doing a Lunar Monk plan would help as well.
I propose we get Anti-Chaos wards this turn, then go for the Fool to put Tzeentch through unimaginable agony via tomfoolery and plans foiled not through intrigue and wits, but through sheer stupidity and luck.

Wait does the changling exist in this universe... because if so, we may not need to worry too much about Mr. "all according to plan."
It doesn't have to be Tzeentch trying to fucking Hobbgrots over, it could be a particulary malevolent Dark Spirit or Dark Mojo itself having a last attempt to save itself or some non-daemonic warp creature like Enslavers or Khimeras.

Either way, this guy gives all manner of red flags.
I propose we get Anti-Chaos wards this turn, then go for the Fool to put Tzeentch through unimaginable agony via tomfoolery and plans foiled not through intrigue and wits, but through sheer stupidity and luck.

Also, doing a Lunar Monk plan would help as well.
We're in no danger from invasion during the timewarp--and that includes from Chaos. We were suggested to do meme plans or stuff we wouldn't ordinarily do. Normally, I'd be in favor of improving our military and subversive capabilities--but I'd rather focus on other stuff during the timeskip.
Also, another reason why I don't trust this blue guy is because he use classic "it's your own choice" manipulation tactic which is giving someone seeds of doubt conveniately at when they were doing or are stressed making them vunerable and just shrug and say "it's your own choice" making them more susceptible to fell prey for honey words.
Ok, so, this plan is focused on boosting our manufacturing and unions. It uses left over points to get a bunch of neat projects we keep not taking due to urgent stuff.

[X] Plan: Union Time

-[X] Fleets:

--[X] Resistance, Valiant, Delivery and Accomplishment:

---[X] Hunting the Phasmid

--[X] TKK Discovery

---[X] Yr Albain Scanning

---[X] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting

--[X] TKK Endeavor-B

---[X] Black Hole Study Duty

---[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts


---[X] H'Kek Medical Research


---[X] Flying Saucer Peace Mission

--[X] Spirit of Toxel

---[X] H'Kann Research

---[X] Explore Horizon

-[X] EXP (155/153 +2 Frontier Society)

--[X] Union Wayside Caravanserai 0--> 25/25

--[X] Naklis Powertool Factory 0--> 15/15

--[X] MegaMachines of the Volatile Lands! 0-->50/50 +1 NK +1 LM

--[X] Gleam Manufacturing District 0--> 15/15

--[X] Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex 0--> 10/10

--[X] Alkemote Bottling Facility 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Erichthean PharmaFactory 0--> 15/15 -1 BIO

-[X] CUL (130/130)

--[X] Folk Mantras 0--> 25/25

--[X] Comradist Dispensers 0--> 25/25

--[X] Orbital Pioneer Factory Ships 0--> 25/25

--[X] The Mazovist Script 0--> 30/30

--[X] Orbital Pioneer Mega-Power Ships 0--> 20/20

--[X] Emerald Line Agri-Outposts 0→ 5/5

-[X] FTH (127/126+1 Frontier Society)

--[X] UnionTek Novagods 0--> 15/15 -1 ART

--[X] Silvertine Androids 0--> 25/25

--[X] Bond-Technomata 0--> 30/30

--[X] DarkHeart Machina Platforms 0-->25/25

--[X] Rite of Communion 0--> 15/15

--[X] Rite of Soul 3--> 15/15

--[X] Nuclear Ritual Engines 0--> 15/15 -2 NK

-[X] ACD (119/113+6)

--[X] Artificing Chamber 0--> 25/25 -1 ART

--[X] BlokBot Optimization Principle 0--> 25/25

--[X] Robogrot 0--> 20/20 -1NT

--[X] Gestalt Protocol 3--> 15/15

--[X] Mountain Blood 0--> 25/25 +1 WRP

--[X] Antientropic Fields 0-->10/10

--[X] MotherTennae 0→2/50

-[X] Resource Management

–[X] Nuclear Material: 1 --> 0

–[X] Biodata: 4--> 3

–[X] ART: 4 --> 2

–[X] Warp (WP): 1 --> 3

–[X] Living Metal: 3 --> 4

–[X] Network: 4 -->3

–[X] Intel: 0

This plan rocks ✊🏾

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Also, another reason why I don't trust this blue guy is because he use classic "it's your own choice" manipulation tactic which is giving someone seeds of doubt conveniately at when they were doing or are stressed making them vunerable and just shrug and say "it's your own choice" making them more susceptible to fell prey for honey words.

In spite of the fact that this is 40K I do not think this is as simple as Tzeench!Lol. @The Bird has gone out of his way to make some pretty out there things happen in this quest, from a surviving Old One to non-omnicidal C'tan. Could the blue eyed being be unpleasant in some way? Certainly, but they do not feel like Chaos and I also do not think that Shizak's dark side would be Chaotic. After all why would it? He was/is one of the greenskins, their dark side has very little to do with the dark gods.
It doesn't fucking matter if it is Chaos or not, look at the facts:

1-convenient shows up when Stiz was killing Dark Mojo and tell him not to

2-say the classic "it's your choice" manipulation and not even telling why he should spare Dark Mojo

3-the Mojo gods were very clear that Dark Mojo is bad

4-again need I remind you what happened the last time we invested too much on Dark Spirits? We already having Mimics, Boougs, Wither and all kinds of nasty shit we are dealing with, do really want to risk more Dark Spirits who have Orkish characteristics?

5-came when Stiz is under stress and most vunerable, why that thing didn't showed up sooner?

In conclusion: who ever the fuck it is they are a nasty manipulative deceitful shifty piece of shit who wants to fuck our Orange Bois over.
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It doesn't fucking matter if it is Chaos or not, look at the facts:

1-convenient shows up when Stiz was killing Dark Mojo and tell him not to

2-say "it's your choice" and not even telling why he should spare Dark Mojo

3-the Mojo gods were very clear that Dark Mojo is bad

4-again need I remind you what happened the last time we invested too much on Dark Spirits? We already having Mimics, Boougs, Wither and all kinds of nasty shit we are dealing with, do really want to risk more Dark Spirits who have Orikish characteristics?

5-came when Stiz is under stress and most vunerable, why that thing didn't showed up sooner?

In conclusion: who ever the fuck it is they are a nasty manipulative deceitful shifty piece of shit

It actually does matter if it it Chaos because Chaos is just so bad. People, ork or no have dark sides and if that dark side does not get reflected in the warp by the lines of 'Mimics, Boougs, Wither and all kinds of nasty shit' it is that much more likely to be reflected by actual daemons. It is like the elves in fantasy and the eldar for that matter, you do not see many of them fall to Khorne because Khaine is right there to pick up the ones who like killing a bit too much.
It actually does matter if it it Chaos because Chaos is just so bad. People, ork or no have dark sides and if that dark side does not get reflected in the warp by the lines of 'Mimics, Boougs, Wither and all kinds of nasty shit' it is that much more likely to be reflected by actual daemons. It is like the elves in fantasy and the eldar for that matter, you do not see many of them fall to Khorne because Khaine is right there to pick up the ones who like killing a bit too much.
I'd also not that the thing for it explcitys say it will be transformed
[ ] The Dark Mojo: Transform it, reshape the shadow into something else. He would make it into a Mojo, one that governed darker forces and emotions such as fear. This would avail the Hobbgrots a powerful way to harness and protect from these forces.
so it not gonna stay the same thing as stiz fought
Again forget Chaos my argument is not whether it is Chaos or not or what the hell that thing even is, but what its intentions for wanting for Dark Mojo not being killed.
Not everything bad and horrible involves Chaos.

I would rather not make choices focused entirely on paranoia about the person who showed up at the end of the vision quest, too many unknown unknowns to know anything beside 'looks shifty'.
Also, question: Can I include the Iron Crown xenotheology outposts in my plan, or if I do will a lot of people start worrying about imminent Chaotic contamination even during the timeskip?

Because I don't want to have to worry about that, but I'd also like to get the outposts.
Also, question: Can I include the Iron Crown xenotheology outposts in my plan, or if I do will a lot of people start worrying about imminent Chaotic contamination even during the timeskip?

Because I don't want to have to worry about that, but I'd also like to get the outposts.
I don't mind getting the Iron Crown project. We're just studying things, after all, as opposed to going in and messing around with stuff. I think that's safe enough with our current wards.
I've updated my plans and added Fleet Actions. I'll be asleep when the voting starts so please if you like one of these plans, post them.

This plan focuses on art and muse projects and also has three Assembler projects in FTH section.

[] Plan: FOR ART V.3
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] TKK Resistance
---[] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[] TKK Valiant
---[] Warp Route R-21 (1)
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Moby Monstro Observation
---[] Tortuga Observation
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
---[] Warp Route R-22
--[] TKK Accomplishment
---[] Warp Route R-21 (2)
--[] TKK Discovery
---[] H'Kek Medical Research
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Flying Saucer Peace Mission
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] H'Kann Industrial Development

-[] EXP 153/153
--[] TeraArt Gallery: (0/100 --> 100/100), create small moon sized art installations, increasing CUL by 10. Cost 1 NK and 1 NT.
--[] Ice-Art Galleries: (0/10 --> 10/10), increases CUL from the establishment of Ice-Art Gallery.
--[] Flamedance Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Flamedance Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Metalsong Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] Prismlight Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Prismlight Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material
--[] ShrineCity: (0/20 --> 13/20), establishes ShrineCity, a Holy Site that increases FTH by an elevated amount.

-[] CUL 130/130
--[] Metamorphae Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Holy Metamorphaen Muses, automata empowered via Divine Rite, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] The Digitesque Movement: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain Digitesque Movement increasing CUL. Cost 1 NT.
--[] PygmaliTek Workshop: (0/15 --> 15/15), increases CUL by an elevated amount.
--[] Glasmite Resonart: (0/10 --> 10/10), Glasmite Resonart becomes standardized, increasing CUL and Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Elder Art: (0/20 ---> 20/20), grants significant CUL and upgrades all TekArt, costs 1 ART.
--[] Great Gallery Artquarium: (0/25 --> 25/25), Great Gallery gains Sixth Plate, the Artquariums.
--[] DazzleCubes: (2/15 --> 15/15), grants Crude DazzleCube technology, a infantry scale non-lethal weapon that can be used to distract clusters of enemies.
--[] Illusion Matrixes: (0/25 --> 2/25), gain Illusion Matrixes, allowing for improved disguises, increasing CUL.
--[] Naturae Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Sacred Naturae Muses, automata empowered by Nature, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.

-[] FTH 126/126
--[] ConsecraTek Ateliers: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain ConsecraTek Ateliers, increasing ART by 1 and CUL.
--[] Calling Dance: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.
--[] War-Muses: (5/15 --> 6/15), gain War-Muses, advanced intelligent combat automata specializing in Blade-Dancing.
--[] Offerings to the Dancer: (0/10 --> 10/10), grants random Divine Boon of the Dancer, cost 1 Warp. Repeatable, first time costs no Warp.
--[] Brain of the Assembly: (0/25 --> 25/25), creates Brain of the Assembly, granting 5 NK and FTH. Cost 1 ART.
--[] Rites of the Dancer: (0/10 --> 10/10), develops Lesser Dancer Rites, increasing FTH and CUL significantly. 2 Warp
--[] The Book: (0/15 --> 15/15), craft the Book, Avatar of Memory, allowing for the storage of memories and experiences and increasing ACD.
--[] The Dagger: (0/15 --> 15/15), craft the Dagger, Avatar of Sacrifice, increasing the strength of rites and increasing FTH.

-[] ACD 113+6/113
--[] PowerArt: (0/25 --> 25/25), develop PowerArt, increased EXP as Art in the Directorate becomes useful as a power source. Costs 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] SmartArt: (0/25 --> 25/25), develop SmartArt, increasing ACD as Art in the Directorate incorporates far better computer hardware in their pieces. Cost 1 Network.
--[] BioArt: (0/20 --> 20/20), develop BioArt, increasing CUL as Art in the Directorate becomes far easier at incorporating life and nature into its design. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[] HoloTek: (1/25 --> 25/25), unlocks Crude HoloDeck Technology, increasing CUL.
--[] Mega-Art Charging Stations: (4/25 --> 25/25), develop Mega-Art Charging Stations, increasing CUL by an elevated amount and increasing Warp.
--[] Gestalt Protocol: (3/15 --> 7/15), develop Gestalt-Drones, advanced automata created from a multitude of fused together synthetic souls instead of singular awoken machine spirits. If completed automatically, lose 1 Nuclear Material.

-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 4 --> 3
--[] Biodata: 4 --> 3
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3 --> 2
--[] Network: 4 --> 1
--[] Nuclear Material: 1 --> 2
--[] Warp: 1 --> 0

This plan focuses on helping our Khimer allies and reviving Sandscorn.

[] Plan: Sandscorn Blooms
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] TKK Resistance
---[] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[] TKK Valiant
---[] Warp Route R-21 (1)
--[] TKK Endeavor-B
---[] Moby Monstro Observation
---[] Tortuga Observation
--[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
---[] Warp Route R-22
--[] TKK Accomplishment
---[] Warp Route R-21 (2)
--[] TKK Discovery
---[] H'Kek Medical Research
--[] TKK Delivery
---[] Flying Saucer Peace Mission
--[] TKK Emissary
---[] H'Kann Industrial Development

-[] EXP 153/153
--[] Sandscorn Water Drop: (5/20 --> 43/20), Sandscorn gains large shipment of water, increasing habitable zone somewhat. 5 Reputation, repeatable.
--[] Sandscorn Magneto-Shield: (0/25 --> 25/25), upgrade Sandscorn Heat-Shield, generating 2 Khimer favor and providing an alternative method to repel harmful radiation from the planet.
--[] Sandscorn Ashfall: (0/25 --> 25/25), Sandscorn gains Ashfall Generators, increasing Respect by 3.
--[] GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding: (0/25 --> 25/25), Sandscorn gains GigaDrill Deep Mantle Shielding, increasing NK from trade and raising Khimer reputation by 2.
--[] Sandscorn Skyhook: (0/25 --> 15/25), Khimer gain Skyhook Spacestation, allowing them to ship resources to and from space without assistance, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Sandscorn Mining Ships: (0/25 --> 25/25), Khimer gain Mining Ships, increasing EXP from their trade route, and respect by 3.

-[] CUL 130/130
--[] Gas for Meat: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain EXP from trade. Khimer Rep +2. WARNING: Only five Khimer cargo slots are available. Taking additional trade deals past those ones will require assigning additional ships or upgrades to hauling capacity.
--[] Nukes for Meds: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain EXP from trade. Cost 1 Nuclear Material. Khimer Rep +2. WARNING: Only five Khimer cargo slots are available. Taking additional trade deals past those ones will require assigning additional ships or upgrades to hauling capacity.
--[] Sandscorn Shroombogs: (0/25 --> 25/25), Sandscorn gains the Shroombogs Hobbgrot Society, allowing them to slowly begin integrating Hobbgrot and orkoid genetics into their technology and ecology and increasing their labour pool, increasing Khimer reputation by 5.
--[] Eldritch Rebirth: (0/25 --> 25/25), create Eldritch Plays, increasing reputation with the Khimer and raising influence with all subfactions as well as FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Corpse Trade: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain EXP and ACD, +1 BioData, increases AutoFacility Influence, raise Khimer reputation by 2.
--[] Winterspite Battlezone Lodging: (5/25 --> 10/25), Winterspite gains Battlezone Lodging.

-[] FTH 126/126
--[] Ritual of Lifes Renewal: (0/25 --> 25/25), increases Khimer reputation by ten. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Rite of Natures Breath: (0/25 --> 25/25), increases EXP. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Rite of Natures Cleansing: (0/25 --> 25/25), increases CUL. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Lifegiver Effigies: (0/15 --> 15/15), creates Lifegiver Effigies, spreading the Spirits of Life across the Directorate, increasing EXP and gaining 3 Warp. Cost 1 ART.
--[] Rite of Soul: (3/15 --> 14/15), unlocks Rite of Soul, increasing EXP and FTH.
--[] Rite of Communion: (0/15 --> 14/15), unlocks Rite of Communion, increasing FTH and CUL.
--[] Bond-Technomata: (0/30 --> 11/30), create Bond-Technomata, advanced psyker machine spirits.

-[] ACD 119/113
--[] Sandscorn Desert-Biosphere Hybridization Program: (0/25 --> 25/25), modifies numerous organisms in the Khimers genetic database to be more suited for desert biomes, improving biosphere robustness overall. Cost 1 BioData.
--[] Sandscorn Devourer Eco-Hybridization: (0/15 --> 15/15), develop tyrannic derived Eco-Adaptations, helping to proof it against future Devourer assaults. Cost 2 BioData. NOTE: This is not HazardTek.
--[] Devourer Warforme Study: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain indepth biological data from cloned living Tyranids. Grants 1 BioData.
--[] State Secrets of the Khimer Psyocracy: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain Khimer State Secrets Dossier, increasing Intel.
--[] Khimer Genetic Damage: (0/45 --> 4/45), costs 2 BioData, unaltered Khimer lifespan increased by decade, increasing respect by 2.
--[] Sandscorn Pilot Gene-Recombination: (0/25 --> 25/25), Khimer regain ability to produce Pilotformes again, increasing their reputation by 2 and increasing Coffin Fleet influence by 1.

-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 4 --> 3
--[] Biodata: 4 --> 3
--[] Intel: 0 --> 1
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 4
--[] Nuclear Material: 1
--[] Warp: 1 --> 0
You know, the Toymaker seems to have a lot of family members it's crazy.

It's would be nice if we already unlocked him.

Also, Mad Tinker… devils going into engineering would be helpful. Nightmarish toys from hell along with heat, this sounds similar to Hashut from the Chaos Dwarf faction.

Now I know some people might say 'this is too risky' but I think this idea will work because it's better to have some devils swearing allegiance under the Toy Maker pantheon and it'll give benefits in the end. Besides, better to have daemons cutting ties with Chaos and becoming Krampus' little helpers.
Here's another question: what could possibly gained from have Dark Mojo because some rando says so who we have no idea what their intentions is and the Mojo gods very explicity said Dark Mojo is bad? Especially when our over investment on Aniamania give us a lot of trouble many times over.

Or is it because I said the word Chaos and everyone reacted allergetically? because again I don't give a shit if it is Chaos or not, fuck Chaos, fuck me for saying the C word, that's not my argument my point is that the guy who conveneitally showed up telling Stiz not to kill his inner demon when he was going to kill it and the Mojo gods very clearly said Dark Mojo is bad can not be trusted and doesn't have the best of intents.
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Choosing to trust some rando we never met over the Mojo gods who are a known factor and we do know what their intentions are is like when your family literally tolds you not to do drugs and do therapy but you meet a stranger you never meet before much less what their agenda is who says 'nah uh, drugs good, therapy bad!'.

I get where you are coming from. 'Mysterious warp-y stranger' is a bad trope in Warhammer, but at the same time Tekia has portals into the warp that we are pulling power out of, that is not just a bad trope, that is the precise means by which Chaos came to Warhammer Fantasy. Yet the planet is not a daemon world. Under those circumstances I think I would rather vote for what I want to see rather than against what I am afraid of seeing.
Regarding the potential Dark Mojo, we do have an example of someone essentially taming their own darkness with the Peerless Immortal Functionary and his Judgements. It seems perfectly possible to do something similar with Stitzlack.
And what do you want to see?

A dark god that is not Chaos, maybe one that will have a relationship with the rest of the mojo analogous to the House of devils and the other Aniamania. Dark emotions are going to happen anyway, there is an argument to me made for keeping them in house somehow, managing rather than suppressing the darkness, because some people are not going to want to suppress them and for them there are many in the Great Ocean willing to offer bargains.