Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Iron Shores Bioengine: Koptu had his own rather urgent request: he believed that he has the means to create not only a universal genekey, but one capable of mimicking the highest possible level security codes. This would massively simplify the AutoVessels to bypass large swathes of security. He just needed Directorate assistance to build the means to craft it: the BioEngine. 0/25, AutoVessels gain BioEngine. Cost 1 BioData. This turn only.
We need to take this.
[] Plan: Humies, Grots, and Solar
--[] Endeavor-B
---[]Survey Vault-Ket system
---[]Stabilize Temple Comet
--[] Resistance
---[] H'k Wargames
-- [] Valiant
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[] Discovery
---[]Exploring Galactic South
---[]H'Kek Medical Research
--[] Accomplishment
---[]Exploring Galactic South
---[]H'Kann Industrial Development
--[] Spirit of Toxel
---[] H'Kek Medical Research
---[]Exploring Galactic South

--[] Delivery and Emissary
---[] Docked
-[]EXP(147+3 from frontier society/150):
--[]Stizlak's Outback 0-->50/50 +3 BIO
--[]Lunar Forges 0-->20/25 (+1 ART when finished, which it isn't)
--[]Tacchis Ice Cavern Servers 0--> 25/25 +1NT
--[]Lunar MegaHub 0-->40/40 -2 NK, +5 NT

--[] Naklis Solar Satellites 0->15/15 (Generates EXP, unlocks further SolarTek)
-[] CUL (120/120):
--[]Tacchis Nova Mechanica Temple 0-->25/25 +1 ART
--[] Grot Graffiti Cannons 0--> 25/25
--[] Lurp Zone 0-->25/25
--[] Cabal Research Outpost 0→20/20
-[] FTH (120/120)
--[] Starchild Testament 0-->50/50
--[]What the Zog? 0--> 15/15
--[]Mojo Shrines 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP
--[] Mojo Shrooms 0--> 10/10
--[]TekPyramids 0-->15/15 +1 WRP
--[] War-Muses 0-->5/15
-[] ACD (100/103):
--[]Orkoid Xenobiology 0-->15/15
--[]Hobbgrottic Park 0-->10/10
--[]FathaShroomz 0--> 25/25 -5 BIO +1WRP
--[] SistaBrainz 0--> 25/25 -5 NT
--[]MegaGrot Serum 0--> 15/15 -1 Bio
–[]Darwin Class Scanner 0→10/10 -1 BIO

-[] Resource Management:
–[] Nuclear Material: 3 --> 1
–[] Biodata: 6 -->2
–[] ART: 2-->3
–[] Warp (WP): 0 -->1
–[] Living Metal: 3
–[] Network: 4 --> 5
–[] Intel: 0

This is the same as the Humies and Grots thing, but the EXP section has been changed in order to start in on SolarTek. This does lead to one fewer ART, and no Ferrocrystal Manufacturing this turn, but the ART can be gotten next turn easily for five points, and it both starts SolarTek (useful) and gives EXP (which helps us make up for the things cut from the plan this turn.)
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If I had to guess at the mechanics of the 'Time Stop', it would be that it is actually a time acceleration; stopping time for the galaxy would be much, much harder than just speeding up time for the Teklia system so that it experiences three years for every one that passes outside, thus cramming three turns into one turn's timeslot.
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Seawarp Mutations: Imperials apparently had a cultural taboo against mutation of all stripes: using the mutagenic abilities of the Vita of Life the Curse of Darktide could be modified to double as a psychological weapon by inflicting various minor mutations, largely based on sea-life on those afflicted, as well as enhancing any conjured organisms. For some reason, the Abyssal Monks were especially enthused for this idea. 0/25, upgrade Darktide with the power of Life.

This is very effectice on Imperials, turning their own forces against each other while showing them why xenophobia sucks, killing two birds in one stone.
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Posting my plan (the plan with the Trees) another time, this time with Fleet Actions. If I messed anything up with those, please tell me.
[] Plan: Trees Trees Trees
-[]Fleet Actions
--[] Delivery
---[] Exploring Galactic South (1)
---[] Exploring Galactic South (2)
--[] Endeavor-B
---[] Exploring Galactic South (3)
---[] Exploring Galactic South (4)
--[] Discovery
---[] Moby Monstro
---[] Exploring the Reach
--[] Accomplishment
---[] Warp Route R-19
---[] Yr Albain Scanning
--[] Valiant
---[]Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[] Emissary
---[]Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
--[] Spirit of Toxel
---[] Survey Vaulket System
---[] Temple-Comet Stabilization
--[] Resistance
---[] Warp Route R-22
-[] EXP 147/147 (+3 from Frontier society)
--[] Mangrove Hatcheries: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain Mangrove Hatcheries, increasing EXP.
--[] Stizlak's Outback: (0/50 --> 50/50), Create Stizlaks Outback, a Hobb-Grot "homeworld", increasing EXP by 3 and granting 3 BioData.
--[] Sacred Groves: (0/20 --> 20/20), unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] Void Rail Shrine Network: (0/50 --> 50/50), gain Void Rail Shrine Network, spreading Shrine effects, increasing EXP.
--[] Trovian Logging Operations: (0/10 --> 5/10), increases EXP.
-[] CUL 120/120
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: (0/15 --> 15/15), upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[] Pyrefly Court Arboriad: (0/20 --> 20/20), Pyrefly Courts (and all associate projects) gain Arboread, increasing CUL.
--[] Naturae Muses: (0/10 --> 10/10), unlock Sacred Naturae Muses, automata empowered by Nature, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Pyrefly Court Harmonium: (0/20 --> 20/20), Pyrefly Courts (and all associated projects) gain Harmonium Attaches, increasing CUL.
--[] Fruit of the Occult Tree: (0/15 --> 15/15), TekGrimoires upgraded with Lifefruit Heart, increasing FTH.
--[] Mystek Apiaries: (0/15 --> 15/15), Mysteks gain Chorus Beeswax Candles, increasing CUL.
-[] FTH 120/120
--[] Greater Arbor Guardian: (0/10 --> 10/10), develop Greater Arbor Guardian, increasing FTH and strengthening Shrines. Cost 1 Warp. for both electrical and arcane power.
--[] Undying Arbor: (0/25 --> 25/25), upgrades Arbors with advanced regeneration, cell repair, immune system, and redundant survival organs, increasing CUL and creating extremely hard to kill trees and other megaflora. Cost 2 Biodata.
--[] Lifegiver Effigies: (0/15 --> 15/15), creates Lifegiver Effigies, spreading the Spirits of Life across the Directorate, increasing EXP and gaining 3 Warp. Cost 1 ART.
--[] World Tree: (0/15 --> 15/15), develop World Tree, increasing FTH considerably and improving WyldTek performance. Costs 1 Warp to reduce cost to 0/15.
--[] Rite of Natures Awakening: (0/25 --> 25/25), gain Rite of Natures Awakening, increasing the growth and evolution of nature spirits, generating CUL.
--[] Familiars: (0/20 --> 20/20), develop Wyld-Drones, Drone class automata formed not from ascended machine spirits but the souls of beasts and plants of sufficient soul strength.
--[] Mojo Shrooms: (0/10 --> 10/10), creates MojoShrooms, encouraging some Hobbgrots to walk the path of the Mystic.
-[] ACD 103/103
--[] Arbor Minds: (0/15 --> 15/15), increases CUL, cost 1 Network.
--[] ArborSerum: (0/25 --> 25/25), develop ArborSerum, increasing CUL and Warp.
--[] BioArt: (0/25 --> 25/25), develop BioArt, increasing CUL as Art in the Directorate becomes far easier at incorporating life and nature into its design. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[] Mountain Blood: (0/25 --> 25/25), set up Mountain Blood harvesting operation, increasing Warp by 1.
--[] Hobbgrottic Park: (0/10 --> 10/10), establishes Hobgrottic Park, increasing CUL and encouraging some Hobbgrots to walk the Path of the Conservationist.
--[] Totem-Net: (0/15 --> 3/15), Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 2 --> 0
--[] Biodata: 8 --> 6
--[] Intel: 0
--[] Living Metal: 3
--[] Network: 4 --> 3
--[] Nuclear Material: 3
--[] Warp: 0 --> 3
I'm not changing out Familiars, I kind of like the idea of sticking nature spirits into robots. It also feels very Tekket to me.
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So, these are my plans.
[] Plan: The Proletariat Rises
-[] Fleet Actions:
–[] TKK Resistance
-–[] Yr Albain Giant Deployment
–[] TKK Valiant
–[] TKK Endeavor-B
-–[] H'k Wargames
–[] TKK Accomplishment
-–[] Temple-Comet Stabilisation
–[] TKK Discovery
-–[] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
-–[] H'kek Medical Research
–[] TKK Delivery
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Emissary
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
-–[] H'kann Industrial Development
-–[] Explore Galactic South
-[] EXP (147/147+10)
–[] Naklis Solar Satellites 0/15→15/15
–[] MegaHarvester Manufactory 0/25→25/25
–[] Naklis Powertool Factory 0/15→15/15
–[] Tacchis Surface Mining 0/15→15/15 +NK
–[] Ferrocrystal Manufacturing Complex 0/10→10/10
–[] Kelp-Farms 0/10→10/10
–[] Glacier Mining 0/10→10/10
–[] Erichthean Pharmafactory 0/15→15/15, -1 Biodata
–[] Anchor-City 0/10→10/10
–[] Gleam Manufacturing District 0/15→15/15
–[] Spra'ang Mineralogical Survey 0/10→10/10
–[] Spra'ang Embassies 0/10-->7/15
-[] CUL (111/120)
–[] Wonderpark Space Docks 9/15→15/15
–[] The Mazovist Script 0/30→30/30
–[] Folk Mantras 0/25→25/25
–[] Comradist Dispensers 0/25→25/25
–[] Shell of the Storm Kraken 0/25→25/25
–[] BlokBot Sales 0/25→9/25
-[] FTH 120
–[] Nuclear Ritual Engines 0/15→15/15, -2 NK
–[] Silvertine Androids 0/25→25/25
–[] UnionTek Novagods 0/15→15/15, -1 ART
–[] Bond-Technomata 0/30→30/30
–[] Rite of Soul 3/15→15/15
–[] Rite of Communion 0/15→15/15
–[] Rite of Restoration 0/25→8/25
-[] ACD 103
–[] Gestalt Protocol 3/15→15/15
–[] BlokBot Optimisation Protocol 0/25→25/25
–[] OmniPatcher 0/25→25/25
–[] Board of Peer Review 0/25→25/25 + WARP, + 1 ART
–[] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship 0/25→16/25
-[X] Resource Management:
–[X] Nuclear Material: 3
–[X] Biodata: 8→7
–[X] ART: 2
–[X] Warp (WP): 0→1
–[X] Living Metal: 3
–[X] Network: 4
–[X] Intel: 0
[] Plan: Archmagical Ascendance
-[] Fleet Actions:
–[] TKK Resistance
-–[] Yr Albain Giant Deployment
–[] TKK Valiant
–[] TKK Endeavor-B
-–[] H'k Wargames
–[] TKK Accomplishment
-–[] Temple-Comet Stabilisation
–[] TKK Discovery
-–[] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
-–[] H'kek Medical Research
–[] TKK Delivery
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Emissary
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
-–[] H'kann Industrial Development
-–[] Explore Galactic South
-[] EXP 147 (+6)
–[] OO-67's Micro Singularity 0/25→25/25
–[] CityBlock Resonance Drive 0/20→20/20
–[] Sacred Groves 0/20→20/20 + Warp
–[] Alkemote Bottling Facility 0/25→25/25 +1 Warp
–[] Nuclear Resonance Engine 0/50→50/50, -1 Warp, + 2 NK
–[] Lunar Vineyard 3/10→9(+1)/10
–[] Great Grave of Spra'ang 0/10-->7/10
-[] CUL 120 (+1)
–[] Fruit of the Occult Tree 0/15→15/15
–[] JinxTek Jr Playkit 0/25→ 25/25
–[] Deathmasks 0/25→25/25
–[] Sleepwalk Brew 0/15→15/15
–[] Glasmite Hymnals 0/15→15/15
–[] ArcanoTek Orchestrions 0/20→20/20, -1 Warp
–[] Wonderpark Space Docks 9/15→15/15
-[] FTH 120
–[] Nuclear Ritual Engines 0/15→15/15 -2 NK
–[] Mojo Shrooms 0/10→10/10
–[] Polar Tower of the Hermit 27/50→50/50, -1 Warp
–[] Rite of Soul 3/15→15/15
–[] Rite of Communion 0/15→15/15
–[] Mimic Traps 0/15→15/15
–[] Rites of the Toymaker 0/25, -2 Warp
–[] Rite of Restoration 0/25→5/25
-[] ACD 103 (+3)
–[] Ecto-Detector 0/25→25/25 +1 Warp
–[] Mountain Blood 0/25→25/25 +1 Warp
–[] Peer Review Board 0/25→25/25, +1 ART, +1 Warp
–[] Mega-Art Charging Stations 4/25→25/25 +1 Warp
–[] Hobbgrottic Park 0/10→10/10
-[X] Resource Management:
–[X] Nuclear Material: 3
–[X] Biodata: 8
–[X] ART: 2
–[X] Warp (WP): 0→1
–[X] Living Metal: 3
–[X] Network: 4
–[X] Intel: 0
[] Plan: Mysteries of the Moon
-[] Fleet Actions:
–[] TKK Resistance
-–[] Yr Albain Giant Deployment
–[] TKK Valiant
–[] TKK Endeavor-B
-–[] H'k Wargames
–[] TKK Accomplishment
-–[] Temple-Comet Stabilisation
–[] TKK Discovery
-–[] Yr Albain Artefact Hunting
-–[] H'kek Medical Research
–[] TKK Delivery
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Emissary
-–[] Drydock
–[] TKK Spirit of Toxel
-–[] H'kann Industrial Development
-–[] Explore Galactic South
-[] EXP 141/147(+4)
–[] Infinite Inspiration Accelerator 0/25→25/25 -1 Network
–[] Lunar Vineyard 4/10→10/10
–[] Supreme Comprehension Psychotron 0/25→25/25, -1 Network
–[] Endless Enlightenment Matrix 0/25→25/25, -1 Network
–[] Cosmic Empathy Engine 0/25→25/25, -1 Network
–[] Lunar Forges 0/25→25/25 +ART
–[] Meeklak Mega-Salvage 0/10→10/10 +1 ART
–[] OO-67's Micro Singularity 0/25→10/25
-[] CUL 110/120
–[] Lunar Consulls 0/25→25/25 -1 Network
–[] Sleepwalk Brew 0/15→15/15
–[] Muse Chorusnet, 0/25→25/25 -2 Network
–[] Cabal Research Outpost 0/20→18(+2)/20
–[] Tacchis Nova Mechanica Temple 0/25→25/25, + ART
–[] Festival of the Dead 0/10→10/10
–[] Wonderpark Space Docks 9/15-->11/15
-[] FTH 115/120(+6)
–[] Mojo Shrooms 0/10→10/10
–[] Rite of Restoration 0/25→25/25, -1 Warp
–[] Meditative Talismans 0/15→15/15 -1 Network
–[] TekPyramids 0/15→15/15; -1 Warp
–[] Delve Into Shifting Tessaract 0/50→50/50 +2 ART
–[] Holywick Lantern Candles 4/15→15/15
-[] ACD 98/103
–[] Stasis Platform 0/40→40/40, -1 ART
–[] HyperTek Nexus 0/45→45/45, -3 ART; -1 NK, + 10 Network
–[] Temple Expedition 0/15→15/15
–[] Secrets of the Khimer Psycocracy 0/25→3/25
-[X] Resource Management:
–[X] Nuclear Material: 3
–[X] Biodata: 8
–[X] ART: 2
–[X] Warp (WP): 0
–[X] Living Metal: 3
–[X] Network: 4→6
–[X] Intel: 0

I think I like The Proletariat Must Rise the most; not only does it take care of our industry problem and gets started on solar stuff, there's also Magical Girl Ferrets getting unlocked.
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I think I have a plan on how to deal with the hive world. Without revealing us to be the threat or cause.


We need to gather intel on two things. First, who is the most rebellious hive? and second is for what cargo ships frequent the area and back.


Hijack a cargo vessel that is mostly alone and unimportant. Then repair it and replace it with a loyal crew of humans to us. Remeber, we are not touching the contents.


hide the stuff and mysteks required to create magical springs (if spells like the darktide can allow us to do that.) along with a squad of hunteks.


let the fake crew resume the route and deliver the contents to the hive world. And during the unloading our team will get out with all the equipment and head down to the surface.


The mysteks then goes to the rebellious hive and preform rituals to create, multiple, normal (no curses, no ill-effects or positive effects outside of never being dirty), freshwater springs around the under and lower hives.


When our commandeered cargo ship returns, our team of mysteks and hunteks will then try to return to the cargo ship.


Once confirmation is received that the team is extracted, we will... call up favor with the winterspite eldari to "raid" the ship. Getting both our fake crew out along with the mysteks and huntek. And in exchange, the dark Eldar can keep the cargo aboard the cargo ship.

end goal:

Well, what is the point all of this? We gave them freshwater springs that don't give mutation. Well, for those not in the know. Hive cities and hive worlds are mostly devoid of clean... anything. Clean water, clean air. Heck, some famous hive worlds like Necromunda have to recycle their air and water so many times that a pile of fossilized millennia-old shit tastes like a Gourmade meal.

So, most of their food has to be imported from Agri worlds. But with the ability to grow their own food, the rebellious hive city can have a sense of independence. And that leads to revolutionary thoughts.

And I don't need to tell you what that leads to.

Best case scinario: a revolution will happen; the previous planetary governor will be kicked out and killed and they may want to take it even further. Invading the other worlds of the imperial system. Giving us both a buffer for any imperial zealots and if things go south, combat data on how the imperium operates.

Worse case in our favor: the hive world is weakened, meaning the launch point for any attack (that we know of) will be hampered. By the fact the hive world underwent a civil war and its infrastructure is dog shit or destroyed.
How about we expand and coordinate the Emissaries of the Outer Dark into a spy/subversion ring ?

Read the one side story. They're already sort of subverting chaos cults (and occasionally seducing people, no idea what a genuinely loving human/pseudo-daemon relationship looks like but someone is going to find out). Still coordination and active efforts are very useful.
Still reading through the backlog since the update, but these are the two plans I've put together that I'm most confident of.

This is my personally favorite plan, which broadly does three things: max synergy for the Polar Tower (creating a massive boost to Teklia's magic), helping the Hobbgrotts, and building outposts.
  • For the Polar Tower I got 6 power sources (Alkemote Bottling Facility, Logomantic Arcana, Mountain Blood, Mega-Art Charging Stations, Ecto Detector, and Peer Review Board), and 2 other special synergy projects (Song of the North, to make the colder Vita around the Polar Tower more active; and the World Tree, which combos with the Polar Tower to get major Wyld magic boosting)
  • For the Hobbgrotts, I got Stizlak's Outback, PizzaMek, Grot Graffiti Cannons, Lurp Zone, Ecto Detector, and the Peer Review Board
  • And for outposts building, I got all the available ones including Red Sun Extraction/Security, Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors, and Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost
[X] Plan: Supercharged Polar Tower
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] TKK Resistance
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Valiant
---[X] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors
---[X] Red Sun Security
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
---[X] Red Sun Extraction
---[X] Explore Horizon
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] Moby Monstro
---[X] Warp Route R-19
--[X] TKK Emissary
---[X] Exploring the Expanse
--[X] TKK Delivery
---[X] Explore Voidmarches
--[X] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[X] Exploring the Reach
---[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost
-[X] Expansion Projects (147/147)
--[X] Alkemote Bottling Facility (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Three Brothers Xenoscience Monitors (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Red Sun Security (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Red Sun Extraction (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Stizlak's Outback (0/50 --> 50/50) +3 Biodata
--[X] Lunar Vineyard (3/10 --> 10/10)
-[X] Culture Projects (120/120)
--[X] Song of the North (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Warp
--[X] PizzaMek (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Grot Graffiti Cannons (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Lurp Zone (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Archaeology! (0/15 --> 15/15) +1 Biodata
--[X] Build-A-Bomb Workshop (0/10 --> 5/10)
-[X] Faith Projects (120/120)
--[X] Iron Crown Xenotheology Outpost (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Polar Tower of the Hermit (27/50 --> 50/50) -1 Warp
--[X] World Tree (0/15 --> 15/15) -1 Warp
--[X] Logomantic Arcana (0/50 --> 50/50) +3 Warp
--[X] Temple to the Fool (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Rite of Communion (0/15 --> 2/15)
-[X] Academy Projects (103/103)
--[X] Mountain Blood (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[X] Mega-Art Charging Stations (4/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[X] Ecto Detector (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[X] Peer Review Board (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Art, +1 Warp
--[X] Temple Expedition (0/15 --> 7/15)
-[X] Free Points (10/10)
--[X] Temple Expedition (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship (0/25 --> 2/25)
-[X] Resource Management
--[X] Artifacts: 2 --> 3
--[X] Biodata: 8 --> 12
--[X] Intel: 0
--[X] Living Metal: 3
--[X] Network: 4
--[X] Nuclear Material: 3
--[X] Warp: 0 --> 5

If people want to do a WyldTek plan, then it ought to be one that does Kaiju. This plan has:
  • More Herdtemples, Yr Albain Herd-Temples, MegaBeast Serum, Charged Serum, and Hobbgrottic Park for general Herd Temple upgrades
  • Naklis Elemental Gardens, Elemental Symposiads, and Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians to get Elemental properties for them
  • Moby Monstro, Jr. Genetics Playsets, Archeology!, Shell of the Storm Kraken!, Abyssal Zone GeneLab, and Mountain Blood to get more genetic research on the subject
  • World Tree, Rite of Soul, Rite of Communion, Rite of Natures Wrath, and Rite of Natures Awakening to boost general WyldTek
  • Ship Troop Transport Compartment and Temple to the Mother of Beasts which don't fit in the other categories, but would definitely be a big help
[X] Plan: Behold the Kaiju
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] TKK Resistance
---[X] Hunting the Phasmid
--[X] TKK Valiant
---[X] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[X] TKK Endeavor-B
---[X] Moby Monstro (1)
---[X] Flaying Saucer Peace Mission
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
---[X] Moby Monstro (2)
---[X] Temple-Comet Stabilization
--[X] TKK Discovery
---[X] Moby Monstro (3)
---[X] Warp Route R-19
--[X] TKK Emissary
---[X] Exploring the Expanse
--[X] TKK Delivery
---[X] Explore Voidmarches
--[X] TKK Spirit of Toxel
---[X] Exploring the Reach
---[X] Explore Horizon
-[X] Expansion Projects (147/147)
--[X] OOG-87's MicroSingularity (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Naklis Elemental Gardens (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[X] More Herdtemples (0/50 --> 50/50) +1 Warp
--[X] Yr Albain Herd-Temples (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Ship Troop Transport Compartment (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Lunar Vineyard (3/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Megaparks (0/15 --> 5/15)
-[X] Culture Projects (120/120)
--[X] Jr. Genetics Playsets (2/25 --> 25/25) -1 Biodata
--[X] Archeology! (0/15 --> 15/15) +1 Biodata
--[X] Shell of the Storm Kraken! (0/25 --> 25/25) -1 Living Metal
--[X] Elemental Symposiads (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[X] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians (0/15 --> 15/15) -1 Biodata
--[X] Build-A-Bomb Workshop (0/10 --> 10/10) -1 Nuclear
--[X] PizzaMek (0/25 --> 12/25)
-[X] Faith Projects (120/120)
--[X] Temple to the Mother of Beasts (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] World Tree (0/15 --> 15/15) -1 Warp
--[X] Rite of Soul (3/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Rite of Communion (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Rite of Natures Wrath (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Rite of Natures Awakening (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Polar Tower of the Hermit (27/50 --> 30/50)
-[X] Academy Projects (103/103)
--[X] Abyssal Zone GeneLab (0/10 --> 10/10) +1 Biodata
--[X] MegaBeast Serum (0/20 --> 20/20) +1 Warp, -1 Biodata
--[X] Charged Serum (0/25 --> 25/25)
--[X] Mountain Blood (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 Warp
--[X] Hobbgrottic Park (0/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Temple Expedition (0/15 --> 5/15)
--[X] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship (0/25 --> 8/25)
-[X] Free Points (10/10)
--[X] Construct Trailblazer Class Ship (8/25 --> 18/25)
-[X] Resource Management
--[X] Artifacts: 2
--[X] Biodata: 8 --> 7
--[X] Intel: 0
--[X] Living Metal: 3 --> 2
--[X] Network: 4
--[X] Nuclear Material: 3 --> 2
--[X] Warp: 0 --> 2
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Kaiju plan shouldn't forget Mountain Blood based stuff! Mt Wander was definitely a Kaiju, so it's blood should be good for making more.
Only 120 people were killed, man, when you said there would be a disaster I thought that at least a couple milllion would die. 120 is literallly nothing for 40k.
The real problem it caused is that two central digital hubs had to be quarantined and then shut down to stop it. The logistical chaos from that could be quite annoying.

Plus, the implications. Oh, the implications.
[] Plan: Humies, Grots, and Solar v2
--[] Endeavor-B
---[]Survey Vault-Ket system
---[]Stabilize Temple Comet
--[] Resistance
---[] H'k Wargames
-- [] Valiant
--- [] Yr Albain Giant Deployments
--[] Discovery
---[]Exploring Galactic South
---[]H'Kek Medical Research
--[] Accomplishment
---[]Exploring Galactic South
---[]H'Kann Industrial Development
--[] Spirit of Toxel
---[] H'Kek Medical Research
---[]Exploring Galactic South

--[] Delivery and Emissary
---[] Docked
-[]EXP(147+3 from frontier society/150), +5 Free points
--[]Stizlak's Outback 0-->50/50 +3 BIO
--[]Lunar Forges 0-->25/25 (+1 ART)
--[]Tacchis Ice Cavern Servers 0--> 25/25 +1NT
--[]Lunar MegaHub 0-->40/40 -2 NK, +5 NT

--[] Naklis Solar Satellites 0->15/15 (Generates EXP, unlocks further SolarTek)
-[] CUL (120/120) +5 Free Points
--[]Tacchis Nova Mechanica Temple 0-->25/25 +1 ART
--[] Grot Graffiti Cannons 0--> 25/25
--[] Lurp Zone 0-->25/25
--[] Cabal Research Outpost 0→20/20
--[] Wintersprite Battle Lodging 0->5/25
-[] FTH (120/120)
--[] Starchild Testament 0-->50/50
--[]What the Zog? 0--> 15/15
--[]Mojo Shrines 0--> 25/25 -1 WRP
--[] Mojo Shrooms 0--> 10/10
--[]TekPyramids 0-->15/15 +1 WRP
--[] War-Muses 0-->5/15
-[] ACD (100/103):
--[]Orkoid Xenobiology 0-->15/15
--[]Hobbgrottic Park 0-->10/10
--[]FathaShroomz 0--> 25/25 -5 BIO +1WRP
--[] SistaBrainz 0--> 25/25 -5 NT
--[]MegaGrot Serum 0--> 15/15 -1 Bio
–[]Darwin Class Scanner 0→10/10 -1 BIO

-[] Resource Management:
–[] Nuclear Material: 3 --> 1
–[] Biodata: 6 -->2
–[] ART: 2-->4
–[] Warp (WP): 0 -->1
–[] Living Metal: 3
–[] Network: 4 --> 5
–[] Intel: 0

With the addition of the 10 Free points for everyone to use I finished the project that I left at 20/25, and then started a new project to be at 5/25, because I want to get around to eventually adding in some Eldar and Khimir stuff in a later turn. I'm willing to compromise on where those last five points go, because there's nowhere they can go that something won't be partially completed, so it's down to what people want to do.

My thought is we have this to settle the issues with our new citizens, an industrial/factory/proletariat kind of turn, and then a turn with a combo Yr Albain/Khimir and Song and/or Tree focus, maybe? Not sure! Yr Albain and Trees do fit together well.
Darwin Class Scanner: With more experience in regards to biotechnology, the Directorate was interested in developing a new class of scanner, one designed to help analyze and process biodata with far more power, something that would benefit exploration, field research, and even labwork via tricorder technology. 0/10, gain Darwin Class Scanner, increasing ACD. Cost 1 BioData.

Was this by any chance designed by a human who just so happened to know the legend of the ancient biologis Charles Darwin? Or is it one of those weird coincidences that sometimes happen.