Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Now we finally have our own Malcador, without being a retired supervillain that gets his kick in driving his half human/half eldar boyfriend to suicide only to then revive him over and over.
what, this guy is in no way our malcador just cause both are pertupuals does not make them comparable (after all our guy just exists to be bad luck)
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Anyways, in other news, Patreon has hit 45 (47 now) members, and as such, my paid patrons have added to the goodie pool Temple to Seasons. Further, as it is tuesday the next goodie has been unlocked: next update will contain both On Toys and Toy Makers Workshop. The next unlock, the One Grot Band, will be this Thursday.
theirs a difference between demon world is weird and malacdor gets his kicks tourtering his boyfriend which is a half eldar and getting him to kill imself to resurect time and time again
Updated to reflect category points and etc. I'm going to steal Citra's Fleet actions because I more or less agree with them. I am crying and begging. I am beeseeching you. I get us solar power, improved totem-shrine tech, better trees, more materials and even bees. The big hitters though? Greatly improved Orchestrions that will be put into all cities alongside community theaters, in addition to two specific ones that upgrade Eritheo and Naklis (Spire Orchestrion allows teraforming btw). A wide variety of new Muses tying into literally everything in this plan. Meanwhile, our arbor guardians gain an array of improvements that range from becoming giant intelligent cyborg-trees to immortality and jewelry. Mysteks get special candles, gems for rituals, and fruit grimoires.

Our shrines will get to have bees, and they'll also be upgraded to provide FTH. On the same turn we make a Shrine that verifiably city sized. Planetary complex. What amount of bees and arbor guardians is that place is going to have? Too many. There will be giant immortal crystal leaf arbor guardians that are hooked up to computers at the same time we have Naturae Muses and Bioart.

Imagine how fucking beefy this will make the World Tree project. A real unit. Please don't let my dreams stay dreams.

Oh and there's also Mindwaltz and Calling Dance. One raises our ACD quite a bit. The other... "gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL."

You know you want to!

[] Tree-Song
- [] Fleet Actions
-- [] TKK Spirit of Toxel
--- [] Survey Vaulket System
--- [] Warp Route R-22
-- [] TKK Discovery, TKK Accomplishment (shotgunning)
--- [] Moby Monstro
--- [] Exploring Galactic South
-- [] TKK Endeavor-B
--- [] Exploring Galactic South
--- [] Temple-Comet Stabilization/Drydock (if moderately damaged)
-- [] TKK Delivery
--- [] Exploring Galactic South
-- [] TKK Emissary
--- [] Warp Route R-19
-- [] TKK Valiant, TKK Resistance
--- [] Hunting the Phasmid
-[] EXP 150/147(+3)
--[] Trovian Logging Operations: Trove was home to multiple very colorful forms of flora. Blue, purple, and cyan tended to be the most common pigmentation, but there were a variety of other varieties, such as a type of tree that seemed to have an almost sapphire-like gleam to its bark, or a particular variety of extremely crimson pine-equivalent. By setting up sustainable, eco-friendly logging facilities, Trovian wood could easily find a niche as a luxury decoration material. 0/10 -->2(+3)/10, increases EXP.
--[] Erichthean Great Orchestrion: A proposal by some Pelagic Monks was the creation of a singular, titanic Orchestrion within the darkness of the abyssal zone in order to accelerate the awakening of the worlds spirits. If the designed panned out, then these Great Orchestrions could be deployed on other worlds, as well. 0/10 -->10/10, increases FTH from Great Orchestrion.
--[] Flamedance Muses: The recent surge in art and culture had caused many residents of Naklis to become enamored with fire dances, with many elementalist rituals and festival-rites making use of the art as a method to amplify the element of fire. Some Muses had expressed interest in the practice, and wished to modify their forms in such a way that they could house a fire elemental in order to draw from it to perform ever more elaborate and impressive firedances. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Flamedance Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Metalsong Muses: Many of the Ferromonks and Metallomancers of Naklis had begun to incorporate into their art stringed instruments crafted from living metal, turning many of their rituals into something akin to a performance. A number of more musically inclined Muses wished to incorporate such instruments into their form, so that they could assist in such rites. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Metalsong Muses, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Living Metal.
--[] Trove Mega-Gem Mines: The Megagems were made entirely out of precious gems that could be used for decoration, rituals, and processed into more useful materials. By establishing some mines, Trove could start building up a resource stockpile. 0/15 -->15/15, increases EXP.
--[] Naklis Solar Satellites: A proposed way to further benefit from Naklis: it was closer to the Sun than Teklia. Perhaps by expanding the orbital part of the Spire with a power generation sub-district, it would allow for Naklis to massively expand its power grid, potentially allowing for an additional Spire to be constructed! 0/15 -->15/15, generates EXP, unlocks additional SolarTek.
--[] ShrineCity: Another idea some had: why not a planetary TekShrine complex? The effect would be somewhat diluted even with the Totem Network and the Orchestrion Units, but it would still serve as a very culturally powerful holy site for those interested in Shrine-Keeping and central complex they could utilize for research and ceremonies, and would still benefit spiritual development in the Directorate. 0/20 -->20/20, establishes ShrineCity, a Holy Site that increases FTH by an elevated amount.
--[] Sacred Groves: The Arbor Guardians had proven an effective source of power for your Shrines. A number of Druids wanted to expand upon this by developing a series of mobile eco-domes containing specially cultivated groves to serve as mobile reserves of life-force. The majority of the life-force generated by these groves would likely go to the Wyld-Shrines, but it would likely provide a small surplus that could be put to other projects. 0/20 -->20/20, unlock Sacred Grove infrastructure, increasing FTH and Warp.
--[] CityBlok Resonance-Drives: The Orchestrions were useful enough that many CityBloks unaffected by the shortage had proposed (once the shortage was handled) installing as standard in the major CityShrines and ShrineDistricts the resonance drives as standard, essentially allowing the common citizen to more easily benefit from the new field of science in their day to day life. 0/20 -->20/20, upgrades Arcoocubes with Resonance-Drives, increasing FTH and CUL.
--[] Community Ampitheaters: With Theatriurgy becoming more and more commonplace, some among the Directorate had suggested constructing additional facilities in each Arcolocube to help communities host and create their own plays. 0/25 -->25/25, increase CUL and Warp, Arcolocubes gain Ampitheaters

-[] CUL 125/120(+5)
--[] Glasmite Resonart: The elemental material recovered from Trove after the establishment of the Totem Network might not contain ampouls of mystic and nuclear power, but they still had useful qualities: they were exceedingly efficient for crafting small resonant devices, for one, allowing a degree of miniaturization of the Orchestrion Units and simplification of production. Some Trovian artists wanted to start incorporating the material into their works, allowing for a variety of aural effects and, notably, for every piece of art in the Directorate to become a spiritual amplifier. 0/10 -->10/10, Glasmite Resonart becomes standardized, increasing CUL and Warp. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Metamorphae Muses: Just as Machina was to Drone, so too did many a PygmaliTek believe there existed a form of Muse elevated above, blessed by the Dancer to act as her envoys. A method must be undertook, a ritual to invoke the Goddess of Art in order to unlock this divine transformation. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Holy Metamorphaen Muses, automata empowered via Divine Rite, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Naturae Muses: Just as Might Oak was to mere Sapling, so too did many a PygmaliTek believe there existed a form of Muse elevated above, fused with the essence of nature and bonded to the WyldAltars of the world. A study must be undertook, the Artefacts of the Gods studied to bring about this synthesis. 0/10 -->10/10, unlock Sacred Naturae Muses, automata empowered by Nature, granting elevated FTH. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Glasmite Hymnals: Glasmite presented an interesting oppurtunity: it could be used to modify TekGrimoires by adding micro-resonant engines, allowing the devices to utilize arcano-vibration tones to perform the same tasks as an Orchestrion, albeit to far lesser effect. This would also turn the artefacts into handy tools for any Occultek looking to incorporate more music into their life in general. 0/15 -->15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded to Glasmite Hymnals, allowing all Orchestrion related technology to be used in grimoires at greatly reduced efficiency.
--[] Crystaleaf Arbor Guardians: It was extremely obvious to most Elementalists that the unique genomes found in Trove offered a way to give more unto the spirits of Gem. One idea was modifying Arbor Guardians to incorporate some of the genetics of these organisms to increase their overall sympathy with Gems, which would help accelerate the development of Gem Vita on lifebearing worlds. 0/15 -->10(+5)/15, upgrades Arbor Guardians with Crystaleaf Genomic Mods, increasing CUL and accelerating gem vita development on life bearing worlds. Cost 1 Biodata.
--[] Mystek Apiaries: 0/15 -->15/15, Mysteks gain Chorus Beeswax Candles, increasing CUL.
--[] Fruit of the Occult Tree: Some trees bore fruit, swollen and rich, heavy with vitality. These fruits, your Occulteks believed, could be used to manufacture an improvement to their Grimoires: by installing a life-support network and occasionally feeding these lifefruit their own vital energy, they could harvest the juices as an offering during the Auto-Rituals, they might be able to more easily entice spirits to do their bidding, especially those unbound entities of nature. 0/15 -->15/15, TekGrimoires upgraded with Lifefruit Heart, increasing FTH.
--[] Spire Orchestrion: A proposed expansion to the Elemental Spire was the installation of a giant Orchestrion unit powered by the elemental energies of the spire, used to begin weaving great songs of power and life into the planet, allowing for some (light) terraformation projects to proceed with the Elementals permission. 0/15 -->15/15, upgrade Elemental Spire with Awakening Orchestrion, increasing CUL and Warp.
--[] ArcanoTek Orchestrions: If it could strengthen spirits, then the Calculators believed it might be possible to empower the arcane. To that end, they wished to research a method to turn Orchestrions into what amounted to ritual accelerators, capable of being deployed to improve the effect of the Directorates many means of channeling higher powers into the physical realm. 0/20 -->20/20, deploy ArcanoTek Orchestrions, amplifying the effect of all Rites and Sorcery. Cost 1 Warp.

-[] FTH 121/120(+1)
--[] Greater Arbor Guardian: A much more modest proposal would be spending lifeforce to accelerate the development of multiple arbor guardians across the Directorate: these Greater Arbor Guardians would strengthen the shrines considerably, and would especially enrich the spirits of nature. 0/10 -->10/10, develop Greater Arbor Guardian, increasing FTH and strengthening Shrines. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] Orchestrion AutoTuner Matrix: A program could, in theory, be designed in order to optimize the performance of the Orchestrion units. This would serve as a fairly useful improvement by ensuring that operators could utilize the devices far more easily, simplifying their deployment somewhat. 0/15 -->15/15, upgrades Orchestrions with AutoTune Matrixes, increasing CUL.
--[] Holywick Lantern Candles: Long ago, it was said that the Lanternkeeper had created fifteen special candles, meant to lit in the final and most dark hours of Tekket history, a means to drive back the shadow once more. Those candles had been lost long ago, set ablaze by the Destroyers in their mad quest to snuff out Tekket. But it is said that the Tenth Candle was made from Sacred Bees Wax. The Order of the Candle wished to attempt to create simulacrums of this sacred tenth candle, using the wax from a Chorus Bee, in the hopes that they might confer an echo of the original candles holy power. 4/15 -->14(+1)/15, Gain Holywick Lantern Candle Artefact, increasing FTH and conferring an additional degree of protection.
--[] Shrine-Hives: Fundamentally, it would not be difficult at all to redesign shrines to serve as hives for Chorus Bees, allowing for small amounts of lifeforce to be siphoned from the bees honey. In exchange, they would receive by and large the same benefits as the Arbor Guardians, receiving larger portions of lifeforce given directly. 0/15 -->15/15, Shrines on habitable planets upgraded with Shrine-Hives, increasing CUL.
--[] Hallowed Shrine: Another proposal had been to spend resources to develop a more advanced, theologically oriented shrine and accompanying rites to fully dedicate the Shrines and their offerings to specific gods. While these shrines wouldn't benefit the machine spirits of an area, they would likely very much please whatever deities they were connected to. 0/20 -->20/20, Shrines upgraded to provide FTH.
--[] Undying Arbor: Why should the Directorate stop at eternal life? Why not go further? Attempt to create something with such vigor that even active attempts to slay it would not be enough, with enough vitality that it could weather even the most brutal assault. An organism so hardy that it would be capable of outlasting the Directorate itself. A truely undying arbor guardian. 0/25 -->25/25, upgrades Arbors with advanced regeneration, cell repair, immune system, and redundant survival organs, increasing CUL and creating extremely hard to kill trees and other megaflora. Cost 2 Biodata.
--[] Calling Dance: The Grandmasters believed that the Dancer could be summoned again by creating a smaller, more easily replicable version of the ritual used to manifest her the first time, blessing performances and allowing them to act as arcane conduits for the theurgic energies of the goddess. 0/25 -->25/25, gain Calling Dance, allowing for artistic performances such as song and dance to generate theurgic power, increasing Warp by 1 and CUL.

-[] ACD 103/103
--[] Arbor Minds: Tree nervous systems were decidedly non-complex. Plants in general were fairly simple organisms, intellectually. This was in all likelyhood one of the larger barriers to their spiritual growth: after all, it was a known fact that the soul could only grow at an acceptable speed when provided sufficient processing power. However, their nervous system being so simple meant that, in theory, it wouldn't be hard to design a method to allow your computers to interface with them, providing the tree increased intelligence. 0/15 -->15/15, increases CUL, cost 1 Network
--[] Totem-Net: Alternatively, the Totems could be provided improved server software to allow for a variety of useful, if mundane, programs such as ecology simulators to be ran on them and allowing limited inter-totem communication. In essence, Wyld-Shrines would gain their own complex network to allow their users more functionality. 0/15 -->15/15, Totems upgraded to utilize Totem-Net, increasing ACD. Cost 1 Network.
--[] TotemTek Peripherals: Heat management, soil enrichment, atmosphere filtering, there are a variety of mundane upgrades that could be installed on Totems to improve functionality. They would require at least some Perpetunite to improve the power generation, but these peripherals could allow regions to be more efficiently managed. 0/15 -->3/15, Totems upgraded with TotemTek Peripherals, increasing CUL. Cost 1 Nuclear Material.
--[] Mindwaltz Resonance: A much more theoretical proposal by some in the Academy was using neural-scanners and Orchestrions to attempt to develop a resonance pattern capable of stimulating the mind, improving the focus, the memory, and the logical abilities of Directorate scientists and engineers. 0/25 -->25/25, deploys Mindwaltz Resonance, increasing ACD considerably. Cost 1 Warp.
--[] ArborSerum: Another proposal was making wisespread the practice of using MegaFlora Serum to accelerate Arbor Guardian Growth, increasing the total lifeforce flowing throughout the Totem-Net, and even developing specialized blends specifically for use in trees and other already-large flora. 0/25 -->25/25, develop ArborSerum, increasing CUL and Warp.
--[] BioArt: It was certainly an interesting idea: give Artists the means to craft floral organisms that they could incorporate into their art, allowing them to make wholly biological pieces and exhibits, or exhibits that incorporate carefully shaped biological tissue into their design. In essence, allowing the creation of BioArtwork. 0/20 -->20/20, develop BioArt, increasing CUL as Art in the Directorate becomes far easier at incorporating life and nature into its design. Cost 1 Biodata.
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"Charming. Very out of character for your species-"

Honestly I'd say that's In character for the Tekket. They're very nice people right up until you push them too far. Then they're vicious bastards who will go to great lengths to kick your ass.

I love how our chaotic good space ferrets are the embodiment of "beware the nice ones".
Honestly I'd say that's In character for the Tekket. They're very nice people right up until you push them too far. Then they're vicious bastards who will go to great lengths to kick your ass.

The very fact that they nonchalantly dabble in dark magic, the whole Liverpool Mess, have Suicide Booths, let kids play with nukes and during the Return Event they hologramed a giant space marien to kill the Imperials and Chaos should tell them how savage and morbid they can be when they want to.