Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

I agree we should do the logic virus before the cpu moon but we could have done the forrbiden archives with a accomplishment 5 turns ago according to the qm it just not needed and contuining backsliding on this will lead to bad things

So we pretty much fucked up what was essentially a TUTORIAL quest line (or at least a Lvl 1 considering we did the Hobbgrots before this).

This genuinely hurts me on both an emotional and spiritual level.

And we won't even get the 100% rewards for this shit either, fuck me sideways.
So we pretty much fucked up what was essentially a TUTORIAL quest line (or at least a Lvl 1 considering we did the Hobbgrots before this).

This genuinely hurts me on both an emotional and spiritual level.

And we won't even get the 100% rewards for this shit either, fuck me sideways.
Look at it this way, both plans posted so far have had us continue the Autonite plotline, so we are getting it done. Just...we won't do as well as we could have
I've been informed that the Merchant marine action lets us immedaitly start swapping ships, so in my plan, I'm swapping the Accomplishment for the Delivery, so that the Accomplishment can be repaired, and having the Delivery explore the Galactic West since I'm trying not to turtle.
The plan is to build a Resistance Class and put a army on it to liberate the CPU moon next turn.
The Academy Fleet Network Lab will help with that and the Discovery and valiant will try and liberate the archive
The Academy Fleet Network Lab does not need drydocking to apply and we fixed the main issue we had during the first space battle with the torpedoes with our point defense and improved shields.
The Grot get the GrotTeknikal they where asking for during the last turn.
Water Drop is our Khimer biospere action for this turn, we promised a major water drop but that was in the next 5 turns
Then there are several projects to ensure we end up with at least 1 of each resource.

[] Plan: Resistance for AutoVessels
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] Liberate The Forbidden Archive
---[] TKK Valiant
---[] TKK Discovery
--[] Drydock
---[] TKK Accomplishment
-[] Expansion Projects 105/105
--[] Water Drop (0/20 --> 20/20) + Khimer Rep
--[] Resistance Class Ship (0/60 --> 60/60) cost 3 NK, 2 Network.
--[] BlokBot Armies (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[] Secure Holding: 0/10 --> 10/10), cost 1 Warp, 1 ART.
-[] Culture Projects 24/64 (89-25)
--[] The Assembler Academy of Actualized Acceptance (5/10 --> 10/10)
--[] Wonderpark Space Docks: (6/15 --> 10/15), Wonderpark gains Docking District, increasing EXP. Allows for construction of CUL Ships.
--[] Orbital Pioneer Agri-Ships: (0/15 --> 15/15) increasing EXP and Warp.
--[] Ritual Livestock: (0/15 --> 15/15), grants Ritual Livestock tradition, increasing FTH and granting 1 Warp.
--[] GeoTotems (0/25 --> 25/25) increasing EXP and FTH, increases NK, cost 1 Warp.
-[] Faith Projects 34/34
--[] //PATH TekTalismans (10/25 --> 23/25)
--[] .ARCHON (Craft) (4/15 --> 15/15) +1 EXP
--[] Psi-Ritual (0/25 --> 8/25)
--[] Name of the Booug: (8/10 --> 10/10), TekGrimoires upgraded with First Name of Influence of the Booug
-[] Academy Projects 76/76
--[] Academy Fleet Network Lab (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[] GrotTeknikal (0/25 --> 25/25) +1 ACD
--[] Q-Bit Particles: (6/25 --> 25/25), unlocks Q-Bit Comms, increasing ACD and CUL. +1 Network.
--[] HyperTek Forge (5/50 -->17/50)
-[] Resource Management
--[] Artifacts: 5 --> 4
--[] Biodata: 4
--[] Living Metal: 1
--[] Network: 3 --> 1
--[] Nuclear Material: 3 --> 1
--[] Warp: 1 --> 1
--[] EXP: 105 --> 108
--[] ACD: 76 --> 78
--[] CUL: 89 --> 90
--[] FTH 84 --> 86

-[] Museum
-[] Deprogram
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Resistance class is overkill for archive. Mind, building it for the CPU moon ie not necessarily a bad Idea, but for somethingq an Endeavour could clear it is too much.
To be clear I'd rather have the vote on handing human PoW's and the Endeavor remains as seperate votes from the plan
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We NEED to sort out those secret projects for the autonites, because if we pump those out then next turn we can jump into CPU moon and actually restart their fucking civilization.

Also for people saying "Well we should have left the humans to the exodites and drukhari," let me provide you three points. Point 1: Practically the exodites have a population in the millions normally, and have lost 70% of their population, as well as having no industrial capability. They CANNOT hold the prisoners. Point 2: The Drukhari are not our friends, weren't even belligerents in the war and were called in as an emergency favour. Point 3: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS ARE NOT OPTIONAL. We are a Trek civilization, and if the option is imprison and deal with tens of thousands of soldiers, or leave them to be slaughtered and enslaved we do not have an option, we have an imperative. So stop arguing, because that's a flat out conceit of the Tekket federation.
Ok, I've decided my plan's changed enough that I should repost the new version, especially with the request that the Endeavor and Human handling be seperate.

EXP: 105
CUL: 64
FTH: 34
ACD: 76

NM: 3
BioData: 4
Art: 4
Warp: 1
Living Metal: 1
Network: 3

[] Plan: Let's Get Started
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] Liberate The Forbidden Archive
---[] TKK Valiant
---[] TKK Discovery
--[] Merchant Marine Exchange
---[] TKK Accomplishment for TKK Delivery
--[] Explore Galactic West
---[] TKK Delivery
Ok, we've been informed that we need to hurry up with the AutoVessels, so let's get started on that. The Valiant and another ship ought to be fine, so let's send in the Discovery since it's fresh. I have been informed that completing the Merchant marine Doctrine allows us to immediatly switch ships, so I am exchanging the Delivery for the Accomplishment, and tasking the Delivery with Exploring, since that's been screwing us over.

-[] EXP: 105
--[] Ship Power Core 11/15 --> 15/15, -3 NM
--[] Secure Holding 10/10, -1 Warp, -1 ART
--[] Ship Troop Transport Compartment 25/25
--[] Naklis Arms Factories 25/25
--[] Sandscorn Water Drop 20/20, +10 Khimer Respect
--[] Endeavor Reactor Printer 21/30
This section is meant to take care of what's needed, while getting ready for the fight. The Water Drop takes care of our biosphere aid action and gets the bonus respect, while Secure Holding ensures that we don't have to deal with demon summonings. The Power Core boosts all our ships, the Arms Factory gives us more and better weapons, the Troop Transport lets us carry more soldiers, and last but not least, the Reactor Printer lets us make Endeavors without spnding NM, which will always be useful.

-[] CUL 64/64
--[] The Assembler Academy of Actualized Acceptance 5/10 --> 10/10
--[] Fleet Super Battlebot League 25/25
---[] Valiant
--[] Merchant Marine Doctrine 25/25
--[] Ship Barracks 9/20
Ok, so this helps us out with our goals. The AAAA is necessary for deprogramming the Imperials, which i consider better than dispersing for a number of reasons. The Super Battlebot League goes on the Valiant so that it can fight better on the Archive, which will be helpful. The Merchant Marine Doctrine will be helpful for keeping our ships in one piece, and we can start using it immediately. Last but not least, the barracks help us by giving us more crew.

-[] FTH 34/34
--[] Mojo Shrooms 10/10
--[] Name of the Booug 8/10 --> 10/10
--[] WarpTek Altar 4/10 --> 10/10, +1 Warp
--[] //PATH TekTalismans 10/25 --> 25/25, -1 Warp, +EXP, CUL, FTH, ACD
--[] The Dagger 1/15
Ok, so we've seen that the Assembly can be helpful for bringing gods into existence, so I'd like to finish the rest of the basic set, but that afford to wait so long as we make a little progress. Name of the Booug is apparently something we want, so let's go ahead and try to get that done. WarpTek Altar is something we should probably try to just rip the bandaid off on that. TekTalismans are close to autocompleting, so let's go ahead and finish it. Last but not least, let's grab another path for the HobGrotz.

-[] ACD 76/76
--[] GrotTeknikal 25/25, +ACD
--[] Autonite Cloning Lab 25/25, +1 BioData
--[] Khimer MultiTutorial 15/15, -1 Network, +3 Respect
--[] HyperTek Forge 10/50 --> 21/50
Ok, so this gives the HobGrots what they want, better education opportunities, while making more progress on the Autonites. The Mineralophages take care of the biosphere project for a turn, while the Forge can wait for one turn.

-[] End Resources
--[] 0 NM
--[] 5 BioData
--[] 3 ART
--[] 1 Warp
--[] 1 Living Metal
--[] 3 Network

[] Museum
[] Deprogram
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-[] ACD 76/76
--[] GrotTeknikal 25/25, +ACD
--[] Autonite Cloning Lab 25/25, +1 BioData
--[] Khimer MultiTutorial 15/15, -1 Network, +3 Respect
--[] HyperTek Forge 10/50 --> 21/50
Ok, so this gives the HobGrots what they want, better education opportunities, while making more progress on the Autonites. The Mineralophages take care of the biosphere project for a turn, while the Forge can wait for one turn.
You forgot to include the Mineralophages.
But that's not a problem since the Water Drop takes care of the Sandscorn committments.

I really like this plan.
Ship Troop Transport Compartment: Deployment of BlokBots or Tank Brigades on battlefields throughout the Directorate instead of just upon their stationed planet would require either larger ships or the inclusion of a new compartment. To that end, the Fleet wanted to create something that could be slapped on a Valiant to turn them into, among other things, troop transports. 0/25, upgrades Valiants with Troop Transport compartment, allowing them to carry one army group.
Information from discort: the Resistance class counts as a bigger ship that does not need a Ship Troop Transport Compartment to move an army
Autonites are a must, and before anyone say something like "what good they can do?" Let me remind you they are willing to offer us a WHOLE BIG ASS ADVANCE FACTORUM MOON!?!?!

Also no morality is not "optional" and before anyone give a lame excuse like "but this is 40k setting" do I have to remind you the whole reason this setting is FUBAR is because everyone saw ethics as "optional" and have a chainsaw stick the size of the Dubai's tower in their collective asses?
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I mean would be be 'ours'? For all the pro-Axiomite argument seems to be big on their sovereign right to steal our tech it also seems to come with the implication that if we take the moon they will of course join us. Why would they? We do not even know what the machine intelligences of the moon would think of us or the ships. Some amount of gratitude can be assumed, but we cannot assume they will just jump in our arms as soon we we free them. After all the ships did not

They kidnapped a Directorate citizen when they thought we might wipe them out, their only previous alien interaction was Tyranids. That does not in my opinion compare to stealing secrets off a friendly polity a hundred plus years after meeting them
The GM has repeatedly told us again and again that expansion via diplomatic integration is a valid play.

If we actually help liberate the Autonites we'll get a relationship/negotiation thing with them much like the Exodites and the Khimer.

The reason why we don't have it with them right now is they are too small to actually count as a polity.

The entire damn point of liberating the CPUmoon is to get the Autonites to the level that would allow us to eventually diplomatically annex them which would bring in their resources to the Directorate.

Think like the Federation not God damn realpolitick bullshit.

Edit: but of course we ignored the Autovessels for long enough that we are out of fucking time and need to push fast on their stuff. Because people constantly went 'oh we can do Autonite stuff next turn' 'We don't have enough ships (because we refused to actually build thr fucking ships)'
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The GM has repeatedly told us again and again that expansion via diplomatic integration is a valid play.

If we actually help liberate the Autonites we'll get a relationship/negotiation thing with them much like the Exodites and the Khimer.

The reason why we don't have it with them right now is they are too small to actually count as a polity.

The entire damn point of liberating the CPUmoon is to get the Autonites to the level that would allow us to eventually diplomatically annex them which would bring in their resources to the Directorate.

Think like the Federation not God damn realpolitick bullshit.

I get that we have OOC information that they would actually join us, but from what we can see in character there isn't much indication that they would join us instantly. After all the ships did not join us even though what we did for them is utterly identical to what we would be doing for the machine intelligences of the CPU moon. It feels somewhat gamey to react to a (minor let us be clear) unfriendly action and a cold shoulder with 'OMG we have been too slow to help our good friends the Automites'. It's like we are helping them because they are good guy coded and this is Mass Effect style loyalty quest at this point.

Just a quibble I have with the whole thing, nothing major, but I thought it would be worth explaining my general 'meh' feelings towards them for what they are and not some kind of overwhelming urge to play realpolitik in the space ferret quest
Most of what we need to liberate the moon is needed to boost our defenses anyway and that i at least part of the reason i support liberating the moon, the other is that it is the right thing to do helping others where we can.
I get that we have OOC information that they would actually join us, but from what we can see in character there isn't much indication that they would join us instantly. After all the ships did not join us even though what we did for them is utterly identical to what we would be doing for the machine intelligences of the CPU moon. It feels somewhat gamey to react to a (minor let us be clear) unfriendly action and a cold shoulder with 'OMG we have been too slow to help our good friends the Automites'. It's like we are helping them because they are good guy coded and this is Mass Effect style loyalty quest at this point.

Just a quibble I have with the whole thing, nothing major, but I thought it would be worth explaining my general 'meh' feelings towards them for what they are and not some kind of overwhelming urge to play realpolitik in the space ferret quest
'No indication they'd join us in IC' of course not. Given how much we've been ignoring the Autonites for almost two fucking centuries and delaying so much with them.

Actions have consequences.

How would the Autonites have acted if we had consistently built them up? Ijin would have had stronger voice in the trio and the more pragmatic voices would have seen the Tekket as a reliable partner and ally.

Not the flaky gits that's thrown little scraps with over a century in between.

If we had consistently helped the Autonites we would have been well on the way to integrating them by now.

Now we'll be lucky to even get the chance to do so.