In Nuclear Fire

An exotic form of acid.
Some of the chemistry in Worm is nasty. Crawler has/had a acid-like adaption, where the "acid" was self-replicating like the worlds most spicy prion.
Jigs out on whether it's actually an acid, but it could melt through steel and concrete, and flesh only served to feed it rather than dilute it like a normal liquid would.
And Crawler isn't a tinker. Imagine how bad Bonesaw would be if Jack decided to stop playing games?
There are non-acidic corrosive substances.
Link? I didn't see this. And talk about a nightmare team-up.

It has a VERY obvious and easy to find title but ok:

In Nuclear Fire

Mama Mathers' Interlude Christine was many things. She was strong, having faced many hardships yet always finding the courage to keep fighting. She was humble, having accepted her shortcoming and recognizing the powers that were greater than her. She was a mother, always looking after the...
Oh, boy, what a couple days these have been. Only now I have time to answer.

Though that creation that Valerie pulled out... Makes me think Bonesaw has been a busy busy little girl.
She has indeed.
I wonder how she finds time for this stuff.
Yeah, that's a good question.
eyond the bare minimum Peter had access to the serial suicide bomber before he was able to activate his powers and absolutely did not start performing acupuncture on his brain in a attempt to make him unable to think about self-destructing, or unable to stop thinking about not self-destructing or however that worked, didn't experiment with brainwave reading/manipulation on any of the disposable clones, didn't tase or drug or use sonic disorientation on the non-disposable suckers, and didn't encase any of the squishy people he was trying to protect in armored pouches and suits.

Also that self-destruct device was pretty obvious in its presence, because something ripping flesh and cracking bone from the inside of a torso is pretty distinctive, and even if it wasn't obvious what specifically was doing it something destroying a suspect from the inside is enough cause to attempt to recreate the Russian dog-head experiment. Especially when there are several medics capable of reversing a lot of forms of death in the room.

Also why the fuck can't Peter put the blood back into someone? Even if his nanomachines can't make replacement blood he should be able to either clean any contaminants out of the spilled blood before putting it right back into his body or clean the red blood cells out of it and put them into some I-can't-believe-it's-not-blood-plasma and fix any problems that might cause later.
I think there are some misconceptions here. Never before has Peter tried to make a laser-surgery of that kind or create mind-altering drugs, and he currently has no knowledge on how to do that either. He currently has the God of War tree and that one won't help him there. It's not something he'd consciously look for either as his main ways to solve problems is to break them or encase them.

The only 'squishy person' he'd have tried to protect was Missy and she showed she didn't need that much protection. He did give her a visor by taking material from himself, but he didn't have anough material for an entire suit of armor. The only other person he tried to protect was the hostage, but he definitely didn't like him enough as to gift him so much of his technology.

About the blood, it's not just removing contaminants but also the problem of coagulation which starts setting in the order of just a couple seconds. I think it takes less than 10 seconds for a sample to coagulate in a lab. He could have rigged together some artificial blood but there simply wasn't a need for that because the hostage was 'stable enough'.
It's sort of like Superman's scenario where the world's made of cardboard, but they're not holding back on purpose they're holding back due to social anxiety.
Basically Bocchi but with super powers.
I absolutely agree with this sentiment since he has had such absurdly OP settings like Old World of Darkness combined with the growth potential of the Zerg that he should have steamrolled everything! Why aren't the Zerg doing deep mining operations for Rare Earths and other limiting materials and why didn't he write down the blueprints for the Chantry of Doissetep when he had the chance!
The zerg are still digging and growing. The reason why they haven't sweped over much of North America is that the PRT has categorically forbidden Heavy Gear from taking zerg units out of BB, the sole exception being portals and only when allowed. Aparently the country at large isn't eager to let the self-replicating machines run rampant.

About WoD, Peter did use it extensively to make several upgrades for his tech, but simply didn't have enough time to write down everything there was to get from it. For him upgrading the Zerg was more important.
Link? I didn't see this. And talk about a nightmare team-up.
That was a fun interlude. Sometimes I feel people didn't pay that much attention to it.
I think there are some misconceptions here. Never before has Peter tried to make a laser-surgery of that kind or create mind-altering drugs, and he currently has no knowledge on how to do that either. He currently has the God of War tree and that one won't help him there. It's not something he'd consciously look for either as his main ways to solve problems is to break them or encase them.
My brother in christ the man made auto-surgeon Mecha Zerg and made replacement bodies for a large number of people; I should bloody well think that he'd be able to use that knowledge for a variety of purposes, if not definitively then enough to use against disposable test-subjects like self-cloners or respawners, or, if that is impossible, find someone who can. Maybe a random sub-sapient Mecha Zerg Larva if he is incapable of pulling that information up himself.
The only 'squishy person' he'd have tried to protect was Missy and she showed she didn't need that much protection. He did give her a visor by taking material from himself, but he didn't have anough material for an entire suit of armor. The only other person he tried to protect was the hostage, but he definitely didn't like him enough as to gift him so much of his technology.
I was thinking more along the lines of growing some mass over them for the few minutes he was carrying them. Like you know how swans turn themselves into boats for their chicks and make a enclosed area with their wings? Marginally less then that but using better materials.
About the blood, it's not just removing contaminants but also the problem of coagulation which starts setting in the order of just a couple seconds. I think it takes less than 10 seconds for a sample to coagulate in a lab. He could have rigged together some artificial blood but there simply wasn't a need for that because the hostage was 'stable enough'.
There ain't a snowballs chance in hell that he couldn't have his nanomachines break down platelets.
The zerg are still digging and growing. The reason why they haven't sweped over much of North America is that the PRT has categorically forbidden Heavy Gear from taking zerg units out of BB, the sole exception being portals and only when allowed. Aparently the country at large isn't eager to let the self-replicating machines run rampant.
I think that the PRT lacks jurisdiction in China?
I see mention of City of Heros, does that mean the opposite? A City of Villains?

Tech-Priest is doing the Altering the Fabric of Reality, is the other responsible doing the same?
My brother in christ the man made auto-surgeon Mecha Zerg and made replacement bodies for a large number of people; I should bloody well think that he'd be able to use that knowledge for a variety of purposes, if not definitively then enough to use against disposable test-subjects like self-cloners or respawners, or, if that is impossible, find someone who can. Maybe a random sub-sapient Mecha Zerg Larva if he is incapable of pulling that information up himself.
He doesn't have that knowledge. He created the first iteration of medical zerg by using the Deus Ex tree, and then he programed them to learn on their own so he wouldn't have to do it himself. He knows that the zerg 'work' but has no idea how exactly they do it. That's the entire problem with self-learning algorithms and why many people are a bit scared of them in our real life. The hive as a whole has this knowledge incorporated but they understand its function the same way we have an intrinsic knowledge of how our cells operate.

Also, remember that he's a tinker. He can do super-science but has no real idea of how he does it, and the moment his power switches to a new tree all the previous knowledge gets erased.

I was thinking more along the lines of growing some mass over them for the few minutes he was carrying them. Like you know how swans turn themselves into boats for their chicks and make a enclosed area with their wings? Marginally less then that but using better materials.
An interesting idea that may work, but for it Peter would need to sacrifice some of his mass (something that he isn't willing to do unless its a real emergency) or turn himself into the suit of armor, something that he'd find off-putting for a variety of reasons.

There ain't a snowballs chance in hell that he couldn't have his nanomachines break down platelets.
Possible but time and energy consuming so he wasn't going to bother with it unless there was a real risk of death, which there wasn't after he fixed the wound.

I think that the PRT lacks jurisdiction in China?
They don't but HG has no interest on expanding there for the same reason they have no interest on expanding through America: they don't want a war. Also China has the yangban who are oh-so horrendously worse.
They don't but HG has no interest on expanding there for the same reason they have no interest on expanding through America

Well... I have to remember all of you that Newt raised the option of conquering a third-world country once.
and Annexing Poland
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Well... I have to remember all of you that Newt raised the option of conquering a third-world country once.
and Annexing Poland

It's fitting that this was before she had a chance to really study human history. Because that hasn't gone very well in the long run for the last two governments who did it. :whistle:

Poland is only important if you have a surface army.

The zerg are an underground army.
And a space army.

Flying and marching are just byproducts of space travel and earth moving.
It's fitting that this was before she had a chance to really study human history. Because that hasn't gone very well in the long run for the last two governments who did it. :whistle:

To be fair, I entirely blame the military cap Aisha had to buy in that pawnshop.

And no, this isn't something related to the actual situation. I mentally blamed it in 2021.
On the one hand this is fun and i like it and just finished a 3 day marathon of catching up... on the other hand it makes me sad to know you're basically barely acknowledging WARD canon cause I would love to see Kenzie and Rain o Fire show up.
He doesn't have that knowledge. He created the first iteration of medical zerg by using the Deus Ex tree, and then he programed them to learn on their own so he wouldn't have to do it himself. He knows that the zerg 'work' but has no idea how exactly they do it. That's the entire problem with self-learning algorithms and why many people are a bit scared of them in our real life. The hive as a whole has this knowledge incorporated but they understand its function the same way we have an intrinsic knowledge of how our cells operate.

Also, remember that he's a tinker. He can do super-science but has no real idea of how he does it, and the moment his power switches to a new tree all the previous knowledge gets erased.
I'm really struggling to internalize how Peter could connect himself to the Swarm to get access to the medical functions he installed into them without getting access to medical functions.

Also God Of War had Pandora and Megaera's Parasites; it might not have surgical knowledge per se but it's definitely got some anatomy and anatomical modification knowledge.
An interesting idea that may work, but for it Peter would need to sacrifice some of his mass (something that he isn't willing to do unless its a real emergency) or turn himself into the suit of armor, something that he'd find off-putting for a variety of reasons.

Edit: alternatively he might have been able to cannibalize the environment for building materials; they might have been temporary materials and consequentially made temporary equipment and structures but that doesn't sound too bad.
Less a suit of armor and more like a reverse Landmate or Nemesis Dreadknight or jumbo-sized Big Sister.
Possible but time and energy consuming so he wasn't going to bother with it unless there was a real risk of death, which there wasn't after he fixed the wound.
That seems like the sort of thing that adaptive nanomachines would just be able to figure out on their own; like you just got done talking about how it's actually Peters Swarm that's the actually useful one and then the nanoswarm he made himself out of also can't do anything?
They don't but HG has no interest on expanding there for the same reason they have no interest on expanding through America: they don't want a war. Also China has the yangban who are oh-so horrendously worse.
I brought up going to war with China exactly because it has the Yangban; of China didn't want to get invaded by von-neumann swarms of war machines friendly with everyone but them then they should have avoided being demonstrable worse people then the von-neumann war-machines.
On the one hand this is fun and i like it and just finished a 3 day marathon of catching up... on the other hand it makes me sad to know you're basically barely acknowledging WARD canon cause I would love to see Kenzie and Rain o Fire show up.
I actually did a bit of math on the timeline and apparently Withdrawal was active, by which I mean empowered, at about the same time as Taylor.
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How do Tinker powers relate. Do Shards all have access to the same knowledge which they arbitrary limit around a certain subject, ie modules, efficiency, wet work, vehicles... but all can achieve the same level of technology if it fits the subject?
Or is it that each Shard has distinct alien technologies gathered from distinct exterminated species?

Asking coz I think no one in similar fics explained the origion of the Fiction Shard.
How do Tinker powers relate. Do Shards all have access to the same knowledge which they arbitrary limit around a certain subject, ie modules, efficiency, wet work, vehicles... but all can achieve the same level of technology if it fits the subject?
Or is it that each Shard has distinct alien technologies gathered from distinct exterminated species?

Asking coz I think no one in similar fics explained the origion of the Fiction Shard.
I believe that they can all achieve all kinds of technology but that having previous examples of technologies and design philosophies allows them to come up with effective devices without having to get too granular about kitbashing components. Isn't that kind of a summery of industry itself though? Continuous attempts to convert resources of one kind into products of another kind with as little change or reconfiguration as possible?
What about xianxia and Chinese web novelists. TP could pay them more under less pressure so they don't have to add word padding and dish out generic chapter per day. Imagine xianxia but with quality.
I believe that they can all achieve all kinds of technology but that having previous examples of technologies and design philosophies allows them to come up with effective devices without having to get too granular about kitbashing components. Isn't that kind of a summery of industry itself though? Continuous attempts to convert resources of one kind into products of another kind with as little change or reconfiguration as possible?

Shards generally can come across almost any phenomenon and know that it does a thing. Ie... technology and biology is simple configurations of physics to them and it makes it easy for them to work out how to achieve an effect that they want to make happen...

... the problem is that they have no real idea of Why they would want to use a particular configuration over another because of their lack of general creativity. The tinker themselves provides the impetus as to the question of Why to use a particular configuration of tech they've seen before.
What about xianxia and Chinese web novelists. TP could pay them more under less pressure so they don't have to add word padding and dish out generic chapter per day. Imagine xianxia but with quality.
Eh, part of the issue with Xianxia 'quality', and big part in fact, is conflicting culture. The Xianxia's that do well over in the West are either specifically adapted for it, or otherwise take a particularly nuanced and complex framing. Ie, ones that aren't genuinely Chinese, or take the kind of time and effort that is inimical to generic harem-trash power fantasies that are easy to pump out.

Of course, the same is true for all other markets and trashy entertainment sectors, but the 'base' of the Chinese market is just particularly at odds with how Western values cast our society on the surface.

And that's without taking in the fact that on Earth Bet, there was no decades long break between a brutal mass-murdering dictator and the rise of another, vaguely more subtle mass murdering dictator while the economy was being hybridized and rebuilding. They went from Mao to governmental collapse under Parahuman (again), to the reestablishment of a (historically brutal and dictatorial) dynasty, and the use of state-sanctioned pogroms and Parahuman persecution (I mean, IRL China is still into putting people in camps and extreme persecution, but they at least try somewhat to keep it out of their citizens eyes, and the people know to ignore it or else. Active participation is another step up the extremism scale).

All of this ultimately meaning that we have no idea what the Chinese cultural and Xianxia scene looks like...but it's probably quite a bit worse then IRL. Especially with all the anti-Parahuman propaganda the Yang-ban have spread around for their own purposes.
I knew a little about origin of xianxia, but I'm talking about immigrants or 1st generation of Americans. A lot of CN web novels are decent for the first 100 chapters which the authors plan for, then they can't keep up with their wage slave contractual demands and start putting out trash to reach that ~2k per day.
Even with the differences of parahuman history, there's The Journey to The West. All TP has to do is say write more of this based on CN mythology and power ups. He could also have his own anime studio and coz he's gonna be filthy rich, he could easily give them 2M$ per season budget, even if they don't recoup the cost.
Buy Lucas Films too!