In Nuclear Fire

Regarding one of the spoiler tech trees:
It's up to interpretation where Siren technology ends and human technology starts. There is an ongoing theory that Sirens are just shipgirls from the future that came back in time to prepare the world against a bigger menace.
If we go for the leaked Siren Operation archives then this is a world that already went through a massive human vs human war with soldiers using mechas powered by Cubes, but I don't want to go that deep.
In any case, you can safely assume that anything that the 2 main factions (the Azure Lane and Crimson Axis) can do, Peter can replicate. That includes the Iron Blood rigs that are in reality biomechanical creatures.

Pawn creation should be possible but incredibly expensive, but I'll say no to mirror sea. At least for now, maybe in a future event we'll get a better understanding of what they are.
I'm really hopeful that we'll see Warhammer tech on day. Both because he already calls himself Tech Priest and because I really want to have atleast one worm fanfic that features Imperium tech.
Speeking of future trees, I've played vampire of the masquerade in World of Darkness, and have no idea what kind of tech he would get there. Everything I know of is blood magic or ritual based. Hech both wizards and werewolves use mistical stuff... Am I missing something?

On a another note, super looking forward to Horizon Zero Dawn (if you pick that one of course) looking at massive zerg upgrades! That in addition to all the other crazy stuff like the ear computers (forgot the name) and the fact that a bunch of the robots are basically fast and deverse labs, creating the resources they drop from nature very efficiently, can't wait to see what he can get up to with that!
3, It can't be too broad. I prefer trees that can do 1 or 2 things right over trees that can do a bit of everything. StarCraft was already pushing this rule a bit, but I won't go for Marvel or DC.
It might help to go for specific characters from broader settings rather than the whole thing. That would allow you access to more settings while keeping the narrower focus each time that you seem to want.
1, It can't be too conceptual.

3, Nothing that is too powerful.
World of Darkness
But WoD tech is both conceptual and ridiculously overpowered in the absence of Paradox. Etherites, Technocrats, and VAs can all make reality do whatever they want with tech in a world where there's no Consensus to fight (or even just a world whose Consensus includes "People have superpowers" as a normal thing.)
Speeking of future trees, I've played vampire of the masquerade in World of Darkness, and have no idea what kind of tech he would get there. Everything I know of is blood magic or ritual based. Hech both wizards and werewolves use mistical stuff... Am I missing something?
There's the technocracy, an alliance of techno-wizards who could have taken care of the vampires already if they weren't dealing with Zion-level threats on a weekly basis.

And remember that bio-technology is perfectly valid, so there's nothing stopping Peter from turning himself into a vampire, a werewolf, or both. Have you seen what the Tzimisce can do? They'd laugh at Bonesaw's creations calling them juvenile. And an ancient werewolf armed with runic weapons is a brute 8 and up.

But WoD tech is both conceptual and ridiculously overpowered in the absence of Paradox. Etherites, Technocrats, and VAs can all make reality do whatever they want with tech in a world where there's no Consensus to fight (or even just a world whose Consensus includes "People have superpowers" as a normal thing.)
Maybe 'Conceptual' wasn't the right word to use. What I meant was that I want stuff that has clear rules and specific things that it can or cannot do. I'm perfectly ok with Peter replicating what vampires can do, for example, as it's easy to do with bio-technology. But things that are too vague or poorly explained, like the Dragon Balls that I used as example, is a no.

And yes, high level WoD stuff (like High Demons, High Fairies, or Autochtonia which I'm sure I misspelled) he won't be able to replicate. But all the relatively 'grounded' stuff is a go. Almost everything from the Technomancer's Toybox he could build.
There's the technocracy, an alliance of techno-wizards who could have taken care of the vampires already if they weren't dealing with Zion-level threats on a weekly basis.

There's also the Sons of Ether, who make technology based on debunked theories and mistaken preconceptions. From radiation-induced telepathy to spontaneous generation of vermin, the possibilities are as endless as human stupidity. All that's necessary is belief in the theory in question, though here the Shard will probably shortcut that.

Similarly, there are the Virtual Adepts, who use trinary computers to literally hack the world. Like everything Mages can do, it's reality warping with a thin veneer of technology or magic or whatever. The question is if it's "technological" enough for Pathfinder to recognize it as such.

Personally though I think Peter is going to go full technocracy. They've got the same theme as he does, with their unnecessarily questionable technology and methodology. Also, if it is necessary to embrace a Mage's paradigm in order to make their tech, he's got that down too- the Technocracy is basically "Technology can do everything" (In contrast, the Sons of Ether are "All theories are true" and the VAs are "We live in the matrix"). Overly simplified of course, but what can you do?
There's also the Sons of Ether, who make technology based on debunked theories and mistaken preconceptions. From radiation-induced telepathy to spontaneous generation of vermin, the possibilities are as endless as human stupidity. All that's necessary is belief in the theory in question, though here the Shard will probably shortcut that.

Similarly, there are the Virtual Adepts, who use trinary computers to literally hack the world. Like everything Mages can do, it's reality warping with a thin veneer of technology or magic or whatever. The question is if it's "technological" enough for Pathfinder to recognize it as such.

Personally though I think Peter is going to go full technocracy. They've got the same theme as he does, with their unnecessarily questionable technology and methodology. Also, if it is necessary to embrace a Mage's paradigm in order to make their tech, he's got that down too- the Technocracy is basically "Technology can do everything" (In contrast, the Sons of Ether are "All theories are true" and the VAs are "We live in the matrix"). Overly simplified of course, but what can you do?
Yeah, the Sons of Ether and the Virtual Adepts are way crazy, but I'm just going to say this: Peter won't limit himself to only creating Technocracy stuf. His great objective is still about transcending human limitations, after all.
Tbh on the Wards...
My head canon on the Ziz fight where she got owned was her not actually being dead but more or less got forcibly hibernated by the Sleeper that made her power saving mode be more or less turned her into a Capcicle kind of state to either wait out the next Entity to arrive or her being forgotten with those who knows her 'personally' being dead. I mean we know its dangerous to be on Sleeper's dominion but our only example of an Endbringer or Entity oriented body is Ziz and tbh the narration on that part where she got 'out of commission' was a bit weird on my opinion.
It's up to interpretation where Siren technology ends and human technology starts. There is an ongoing theory that Sirens are just shipgirls from the future that came back in time to prepare the world against a bigger menace.
If we go for the leaked Siren Operation archives then this is a world that already went through a massive human vs human war with soldiers using mechas powered by Cubes, but I don't want to go that deep.
In any case, you can safely assume that anything that the 2 main factions (the Azure Lane and Crimson Axis) can do, Peter can replicate. That includes the Iron Blood rigs that are in reality biomechanical creatures.

Pawn creation should be possible but incredibly expensive, but I'll say no to mirror sea. At least for now, maybe in a future event we'll get a better understanding of what they are.
Some of the most detailed information I got about Mirror Seas was from the relatively recent Northern Parlaiment Event.

My current assumption is that a Mirror Sea is a form of an artificial pocket universe, that is connected to a region of a realworld space with an otherwise undetectable conduit. It usually shifts anything that crosses over to the region of realspace it occupies, into itself.

It can relocate, which is why (mentioned in the ongoing Event) it is entirely possible to enter it in one location but exit it in a location that does not correspond to the distance and direction traveled while inside.

This interpretation offers a possible explanation to why it's actually seabound from what I know - and it is because the sea mostly lacks the small-scale landmarks that would betray the Mirror Sea's presence - like a shrub or a tree that is halfway there and halfway here.

In terms of the fic, a Mirror Sea generator would work if deployed in the ocean outside of the Bay, because there is no shipping to stumble into it. Deploying it in the Bay proper may run into a number of issues including but not limited to tinkertech sensors from PRT (or Uber and Leet), random seamen with small boats disappearing, or the Mirror Sea overlapping with the land and being open to any random wanderer.
Gods, it's like people don't even read comments, which is understandable, nor informationals, which is less so.
I'd suggest a banner, but I know from Cliff's stories those get ignored too.
There's something that Peter definitely needs from the DB tree, but it's something only the Dragon Balls have been able to do.
Can he manage the incredible, miraculous, amazing and unmatched power of MAKING SOMEONE 5CM TALLER!?!?!?

You know, so he looks like he's still growing.
He doesn't need something like the dragon balls for that. He can use biological manipulation, he can use temporal acceleration (the nutrients needed would be a bit tricky, but then again senzu beans), Android body would also work.

So apparently stuff in a spoiler tag doesn't count to the post word count and you have to write stuff outside.

@Poliamida in previous chapters you mentioned that Uktralisk can shoot down a city block in this story if I am not mistaken. Recently I started watching some Starcraft gameplay and they seem to be a melee only unit.

So is it something from the lord of Starcraft? Or did you mean a different unit? Or am I remembering it wrong?
@Poliamida in previous chapters you mentioned that Uktralisk can shoot down a city block in this story if I am not mistaken. Recently I started watching some Starcraft gameplay and they seem to be a melee only unit.

So is it something from the lord of Starcraft? Or did you mean a different unit? Or am I remembering it wrong?

Wrong unit. Ultralisks are big boys that can casually outrun, step on, and crush tanks, but aren't literally going to blow up a city block with a boom.

That would be BattleCarrier Lords. They're mechanical Brood Lords that have the combined attributes of a Brood Lord, Battlecruiser, and Carrier. The "destroy a city block" thing is from their Stetmato Cannon, a Stetmann-made version of the Yamato Cannon, which is a Casaba Howitzer. It's literally a tactical nuclear weapon.
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I find myself wanting to ask for Nier Or Honkai Impact but I feel like most stuff in Nier outside of the black box wouldn't be all that useful and Honkai might be a bit to dangerous to use if you want to get the good stuff.
@Poliamida in previous chapters you mentioned that Uktralisk can shoot down a city block in this story if I am not mistaken. Recently I started watching some Starcraft gameplay and they seem to be a melee only unit.

So is it something from the lord of Starcraft? Or did you mean a different unit? Or am I remembering it wrong?
Others already said this, but just to throw in an 'official' answer, the Mecha Ultralisks can't shoot a city block down, but they can totally destroy it by trampling all over the place.
Others already said this, but just to throw in an 'official' answer, the Mecha Ultralisks can't shoot a city block down, but they can totally destroy it by trampling all over the place.

Considering the fact Peter has already made unique Mecha-Zerg units by incorporating new tech trees into the Larvae, he could always modify pre-existing strains and make a ranged Ultralisk variant with the blades swapped out for guns. If he wants to or has the need for one.

Sticking a Stemato Cannon on them would be overkill, but a few Spore Cannons or Missile Racks could work. Maybe even an upscaled laser array for the Prism-lings. It would give Heavy Gear an artillery or heavy tank stand in.

Of course, that would only be necessary if Heavy Gear has to go fully into war-mode. Not like you can fight crime while keeping the city intact with a giant walking mass of guns.
These last two chapters really irked me. All those narrowminded people at PHO and Cauldron with their fucking Warlord experiment just riles me up!

I can only wish the best for Renick and his attempt at salvaging this mess of a situation.

The problem now is Renick is falling into the same trap of blaming everything on Heavy Gear, as opposed to abuse and corruption within the P.R.T., the local gangs, etc... where it belongs.
The problem now is Renick is falling into the same trap of blaming everything on Heavy Gear, as opposed to abuse and corruption within the P.R.T., the local gangs, etc... where it belongs.

Yup, it was said before by Taylor that she almost doesn't believe that they have a plan to neutralize the Empire since they were there even before her. And that's the PRT problem here, they Empire was there, buried between two ribs, disturbing but being unable to be removed withou a bloody result, and the PRT has spent so much time with that knife encysted in its side that it has almost forgotten that its duty is to remove it.

PRT: "We need to deal with the force that is destabilizing the city! We need to neutralize or recruit Heavy Gear!"

*Common sense (already tired of crying in despair) pointing at the E88.*