Martial: Push for Retreat: DC: 22. Base Stat: 16 + 1 + 1. Cost: 0 Budget. Roll: 8 fail

Considering we would have failed with either martial option, it's probably better that this one failed.

Huh, it's been a while since we had this happen. Considering RERs don't crit, this has good odds of getting us the highest tier, which will probably keep things from exploding in our face since we failed some actions.
I don't get what you are talking about here since you haven't actually stated what you think happened. Is this pro-Countess or pro-Wahner or anti-both?

My apologies I should have been clearer. I was under time constraint, and I hoped other poeple would come to the same conclusions I had if I just pointed in the right direction.

The case of the matter is that the Countess has already sent her head maid to threaten us into silence, where miss Warren had only attempted to bribe us. This would suggest that the countess had more to lose.

Furthermore it had been noted that you didn't think that Wahner could not get away with a murder attempt. Especially since Wahner would be the primary suspect if we were to be murdered. This would mean that only the countess would win from an attempt on our life,
A. The nosy tax inspector is dead and couldn't discover 'something'.
B. The nosy tax inspector would suspect Wahner.

We have also been hinted at that huge upheavals like these mostly result if the people think that their ruler has no just claim to their title.
And this would not have been worth mentioning if this had been standard procedure.
Countess Natalia took over control on request of her late spouse

This will all makes the countess my primary suspect for the attempted murders.

This will not have any impact to the question if Wahner had committed tax fraud. She could have and she be innocent with her records she should probably hire an accountant to help her keep her promises if she was innocent.
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I think you're begging the question here (that is, assuming the thing you wish to prove).

If we had been murdered, would the Wahner family be the primary suspects? Would they expect to be? Remember that regardless of who is 'truly' in the right or wrong here, it's pretty clear that the Wahner family's modus operandi here is to amplify the appearance of the Countess' wrongdoing. Why wouldn't they bank on that strategy working?
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I think you're begging the question here (that is, assuming the thing you wish to prove).

If we had been murdered, would the Wahner family be the primary suspects? Would they expect to be? Remember that regardless of who is 'truly' in the right or wrong here, it's pretty clear that the Wahner family's modus operandi here is to amplify the appearance of the Countess' wrongdoing. Why wouldn't they bank on that strategy working?
I want two remind you of this:
We certainly went after Wahner first with the accusation of murder.
The next day someone from the Countess' side tries to threaten you, their head maid or something believing that you could be intimidated into silence.
Would it be that much to assume that the person making a threat would be the first to make an attempt on our life.
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Push For Retreat:

DC: 22. Roll: 16 + 1 + 1 + 0.8 = 18.8

Uprooting Society I:

DC: 24. Roll: 17 + 4.8 = 21.8

Gauge Resistance:

DC: 20. Roll: 23 + 3.9 = 26.9

You wanted to scream.

Actually, maybe if you tried that operatic singer spell you might be able to scream silently.

Because right now, the biggest impediment to getting the potato adopted was that stubborn-ass Countess!

You knew resistance to the potato was, by this point, set. Mobs were actually going around uprooting the crops and putting in grain seed, and depending on what your agents were saying, might be going around to beat up people who tried putting in the potato seed, when they weren't busy getting ready to burn down wherever the people taking money from the Countess were. Definitely you were hearing about the mobs of furious farmers unleashing their pent-up anger at mistreatment on the Countess' agents afield, but despite your entreaties she insisted on sending the patrols out in force to make sure that the peasantry was adopting the potatoes, with a reward if they did. Surely these peasants would be able to rationally select what would be in their best interest - she had made sure to educate them on the properties of the potatoes, and their complete superiority over the other fallow crops being grown.

You tried telling her politely that precisely none of that was actually happening.

Wait, but she was receiving reports of widespread adoption and payouts for that adoption, the Countess asks, confused. Weren't the fields in the countryside adopting the same practices as the farmers near the manor?

It's at this moment that you take a look at whatever possessed this naive fool - and suddenly realize that she was from Alanyiva. Just to check...she didn't happen to bring her staff over, did she? She confirmed your suspicion, and immediately you feel the need to scream again.

Totally different culture, totally different expectations.

You try to explain to her what's going on, to the best of your knowledge. Unlike her, you had decided early on to set up your own network of people that you could mostly trust - which meant, in practice, only the people you could monitor, while Cormag approached the problem from his authority as a member of the church, trying to hear them out and possibly handing out alms to the people in need. You still needed to occasionally show up in people's houses occasionally, but at least you could be mostly confident that your information was accurate - and from what you were hearing, none of what the Countess thought was happening was actually happening.

On the ground level, what was actually happening was that the group of people she had hired to spread the word were busy forcing farmers to unplant their grain crops and then put in potato crops, with none of the rewards for adopting the potato - that was all getting embezzled away, into buying off successively more of their own network. Even those potatoes that was being planted was being pulled from old stores, and if you had Tekla's research notes right of those the vast majority were simply not going to take in the soil - and so what she needed to do right this moment was order a withdrawal and downsizing, let the people cool off, and then start over, this time with actually trustworthy agents.

She politely thanks you for your advice, but naturally if everyone is untrustworthy she can't just take you at your word.

Like you said, you want to scream. You can't even try pushing to implement the strategy - it's far too dangerous to risk literally burning up your fledgling network on such a suicidal maneuver, so you simply pour the funds into making sure you can trust your network - even if you have to recruit children in order to make sure it's done right.

Hit the Countess' Books:

DC: 27. Roll: 22 + 3 + 2.8 = 27.8

Fortunately, some good comes out of the heated discussions that you have with the Countess. With the majority of the Countess' security staff - sorry, personal waitstaff - waiting on her and watching you, Kerrie manages to slip into the files and come out with her actual documents.

Unfortunately you only had a moment to scan through her mountain of documents before she did her nightly review of those documents, which made things a little tricky.

As far as you could tell though...honestly, you were genuinely impressed at how well she was notating her accounts. She was able to produce internal documentation for outflows to her field agents, outflows to the importers importing her stock of potatoes, outflows to the farmers and maintenance - you were fairly sure she was actually paying people to build and maintain useful infrastructure, which was a definite step up - and then the inflows from the taxes and other investments she had inherited from her late husband. Aside from the fact that she was painfully out of touch and all the data that she was being fed was complete bullshit, she appeared to genuinely be trying to be aboveboard, even making sure to laboriously set aside a set of taxes in order to ensure that there would be no problem from people like you.

Unfortunately, that's all the time you have to scan the stack of documents before you hand them off to Kerrie to sneak back into her office, and even then Kerrie mentions there being a close shave with the Head Maid.

Sheesh. Working against competent people was hard.

The Root of the Issue III:

DC: 15. Roll: 20 + 2.0 = 22

Still feeling a little out of sorts from his month spent bedridden, Tekla continues to make progress on his research into the potatoes. After three months of growing the potato, he notices some of them have ripened - so naturally the most important part of the research comes next. He uproots all of the potatoes in his small plot and immediately examines them. Only a small handful have actually ripened - so he cuts those up into tiny pieces. Some pieces are cut according to the Countess's instructions; others are cut up in some pattern that apparently only he can see, and he replants them. However, he leaves most of the field unplanted, because he needs to check the most important question of all: can high-intensity crops like grain be planted after a season of potato growing?

There's only one way to find out, he says, planting the spring wheat.

Local Politics:

DC: 27. Roll: 23 + 2 + 1.6 = 26.7

You begin testing the waters for making the case that the potatoes have a clear and present need based on the need to feed the incoming army and their horses. While the spirits see your point that it is a huge load for the peasantry to support, they argue that the army could be fed on wheat, as was tradition, if only the Countess would let up on the amount of troops forcing everyone to adopt the potato. You do manage to convince them that should you get good evidence for the potato working, then maybe they'll consider it. As a stopgap.

Late into the month, the Countess apologizes for not taking you at your word and acting sooner. She had found out through her own sources - you look over at the Head Maid, who is conspicuously looking away - that what you said was broadly correct, so she immediately stopped the payments and recalled the people she was sending out to adopt the potato. For stealing from their lord and failing to live up to their obligations, they will be judged according to the laws of the land, she insists.

You nod, and thank her for actually working with you on this matter.

Unfortunately, in the confusion of the past month the Wahner family appears to have slipped out of their jail cells. Fortunately, they slipped out of their cells late at night, but you're going to need to either press a case against them soon or deal with the situation somehow, because otherwise they might decide to start hitting you the ways that nobility can hit back.

Really not what you need.

Random Event Roll: 91

And then...something miraculous begins happening. Maybe it's some shift high in the Aurora, but whatever it is, the weather is unseasonably good for planting. So unseasonably good, in fact, that the farmers nearest the Countess' manor, where she can actually enforce the potato adoption personally have harvested their first batch of potatoes, and then planted the spring wheat in those fields.

And...the spring wheat takes.

It takes into the soil, and ye spirits in the land and on high, it takes well!

Rumor spreads like wildfire, and while the sentiment has still hardened against it out towards the farther reaches of the territory, the farmers nearest the manor are all clamoring to replant as much of the potatoes as possible, since it's both edible and the Countess is still granting complete tax immunity for the duration of the initial experiment with potatoes.

You have...decidedly mixed feelings.

Administrative Expense: 1 Budget.
Salaries and Wage Expense: 9 Budget.
Spiritual Expense: 2 Budget.
Net Loss: 12 Budget.

Remaining Budget: 74.

With three to five months until the army came through, you were coming down to the wire on the harvest. If the harvest was going to come in on time, you needed to make sure that the planting began now or you wouldn't going to be able to get anywhere.

Add to that the Wahner Family breaking out of jail and undoubtedly planning to get up to things and you had a bigger problem on your hand. At least now the Countess was willing to listen to your counsel, and especially the Countess' Head Maid, who you were mostly certain was doing her own thing that seemed mostly aligned with the Countess' intentions. The Head Maid then went one step further and offered cooperation: they would help cover either Screwing Wahner or Staying Honest, if you couldn't get around to either.

You sigh. Time to get crunching, and fast.

With 74 Budget remaining and needing to start planting crops now, you are free to spend up to 30 Budget this turn.

You have one [Free] Action that you may spend on an action in any category.

You can cooperate with your teammates to add +3 base stat to an action that you are cooperating on. It is represented by using your [Free] Action on one of your already-selected Actions.

Martial (Choose 1) {Kerrie Action}
[] [Martial] Protection Detail
With the Wahners on the loose, it may be for the best to pull the Countess' agents back to protect your group instead of sending them out afield. DC: 22. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Martial] Out Afield

On the other hand, you request to dispatch the agents further afield - with extremely strict rules of engagement because ye gods the last thing you need is more rumors of the Countess' thugs beating up more people - to help make sure the potatoes were in the field. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.

Diplomacy (Choose 1) {Cormag Action}
[] [Diplomacy] Let Them Have Grain II

Okay, time to admit it: the Countess would need to replace her entire network in order to get the mass adoption of the potato, which would come at great expense and also would probably be limited at best. This isn't a retreat, it's just an acknowledgement: the peasants want to plant grain out there, just let them. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Diplomacy] Uprooting Society II

On the other hand, these potatoes are so wildly productive that the more of it you can get out there the better off everyone is going to be. With your agents in place helping guide the Countess' new group of hires, this might actually be...well, less impossible. DC: 22. Cost: 4 Budget.

Intrigue (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Intrigue] Sloshing An Ocean

On the one hand: the Wahner family's complete inability to keep straight records even within the family makes the case for tax evasion that much harder to prove. On the other hand: since their records are so shit you could probably steal some without anyone the wiser, now that they've been so heavily disrupted. DC: 25. Gain: 6 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Screw Wahner
Now that they're out of jail - mostly illegally, you might add - you need to keep them from doing anything too annoying to either you or the Countess. DC: 20. Gain: 2 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Judicial Honesty

Fortunately, for a small province like this there are only a handful of judges - a handful which you can immediately bribe. DC: 15. Cost: 6 Budget.
[] [Intrigue] Staying Honest

You need to watch over the fledgling network that you and the Countess are setting up, and keep them from punishing theft or dishonesty. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.

Learning (Choose 1) {Tekla Action}
[] [Learning] The Root of the Issue IV

Now that Tekla is starting to head into the real trials for the soil health, you're going to need him to continue studying the viability of potatoes as a fallow-season crop. DC: 15. Cost: 0 Budget.
[] [Learning] Magical Mapping

Part of the problem is that the spirits feel threatened by the changeover from the three-field system to one revolving around grain and potatoes - perhaps by assessing their territory and calculating impacts, you might be able to alleviate some of these concerns? DC: 25. Cost: 2 Budget.

Stewardship (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Stewardship] Bringing A Case

You no longer have time for "precisely tight legal arguments" - you mostly need the Wahner family to sit down and shut up, and you're willing to bring some charges which may not be completely watertight in order to do it. DC: 25. Cost: 2 Budget.
[] [Stewardship] Organizing Distribution

If you're going to seriously start distributing the potato on a far greater scale, you're going to need to organize them, and you're fairly good at that, if you're willing to tout your own abilities. DC: 25. Cost: 4 Budget.

Piety (Choose 1) {Agueda Action}
[] [Piety] Local Politics II

Well, you have some tenuous evidence that the potato can work as a fallow-land crop, but well, it's still going to take more work. More money, of course, always helps. DC: 26. Cost: 3 Budget.
[] [Piety] A Call For Justice

If you're going to try to get the Wahners prosecuted, you might as well pray to Justice and see what help Justice can send your way. DC: 25. Cost: 0 Budget.
I retract my earlier suspicion against the countess.
Her maid may have been working independently.
[X] Plan Focusing on Potatoes
-[X] [Martial] Out Afield
-[X] [Diplomacy] Uprooting Society II
--[X] Add Free Action to Uprooting Society II
-[X] [Intrigue] Screw Wahner
-[X] [Learning] The Root of the Issue IV
-[X] [Stewardship] Organizing Distribution
-[X] [Piety] Local Politics II

[X] Plan Focusing on Justice
-[X] [Martial] Out Afield
-[X] [Diplomacy] Uprooting Society II
--[X] Add Free Action to Uprooting Society II
-[X] [Intrigue] Judicial Honesty
-[X] [Learning] The Root of the Issue IV
-[X] [Stewardship] Bringing A Case
-[X] [Piety] A Call For Justice

Both plans involved the Martial action and Learning action that has a definite chance of succeeding alongside. Diplomacy is going for the easier, but more expensive action with our free action to get people planting while the Head Maid will keep our network honest.

Otherwise, Potatoes focuses on getting crops planted by keeping the Wahners off our backs whilst focusing on organising distribution of the potatoes and dealing with local politics. Local Politics only needs a 10+ to succeed between our stats and our Gnarled Rod.

Meanwhile Justice focuses on bringing a case against the Wahners with our Stewardship and Intrigue actions as not-air tight charges will be dealt with by paying off the local judges and our piety action will focus on dealing with enlisting the aid of Justice.

I personally favour Potatoes due to this:
and needing to start planting crops now,

If you take one of them, they'll take the other. If you take neither, they'll take Staying Honest.
Can we request that they take Screwing Wahner instead or is that not allowed?
[X]Plan: Potatoes Come First
- [X] [Martial] Out Afield
- [X] [Diplomacy] Uprooting Society II
- [X] [Intrigue] Screw Wahner
- [X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
- [X] [Stewardship] Organizing Distribution + [Free]
- [X] [Piety] Local Politics II

So, this plan is operating on the basis that the single most important priority we have right now is making sure the army is fed. With that in mind, we devote the minimum possible actions to the Wahners (One guaranteed success intrigue action) and everything else goes towards Maximum Potatoes Now. We take Magical Mapping because I think it is more likely to convince the spirits to help out now, as opposed to two months from now after fallow crop testing.

Also: Ye gods, we got lucky there. All hail Head Maid, our new lord and saviour.
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Can we request that they take Screwing Wahner instead or is that not allowed?
You're allowed to request it but they won't do it. They're investing considerable resources into putting out their own network of agents, and they want someone keeping an eye out for them.
[X]Plan: Potatoes Come First
- [X] [Martial] Out Afield
- [X] [Diplomacy] Uprooting Society II
- [X] [Intrigue] Screw Wahner
- [X] [Intrigue] Staying Honest
- [Head Maid Action]
- [X] [Learning] Magical Mapping
- [X] [Stewardship] Organizing Distribution + [Free]
- [X] [Piety] Local Politics II

So, this plan is operating on the basis that the single most important priority we have right now is making sure the army is fed. With that in mind, we devote the minimum possible actions to the Wahners (One guaranteed success intrigue action) and everything else goes towards Maximum Potatoes Now. We take Magical Mapping because I think it is more likely to convince the spirits to help out now, as opposed to two months from now after fallow crop testing.

Also: Ye gods, we got lucky there. All hail Head Maid, our new lord and saviour.
The plan is invalid because you don't get to control the Head Maid's actions - she's independently deciding to coordinate with you, not subordinating herself to you.
I get your point on the magical mapping, but I think it's worth taking a coin flip on. Spirit cooperation could make a huge difference in getting planting done this month, which is critical. Testing fallow-field potato effects will not have an effect till next turn, which is too late to help the army.

That said, I could be persuaded to switch it if enough people disagree. My main point of difference with your plan @Oshha is putting the free action on stewardship - I consider succeeding on that one absolutely critical.

The plan is invalid because you don't get to control the Head Maid's actions - she's independently deciding to coordinate with you, not subordinating herself to you.

I mean, the way you wrote it indicated that if I put Agueda on Screwing with Wahner, then that is what she would do of her own choice. I mainly put it in the plan to make clear that Staying Honest was also covered.

I can remove it if you want.
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I get your point on the magical mapping, but I think it's worth taking a coin flip on. Spirit cooperation could make a huge difference in getting planting done this month, which is critical. Testing fallow-field potato effects will not have an effect till next turn, which is too late to help the army.

That said, I could be persuaded to switch it if enough people disagree. My main point of difference with your plan @Oshha is putting the free action on stewardship - I consider succeeding on that one absolutely critical.

I personally consider having our free action on Diplomacy to be more important as I feel we need to ensure that people go along with planting the potatoes before we do anything else. It won't matter how well we plan it or if the spirits think it is great if the farmers refuse to plant potatoes.
I mean, the way you wrote it indicated that if I put Agueda on Screwing with Wahner, then that is what she would do of her own choice. I mainly put it in the plan to make clear that Staying Honest was also covered.

I can remove it if you want.
Yeah, there's a certain element of control to putting it in the plan that I'd prefer wasn't implied.
@huhYeahGoodPoint Can we get a case info sheet for our current case like we did for our first case?
We'll see if I can get around with it. My first priority right now is studying for my exam tomorrow, my second being other various errata, and my third is maintaining daily updates in this quest. Adding a case sheet is gonna be a pretty solid hand waggle.
[X] Plan Focusing on Potatoes

Tried building my own plan, but it was basically this with a different free action and I wasn't sure about it anyway.