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While I remember, I have a mini-plan I thought of:
Give the Alleys and Vexes dog whistles.
Tell them to wait until it's night-time and the dogs are asleep.
Go near their base, blow on the dog whistles, hide for about half an hour, repeat.
Can't foil our plans if they can't sleep! I a bad person for proposing to deprive a bunch of dogs of sleep until they collapse? Maybe. Maybe we shouldn't do it too much. Just a couple of times, when they're making progress on finding us.
No need for dog whistles. We can just set off fireworks at all hours of the night. That will definitely drive them crazy.
[X] Spear: While less popular than the sword, it has its merits, including its long reach the possbilites for slapstick comedy.

Poke goes the Lancer.

+100 Notoriety. Everyone knows you're behind the recent string of accidents and mishaps, but they don't have any evidence to prove it. And given what happened after last time... they're gonna be pretty paranoid.

+100 VP Popularity. Everyone knows that you're behind this string of crimes, and as such, they've begun to speculate on what you'll do next.

The Paw Patrol have once again been distracted and tired out by your minions' shenanigans.

The Paw Patrol suffer a -10 malus during the Rumor Mill as well as during the next SUPERVILLAIN Scheme if done next Turn.
Hmm, might not want to do this for the next supervillain scheme. Wouldn't do to become too predictable.
+20 to all Rolls during the next Supervillain Scheme if done next Turn. SHOULD YOU ACTUALLY STICK TO THE PLAN THIS TIME.
Pfft. Here's hoping that we do!

[X] Sword: A veritable classic of a weapon, the sword would be a useful generalist weapon to learn how to use.
[X] Bow and Arrow: Huh. Who would've known that the woman whose name literally translated to "bow" would be so good at using a bow?
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(Non-Canon) Cracked Cards: Alikard310
Omake. Cracked cards.

Sitting in your workshop you looked at what you had recently acquired. To be honest, you were incredibly proud of your purchase and only regretted that you had not been able to make something like that yourself. In front of you on the table was an umbrella. The most ordinary umbrella. At least at first glance. In fact it was a folding sword with a sheath in the form of an umbrella and a clever mechanism of retrieving, as well as with the ability to shoot its tip at the end by pressing one of the buttons, disguised as an umbrella opening mechanism.

This purchase has cost you no less than 1000 dollars. Yes it is expensive, but that is the price of goods at the forge of various items like swords and other items of the pre-industrial era. Why would anyone buy such things and how did you even find something like that? Oddly enough, there are many people who as a hobby choose to play knights and warriors, to gather in a crowd, to show off their costumes, and then converge on the battlefield imitating ancient or simply fictional battles. Such people were called "rolevikami" and private forges use their modern tools to make an imitation of a real or fictional weapons and armor are for private orders pretty good profit. Here and ordered one of these weapons for themselves in addition to paying for it did not become "dumb" before the sale.

However, you originally ordered a cane with an extraction mechanism from the sheath, not a full-fledged umbrella, and the reason for that was quite serious. First, you did not want to expose yourself with such a purchase and the opportunity to open. It is one thing when you buy a cane sword that given the fact that you kind of learn how to fight Yumi with that particular weapon, it can be explained, but if the newly appeared villain has that particular weapon, it is not hard to put two and two together. That's why you ordered a sword cane without any ornaments. The only distinguishing feature was the extraction mechanism in the form of several indispensable buttons on it. One for the "awl" to come out of its upper part and one so that the sword itself could be extracted.

Once it came to you you set to work to change both the appearance of the handle by adding a few decorative things, as well as adding the mechanism of the umbrella itself and connecting it to the retractable "awl" mechanism. Considering that you have never done this kind of work it was a challenge for you to overcome which nevertheless the internet helped you. After that there was a routine in the form of installation of the umbrella itself, but before that you resorted to something that you were good at unlike various mechanical crafts - magic.

You have again resorted to amulets, namely by applying amulets on the strength of the umbrella itself by making of it a kind of shield in the open state, and when assembled it could well be used as a crowbar. Adding various embroidery on top in the form of pink embroidery on a white background and got a very nice accessory, which could well be mistaken for an umbrella from the sun, which used to be used by various ladies in England and France. Perhaps the only thing that gave it away as a weapon was its considerable weight. All these mechanisms and the sword itself weighed quite a bit.

The mechanism itself was quite simple: one click of the button and the umbrella opens becoming a shield, the second click and out comes the "stalk" of the sword, the third click and the umbrella is folded, the click on the button below and the sword is removed from its sheath. Everything was very simple.

After your upgrades, it became a formidable weapon and you couldn't wait to try it out.

- Just wait a little Puppy Patrol, soon you will experience the full power of the PUPPETEER. - you muttered quietly opening it with a quiet click, but solemnly looking at your new weapon and the smile never left your face. Folding the umbrella with a slight movement of your hand you danced your way to your den. This day really was amazing! After all, you just got a few extra trumps for the unexpected.

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[X] Spear: While less popular than the sword, it has its merits, including its long reach the possbilites for slapstick comedy.
[x] Spear: While less popular than the sword, it has its merits, including its long reach the possbilites for slapstick comedy.
Polearms are the classic weapon that counter swords, which are symbols of nobility, given how our parents seem to be high ranking us using the spear seems fitting
In general, the result should be something like an umbrella sword, shield and crowbar/spear. All this is 1000 bucks and we create an artifact.

However, given that we will be able to handle only one type of weapon, the others will be more like auxiliary tools.
[X] Bow and Arrow: Huh. Who would've known that the woman whose name literally translated to "bow" would be so good at using a bow?
[x] Spear: While less popular than the sword, it has its merits, including its long reach the possbilites for slapstick comedy.
I like the bow so voting for it. Granted seems there's more for spear which I'm also fine with. Plus the things we could do with polearms.

Also also, I'm actually interested in some omakes involving Johanna being transported to another fictional universe(Miraculous, Harry Potter, etc.)
Is interesting to note. Granted one thing that tends to always stop me would be the concern over things like a character's personality...
Can Johanna channel magic through the weapon? If Yes, Then it changes the question to Staff, Wand or Ranged Ritual Staff.

That not he only consideration. Picking Spear, a weapon that to use means we cannot have one hand tied up with Presto is a good cover for Proving Johanna cannot be the puppeteer. Especially if the puppeteer is a sword master. As for a secret teacher who won't rat us out, Iskander. He should have seen and experienced combat with just about every style of every weapon. Including the really deadly styles that don't look flashy but work for killing someone. Though that might result in a combat style that does +50 to all combat rolls and +5 to Injuring your opponent in a No Fun way.

Still I Like the idea of a Cane sword the most

[X] Sword: A veritable classic of a weapon, the sword would be a useful generalist weapon to learn how to use.
(Hilariously Non-Canon) Muscle Wizard: Ironconsulate
Muscle Wizard

Merin was feeling confident, and why wouldn't he? this foe he faced with his masterful magic might whether the brains be the Pernicious Puppeteer using silly slight of hand and pathetic prelection projection to make one weak spell caster seem like 2, or the Puppet Presto was a flimsy freeloading figurine using the fragile frame of the puppeteer, they were the weaker wizard especially when compared to the Mavelous Magic Merlin.
Needle spell blocked by shield spell, moving to a attempt to blind with a flash spell which in turn defeated by a conjuration spell to create a earthen wall, spell after spell went back and forth comparable to a game of tennis only the tennis balls were replaced with grenades wrapped in Christmas lights, beautiful but quite dangerous.

As the fight progressed Merlin's morale maximised, more and more copied conjuration and conjury was shown, the meek mage before him puppet or person luckily lacked a sundry of spells thus allowing his preponderant proficiency and magical might to master this fight.
why the proud and principled paw patrol suffered a paddling against this puppet possessing person is beyond him.

The Puppet spoke "Well you're certainly a talented little puppy arent you! don't supposed i could convince you to join us? you'd make a good assistant" Presto pondered clothe brows raised in curiosity
Merlin monologed in a miffed manner "i the Mystic Merin am not a powerless peon, my exceptional expertise expands beyond all you could know, you cloth clod!"
Presto and the Puppeteer pause for a moment in sync, looking to each other then back to Merlin, the Puppeteer quickly tries to stifle a laugh, failing just as fast, Presto indifferent to their partners comedic condition continues ".....ok...that alliteration is going to get real old...real quick sooo on second thought offer retracted, sorry. Partner it seems like you'll have to use your other skill to defeat this puppy wizard"
Upon hearing the Puppets pronouncement the Mystic and Mighty Merlin was wary and warding, prepared for perfidious plans or procedures, mind moving through methods to counter and contain any anaemic arcanum from the Las Vegas looking loon, Runic Resistance raised and-
Merlin was unprepared to be lifted up by the scruff of his neck, all mystical defences defeated by the simple act of physical motion, mind frozen in shock and confusion to the point where he couldn't even think in alliterations Merlin could only look on as the puppeteer picked him up and placed him in a rune enchanted pet carrier, designed to negate any of his magic.
Looking on he could see the Magic duo who defeated him walk away talking
"You were supposed to hit him!" claimed the puppet "as you say 'I cast Fist!' it would have been perfect"
the Puppeteer seemed almost zealous with the anger in their response "Presto i am not punching a dog"
"What sort of Muscle wizard are you?" the puppet whined petulantly
"The sort who doesnt go around kicking dogs!" were the final words he heard shouted from the Puppeteer as they walked out of hearing distance
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[X] Bow and Arrow: Huh. Who would've known that the woman whose name literally translated to "bow" would be so good at using a bow?
[x] Spear: While less popular than the sword, it has its merits, including its long reach the possbilites for slapstick comedy.

With spear we could get a wizards staff and add a spear tip.
How long will the voting last and do I have time to write an omake regarding Iskander's thoughts? I want to write about how he would think about sending Johanna to another world for her training. After all, from his point of view, the best training is practice. He will send her to the world of Miraculous or Harry Potter, and then return her after some time. If you are not sure if it's the best way to practice, he will send her to the world of Miraculous and Harry Potter, and then send her back after a certain period of time. The only question is whether she'll get something out of the things and spells there and come back. It's just a question of how she'll get there and who she'll get there as.

If the dragon can get her into one of the secondary characters of that world with their memories, that's one thing, but getting into those worlds in her own body is another.

In general, I want to combine these two options so that Johanna can get into the body of her reflection in this world, and then return and try to get there in her own body.

But she can get there with one restriction: she must stick to her role. Act as the one she gets into, so that when she left, her actions could be attributed to the actions of the one she was replacing. That is, she must not step out of her role. For example, if she got into the world of Harry Potter, she would become, for example, Luna Lovegood:

And the longer she spends there, the more knowledge she gets of Luna herself. Within a month she will get all the memories and can either continue playing or go back to the Puppy Patrol.

...And yes, it would be interesting if Johanna herself knew about these worlds from books and comics. Because I think you know about the cartoon universe theory? That all writers are prophets who saw the events of parallel worlds and described them in their books? Here they describe them, and Johanna reads them and wants to participate in them.

Otherwise it wouldn't be very interesting, as one wouldn't want to miss the canon.
How long will the voting last and do I have time to write an omake regarding Iskander's thoughts?
I'll probably end it tonight, and given that we have two more omake reward slots open for now, you have a chance. :)

As to that multiversal omake, it's a neat concept and I'd love to see it, but it will sadly have to be non-canon due to all the work I'd have to put in, plus character bloat and shenanigans.
I'll probably end it tonight, and given that we have two more omake reward slots open for now, you have a chance. :)

As to that multiversal omake, it's a neat concept and I'd love to see it, but it will sadly have to be non-canon due to all the work I'd have to put in, plus character bloat and shenanigans.

So we won't go to other worlds and we won't be able to take part in another story? :F It's a pity...

Okay, in that case, I'll take care of the omake about the "smile" for now.
So, I'm not sure what villainous plan chat is wanting overall.

Personally, I was leaning towards 'going to another city on our flying dragon and robbing a museum there of what we can personally carry so to not weigh him down too much, especially if it's magic themed, to show off we're not just a local threat.'.

As for weapon, I'm leaning towards bow and arrow. Keeps us at a distance, allows us to put spells on the arrows to do things when they land, and if we can animate the arrows temporarily we can more safely utilize them without fear of putting a hurting on people.

Though there is something to be said for the spear and how it might translate a bit into using a magical staff or cane, or wand if we can make it big for a time.

Sword is meh.

[x] Bow and Arrow: Huh. Who would've known that the woman whose name literally translated to "bow" would be so good at using a bow?
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