Glad to be here! Awakening is a great setting, and the future part of it is almost half the reason, so I'm really interested to see where this goes!
I get the feeling that there's a lot of the children who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, but the way the write-in is written especially the 'you honestly don't know' part doesn't sit well with me. It sounds almost defeated, like Lucina doesn't care who joins.
I think something like "You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around" sounds better. It sounds more proactive, and that Lucina actually knows her friend's interests, at least so far in how much they like fighting. It sounds inclusive to all of the others, while not being dismissive of Kjelle and Severa's individual opinions.
We had previously discussed alternatives for Noire but couldn't come up with an alternative option we liked. I voted for the Henry option because that option had two votes and there were no votes for anything else at that point and just didn't want to not contribute. We discussed talking to Tharja and also trying to see if Noire could be taught non dark magic by someone else as two different options but it didn't seem in character for Lucina to want to confront Tharja again and the other teacher option just didn't get talked about. If you have a good alternative I'd be interested in hearing it.
I like the write-in you mentioned for the group training. I didn't realize it would be possible to invite multiple people. I had previously voted for Inigo but if you want to make that a write-in vote I'd switch to that.
Sorry what? I can't hear you over the sounds of me yoinking your write-in.
Jokes aside it's a good point.
[X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
[X] Suggest Noire to come the next time you go see Henry
I'm still not set on Noire but as already stated we haven't been able to agree on an alternative, that said it does mean we need to take Henry next full turn which means that we're down an action. Sure we don't have to but we shouldn't delay since it may look like Lucina isn't actually interested in helping.
[X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
[X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
Reluctant to vote on Noire's issue right now cause one way or another, Tharja is gonna find out about this and may confront us about it. Not opposed to anyone voting for Henry, but I'm seeing repercussions
Well since it seems people are unsure about the Noire option does any of these write-ins sound good to anyone?
[] Ask Noire if its really Dark Magic she is interested in or just magic
-[] If Dark Magic specifically suggest she go with you to talk to Henry to learn more about what she would be getting into such as how dark magic affects the user and the potential dangers involved
-[] If general magic or if she is willing talk to someone that is experienced with the use of tomes of non dark magic such as Maribelle, Lissa, or Miriel to learn more about how she can use her natural talent to still be effective in the war without risking changing or hurting herself in the process
While it's not an "issue", Noire specifically notes that, based on what she managed to learn on her own without instructions, she knows she will be great at dark magic.
"So, I've been thinking. How to become more useful, I mean. Archery's a start, and I'm not too bad with a staff, but...I think... no, I know there's something I can be better at." She takes a deep breath. "I watched mother a lot, you know. When she's experimenting with spells, or conducting research, or-" She interrupts herself, as if recalling an unpleasant memory. You can't quite suppress a scowl yourself, as you remember your last interactions with Tharja and what led to it. Eventually though, Noire continues.
"I did manage to learn a couple of things on my own. I really, really think that I could be good at it. But when I ask mother, she refused to teach me more."
It's less that magic interests her, and more that she wants to be certain she will be useful, and in her mind that means making use of the talent or potential she knows she has.
After the comment about Tharja not teaching her because she knows her daughter would use her own life force almost exclusive to cast Dark Magic I'm more and more inclined to the thought that Lucina would come to a halt on the same thought honestly. Not because she's hurting herself, but because she's damaging herself. Or at least making it all too easy for such to occur.
Lucina doesn't really get torture for training like what happened in Noire's childhood before Lucina interfered, but I stated before that I think Lucina would have been dubious but okay with it if Noire had asked for it. I still stand by that by the way, but for all that those hurt Noire, they still helped her.
Using her own life force would not only hurt her, it would also damage her body. Eventually at least, but Lucina thinks enough ahead to know what that means.
I can't say that she'd say "No" outright to Noire, but I think she would try everything else she could think of first. Up to and including trying to get her friend to promise to use the environment first like Lucina herself does.
Might be a bit late for that... sorta epiphany though.
Issue is mostly that I seriously doubt we're talking her out of it,and deprived of trainers she hacked together something semi functional on her own already.
So barring some way to shut her down hard and to have her accept is the least harmful
I brought that up before yeah. If we don't help her and she tries on her own? Yeah, that's worse.
[] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
The Henry option also irritates me because it necessitates us taking up a slot next turn for magic. Granted we don't need to do Falchion next turn either. Falchion has it's edge now, so that's no longer a Critical thing we need to get done.
The Henry option also irritates me because it necessitates us taking up a slot next turn for magic. Granted we don't need to do Falchion next turn either. Falchion has it's edge now, so that's no longer a Critical thing we need to get done.
Yeah I'd prefer not having an action locked before we can even begin planning for next turn myself. But if we end up having to do it we do it, for Noire's sake of not our own conscious.
But seriously, we need to commit to a Noire action and that means voting so...
[X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him. [X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well.
-[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him. [X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
[X] Take her to Mirabelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well. -[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
[X] Suggest a name
-[X] Ask everyone - You think there are several of your friends who would be interested in regular sparring sessions, let's ask around.
It's a good occasion to see who'd be interested, you think. You're sure at least a few of your friends would be eager to join, and you might as well make the offer to everyone while you're at it. No need to have someone feel left out. Soon, you begin your tour of the various Shepherd children, leaving Morgan aside for now, being four years your junior and all.
A few of them refuse, which was to be expected. Laurent shows little interest in such a strenuous activity, and Brady outright laughs before stating you really don't want to have him swinging any kind of weapon near you. Apparently, the last time he tried under his father's guidance was an unmitigated disaster. He'll stick to healing staves for now, thank you very much. Yarne seems on the fence for a while, until you mention Kjelle would be there, at which point he runs for the hills. You're really going to have to do something about that. More surprisingly perhaps, Gerome turns the offer down. You don't know much about him or what he likes to do - it's been a while since you saw him, and even then you weren't that close - but it's clear from his appearance that he does train, so you had expected him to be at least interested. No such luck, it seems.
Then there are those who remain ambivalent. You can tell Cynthia is uncertain, but would probably do it were you to insist. Inigo seems rather shy at the prospect, apparently more intimidated by social interactions than by the training itself, but you can tell he's seriously considering it. And Noire... Noire seems to not like the idea much, yet doesn't turn you down, simply saying that if you think it's a good idea, she'll do it. At this point, you're becoming rather worried for her.
And then there's Owain and Nah. Owain is rather enthusiastic when you talk to him about it, even more so when you mention Kjelle and Severa, mentioning the need for someone to make them smile once in a while. You have a bad feeling about this. Nah is more subdued, yet respond positively almost instantly, focusing instead of the ways to make it work. Clearly her recent experiences and feeling responsible for her younger sister serve as powerful motivations, though you're worried she might end up overdoing it.
All in all, that leaves you with a few candidates. Now all that remains is to decide what to do.
[] Choose a single person
-[] Who?
[] Accept the most eager children (Nah, Owain)
-[] ... and encourage the more hesitant ones to join as well (Cynthia, Inigo, Noire)
--[] ... and try to convince those who are reluctant (Yarne, Gerome, Laurent, Brady)
[] Write-in
[X] Take her to Maribelle. You can give up a class or two for a single day for her to talk to someone who knows elemental magic and, more importantly, is a very good teacher in order for your friend to try and see if she's good at that magic as well. -[X] If she isn't or is still very persistent about Dark magic take her to Henry when you next see him.
You hesitate. Doing nothing isn't an option, but Noire's plan seems particularly risky. Your first instinct is to propose Henry's help instead, but in the end you suggest talking to Maribelle instead. While she never was in charge of your magical education, you value her teaching experience and if all Noire wants is to learn magic, she's probably a safer alternative. If your friend is dead set on dark magic, there'll be time to talk to Henry later. In the end, Noire listens to your advice, and the two of you go to expose the situation to the noblewoman. Maribelle listens patiently, eyeing Noire inquisitively the whole time.
"I believe I have a good grasp of the situation" she calmly states. "You were right to seek me out."
"Then you'll teach her?" you ask hopefully, as Noire seems to perk up at the positive comment.
"It depends."
You blink. Depends on what? Instead of answering the question, Maribelle calls for a servant.
"Please inform lady Tharja that I need to speak to her urgently. Mention the fact it concerns her daughter if she seems reluctant to come."
Your eyes widen, and Noire seems ready to faint on the spot. A meeting with the dark mage was something you'd rather have avoided, especially in this matter. Maribelle seems sure of herself however, as she lightly admonishes your friend.
"Don't look so alarmed. This isn't something that could simply be done behind your mother's back, not unless you're prepared for the reckoning that would inevitably follow. Lady Tharja and I aren't especially close, but I believe we have enough of an understanding for me to intercede in your favor."
Her confidence is reassuring, even though you can't help but worry. At the very least, you wouldn't want to be the messenger having to deliver the news. For half an hour, the three of you patiently wait over a cup of tea, until Tharja comes bursting in, a dark expression on her face. Noire shrinks back in her seat at the sight, and you can't quite suppress the shiver that goes down your spine. The invitation to sit down is entirely ignored.
"What's this about Noire? And how is she involved?"
The last part is directed at you, her glare showing that she did not forget the last time you talked. You do your best to return it, refusing to be intimidated - or at the very least to show it. Maribelle however seems unfazed.
"Straight to the point then. I would ask you to reconsider your refusal to teach your art to your daughter."
Tharja snorts. "Hmph. I would have thought you of all people would agree with my decision. Was that your idea, Noire? Hoping that I'd say yes to another person when I said no to you? Or maybe this was your friend's plan?"
Noire is once again spared the need to respond by your teacher. "I assure you your hostility toward princess Lucina is misplaced. In fact the current situation might have been worse had she not brought the current situation to my attention. And my personal distaste for the dark arts aside, I believe you'd be better served by teaching Noire yourself, rather than simply wait for her to take the matter into her own hands."
"And why" sneers Tharja "would I even entertain that thought? You should know better than most the risks dark magic carry out for the user, healer."
"It isn't something I'd wish for my son" Maribelle easily agrees. "However should he ever display such... zeal toward those sorts of things, and were my initial warnings disregarded, I believe my duty as a parent would be to make sure he learns in the safest possible conditions. Simply forbidding it would be heavy-handed, and worse, inefficient. Noire is already at a point where she looked for outside help in order to pursue a path you forbade her to take. How do you think this will end, should you persist in your refusal?" The sentence is met with silence. "Perhaps you believe Henry would be better suited to educate your daughter on the many dangers of the discipline?"
The very thought seems enough to make Tharja physically ill. Henry isn't that bad... right? You think at the flippant tone he used when he described how to use dark magic, the vagueness of his descriptions when he talked about potential after-effects of casting a hex, or how little concern he showed when offering his own life force for you to train with. Okay, maybe he was that bad.
"Is this really what you want, Noire?"
Your friend does your best to straighten up, despite her body language showing she'd rather be anywhere but here under her mother's watchful gaze.
"Y-yes! I'll work hard, and listen to everything you say! I think... I think I could really be good at it!"
Tharja doesn't smile at her eagerness. "Of course you'd be good at it" she sighs. "You'll regret it, daughter of mine. Tomorrow at dawn, in my lab."
With those words, the dark mage takes her leave, leaving behind a stunned Noire. That... went a lot better than what you feared, an opinion that your friend definitely seems to share.
"I... Lucina, lady Maribelle, thank you! I don't... thank you."
Noire leaves in a daze, visibly still shocked by what happened, leaving you alone with Maribelle. The noblewoman finally allows herself to relax a bit, refilling her teacup.
"That could have gone worse, I suppose."
On that, you can agree. "I didn't think it'd be that simple."
"Lady Tharja isn't someone to approach carelessly" she nods. "However I believe having more than a decade of experience knowing her gives me an advantage over you in that domain."
"Is Noire going to be okay though?" You can't help but voice your worry. You don't have a lot of trust in Tharja, given what happened the last time you interfered in her family affairs.
"I do hope so. I do think Tharja cares for her daughter, even if she is deplorable at showing her affections. At the very least, I choose to believe sir Libra would not have married an entirely heartless woman." She hesitates. "I would not expect her training to be particularly pleasant though. Next time you see your friend, tell her she can go see me if she feels the need to learn safer material. I might not be the most knowledgeable among the Shepherds when it comes to magic, but I'm reasonably confident in my ability to teach, at the very least." She hesitates. "Gods, what if she had went to Henry? We should count our blessings that this didn't happen."
... You decide it would be prudent not to mention your initial plan.
To be seen
[X] The long road
-[X] Add Nah
In a rather hectic schedule, the time spent with Cynthia, Owain and Morgan is a breath of fresh air. Nah isn't hard to convince - in fact, you suspect she wouldn't had been far anyway, given how she rarely leaves Morgan out of sight these days - and the five of you spend more than one afternoon together, enjoying each other's company.
Morgan seems a little skittish around you, but has an easier time bonding with your sister and cousin - something you try not to take personally, even though it is a little vexing. Her ability to turn into a dragon is however met with delight by Cynthia and Owain, and in turn the younger manakete seems pretty happy to show off. You aren't entirely sure of how she can be so cheerful given the recent events, but you're not complaining. Even Nah is brought into it, and though she protests each time, you do not miss her small smile each time she's called over for double dragon fun. You join in for a few games of tag, or the occasional mock battle against Owain - who more often than not turns into an epic saga with more time spent updating his latest backstory than actual fighting.
You kind of wish he'd stop calling you a demon queen during those times though. You understand the need for an antagonist in any good tale, but why are you always the villain?
Cynthia, on her hand seems to be doing better. She's more subdued than before, and you can still catch her starring at nothing from time to time, but her smile and her laugh haven't changed. Her mood reaches new heights when she shows up one morning with a pegasus foal in tow. A gift from your mother, who deemed Cynthia ready to take care of her own mount - and probably believed it couldn't hurt her morale. For the following weeks, it's almost impossible to separate your sister from the newly named Morrigan, who she shows off to basically everyone. You're happy for her - and relieved now that Cu is probably safe from being stolen away.
"I... I thought about what you told me that day," she tells you one morning "and I wanted to tell you... I still want to do it. I still want to be a hero after all. Not just yours, one for lots of people. I don't know if I can do it, but I want to try."
Offering her a supportive smile, you ask if there's anything you can do to help, but your sister simply shakes her head.
"Don't worry, you already helped me plenty. i already asked aunt Cordelia, she agreed to train me alongside the youngest pegasus knight recruits in the fall. Also, you gave me an idea for something else."
Your attempt at asking what could that something be is only met with an impish smile and a "it's a secret!". Well that's new. You do notice she has a couple of conversations with Owain afterwards who seem more serious than usual, but when you try to interrogate your cousin, he only deflects the question in the most awkward fashion. You suppose you'll have to wait to see what your sister have in store; for now, you'll trust her newfound resolve.
Cynthia gained the trait Wings of Justice
Morgan is getting used to you.
Nah seems more relaxed.
Instant awesome just add dragons.
Option unlocked: ???
[X] Flight of the dragons
-[X] Add Cynthia
Cynthia's new disposition comfort you in your plans to bring her with you to see Cherche. While wyvern and pegasus knights are rather different, you know from experience that there's a lot one can learn from the other. Your sister is enthusiastic at the thought, and together you go toward the Rosanne training field.
Cherche is delighted to see Cu, positively commenting on her growth and giving you a few additional tips to better care for her - as well as to deal with the sometime fiery temper drakes can go through during their maturation, which is hitting your companion fast. Then come the flying lessons. For the first time, you now have a frame of reference from genuine wyvern knights, instead of trying to mimic pegasus flyers and see what works and what doesn't. You have to admit, seeing several drakes charging together make for a fearsome sight - a worrying thought when you remember that Plegia fields more than a few of those units. Still, you welcome the experience to fly as part of a formation. Cynthia mostly watches from the ground, but you can tell it left an impression on her too.
Sometimes you can see Gerome from afar, but even then he seems to be keeping some distance.
Skill: Animal care (wyverns) raised to B-
Skill: Riding (wyverns) raised to C
Skill: Aerial combat raised to C-
[X] A country at war
-[X] Add Yarne
[X] The Coming Storm
-[X] Add Laurent
But while your training is taking most of your time, you don't forget your main duty. Yarne continues to follow you to the regency councils, even if he desperatly looks out of place, while Laurent dutifully attends the war meetings.
The first weeks are mostly spent solving the logistical challenges posed by the allied reinforcements. While their help is more than welcome, reorganizing the supply lines to accommodate their presence proves to be a daunting task, though one that is apparently solved by calling upon a group of merchants that apparently all share the same name? From what you understand, they were already a big help in the Valmese campaign, even if Ylisse's treasurer can't help but suppress a groan at the thought.
One other issue is to solve the somewhat fragmented chain of command. With no less than four sovereign nations represented in the alliance, there's a need for someone to coordinate between the various forces on the field. Ultimately, Virion is given the overall planning, despite his protests that a duke leading khans and queens is all sort of backward.
His nomination doesn't come a moment too soon. As it was feared, Plegia's assault start at the beginning of summer, sending everyone in Ylisstol into a frenzy. Many Shepherds join the front once again; Sully and Stahl are dispatched to lead the ylissean knights, Gaius departs alongside a scouting squad, while Say'ri and Flavia leads their troops toward the battle lines. More will follow, Virion himself only staying in the palace a few more weeks to organize his rear lines. Your mother, alongside Cordelia, is once again flying into battle.
As for the fighting, the news are somewhat mixed. At first it seems like Plegia is launching a general assault, large swathes of infantry and cavalry crashing into Ylisse's defenses all along the border, forcing your troops to withdraw in several places. Yet it soon becomes apparent that their attack isn't as strong as initially thought. Despite committing large numbers to the attack, there's a suspicious lack of support from their air forces and dark mages, with only a few grimleal spotted to lead them, and no risen to be found. Command seems to be assumed by young officers, highly motivated but lacking experience. After two weeks of furious fighting, the Plegian offensive falters, before being slowly driven back.
The western provinces remain a battlefield. But successfully halting the Plegians, as well as witnessing foreign reinforcements, seems to have given some morale back to the Ylissean troops. Naga be thanked for small blessings, you suppose.
Skill: Logistics raised to C+
Skill: Geography raised to C+
Option unlocked: ???
Speaking of Naga, you cannot help but wonder at her silence during these last months. After managing to speak with her prior to the war, you'd have expected to have the chance to talk to her some more, but your visits to the shrine didn't produce any results. But perhaps her hand can be seen in more indirect ways. As summer comes to an end, you dream...
[] ... of a sinister figure atop a dark throne (Validar interlude)
[] ... of the Voice of Naga strolling through an underground passage (Tiki interlude)
It's a good thing I didn't power through the update two days ago, otherwise that vote reversal would have come too late.
Sounds like that Maribelle write in was a really good choice, Lucina didn't have to talk to Tharja directly but Noire still gets to learn magic and we get to avoid the fallout of going behind her back
For training group I'm thinking definitely accept the eager ones, probably encourage the hesitate ones (except maybe not Noire, between archery and magic I can't see adding sword skills helping her to much), and maybe selectively see if we can persuade the reluctant ones. Of the reluctant ones I feel Brady and Laurent make good points of it not being suited for them but Gerome and Yarne would probably benefit.
Yarne might not be that hard to convince since he was only on the fence before he knew Kjelle would be there but that shouldn't stop him, especially with the upcoming war and the need to prepare for not just possible but likely fights he will be in. Gerome is harder cause we don't know why he isn't interested.
For the interlude I'm not leaning to strongly either way but as of now prefer the Tiki option
For the training we should accept Nah and Owain, whatever the misgivings about Owain's...personality clash with Severa and Kjelle. As for the others, Yarne should definitely be approached again, it will be good not only for his combat skills, but it should also help with his...fears. Same thing with Inigo and possibly Gerome, their social issues are some of the worst right now, and giving them all the chance to socialize like this should help them. Brady and Laurent should be left alone, they know their strengths. The only one I'm on the fence about is Cynthia. I'm just not sure what the best for her would be.
And as for the dream heart says Tiki cause I love her, but my brain is trying to rationalize spying on Validar. It might be possible to learn what happened to Robin...but I doubt it would be that easy to learn 'Robin didn't betray us, he just got possessed by Grima', and what would be found out would be demoralizing for us.
... Does anyone know we're learning from Henry? All I can picture in that conversation is Lucina just quietly sliding her eyes away so she doesn't meet anyone else's eyes when he came up.
Very glad I got us to go to Maribelle. Yay for having a competent adult on hand!
I wonder how long we have until we're on the war front. Sounds like it might be a couple of years as Grima toys with everyone for shits and giggles. Depends on if he feels like strutting out any of his crown pieces, like Revenant-Chrom or a pretty thoroughly brainwashed and mutated Nowi, those might buy a little bit of time as he has a good laugh over it.
It's pretty much until he just gets bored, but Ylisse is the country of the Exalt bloodline, so he'll probably be milking his victory lap for a while, slowly bleeding Ylisse dry until it's a broken husk.
As for now I'd recommend the enthusiastic and hesitant ones. Maybe only some basic physical conditioning and weapon training for the latter really. We want them to want to improve, and that means not driving them into the ground. Immediately at least.
The reluctant ones... I feel Yarne should be cajoled into at least trying, and maybe keeping Kjelle away from him if possible, and maybe talking to Gerome again. I don't know how to try and approach him though and doing that without some idea of how to talk to him is unwise.
[X] Accept the most eager children (Nah, Owain)
-[X] ... and encourage the more hesitant ones to join as well (Cynthia, Inigo, Noire)
--[X] ... and try to convince those who are reluctant (Yarne, Gerome)
[X] ... of the Voice of Naga strolling through an underground passage (Tiki interlude)