that seems petty of Tharja to dislike Lucina for so long because she was concerned about Noire, even if she did suggest Tharja was hurting Noire for no reason.
Petty would be the wrong word. Dark Magic... how to put it... The way Dark Magic works makes it so that practitioners are more likely to remember grudges, slights, pain they inflict and is inflicted on them, etc. They hurt themselves, hurt their surrounding, or hurt others to power their spells.
There are people that petty and if we stepped on something important enough I could certainly see her holding a grudge. Her trying to protect her daughter, as twisted as the method might have been? I could see it. We stepped between a mother and her daughter after all.
Which is why I'm especially leery of doing so again.
Actually... I can't tell if it's Magic in general she wants to learn or Dark Magic in particular, but it sounds like the latter.
I could see an argument that we could make, maybe not near Noire though:
"She's going to try. She told me she's already learned a couple of spells from the glimpses she saw of your tome. I've learned magic myself, so I know just how good that is. And she knows it too. She's going to try and she's going to try on her own or, worse in so many ways, she's going to ask
... No, not going to work out really. Too much... stuff there on Lucina's side. She all but watched Noire get tortured, Libra helpless to stop it (unable or unwilling), felt herself become
less after the argument (and that's really a connection too easy to make), and just can't
do anything about her in general (a helplessness all her own) to end up as anything but upset in confronting her.
It's a Fear, but one that's grounded in "What
can I do, what
should I do, and what can I do about her specifically?" and just not having an answer.
I... don't think I can agree with Henry teaching her. We're a swordsman first and foremost (or a Ruler first and foremost with Sword! being a close second), our ethics and mindset are grounded in that. I'd be worried about Noire picking up too much of Henry's irreverence from his sociopathy since that would be
her primary path. Her mother isn't exactly a great well of ethics and moral fiber, but (again) Lucina knows Tharja cares as twisted as she sees it as being.
So I can't trust Lucina to talk to Tharja without something falling apart on her end and I can't/
really don't want to trust Noire to Henry, especially with how little we'll likely be there to learn... *Shrug* I wouldn't know who to ask to help with arguing with Tharja either. Normally I'd go to Libra, but...