Which of the other starter choices do you want to see interludes from most?

  • Dishonored

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Legend Of Zelda

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Shadow Of Mordor

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Preacher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • Fist Of The North Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kill Six Billion Demons

    Votes: 12 27.9%
  • The Zombie Knight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mob Psycho 100

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Author's Choice

    Votes: 3 7.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Same as above, different topic- the Process can't really manage any of that, well, bar maybe the first two in the list- because it doesn't really understand the human body on that level. If it made something along the lines of an SSRI unit and threw it into Lumen's body to try and balance out the plate-spinning act, it wouldn't know where it was going or what the hell it was looking for, besides 'brain' and 'weird biological nook and/or cranny.'

If you'd chosen to prioritise Biology back when it actually came about- yeah, it might have a chance at that. As is, pretty much all it can do is stuff you'd need medical equipment for at best. Which, yeah, okay, is still pretty impressive, but it's not quite NANOMACHINES, SON just yet.
...isn't the Process equivalent to a gigantic supercomputer already? Coupled with the Transistor, it could download and parse every medical text in seconds or minutes (at most); all x-rays, medical documentation, research and medical papers, etc. And while that wouldn't make it an instant expert (I'm sure there's plenty of stuff that just isn't written down, but gained through either experience or from watching professionals first-hand), it's the kind of thing that would probably give you decent odds when you're just trying to keep someone alive for long enough to get them proper medical attention.

Mm, so- I was introduced to a technique to get around writer's block a few months back, of just picking a scene that you're really excited to get to, and just, skipping to it- it's good habit practice, it lets you workshop it in advance, and it reminds you why you're excited to write in the first place.

Now, it's hard to do that with a quest, mind, but I will say that it's possible to do something a little more... extreme than Iron Man, if you happen to go down a specific route of thought.
Right, but the "armor plates/armor mesh+helmet made from the Process" is something that can be easily done right now without difficulty. Powered armor, even with the Process, would probably take a little bit of work/experimentation to develop safely.

...come to think of it, can we use our weapon-crafting/modding knowledge from class (and possibly some help from a professor) to add some bladed edges to the Transistor? That way, using it for melee without [Slice] available would allow us to do a lot more damage than just a sword-shaped blunt instrument (and cut down on Blue and Bracket's complaints about being used as a blunt striking instrument, because a blade cuts through stuff rather than smashing into stuff). It wouldn't have to be anything high-tech; just a sturdy bladed edge around the sword.
So, first off- there is no longer a limit in how many electives you can choose- all that matters is that the four highest voting electives will be chosen, with a maximum of three Hunting-based electives and a minimum of one Civilian-based elective.


[X] Music
[X] Civics
[X] Gardening
-[X] Guerilla Gardening
[X] Glyphcraft
[X] Aura Arts
[X] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)

it just turns out that on occasion, RT, just... forgets that it's a physical object?
RoosterTeeth making animation errors? Say it ain't so!

Now, it's hard to do that with a quest, mind, but I will say that it's possible to do something a little more... extreme than Iron Man, if you

Ship of Theseus is a bit less a question of philosophy and a bit more logistics when literal souls are a part of the equation, huh?
Last edited:
[X] Music
[X] Civics
[x] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[X] Aura Arts
[X] Glyphcraft

This voting system is, at minimum, much more streamlined.
[X] Music
[X] Civics
[X] Aura Art
[X] Glyphcraft
[X] Ловење, Готвење, и Готвење За Ловење
[X] Music
[X] Civics
[X] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[X] Aura Arts
[X] Glyphcraft
[X] Gardening
-[X] Guerilla Gardening
Last edited:
[X] Music
[X] Civics
[X] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[X] Aura Art
[X] Glyphcraft

Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave.

I've been making the same mistake as the QM.
That...does not actually answer my question. From what I heard his Semblance is uncontrollable bad luck and that means he cannot have a team.
There are ways to deal with it, to make it work better for you than for your opponent. I am reminded of a story, or possibly a quest, in which Taylor from Worm had the ability to roll a die in order to change her luck with respect to some stated goal. She was using it reactively, and what the ability did to her was greatly increase the likelihood of extreme events, because a 1 on a die is far more likely than everything converging to make your life difficult. If instead it was used aggressively, it would have been similar to Coil's power from the same story, and could be used to engage in risky behaviour when "have a good day" got a good result, and risk mitigation otherwise.

Likewise, Qrow's semblance is likely to benefit a simple operation more than a complex one. More people does raise complexity, but that can be mitigated, and many semblances require increased complexity to effectively oppose them. If someone can, for example, create dark stone mazes, then they can bring decent light-sources and move steadily, while grim might charge into walls and suffer collapses, or fall over each other in the darkness, and be separated into smaller groups, with a fair degree of effective randomness in the matter. Or maybe his semblance just causes cave-ins on random people regardless of how much they reinforce and avoid damaging the walls and it really can't be managed at all.

[x] Theatre
[x] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[x] Glyphcraft
[X] Aura Arts

[X] Glyphcraft

Only two I really care about. Might make a tactical vote later depending on how the tally shakes out, but this is what I'd like for now.
[X] Music
[X] Ловење, Готвење, и Готвење За Ловење
[X] Legends Of Remnant
[X] Glyphcraft
[X] Civics
[X] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[X] Aura Art
[X] Glyphcraft
From what I heard his Semblance is uncontrollable bad luck and that means he cannot have a team.
He has a 'Bad Luck' Field centered on him that affects everyone in range of it, presumably equally. He can't turn it off or direct its effects, but he can increase the power, and it doesn't seem to be massively terrible unless he does so.

Qrow's entire shtick is dragging people down to his level, and beating them with experience.
He has a 'Bad Luck' Field centered on him that affects everyone in range of it, presumably equally. He can't turn it off or direct its effects, but he can increase the power, and it doesn't seem to be massively terrible unless he does so.
Well in canon, yeah

But here we have Semblance Counselling which seems geared towards fixing exactly those sorts of problems.

Thus my curiosity.
But here we have Semblance Counselling which seems geared towards fixing exactly those sorts of problems.

Thus my curiosity.

I'd expect that what we see of Qrow's semblance is how it is post-Semblance Counseling, so to speak. Little Babby Qrow probably had a hell of a lot more trouble with his Semblance acting up against his will.

Anyway, now my approval votes:

[x] Music
[x] Civics
[x] Legends Of Remnant
[x] Aura Arts
[x] Glyphcraft
[x] Securities
[X] Glyphcraft
[X] Aura Arts
[X] Music
[X] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat)
[X] Ловење, Готвење, и Готвење За Ловење
[X] Gardening
-[X] Guerilla Gardening
[X] Securities