[X] Civics, Edward Teach- It would be naive to think that you're not going to eventually run into problems with the government, Valish or otherwise, and learning about them and the general political history of the Kingdoms would be really useful to have before you need it. Besides, the horse Faunus at the table just pulled a ten-minute rant about the SDC and why megacorps in general are bad news. He seems like a hoot. (Noted classmates: Weiss, Blake, Creme, Dove, Cardin, Salem.)
[X] CQC, Ozp-OZPIN- you can't be reading that right. Ozpin teaches CQC classes? {Jaune, the man's a decorated Huntsman. Of course he can kill you with his bare hands.} You feel like you'd break his hip if you pushed him too hard- (Noted Classmates: Yang, Ruby (unwillingly), Creme, Leathers, Haru, Kapila.)
[X] Legends Of Remnant, Bartholomew Oobleck- … It might be a little too early to tell, but if Ozpin really is exactly what you think he is, then maybe joining a club all about discussing and dissecting legends isn't a terrible idea. (Noted Classmates: Lumen, Pyrrha. Sidequest: Wheat From Chaff.)
[X] Glyphcraft, Glynda Goodwitch- "Ah, Mr Arc. I thought you might make your way over here eventually," Professor Goodwitch smiles at you, flipping the clipboard around to face you and sliding it forward. "Now, how would you like to learn about magic?" (Noted Classmates: Naia, Mel, Rashmi, Weiss. Sidequest: Midheaven In Leo)
[X] Music, Peter Port- {Look, all we're saying is that you have the voice of an angel and not sharing it with the world is a sin that will bite you in the ass when you die.} That's, really not your problem- {Ada's there.} Ada is a big girl who doesn't need you to mother hen her every waking moment- {Also Weiss joined up.} WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING- (Noted Classmates: Weiss, Ada, Haru)
[X] Civics, Edward Teach- It would be naive to think that you're not going to eventually run into problems with the government, Valish or otherwise, and learning about them and the general political history of the Kingdoms would be really useful to have before you need it. Besides, the horse Faunus at the table just pulled a ten-minute rant about the SDC and why megacorps in general are bad news. He seems like a hoot. (Noted classmates: Weiss, Blake, Creme, Dove, Cardin, Salem.)
[X] CQC, Ozp-OZPIN- you can't be reading that right. Ozpin teaches CQC classes? {Jaune, the man's a decorated Huntsman. Of course he can kill you with his bare hands.} You feel like you'd break his hip if you pushed him too hard- (Noted Classmates: Yang, Ruby (unwillingly), Leathers, Haru, Kapila.)
[X] Glyphcraft, Glynda Goodwitch- "Ah, Mr Arc. I thought you might make your way over here eventually," Professor Goodwitch smiles at you, flipping the clipboard around to face you and sliding it forward. "Now, how would you like to learn about magic?" (Noted Classmates: Naia, Mel, Rashmi, Weiss. Sidequest: Midheaven In Leo)
My current vote is in favor of CQC.
Because I have a morbid curiousity to see what O.Z.P.I.N.'s approach to teaching is, especially with something hands on.
[X] Music, Peter Port- {Look, all we're saying is that you have the voice of an angel and not sharing it with the world is a sin that will bite you in the ass when you die.} That's, really not your problem- {Ada's there.} Ada is a big girl who doesn't need you to mother hen her every waking moment- {Also Weiss joined up.} WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING- (Noted Classmates: Weiss, Ada, Haru)
[X] Legends Of Remnant, Bartholomew Oobleck- … It might be a little too early to tell, but if Ozpin really is exactly what you think he is, then maybe joining a club all about discussing and dissecting legends isn't a terrible idea. (Noted Classmates: Lumen, Pyrrha. Sidequest: Wheat From Chaff.)
[X] CQC, Ozp-OZPIN- you can't be reading that right. Ozpin teaches CQC classes? {Jaune, the man's a decorated Huntsman. Of course he can kill you with his bare hands.} You feel like you'd break his hip if you pushed him too hard- (Noted Classmates: Yang, Ruby (unwillingly), Creme, Leathers, Haru, Kapila.)
[X] Aura Arts, Thumbelina Peach- "Have you been neglecting your Aura, sweetheart?" the woman behind the table asks you, which is a question you're... not, sure how to answer. When you stay silent, all she does is smile. "Don't worry- a lot of people do." (Noted Classmates: Rashmi and Kapila, Ren, Ada, Meri. Sidequest: Pallas In Virgo.)
Fine. I was hoping that @Prok would fix the busted vote system first, but until and unless he does that, I'll play by the rules, however poorly I think they're designed.
[X] Music
[X] Civics
[X] Aura Arts
[X] Art Class
Edit: Okay, I should clarify how I mean and why this is important, beyond the suggestions I already made.
The reason why it's so important to have votes be a single, easily copy-pasted, line (preferably just a single word or two when possible) is to ensure that all votes are identical for ease of the vote tally program.
This will also fix approval voting, so that people can vote for all the things they like and all Prok has to do it tally the votes up like usual and see which ones are at the top.
The reason why approval voting is important is that allowing people to vote for any and all options that they like means they don't have to worry about tactically voting only for the things that are currently fighting for the lead.
I can only speak for myself, so I will: there are a bunch of things that I want to vote for, but since they're so far behind in the vote count, actually supporting those things would mean that I simply wasted my limited number of votes.
Because I *wanted* aura arts and CQC, but I guess learning more about the Aura that we made an entire programming language and 3d modeling engine to describe isn't as interesting as Glyphs.
This curiosity is gonna haunt me forever but I'm not willing to give up CQC for it because I really want Ozpin's class. Plus it's likely to save our bacon if we're ever knocked back down to Zero Hour again.
[X] Music, Peter Port- {Look, all we're saying is that you have the voice of an angel and not sharing it with the world is a sin that will bite you in the ass when you die.} That's, really not your problem- {Ada's there.} Ada is a big girl who doesn't need you to mother hen her every waking moment- {Also Weiss joined up.} WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING- (Noted Classmates: Weiss, Ada, Haru)
Jaune needs more confidence in his voice and I Like Weiss
[X] Civics, Edward Teach- It would be naive to think that you're not going to eventually run into problems with the government, Valish or otherwise, and learning about them and the general political history of the Kingdoms would be really useful to have before you need it. Besides, the horse Faunus at the table just pulled a ten-minute rant about the SDC and why megacorps in general are bad news. He seems like a hoot. (Noted classmates: Weiss, Blake, Creme, Dove, Cardin, Salem.)
Getting taught ethical stuff by someone who shares a name with Blackbeard sounds like fun, and I like Weiss
[X] Glyphcraft, Glynda Goodwitch- "Ah, Mr Arc. I thought you might make your way over here eventually," Professor Goodwitch smiles at you, flipping the clipboard around to face you and sliding it forward. "Now, how would you like to learn about magic?" (Noted Classmates: Naia, Mel, Rashmi, Weiss. Sidequest: Midheaven In Leo)
THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES WHEN MIXED WITH THE PROCESS, also, even if we know Goodwitch didn't give a shit about it, Jaune probably still wants to apologize, also, I like Weiss
[X] Securities, Ann Greene- So this one's actually kinda interesting- considering the demonstration started with Professor Greene showing you how to use two wrenches to snap open a padlock and ended with an explanation on the very core of most confidence scams, you're pretty sure this entire elective is based around… what, teaching you all how to commit crimes? Well, your interest is piqued. (Noted Classmates: Lumen, Blake, Ren. Sidequest: The Great Pretender)
Sidequest sounds like fun, probably confront Blake about the fang, teach the process to circumvent, but more importantly prevent the circumvention of basic security stuff
So, looking through Sun's image gallery on the wiki, because I consider him the gold standard on tail physics in RWBY, and I could have sworn that he just kept it curled around his waist most of the time, but no, it's mostly out and about, it just turns out that on occasion, RT, just... forgets that it's a physical object? So, he'll be sitting down in a chair in Amity Colosseum, which has no obvious gap between seat and back for his tail to hang through, it's not wrapped around his waist, it's just- apparently, compressed into an infinitely dense point, or otherwise perfectly fused with his spinal column.
In short- assuming Faunus tails aren't affected by macro quantum mechanics and just disappear whenever nobody's looking, at some point, somewhere, it is a statistical certainty that some tailed Faunus has had their extra appendage slammed by a door.
As for the pooling bit, yeah, sure, I'll give you that, edited it a little.
No, no- a lot of Qrow's problems don't actually stem from his Semblance, they just stem from various not-great situations he found himself in, the people around him being manipulative wizards and military generals at best, psychopathic tribal leaders at worst, and also his general tendency to just, make bad life choices, consistently, constantly.
Semblance aside, Qrow is just a fucking hot garbage fire of a human being, and I mean that in as nice a way as I possibly can.
Approval voting doesn't really change anything on your side of the equation. When you look at the tally, the highest voted options win.
Approval voting just means that the voters can vote for as many options as they like. So, with this current vote as an example, we need to select 4 Electives. Now, say I like 6 of the electives and I'd be happy if any of those 6 win, so I vote for all 6 despite only 4 of them being able to win in the end. That's approval voting.
I think maybe you were confusing it with Rank voting where we vote by numbering the options from our favorite to least favorite?
I have been making this mistake on a consistent basis for five fucking years
I unironically want to crawl into a hole and return all this wasted carbon to mother nature
Okay, I'm okay, just push it down, push it down-
Okay! I am going to hopefully take advantage of SV notifying people whenever I post a threadmarked message to fix up the voting system, and if that doesn't bring in at least a semi-equal number of votes, I'll just go with what we've got using line voting and remember this for later.
I will admit to being shocked that it can't synthesize chemicals. As something that can re-arrange particles as it sees fit, I would have fully expected it to figure out how to either create chemicals, or be able to reconfigure parts of Process into a machine specifically designed to create chemicals (I don't know like, anything about how we create medicine irl, but surely the process could figure something like that out).
If not, oh well, but this is a sticking point in my brain.
Well, here's the thing- hasn't done that yet is not the same as can't do it at all. It just Processes things, then manipulates the raw catoms to do what it needs it to do. Almost everything the Process has done has been a combination of that, emulating basic physical properties using Process catoms, and scaling up parts of its raw, default unit forms, with the only main exception being a little bit of riffing thanks to Blue and Bracket basically handing it the Atlesian army R&D division's secret diary on a silver platter.
The point I'm trying and probably failing to make is that the Process just hasn't learned to do anything more complex than scaling up default, factory setting weapons, with maybe the largest deviation being the spear through the engine block back in the White Fang attack- everything it does, it does just by raw brute force, with no real... I don't want to say elegance, there's another word I'm looking for- efficiency.
The Process, right now, is hilariously inefficient. It does everything manually, for lack of a better word, and that works for it, right now- it's not being strained in any particular capacity because right now it only has to deal with one thing- protecting you and yours.
Once it actually starts dealing with more than just your own personal needs, yeah, this method's not going to be anywhere near as good, which is why it'll need to start researching how to automate things and create facilities that work through things other than raw catom manipulation, instead of overseeing and doing everything all the time all at once.
Same as above, different topic- the Process can't really manage any of that, well, bar maybe the first two in the list- because it doesn't really understand the human body on that level. If it made something along the lines of an SSRI unit and threw it into Lumen's body to try and balance out the plate-spinning act, it wouldn't know where it was going or what the hell it was looking for, besides 'brain' and 'weird biological nook and/or cranny.'
If you'd chosen to prioritise Biology back when it actually came about- yeah, it might have a chance at that. As is, pretty much all it can do is stuff you'd need medical equipment for at best. Which, yeah, okay, is still pretty impressive, but it's not quite NANOMACHINES, SON just yet.
And, hell, with enough speccing into nanomachine-scale interactions between Processed matter and biology, Jaune could totally go Senator Armstrong on someone's ass by being full of Process nanomachines designed to do stuff like form a thin-but-stretchy subdermal armor layer, muscle reinforcement, etc. Well, more like a heavily discounted Senator Armstrong, but that leads to...
Jaune...is...IRONMAN. A suit of power armor that is made of Processed matter/nanomachines and a Process reactor. Complete with transformation or additions on the fly. Even if the Process would have to figure out the whole power armor thing through some R&D of its own (with help from Jaune and the Transistor), simply adding lightweight Process armor plates over a lightweight (but very durable) Process armor mesh to his battle attire would be great. Bonus points if he gets a Process helmet that still provides good audio and completely unobstructed sight.
Mm, so- I was introduced to a technique to get around writer's block a few months back, of just picking a scene that you're really excited to get to, and just, skipping to it- it's good habit practice, it lets you workshop it in advance, and it reminds you why you're excited to write in the first place.
Now, it's hard to do that with a quest, mind, but I will say that it's possible to do something a little more... extreme than Iron Man, if you happen to go down a specific route of thought.
Anyway! Enough stalling, this is probably enough to definitely get a notification, and even if it isn't, the new and improved choices (thank you for the advice @Ashmaker luv you bb) will definitely put it in that territory. So! I fucked up the vote, and for once I'm going to try it again- hopefully improving the general quality of life for both myself and you all in the process.
So, first off- there is no longer a limit in how many electives you can choose- all that matters is that the four highest voting electives will be chosen, with a maximum of three Hunting-based electives and a minimum of one Civilian-based elective.
I'm also going to clean up the votes so they're a lot easier on the whole to organise.
Now, second time's the charm-
Pick your electives.
Civilian Electives:
[] Art Class
Instructor: Ann Greene- you did actually have quite a bit of fun dicking about drawing 01 for that spreadsheet tutorial. It might be worth looking into as more than just an occasional hobby. (Noted Classmates: Cardin, Saff, Ren, and Al… you think.)
[] Music Instructor: Peter Port- {Look, all we're saying is that you have the voice of an angel and not sharing it with the world is a sin that will bite you in the ass when you die.} That's, really not your problem- {Ada's there.} Ada is a big girl who doesn't need you to mother hen her every waking moment- {Also Weiss joined up.} WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING- (Noted Classmates: Weiss, Ada, Haru)
[] Theatre Instructor: Bartholomew Oobleck- … Well, as far as plans to get over your fear of, er, being paid attention to goes… this… isn't the stupidest one you've had? You think? (Noted Classmates- Rashmi and Kapila, Naia, Salem, Pyrrha, Leathers)
[] Ловење, Готвење, и Готвење За Ловење Instructor: Кувар Волков Сплот (Chef Volkov Splot)- You stare at the sign, waiting for the translation to appear, only for Blue to tell you that it's not any language he's seen- the alphabet's the same as Lower Atlesian, but that's where the similarities end. Okay, visual cues… the man behind the counter is wearing a chef's outfit, down to the weird hat… some kind of cooking class? Very curious. (Sidequest: The 'Кувар Сплот' Mystery. Noted Classmates: Meri, Ruby, Nora, like half of the guys, what-)
[] Gardening Instructor: Groundskeeper Tom Forn- … Okay, this stall is empty. Just a clipboard and some displays about the elective itself. Weird. Shouldn't there be someone here? (Sidequest: Putting Down Roots)
-[] Guerilla Gardening
You jump back a little as a hand appears out from under the cloth and quickly attaches a hand-scribbled sign with the word 'guerilla' on it to the placard advertising this stall's elective. Once it's done that, the curtain opens, and a half-covered face peers out at you, placing a finger to their lips beneath the pooled fabric of their scarf. Slowly, they slide a small clipboard out across the floor and then pull the tablecloth closed. So... this is the guerilla gardening club. (Sidequest: Like A Passionflower)
[] Civics Instructor: Edward Teach- It would be naive to think that you're not going to eventually run into problems with the government, Valish or otherwise, and learning about them and the general political history of the Kingdoms would be really useful to have before you need it. Besides, the horse Faunus at the table just pulled a ten-minute rant about the SDC and why megacorps in general are bad news. He seems like a hoot. (Noted classmates: Weiss, Blake, Creme, Dove, Cardin, Salem.)
Hunting Electives:
[] Legends Of Remnant Instructor: Bartholomew Oobleck- … It might be a little too early to tell, but if Ozpin really is exactly what you think he is, then maybe joining a club all about discussing and dissecting legends isn't a terrible idea. (Noted Classmates: Lumen, Pyrrha. Sidequest: Wheat From Chaff.)
[] CQC (Close-Quarters Combat) Instructor: Ozp-OZPIN- you can't be reading that right. Ozpin teaches CQC classes? {Jaune, the man's a decorated Huntsman. Of course he can kill you with his bare hands.} You feel like you'd break his hip if you pushed him too hard- (Noted Classmates: Yang, Ruby (unwillingly), Creme, Leathers, Haru, Kapila.)
[] Aura Arts Instructor: Thumbelina Peach- "Have you been neglecting your Aura, sweetheart?" the woman behind the table asks you, which is a question you're... not, sure how to answer. When you stay silent, all she does is smile. "Don't worry- a lot of people do." (Noted Classmates: Rashmi and Kapila, Ren, Ada, Meri. Sidequest: Pallas In Virgo.)
[] Glyphcraft Instructor: Glynda Goodwitch- "Ah, Mr Arc. I thought you might make your way over here eventually," Professor Goodwitch smiles at you, flipping the clipboard around to face you and sliding it forward. "Now, how would you like to learn about magic?" (Noted Classmates: Naia, Mel, Rashmi, Weiss. Sidequest: Midheaven In Leo)
[] Gunmanship Instructor: Harold Mulberry- you're not terrible with a gun, but... it wouldn't exactly hurt to get better at it, after all- at least, in a situation that doesn't put your life at risk. Besides, shooting tournaments pay nice. {... Well, points for optimism.} Hey! (Noted classmates: Ruby, Yang (unwillingly), Salem, Pyrrha)
[] Securities Instructor: Ann Greene- So this one's actually kinda interesting- considering the demonstration started with Professor Greene showing you how to use two wrenches to snap open a padlock and ended with an explanation on the very core of most confidence scams, you're pretty sure this entire elective is based around… what, teaching you all how to commit crimes? Well, your interest is piqued. (Noted Classmates: Lumen, Blake, Ren. Sidequest: The Great Pretender)
... you know I actually really like that layout I might keep using it outside of approval votes