Harry's mind was a crystal palace where light reigned.
Even from early childhood, this character trait began to highlight him vividly among his peers.
The boy's tenacious mind absorbed the information like a lonely wanderer mad with thirst. Sometimes Harry, tired of the outside world, like a caring librarian inspecting his possessions, looks deeper into them. Sorting through facts like gems, putting them together, looking for patterns, as if they were a strange puzzle.
Then he was young and stupid, so he came to a sincere perplexity why people around him forget something. How can they voluntarily give up priceless crumbs of knowledge?
But over time, he realized that it was not a choice on their part, but a deplorable lack of their minds.
When this fact appeared before him in all its terrifying reality. His heart was filled with deep sorrow for his relatives.
"If they realized how perfect memory can be, it would make them grieve about their inferiority."
Looking back, Harry will mark this moment as the one that sowed the seeds of pride in him. Who, hiding behind a kind sorrow, grew and devoured her like a ruthless parasite.
Recent events have only strengthened his conviction of his superiority.
One day, while watching the heavens, he saw an amazing picture. At one moment, as if by agreement, ten birds soared into the sky and flew away in the direction of the south. At that moment, Harry had a strange, aching feeling of fullness of what had happened with meaning.
On the same day, a drunk driver crashed into Uncle Vernon's car. At the moment when this happened, Harry felt as if the sword of Damocles, hanging over their heads, decided to choose his victim and still fall on Vernon. Fortunately for him, fate chose an easy draw, and Uncle Harry did not suffer serious injuries.
But it was this case that made the boy look with all caution at the signs of the future.
And soon fate opened its doors to him.
The dance of weightless tea leaves told Harry that he and his cousin would be hit by the autumn flu.
Thunderclaps told about another unexpected test that a ruthless teacher will bring down on the heads of his students.
The chaotic pattern of freshly mown grass revealed to him the secret of the future loss of drying underwear.
And armed with this knowledge, Harry stood up for his relatives.
He dissuaded the Dursleys from going to the mall, thereby distracting the relentless illness from himself and Dudley.
Together with cousin Harry, he prepared the answers for the exam in advance, and only the teacher did not unleash his anger on them. And the bed linen thieves were quickly caught red-handed while committing their crime.
So, living in a world of omens of the future, Harry enjoyed the laurels of genius, while at the same time diverting danger from his family.
Until the whole environment in an instant began to shout, warning of the immutable danger ahead.
Like a wind-up spring being twisted by clumsy hands, tension grew in him in strange clumsy jerks. Until one evening, the feeling of inevitable catastrophes manifested itself and turned into an animal panic.
Having made a decision, Harry clutched his stomach, uttering a plaintive cry of pain, to which the Dursleys came running.
They have been noticing strange things and nervous tension in my usually calm nephew for a week, so by the time of the incident, Harry's relatives were mentally prepared for the incident. The short discussion ended with a decision on a collective trip to the nearest hospital.
During the trip, the tension that gripped the boy subsided, which calmed his relatives a little. Finally, the excitement was eased by the doctor's assurance of the boy's healthy condition and the assumption that excessive overexertion causes phantom pains. In this regard, Harry was prescribed a week's bed rest. Which caused a slight look of envy on the part of the cousin.
But all these incidents were completely forgotten when the Dursleys drove up to their house.
Only charred ruinsr emained on the site of their dwelling.
So I spent a lot of time doing combinatorics with the 2 and 3 option plans, along with the 7 Gnosis 4 option plan and the 37 gnosis one.
My Conclusion is like this.
Save - The Book of Dark Law is good combat prep for convocation assuming we don't have to use anything we learned in public/it doesn't get recognized as Dark Arts or whatever. Assuming stuff in the Book of Dark Law is apparent to witnesses we may as well hope our 50 Gnosis Training Transcendence solves the problem. The Old Wand helps with Dark Arts deniability/future training opportunities. The Alchemy Primer also has good prospects in conjunction with the Book of Dark Law if it has any new Dark Potions in it somehow. If it doesn't it's still a chance to learn Alchemy Runes.
Convocation Value: *** to ****(Average to above average depending on if you Take the Alchemy Primer or the Old Wand for Deniable operations)
Long Term Value: ****(Above Average)
2 gnosis - It's incredibly cheap, still lets us get a massive breakthrough next turn, and we get a lot of Bang for our buck(Alchemy Primer/Old Wand/Book of Dark Law)
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: ****(Above Average)
7 Gnosis - Why get 3 when you can get 4? Adding Impossible Perfection to the 2 Gnosis Plan Seems like it would add a notable amount of growth opportunities. Like if there's Dark Astrology in the book of Dark Law.
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: *****(High)
9 Gnosis(Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean): Besides the Subterfuge options and Dark Arts, a lead on Atlantis seems more valuable than the combination of Alchemy Primer and Impossible Perfection. Bonus points if the Secret of Ocean has other applications like Secret of Heaven. Like, everything with secret of Ocean has 6 stars of long term potential by default IMO.
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: ******(Immense)
12 Gnosis: The Book of Dark Law and Secret of Heaven provides considerable combat options for the convocation regardless of if we're fighting in public or not, gives us an obscure/outside context power future breakthroughs can build on, etc. There could also be Dark Astrological Synergy.
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: ***** or ****** I'm not entirely sure. Either way the potential probably easier to get with Secret of Heaven than Secret of Ocean
14 Gnosis: The Subterfuge and Training options from adding the Old Wand to the 12 Gnosis Plan leads to what's probably the greatest balance of price and value in all the 2-3-couple of 4's space of plans. We still get a 30 Gnosis breakthrough next action vote too. Like, I could totally live with a 14+30 as opposed to a 50 if it gives us unique resources that help at convocation. Especially if the 30 is a Trismegistus Training Breakthrough and therefore a higher gnosis value due to Thrice-Great-Sovereign.
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: ****** (Immense, the Training opportunities and Deniable operations prospects make this narrowly squeak into 6 Stars)
21 - If this exceeds the value of the 14 gnosis plan, it is by a razor's margin. Old Wand or Book of Dark Law depending on your preference, The Secret of Heaven for convocation combat resources and growth potential, and the Secret of Ocean for Atlantis and possibly other things.
Convocation Value: ****(Above Average)
Long Term Value: ******(Immense by a clearer margin than the 14 gnosis plan)
The More Expensive Plans have been found wanting
Notes Dump For any curious parties in spoiler below, in the meantime I'm going to bed.
[x]Plan Power Begets Power
-[x]Old Wand
-[x]Secret of Heaven
-[x]Book of Dark Law
* - N/A, Dubious
** - Below Average
*** - Average
**** - Above Average
***** - High
****** - Immense
******* - Heaven Shattering
0: (Alchemy Primer or Old Wand) and Book of Dark law
2: Alchemy Primer and Old Wand and Book of Dark law(Beats 0)
4: Book of Dark Law and Secret of Earth(Loses to 2)
6: Alchemy Primer and Book of Dark Law and Secret of Earth(Ties with 2)
7: Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law(Beats 2)
9: Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean (Beats 7)
11: Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(Loses to 9)
12: Book of Dark Law and Secret of Heaven(Beats 9)
13: Book Of Dark Law and Secret of Ocean and Secret of Earth(Loses to 12)
14: Old Wand and Book of Dark Law and Secret of Heaven(Beats 12)
16: Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(Loses to 14)
18: Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(Loses to 14)
19: Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(Loses to 14)
20: Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(Loses to 14)
21: Old Wand or Book of Dark Law/ Secret of Ocean/Secret of Heaven(Might slightly exceed 14 Depending on if you take Old Wand or Book of Dark Law?)
25: Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(Loses to 14 or 21)
28:Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(Loses to 14 or 21)
37:Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(Loses to 14 or 21)
0 Gnosis Plans:
My Favorites: Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law, Old Wand/Book of Dark Law
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer - Insurance Policy in the event of Hogwarts Expulsion/Wand Destruction. Ability to Avoid the Trace during the summer. Wand is tunable to ancient runes? Also it teaches us Alchemical Runes if we haven't already learned them. Convocation Value:** ,Long Term Value:***
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection - An Astrological Plot hook with the intrigue options the old Wand Provides. Convocation Value:*, Long Term Value: ***
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection - Alchemical Runes if we haven't already learned them and an Astrological Plot Hook. Convocation Value: *, Long Term Value: ****
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law - Intrigue options from the Old Wand and whatever the Book of Dark Law gives us for studying it. There could be new demon types in there, new Dark Potions, etc. It's probably a Dark Charms/Transfiguration text mostly. Though Dark Astrology is potentially possible. Convocation Value:****, the Old Wand may help if we're forced to use Dark Arts in public with the right plan I dunno.
Long Term Value: ****
Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law - Alchemy runes and Dark Substances if there are any in this book is synergistic. Convocation Value: ***, Long Term Value: ****
Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law - If there's Dark Astrology in there that can help us research Impossible Perfection they synergize. Convocation Value: ***, Long Term Value: *****
2 Gnosis Plans:
My Favorite: Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection(2 Gnosis) - Intrigue options from a second wand, Alchemy Runes, and an Astrological Plot Hook Convocation Value:**, Long Term Value: ****
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law(2 Gnosis) - Dark Arts, Intrigue options, and Alchemy Runes. There's definitely an improvement here valuewise over Old Wand/Book of Dark Law but it's not large enough to merit a whole extra star. Convocation Value - ****, Long Term Value: ****
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law(2 Gnosis) - The Old Wand doesn't do enough for the long term value but it boosts the convocation value. Convocation Value - ****, Long Term Value: *****
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law(2 Gnosis) - I am very tempted to give 6 stars to long term value here for the synergy prospects of Alchemy Runes, Dark Potions, and the Astrology Plot Hook combined with the possibility of applying Dark Astrology to researching the Diamond. If there's not Dark Potions or Dark Astrological material the long term value goes down. Convocation Value - ***, Long Term Value - ******
4 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Book of Dark Law/Secret of Earth
Old Wand/Secret of Earth(4 Gnosis) - A Spare wand and the Magiscience principle used to make Horcruxes. I'm pessimistic about the long term value of this and the use of this in convocation. Convocation Value - *, Long term Value - **
Alchemy Primer/Secret of Earth(4 Gnosis) - We may be able to make better Horcruxes with this? Not enough for 5 stars long term. Convocation Value - *, Long Term Value - ****
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Earth(4 Gnosis) - Convocation Value - *, Long Term Value - ****
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Earth(4 Gnosis) - The only one of these plans that doesn't look like trash. Convocation Value - ***, Long Term Value - ****
6 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Alchemy Primer and Book of Dark Law and Secret of Earth
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis) - Alchemy RUnes, Intrigue, and the Magiscience principle behind Horcruxes. I don't think this brings much to the table compared to Old Wand/Alchemy Primer but its enough for a 4th long term star Convocation Value **, Long Term Value = ****
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis) - Utter Trash. Convocation Value *, Long term Value ****
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis)- This isn't enough to justify the extra gnosis IMO. Stick with Old Wand/Book of Dark Law. Convocation Value - ****, Long Term Value - ****
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis) - Trash. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ****
Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis) - The Alchemy Runes+Dark Substances synergy and the potential to make better horcruxes using alchemy runes maybe is enough to get this 5 long term stars. Convocation Value - ***, Long Term Value - *****
Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Earth(6 Gnosis) - This is not enough for 6 stars of long term value. Convocation value ***, Long Term Value *****
7 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law(7 Gnosis)- Alchemy Runes, a spare wand, a plot hook, and Dark Arts Literature. Not sure if this is worth 6 in the long term though. Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Blood of Slytherin(7 Gnosis) - Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ***
Old Wand/Secret of Ocean(7 Gnosis) - Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Alchemy Primer/Blood of Slytherin(7 Gnosis) - Synergistic from an Alchemy Standpoint but limited value at the convocation. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Secret of Ocean(7 Gnosis) - Maybe if Secret of Ocean has other applications? Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Impossible Perfection/Blood of Slytherin(7 Gnosis) - Convocation Value *, Long Term Value *****
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Ocean(7 Gnosis) - An all in long term option. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin(7 Gnosis) - Maybe helpful depending on if we learn any dark potions in there that could use Slytherin's Blood? Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value - ****
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean(7 Gnosis) - Now we're getting Somewhere. Probably inferior to the 4 pick though. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
9 Gnosis Plans:
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/(Blood of Slytherin for Short term, Secret of Ocean for Long Term)
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Blood of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - The Old Wand is Alchemy/Potions optimized, the Book teaches Alchemy RUnes, and the Blood of Slytherin Provides a high end reagent. A synergistic set. Not sure this is 6 long term stars though I'm going to say 6. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection/Blood Of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - Why would you pick this? Convocation value *, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Blood Of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - Combat and Medical Resources. Excellent Convocation prep. Convocation Value *****, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Alchemy Runes, a lead on atlantis and maybe other things, and a spare wand optimized for Alchemy. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Dubious Convocation value but immense long term value. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value ******
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Blood of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value **, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Convocaton Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law/Blood Of Slytherin(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean(9 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
11 Gnosis Plans:
My Favorite: Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth
Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(11 Gnosis) - This is a very long term option it seems like. The Long Term Value however is enormous. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value - ******
Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(11 Gnosis) - Maybe we could use this to pull a Dark Empire, make a spare body we can use to resurrect? The Blood also may come in handy in convocation aftermath Convocation value: **, Long Term Value - *****
12 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Alchemy Primer or Book of Dark Law+Secret of Heaven.
ALchemy Primer/Secret of Heaven(12 Gnosis) - Alchemy Runes and a Mystery Box we can use for a bunch of things. Like Flight. Convocation Value - ***, Long Term Value - *****
Old Wand/Secret of Heaven(12 Gnosis) - I have no idea what to say about this one. Deniable Dark Arts Usage+Flight? Convocation Value - ***, Long Term Value ****
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Heaven(12 Gnosis) - There could be a synergy here. Convocation value ***, Long Term Value - ******
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven(12 Gnosis) - There could be dark Astrological Synergy here. Who knows. Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value - ******
13 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth
Old Wand/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - Clone Resurrection and Post convocation healing combined with Intrigue Options. I'm tempted to give this 6 long term stars for the training benefits the Old Wand provides but I'm not sure its that much of an improvement. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - The Old Wand doesn't seem like enough added value to justify more stars here. Convocation *, Long Term ******
Alchemy Primer/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - The Dark Empire Plan in all its glory. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Alchemy Primer/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - Alchemy Runes, a finding things secret usable to find Atlantis, and a secret usable to make Horcruxes. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - Dark Empire with more combat options. Potential Dark Arts Synergies. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****(maybe 6)
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - Combat, an Atlantis hook and maybe more, combined with the secret to horcruxes and maybe more. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Impossible Perfection/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - Impossible Perfection synergizes poorly but maybe you want to invest in Astrology too. Convocation Value **, Long Term Vaue ******
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(13 Gnosis) - I don't think the long term value of this is enough to be heavenshattering. Convocation Value *, Long Term Value ******
14 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven
Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(14 Gnosis) - Not worth it at this gnosis cost. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Old Wand/Alchemy Primer/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ****
Old Wand/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - If there's synergy between Impossible Perfection and Secret of Heaven this is a 5 long term. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - I like this one. Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Impossible Perfection/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Impossible Perfection/Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven(14 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
16 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Book of Dark Law/Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean
Old Wand/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(16 Gnosis) - Alchemy wand with Alchemy reagent, combined with Atlantis lead. Not bad. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(16 Gnosis) - If there's a synergy this could be cool. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(16 Gnosis) - Basically the same as Old Wand/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(16 Gnosis) - Connvocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Impossible Perfection/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean(16 Gnosis) - Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
18 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth
Old Wand/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(18 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(18 Gnosis) - This seems like it'd lead to some kind of Xianxia related Epiphany. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(18 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value *****
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(18 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
19 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite: Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean
Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(19 Gnosis) - It's a thing. I don't see why you'd take it. It's eh compared to the other combo's I've looked at. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven(19 Gnosis) - This isn't worth it at 19 gnosis. Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
20 Gnosis Plans:
Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(20 Gnosis) - Why would you take this at 20 gnosis? Convocation Value **, Long term Value ******
21 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite Plans: (Old Wand or Book of Dark Law)/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean,
Old Wand/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Old Wand/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Alchemy Primer/Blood Of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Alchemy Primer/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
Book of Dark Law/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value *****
Book of Dark Law/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ****, Long Term Value ******
Impossible Perfection/Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value *****
Impossible Perfection/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(21 Gnosis) - Convocation Value ***, Long Term Value ******
25 Gnosis Plans:
Favorite - Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth
Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(25 Gnosis) - This is probably a 7 if anything is long term. Convocation value questionable though. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value *******
Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Earth(25 Gnosis) - I have no idea why you'd take this at 25 gnosis(Convocation value **, Long Term Value *****)
28 Gnosis Plans:
Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean(28 Gnosis) - At this value we can't afford to be trash from a convocation standpont. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value ******
37 Gnosis Plans:
Blood of Slytherin/Secret of Heaven/Secret of Ocean/Secret of Earth(37 Gnosis) - No significant convocation value, though it's probably a 7 long term if anything is. Don't take this. Convocation Value **, Long Term Value *******
This is why we need moratorium for character build decisions, so everyone has time to lay things out before the majority commits on a decision.
@Snowdrop There was a bit earlier about only the Chosen being able to pick their unique Founder heritage. It's confirmed WoG Neville has one. The only other option we have is going meta and testing for perks among the student body which doesn't seem doable unless they can somehow convince the inner circle to go around tasting blood and checking for stun resistance..
Edit: I guess we could summon a vampire and ask them to go through the dormitories when students are sleeping until they find someone with odd blood. But Harry has no way of knowing about the Heir's blood and champion's spell resistance. Astrology is much more believable coming from a prodigy like him to seek the others out that way.
Mrs. Jenkins lived on the outskirts of a small village near the sea.
Among her neighbors, she was famous for her good-natured disposition and oddities.
For example, she was one of the few who preferred an owl as a pet rather than a cat.
Having settled here when she was very young, she lived all her long life in a very small cozy house.
And so began another long lonely night filled with insomnia. Jenkins settled into her favorite rocking chair in front of the fireplace to warm her old bones.
And nothing in this cozy spectacle could surprise her neighbor if they were watching this spectacle, except for a couple of details.
Firstly, the old lady was quietly telling stories from her life, but this would not have struck a hypothetical observer. The amazing thing was that the smiling portraits of her grandchildren hanging over the fireplace nodded to the beat of her story.
"Yes, there were times," the old lady's deep voice rang out in the house.
"When my late husband was still alive, I was famous for being the best hostess in Britain. One spell was enough for me to chop and peel all the vegetables."
The unhurried monologue continued for some time. Until the "best housewife of Britain in 1945" suddenly noticed a photo of her teenage grandson.
"What a pity you don't visit me."
The young man's face changed slightly, a slightly more strained smile appeared on it.
While his grandmother continued.
"Apparently, this is the fate of the elderly. You are abandoned by those you love. I don't wish you that fate. To live to my gray hair and be lonely." Jenkins said with a slight hint of expected sympathy for her situation.
The face of the young man in the photo suddenly distorted, his face turned red, and a scream escaped from his mouth.
"You crazy old woman..." His voice was drowned out by comrades from other photos, rushing from different sides, trying to shut him up.
Mrs. Jenkins stopped suddenly, pointing at them with her hand.
"Everyone back to your seats, let him finish."
The people around the guy hurriedly ran away, leaving him with a pale but determined face to look into the eyes of his grandmother.
"I said you're a crazy old woman. You killed everyone here. And now you're making us pretend that nothing happened. I refuse to participate in this farce."
The little old lady's face turned to stone, but her voice remained as soft and deep.
"James number 86, you have always been an obnoxious tomboy, I hope that next time you will be able to behave appropriately with an elder."
The old woman suddenly waved her hand, a sharpened awl burst out of her hand, which pierced the eye of the image.
A terrible scream rang out, the photo in the place of the hit began to disperse in a black spot. After waiting for James to stop moving, the old lady waved her hand again. This time, pulling out the wand hidden there, one movement, and the photo turned out to be neatly cut into even small pieces.
Gracefully rising from her chair, Grandma brushed the remains of the photo into her fist and walked with measured steps to the basement.
Unlocking the strong iron door, she entered the fighting room. Flipping a switch, she illuminated a room whose walls consisted of uncovered concrete, while the floor was an earthen flooring.
There was a table inside the room with four boxes on it. Also in the farthest corner was a pit, at the bottom of it lay a mountain of evenly cut pieces of paper, from under which human bones peeked out. The strangest thing about them was that they were divided into identical parts, as if they were passed through a pointed iron grid.
Throwing the remains of the photo to the mountain of other scraps, the kind grandmother went to the table and took the box with the inscription James.
Opening it, she saw a lot of identical photos of her grandson.
With a sad sigh she said:
"What a scoundrel, at this rate, stocks will have to be replenished next year."
And, taking out another photo, the old lady turned off the light and left the room.
Haha, I remember the bit about magical photographs we talked about in Discord. So great to see the grandma story fully fleshed out like this! Nailed the death scene, with the other portraits rushing in to stop him.
Haha, I remember the bit about magical photographs we talked about in Discord. So great to see the grandma story fully fleshed out like this! Nailed the death scene, with the other portraits rushing in to stop him.
There was no sound in the night silence of Hogwarts. The wind blew through the empty corridors, and only Filch and Mrs. Norris did not sleep during the night watch.
But if someone decided to look into the most secluded corners of Hogwarts, they would probably find rat holes.
Until recently, a colony of the most ordinary, unremarkable rats lived in one of these branched burrows.
The keyword was "until recently" because IT came quite recently.
At first glance, to the rats, HE was just another giant inhabitant of the castle. Doing her own weird incomprehensible things here.
But this misconception was quickly dispelled by the MEANING addressed to them.
And the first rat that came into contact with HIM was a young rat, later named Archibald.
At first, he just followed simple commands for food. He was following someone or looking for something.
But over time, the BIG CREATURE began to give him strange water, after which he became stronger, more agile, but most importantly smarter. He and his brothers began to understand HIS WORDS more fully.
After what time HE gave them signs that hid them from prying eyes and allowed them to crawl into any crack, heating the nest in the winter night.
If only the rats could honorHIM, HE was everything to them. Any rat that looked into HIS eyes knew that.
And on that dark night they heard a call from one of the signs calling them to gather.
In Archibald's head, there was an order to choose to bring rats with suitable for crteria to the dungeon.
A wave of rodents moved in a solid wave to fulfill HIS WILL as soon as possible.
They met HIM in a place they never knew. HEsaid something and out of nowheremonster/nightmare/death appeard.
But HIS voice / ordered / to come to his mouth. HEpromisedETERNAL HAPPINESS.
And they did not hesitate to heed HISorder.
Harry Potter watched melancholically as a horde of rats jumped into the mouth of the Basilisk without a doubt. Dozens of furry bodies disappeared into the bottomless mouth, but the following ones came in their place.
At that moment, Gaist's grumpy voice rang out in his head.
"Well, is the juvenile psychopath satisfied? And why was all this necessary?"
Without taking his eyes off the strange sight, Harry thought.
"You yourself know that after my modifications, the lifespan of rats is very limited. After a while, they will begin to disintegrate alive. Thus, I give them a quick death without pain and feed the basilisk, which I forbade to eat rats uncontrollably."
The silence in Harry's head lasted for a few more seconds, after which Gaist said.
"Remind me why the Dark Lord is called me and not you?"
In response to this, Harry simply shrugged his shoulders. Continuing to observe the feeding.
Birdsie said we are almost on the border of transcendence last chapter don't you want to see what a transcendence option is it will be way better then anything we can get now
He is a Chosen, (Geist declared) therefore he gets a founder heritage different from us, and gets other perks. He himself might not know about the heritage stuff, Harry doesn't know either he is a Lord of Hufflepuff either (though he can feel its effects)
Coming back to Neville it's meta guesswork on our part yes, but the other traits don't seem to fit. He hasn't shown Parseltongue and he went down easily with the stunner so no magic resistance like the Champion. That leaves Ravenclaw by default. We can attribute his navigation through the dangerous lower dungeons to it.
Edit: Unless Bellatrix's direct stunner overwhelmed the spell resistance. Maybe we should check if Neville has six packs then?
Edit: Changed my mind about the vote. I want to sic Ornias on the Impossible Perfection badly and want to do some cool Astrology already dammit.
I have an idea, let's use the runes to record a voice alert, which we will place in the corridor where Neville will be.
But we'll write it down in snake language.
For example, "beware of spiders upstairs."
If he is a born snake, he will not be able to understand what is being said to him in snake, and will raise his head, if he does not speak on shift, then he will turn around in search of hissing.
It has to be organic though.. And not something out of character for Harry. Hey wait, we can just write Neville to come visit the Chamber of Secrets and he'd find out that way as we open the snake passages. He'd hear only hissing otherwise.
There's also the blood test.. but again this is meta knowledge and Harry has no way of knowing to check for blood.
We should just make the Astrology ritual and see if we are high level enough to use the Chosen star. And then gather the four and let them sort out amongst themselves who is who.
It has to be organic though.. And not something out of character for Harry. Hey wait, we can just write Neville to come visit the Chamber of Secrets and he'd find out that way as we open the snake passages. He'd hear only hissing otherwise.
There's also the blood test.. but again this is meta knowledge and Harry has no way of knowing to check for blood.
We should just make the Astrology ritual and see if we are high level enough to use the Chosen star. And then gather the four and let them sort out amongst themselves who is who.
Well, actually, Harry should suspect. He knows that Neville is connected to the four founders just like we are. And the fact that the heir of Slytherin can speak the language of snakes is well known.
I had an another line of thought.. Maybe that's one of the functions of the Rings? Identifying the heirs. That could explain why nothing spectacular has happened to Nevile yet from the other two rings. Or it has but the effects are subtle and Neville doesn't know it yet. Either way we should find out soon..
Harry does not have to trick Neville though they both know and are looking for the founders heirs so It would be in character for Harry to think to see if Neville is one of the heirs given he was the one tasked with this
Thinking the heir of Slytherin is a Parseltongue is not strange so seeing if Neville is one would make sense
I'm 95% sure being a chosen one under the chosen one star and being a heir of a founder are two different things
When Geist was talking to Bella he talked about Harry and Neville being lost meaning he knows about them being the chosen ones but he only said they were lost not that four people were lost
Not only that but when Neville first told Harry about the founders heirs Geist thought he was either lying or insane and only believed him after he hared enough to realise it was true meaning he did not know about the founders having heirs but he did know about Harry and Neville being the chosen ones
So being the chosen ones under the chosen star and being the founders heirs are likely different things that can over lap but are still separat thing
Has Birdsie said their are more then two chosen ones
Harry does not have to trick Neville though they both know and are looking for the founders heirs so It would be in character for Harry to think to see if Neville is one of the heirs given he was the one tasked with this
Thinking the heir of Slytherin is a Parseltongue is not strange so seeing if Neville is one would make sense
I'm 95% sure being a chosen one under the chosen one star and being a heir of a founder are two different things
When Geist was talking to Bella he talked about Harry and Neville being lost meaning he knows about them being the chosen ones but he only said they were lost not that four people were lost
Not only that but when Neville first told Harry about the founders heirs Geist thought he was either lying or insane and only believed him after he hared enough to realise it was true meaning he did not know about the founders having heirs but he did know about Harry and Neville being the chosen ones
So being the chosen ones under the chosen star and being the founders heirs are likely different things that can over lap but are still separat thing
Has Birdsie said their are more then two chosen ones
Essentially, there are special people around Hogwarts - chosen people
"A single ring for each Founder. She informed me that I must collect the rings and find the other chosen people, and 'distribute' the rings 'accordingly.'
- this is from the update Neville opens up.
And before that in chat he said Neville has the perks and Tresmagitus same as us except the Mark of the Equal. He obviously can't have Lord of Hufflepuff because we have it.
Actually there's some evidence he might be the Sage in that update too. He got a specific Prophetic dream. That's a mark for Ravenclaw.
Edit: Also we shouldn't be able to Legilimens him at all. That's a clearer sign for Ravenclaw.
For a Griffindor test.. He'd have spell resistance and physique. And would be able to command the portraits and the suits of Armours.
Being chosen for some thing like being a heir of a founder is not necessarily the same as being the chosen ones under the chosen one star
If all founder hairs are also chosen ones under the chosen star then why does Geist or Dumbledore not know who they are but know who Harry and Neville are
Geist when talking to Bella never said their were more lost people other then Neville or Harry and Dumbledore never called more people up to his office either
When Neville explained to use about his dream he said one of the wired things about it was that he could remember it incredibly well and that he found this wired meaning he does not normally remember his dreams that well
The sage is suppose to be able to remember everything perfectly which means Neville should always remember his dream that well but he dose not
Him being conferrable in the dungeons and knowing his way around could be from him just spending a lot of time being down their
Him having that dream is not necessarily proof either because that dream could be being sent to him but a special method from the guardians or antichains, Keep in mind we would normally be having dreams to if we weren't the Lord Of Hufflepuff so that could be way he has them
If he was the sage you would think the Ravenclaw ring would have activated by now if that is how they work ( Though it is possible that all the ring need to be together to do their thing )
We should ask Neville to try on Slytherins ring when we see him next because their is no penalty if we get it wrong after all and if he is the Slytherin heir this could help use learn more
He remembers his prophetic dream, it just says he doesn't understand some of the bits. That's different I think.
Neville being a Chosen was supplied by Geist. The wider wizarding world only knows about Harry though. No one else has talked about him being one. So there's precidence for the Chosen to fall under obscurity. It makes sense for the heirs to be Chosen as well, just look at perks of each house. I guess we'll find out either way soon. Convocation is just a few updates away.
Speaking of the Convocation.. I'm in a different timezone so I probably won't be in time to put up plans after the next update. So I went ahead and wrote up some stuff about what we've discussed about the ring and heir crisis so far..
-[ ] Coordinate with Neville to set up an Astrological ritual to use the Star of the Chosen to find the missing two heirs. Conduct it under Ornias' guidance and try to use the Maurader's map as well.
-[ ] Show Ornias Salazar's notes on Impossible Perfection and ask him to explain this phenomenon and figure out how we might use them ourselves. Set him to finish the research.
-[ ] Do the absolute minimum necessary for classwork and attendance to free up your time for other pursuits in this month. Ask your friends to cover for you and write to you their notes.
-[ ] Hunt for the Ring: Enlist your friends and talk to the ghost of Hufflepuff house about the Ring of Hufflepuff describing it in detail. Or any other ghosts or portraits from the founders time. If that's not fruitful, go to the Kitchen and ask the head of Houselves and the other old elves there. Also ask the Inner Circle members about legends of the Ring and if they've ever heard about it. Finally, if nothing else works very carefully go study the Chalice of Hufflepuff while invisible and alert for runic defenses.
-[ ] Test to see if Neville and you exhibit any of the founder's notable traits or if any of the Rings activate for Neville. Depending on what traits about the founders you can learn and find out from Geist look out for:
1) Parseltongue, Alchemically potent blood
2) Spell Resistance and exceptional physique and swordfighting, being able to command the enchanted Suits of Armour and Portraits
3) Legilimens warding without trying to defend against, Eidetic memory and divination talent.
4) Casually casting incorporeal patronus.
The wizarding world does not know harry is the chosen one either though
They think he killed The Dark Lord so they think he is awesome but they don't know he is a chosen one
No one out side of the Geist have implied Harry is the chosen one though
I assume Dumbledore Knows because he is Dumbledore and he called them both to his office at the beginning of the year
If Geist knows Harry and Neville being the chosen ones then he should at least know how many their are so if their were four then he would probable know their were at least that many even if he did not know who they are
I think we should not be so quick to tell others about the fonder rings and us being the heirs we should keep it a secret
Those in the inner cercal can betray us and interfere with things if they believe it's for our best interest so we should keep it from them if able