Arc 13 Post 6: Of Demons and Dogs
Of Demons and Dogs
2th of February 2007 A.D.
"Well... hmm you know how you said it would take a wizard to figure out derivatives and integrals?"
Rosie looks at Pods as though she's waiting for a punchline, slowly she realizes the truth is the punchline, though before she can say anything your other self continues. "Also I am telepathic, persuasive and can kick ass when I need to. Can't really show you most of that stuff, it'd be a bit weird to start glowing green in a public park."
You stand in a hall arched in stone and brass before you a living bonfire of bale-fire and dread purpose, wearing your face. Less she is than you at your height, no crown upon her brow, no demon vizier made a sword in her heart, but she is you that is apart, one of half a dozen iterations born from burning sands by breath and intention divided. You are One, One is All and All are Many.
She-who-is-you does not mention the darker powers: stealing memories with the rising of a new dawn, the veil of seduction that makes Dancer In Glass Shadows as capable of twisting minds as she is of sealing away compulsion. The power that Ishtar had given to Arlene after long and fervent prayer one of your other selves had simply been 'born' with.
Only it's not really birth it is Molly you think as you listen to yourself having a conversation with one of your oldest friends, as you watch Rosie relax into the notion. A name and a pinch of sand... not quite clay is it, but if one were to add a bit of blood to make it stick and then fired it n fires deep and secret.
Pods gives you a look, one that kind of reminds you of Mom, but even more so. You only think Mom knows every thought that passes though your head, your splintered incarnations definitely do. It should probably feel a lot less comfortable than it is.
"...and one of us can turn into a dragon she's pretty sure."
"How the heck can you be pretty sure of that?" Rosie asks, trying not to raise her voice in the middle of a park filled with nannies, parents and kids who it is known can hear the word 'dragon' well beyond what should be their hearing range.
"It seemed inappropriate to call on that part of ourselves lightly. Dragons are mighty because they are necessary, they are not necessary because they are mighty."
"For the record you are not allowed the wise old mentor you are not allowed to use the wise old mentor voice..." Rosie starts.
"Says who?" you interrupt with a smile.
"Says the person who remembers that time we saw Wes Craven at a restaurant and you got so keyed up you almost stole a hat off some guy's head so you could get an autograph, remember? I was the one who thought of the lipstick and the five Dollar bill?"
"Too bad that..."
"Huh..." Maker of Immaculate Relics Untarnished who had been lingering, close by in case two Mollies were a strain to Rosie, a third one too much. "I could probably fix that. Unsmudge the smudge. I think we'd like that." Unlike you or Pods, Miru is sporting the kind of puffy bundled up look that usually marks out someone from Florida or California, some place where snow is a semi-mythical occurrence.
"OK, I'm going to let you guys get comfortable I've got to go..."
"Dog seeking?" Harry sounds so dubious you'd think that you and Lydia has just proposed taking Mouse to Hell... which OK, he probably could handle Hell and you had been there not so long ago, but that was no reason to assume you had alternative motives.
"Dog shopping sounds strange," Lydia offers gently. "It is not as though money is an object. I'm looking for companions to invest with something of myself, ones who are willing and able to help me in my apportioned task. Alas not all of us can duplicate ourselves." She gives you a sly look under her lashes.
Speaking of Lash... she probably heard that one, the sound of a plate shattering echoes from the kitchen.
"So you know how you wanted me to meet the Alphas? Just pass by there on Wednesday and I'll explain once I'd done OK?"
Just then Mouse brushes past Harry, tail wagging, gives you a very searching look, sneezes and turns to Lydia, the obvious question in his eyes.
"I'm not looking for fighters necessarily. This power is... protean, as long as the foundation is of the hound at the gates the towers upon which it is built can be manifold. Really I am interested in a boon companion, someone willing to back me up and hmm... advise me. I can be a bit impulsive sometimes."
Having dealt with whatever it was she had broken Tiffany sashays into view her neutral expression speaking volumes. "I can gift them wit that you might offer them subtler powers. Molly, do you have any plans...?" You shake your head. As with Olivia the gifts you give must be paired with a vow to to balance out the weight of darkness within. These are to be Lydia's companions, you're just along to help.
"I already have kids to watch this month you know," Harry says wearily. "Dogs are one thing, I can deal with magic dogs, but if I have to see one more of those monkey demons..."You and Tiffany burst out laughing, leaving Lydia bemused, at least until Mouse with Burny's help fills her in on the story of the peculiar kinds of demons his kidnapper has seen fit to conjure to cover his escape.
"On my word be it, we will not be meddling with any monkeys." The daughter of Arwan manages to maintain an admirably straight face, at least until the door closes.
Does Molly has any suggestion for what kind of dog Lydia should get?
Note: Companions of the Hunter (••••)
The Exigent may lay her blessing on an Animal she associated with, permanently empowering it as a part of her hunting party.
System: Choose a friendly Animal that falls either under Speaker to Crows and Hounds or that is a horse and spend 5 Essence while spending at least 2 hours paining its fur or feathers with magical symbols in woad.
The Animal gains 30 XP that it can freely spend on attributes and skills (including on greater Intelligence) and (5+Essence) points it can spend on Special Advantages (From Gods and Monsters).
A creature can only benefit from this effect once and the Exigent can only have (Essence*2) Animals blessed like this at the same time.
[] A mid-sized breed of the kind that would not be remarked on in the city
[] A larger dog, the kind which might also help protect Lydia, a complement to her wooden soldiers
[] Try to find and bargain with a spirit-kin dog with Mouse's help, though scions will have their own purposes
[] Write in
OOC: Sheets for SGI clones will be posted over the course of this week. I have to figure out a formal first, especially since some of the gifts means they have several forms with different stats and abilities.