Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

[X] Ask her why she hates magic so much (Empathy+Charisma)
-[X] "What can I say to you that will make you believe that this isn't malicious, what can I say... I can't say anything that will change your mind because nothing can be convincingly said to you that you won't dismiss out of hand because you believe that I'm either not in control of my own actions or am being manipulated by something, so regardless of if you believe me I'm telling you that I'm in complete control of myself and this power, hell if needs be after all this fairy bullshit is dealt with we can have others verify but until then can you at least stop treating me like I'm sick or ill."

I feel like this gets to the heart of the problem we're having here.

One small note here because Molly does know a little of how Denarians work, it is entirely possible, even common for someone in those sorts of pacts to be in total control at the start of their agreement, the trouble is they do not stay in charge because the Fallen has all the experience of millennia to wear away at the self control and virtue of their host. So the easiest time to get someone to set down a coin is when they have just picked it up. That or something like that may well be what Charity fears.
Does she believe we are sick/manipulated though? Or is she "merely" secure in her stance that we should give up magic and Exalted power, and won't accept disagreement?
One small note here because Molly does know a little of how Denarians work, it is entirely possible, even common for someone in those sorts of pacts to be in total control at the start of their agreement, the trouble is they do not stay in charge because the Fallen has all the experience of millennia to wear away at the self control and virtue of their host. So the easiest time to get someone to set down a coin is when they have just picked it up. That or something like that may well be what Charity fears.
From her point of view, and with what she knows its reasonable.

Does she believe we are sick/manipulated though? Or is she "merely" secure in her stance that we should give up magic and Exalted power, and won't accept disagreement?
Yes. She suspects the multi millennia old demonic entity might have less than noble intentions for her daughter. Which is extremely reasonable.

Even in spite of the 17 year olds very reasonable assertion that "I have totally got this mom, forget about this killing or driving insane everyone in history who has ever tried."
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Yes. She suspects the multi millennia old demonic entity might have less than noble intentions for her daughter. Which is extremely reasonable.

Even in spite of the 17 year olds very reasonable assertion that "I have totally got this mom, forget about this killing or driving insane everyone in history who has ever tried."
Yes, it's not unreasonable from that perspective.

The only unreasonable part of the stance is to reject magic as a whole, not just the "demonic pact".

But then we wouldn't reject either which, uh... It's going to be interesting.
I thought it was mentioned that molly recognised the way charity was looking at her a facial expression that seemed to be mostly reserved for when molly was ill or something? Idk if I misread that or not

Oh sure, but you cannot tell if she sees the sickness as 'all magic' or 'potential possession'. For that matter you do not know is she can be shifted from point A to point B unless you try.
From her point of view, and with what she knows its reasonable. People are never going to convince her by trying to convince her shes being unreasonable.

Yes. She suspects the multi millennia old demonic entity might have less than noble intentions for her daughter. Which is extremely reasonable.

Even in spite of the 17 year olds very reasonable assertion that "I have totally got this mom, forget about this killing or driving insane everyone in history who has ever tried."
We're in the unenviable position of trying to convince a parent that her knowledge of how this situation is going to work out is most likely going to be untenable. I don't think giving up an Exaltation is very easy or really possible to achieve without death. Barring some kind of magical soul surgery. But, I might be wrong.

The biases against magic don't exactly help here.
Oh sure, but you cannot tell if she sees the sickness as 'all magic' or 'potential possession'. For that matter you do not know is she can be shifted from point A to point B unless you try.
I'm going to say that right now I don't believe we can.

That's not to say nothing or no one or that no situation can...but it definitely won't come from someone she believes is under potential demonic influence, that I can nearly definitively take as truth.
[X] Ask her why she hates magic so much (Empathy+Charisma)
-[X] "What can I say to you that will make you believe that this isn't malicious, what can I say... I can't say anything that will change your mind because nothing can be convincingly said to you that you won't dismiss out of hand because you believe that I'm either not in control of my own actions or am being manipulated by something, so regardless of if you believe me I'm telling you that I'm in complete control of myself and this power, hell if needs be after all this fairy bullshit is dealt with we can have others verify but until then can you at least stop treating me like I'm sick or ill."

I feel like this gets to the heart of the problem we're having here.
Whats the end goal here? This honestly seems like skipping to the church with extra words.

Yes, it's not unreasonable from that perspective.

The only unreasonable part of the stance is to reject magic as a whole, not just the "demonic pact".

But then we wouldn't reject either which, uh... It's going to be interesting.
Regular magic ruins peoples lives just fine. "Not all mages are bad" would honestly be a decent move for deconstructing her worldview here.

But were not trying to "win" an arguments here or speedrun character development. Molly coming to a better understanding of her mother is plenty valuable on its own.
We're in the unenviable position of trying to convince a parent that her knowledge of how this situation is going to work out is most likely going to be untenable. I don't think giving up an Exaltation is very easy or really possible to achieve without death. Barring some kind of magical soul surgery. But, I might be wrong.

The biases against magic don't exactly help here.
Does Molly even know the exaltation can't be removed?
We're in the unenviable position of trying to convince a parent that her knowledge of how this situation is going to work out is most likely going to be untenable. I don't think giving up an Exaltation is very easy or really possible to achieve without death. Barring some kind of magical soul surgery. But, I might be wrong.

The biases against magic don't exactly help here.

Giving up your exaltation would involve ripping your soul in three, anyone trying to take it from you would have to get in a cage match with it... the thing that ripped control of the passage of time in the heart of Arctis Tor from the hands Queen Mab so you could get the Chrysalis Grotesque done in seconds not days.
"Oh... sweetheart, it's not about your father, your father loves you, but you can't keep doing magic, it's going to hurt you..." she reaches out to touch your hand, then drops it instinctively. You definitely are not running a fever now, some quiet corner of your brain with a liking for dark humor offers. "You have to let it go. It's the only way."
Also bigotry aside for the mo. Kudos for this response from Charity.

Were made of ice at the moment. So dropping our hand is understandable.
Whats the end goal here? This honestly seems like skipping to the church with extra words.
It's basically saying "I know you won't believe me but I'm going to tell you anyway now let's leave this until after this fairy stuff" because this doesn't seem like the time to argue about stuff because in this situation nothing is going to convince charity except a soul gaze.
The end goal is dealing with this later and rp because skipping to another scene is pretty boring
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It's basically saying "I know you won't believe me but I'm going to tell you anyway now let's leave this until after this fairy stuff" because this doesn't seem like the time to argue about stuff because I'm this situation nothing is going to convince charity except a soul gaze.
The end goal is dealing with this later and rp because skipping to another scene is pretty boring
So it is "move onto the next scene" basically?

It does say she believes it can't be removed. So I guess Occult 5 comes with some info download.
That's interesting. I wonder if she could explain that to Harry. Or someone else who knows stuff about magic.

On the plus side you do not feel cold and you are unlikely to ever feel heat from merely natural weather since the chill of the Night Realm flows out though your heart.

Silver Linings everywhere. :V
Sounds like a nice place. We should visit someday :V
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Okay, I get that this is a tense situation and we're coming off a seriously traumatic and painful encounter, but Molly is a 17 year old girl, a particularly headstrong example of the species, one whose seen some real shit, worships her daddy because he's literally a heroic knight in shining armor that fights actual BBEGs as part of his divine calling, and has a not so subtle crush on Harry Dresden, badass fire-slinging wizard extraordinaire.

It seems to me that Charity's demand, while heartfelt and coming from a place of genuine concern for her daughter, would provoke Molly into responding with a bit of force.

[X] "I don't want to give up magic, mom! I don't think I could, even if I did want to, not after seeing for myself the kinds of monsters there are in the world. It might be good, it might be bad, and in the end it might even hurt me, but it gives me a chance to make a difference, to protect myself and others."
-[X] "I might never be a hero like dad, but I don't have to be a victim either, and if I can prevent others from being monster chow while I'm at it, then that's all right with me."
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Giving up your exaltation would involve ripping your soul in three, anyone trying to take it from you would have to get in a cage match with it... the thing that ripped control of the passage of time in the heart of Arctis Tor from the hands Queen Mab so you could get the Chrysalis Grotesque done in seconds not days.
That doesn't sound like it would be very easy to do for whoever attempts it. So, uh, I suppose we're probably not going to smooth over her mother's feathers about this in one conversation. There's no way we're not going to get into conflict with her over this.

One thing we can do is just hold our tongue and wait for the confirmation from the resident experts that it's practically irreversible, or we can try and press for more understanding from Charity. Doing both is possible too. The fey are in a nearby room at the moment. That is something to consider if we're going to share more details and should probably be done in a more secure location.
Molly is a 17 year old girl, a particularly headstrong example of the species,
This is definitely not wrong and something for me to think about. We have WP 9 which is apparently one level below Senior or Ancient Wizards, and one below the absolute maximum for mortals.

That doesn't sound like it would be very easy to do for whoever attempts it.
Very much so. Exaltations are also absolutely indestructible and imperishable even in the normal Exalted settings, so the ancient ages with all the big stuff running around compared to the current diminished level. Setting pillar level.
[X] Go to Saint Marry's, maybe with Father Forthil's help or Harry's you can talk your mother down

I think this is the best course of action here.
We are a 17 year old, we can't convince our mother we know better than her on an emotionally charged topic.
We can only let the experts do their thing, answer questions truthfully and eventually come to the same conclusion without a bunch of useless arguing with someone we don't really want to argue with.
Very much so. Exaltations are also absolutely indestructible and imperishable even in the normal Exalted settings, so the ancient ages with all the big stuff running around compared to the current diminished level. Setting pillar level.
Exaltations are indestructible.
Severing Exaltations from the host is not quite impossible, just incredibly difficult.

I think our fastest way to that might be to reach high Essence, use Cosmic Principle Emulation of a Yozi (or maybe follow-up charms?) and effectifly become a new Primordial. There's one Charm in that tree that makes us explicitly inhuman enough to loose our Exaltation.

So, when "become a god" (simplification) is the easiest solution to a problem, you might admit it's not an easy problem.