Would this bypass our soak and be attacking us by effecting the sword or do you mean from being close to him? Cause stopping us from simply summoning him back sounds like a shaping effect and Usum has always been described as indestructible.
Yeah, but the scene description didn't really convey what was going on very well in my opinion. I don't think I could describe to you where we were for most of this event.
I think that yes, the Denarians are scary and we shouldn't underestimate them. But Molly and the rest of the crew are also far from little children and I think our special tricks slightly weigh them down due to the fact that we are free, yes.
But all this shows is that we need to pack our things for our team... And one more thing, Akariel really underestimated how dangerous it is to give away your power in an attempt to threaten during a villainous monologue. Classic mistake.
We aren't Micheal, don't have to follow the Knight's rules. There's something to be said about some Denarians being victims to eldritch intelligences older than the current creation in of themselves though. Don't.. really have the time to properly secure him right now and he has plenty of blood on his hands. Locking up Denarians is particularly dangerous since they can summon the Coin back apparently. Probably wouldn't work in Molly's soul since the Swords aren't allowed in there and the Swords need to be able to counter and respond to them for their game to work. So keeping him locked in a dungeon is likely an option though I don't really want to spend the essence.
Also killing him would get some points with Azhi and not doing so would probably turn this into an argument with him which would I could see resulting in certain people spending even more essence on an excellency to try and convince him. Not worth it when everything is still on fire and this is a marathon not a sprint and we've spent enough here as is. I feel like he'll have an issue with how we tend to spare people who surrender (not always killed the Hollow Man for example) later on if we continue to work with him but like Molly said that's a problem for the future. The guy doesn't even know he's speaking to royalty yet.
[X] Kill Akariel, it will likely win you favor with Silver for her nature, certainly with Azhi Dahaka for his history
The corpse would probably make for a good regent and Crown foci besides.
[X] Kill Akariel, it will likely win you favor with Silver for her nature, certainly with Azhi Dahaka for his history
There is a difference between Molly trying to be like her father, an Molly trying to be like a Knight of the Cross. We can still offer a chance of redemption to someone like Sanya, without being obligated to have to offer it to older hosts, who are only theoretically redeemable. And since we have derailed the canon, this should be Akariel's old host, who would have gotten killed in Small Favors.
The host could have had value as an intelligence asset imprisoned in Sanctuary, if we had captured them alone, but right now getting brownie points from the Abyssals is more valuable.
I feel like he'll have an issue with how we tend to spare people who surrender (not always killed the Hollow Man for example) later on if we continue to work with him but like Molly said that's a problem for the future.
It makes a death curse far less likely. The Coins are a path to many abilities some would consider unnatural, to quote a certain Chancellor, but a full wizard talent is not easily given even by the likes of them.
OOC: If Molly had faught this thing she would have been rolling contested Essence vs Faith rolls with every attack and if she lost one Usum would have gotten stuck in there with you taking 2 Wounds/Turn while he was in there and needing to perform a feat of strength to get him out, that was one of Akariel's tricks... well that and the shape changing and he has a decent social sheet. You get the point Denarians even middle of the pack Denarians are scary. But you know, you listened to the guy who can roll 22 dice for coming up with a battlefield strategy on the fly while having a lot of tools at your disposal.
This actually sounds super strange. I would actually have expected Azhi Dahaka to have been wrong since he doesn't have all the information. Usum is part of Molly's soul , as much a part of her being as her fist or teeth are. Or, from another perspective, Usum is a demon Usum, and the edge of his blade is as much his teeth as they are those of a sabertoothed tiger. Of course, he's also conceptually a weapon of sorts... Yeah, this is something that we shall keep in mind, ok.
Still, we did good to follow the abyssals advice - it builds trust.
For him, and all others, I kinda want to, after we finish the remaining two abyssals, call Uriel. We have his Name from his own lips. Call him down, maybe even get Harry to do this, and ask him to provide what briefing he can. Maybe do some preliminary talking ourselves (definitely do that).
[X] Kill Akariel, it will likely win you favor with Silver for her nature, certainly with Azhi Dahaka for his history
For him, and all others, I kinda want to, after we finish the remaining two abyssals, call Uriel. We have his Name from his own lips. Call him down, maybe even get Harry to do this, and ask him to provide what briefing he can. Maybe do some preliminary talking ourselves (definitely do that).
That doesn't necessarily tie him to us, and Angelic intervention is a very tricky thing in any case. I favor answering their questions ourselves first.
Okay I think I get it or at least I think I get what you're getting at but shouldn't this be something like "Lay the Geas" rather than focusing on the surrender oaths focus on the inborn bindings and restrictions that they deliberately placed on the gods and the Elementals and who knows how many other species that prevented them from striking at the primordials.
As you have a stipulation that mentions creating a being maybe something more focused on the beings who created slavery in the first place on purpose creating living tools that were bound to never resist is a better place to draw from both thematically as Undisputed Tyrant and kind of fluffwise as the surrender oaths were something that was done to the primordials not something they controlled in any particular way and well anything even kind of remotely similar to The Surrender Oaths is less than dust at this point kind of like the great curse.
Though my main problem remains there are absolute effects in EXvs WOD this much is undoubted. Just the no way to tell or to escape gives me the heebie-jeebies as ancient sorcery can be counter spelled and that's the closest thing other than devil refining cauldron or SPS to this as at least both of those are essentially just methods of killing the enemy and getting something useful out of it.
Not sure what you mean by escape or tell, to be honest. Let's consider Magnanimous Warning Glyph and Verdant Emptiness Empowerment - those are closest in nature to the proposed charm:
Applying a lingering touch to her unwitting new
subject – a firm hand upon the shoulder, a lover's em-
brace, a boot placed upon the chest of the fallen – the
Infernal places a mystic brand on her target, invisible
to normal senses but plainly apparent to mystic scruti-
ny: it is a mark of ownership, a warning, and a terrible
weapon. Should the one so marked ever dare to defy or
raise a hand against the Infernal, the glyph detonates
in a torrent of acid and fire.
System: The Infernal touches her target for at least
one full turn and spends 1 Essence to place the glyph.
Scrutiny with mystic sensory powers such as Aura sight
or various feats of magick reveal a sigil bubbling with
suppressed green flames. The target instinctively un-
derstands that he must not oppose the Infernal, but
gains no clear idea of the consequences. Attempting
to attack the Infernal instantly causes the glyph to
detonate, as does unambiguously telling her "no" in
response to a request or command. When the glyph
erupts, it inflicts (highest of Strength, Charisma, or
Intelligence) levels of automatic aggravated damage.
Thankfully, this also purges the glyph, releasing the
target from servitude – at least so long as the Infernal
doesn't apply another one.
There's no saving throw (well, except for perfect shaping defenses, I guess). You touch someone for a turn, spend motes, and they are branded. You can resist, but you'll suffer automatic agg damage (the text makes me think that there's no soak for this). And a lot of it (up to 5 normally).
Even the damned pray, and the Infernal may
choose to answer these prayers. When the Infernal
hears another being express a wish to be something
they currently are not (stronger, smarter, more beau-
tiful, more wealthy, and so forth), she may reach out
with her Essence to grant the stated wish, even if the
wish was not uttered in serious expectation of fulfill-
ment. There is, of course, a price.
System: Upon hearing an uttered wish, the Infernal
may spend 5 Essence to grant it. The world conspires to
bring about the Infernal's blessing as soon as possible,
usually within the same scene. The beneficiary knows
only that the hand of fortune is upon them, and they
may accept or reject it. Rejection costs a point of Will-
power. Sensing the sinister price attached to the gift re-
quires a Perception + Awareness roll against difficulty 8.
The Infernal can grant any of the following: a dot of
an Attribute; a dot of an Ability; a dot of a Background;
a Merit; or she can remove a Flaw. No character can
have more than one wish granted in the course of a year.
There are two hidden prices to the Infernal's gift.
First: At any point after granting a wish, the In-
fernal may approach the beneficiary and ask them to
perform one task on her behalf. The task may be as
involved or lengthy as the Infernal desires, so long as
it isn't impossible or utterly suicidal, and so long as it
has some defined end-point within a year and a day. If
the beneficiary refuses or shirks the Infernal's task, he
is ripped from the world and cast into the Hell of Bur-
rowing Maggots… and he is instinctively aware of the
wages of disobedience, once the task has been spoken.
Second: After accepting three gifts from the Infer-
nal, the beneficiary becomes a creature of darkness,
instinctively loyal to the Infernal, who reduces the dif-
ficulty of all social rolls against the character by three.
Here, the target (notably, not necessarily mortal, which is very interesting indeed) has a chance to escape, but not to resist, and doesn't get to notice the hidden price.
So, how about this:
Standing over her lessers, the Infernal invokes her rights as both a conquering empress and the heir of primordial demiurges.
System: After defeating in a contest her victim was aware of, or creating someone, the Infernal may spend 5 motes of Essence and speak the terms of of one absolute commandment or prohibition. Her words, and the intent behind them, inscribe themselves upon the soul of her target - they cannot forget it, or misunderstand it, no matter how much they try or what effects they are under. To anyone with supernatural perception, the commandment makes form of green glowing scripture carved into the target's soul in a language that anyone seeing it can understand. The effect cannot be something that will directly and actively harm the target, like commanding a mortal human to stop breathing. The commandment she creates must have an escape clause that could, at least in theory, be fulfilled by the target within a year and a day. The infernal is not made aware if the escape clause is triggered.
An infernal may only subject a given person to one Commandment at a time.
I added target's awareness, added more detail in general. This is sorta kinda VEE, only the condition is "we defeat them" or "we create them". A possible way to alter this would be to go for VEE's enforcement, i.e. "if you break it, you die, full stop".
kay that's interesting the dot rating probably needs to go up by one if that's the case and they're probably needs to be some kind of awareness roll at a kind of high difficulty because it is a magical effect that directly interfaces with another person but other than that that's fine. I would look at verdant emptiness endowment to see how it goes about complimentary effects.
Though she may not be the strongest, fastest, or most
skilled, the Solar can make up for all other deficiencies
with her lightning acumen and precise analytical abilities.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence to substitute
Intelligence in place of any other Attribute, or Academ-
ics in place of any other Ability for the next (Essence +
1) turns, or (Essence + 1) minutes outside of combat.
Alternately, by spending 1 Essence and 1 Willpower, the
Exalt can roll Intelligence + Academics in place of an-
other specific Attribute + Ability pool for that duration.
Supernal Effect: The Solar is connected, in the
depths of her soul, to the wellspring of all human wis-
dom, all human endeavor. By meditating for an hour
and descending deep into the Akashic records, she may
make an Intelligence roll to retrieve a desired Knowl-
edge (difficulty 6), Skill (difficulty 7), or Talent (diffi-
culty 8). She gains a number of dots in the retrieved
Ability equal to the successes rolled (to a maximum of
5) until she next sleeps or meditates.
Calculation is inevitability. The Abyssal negates
any other disadvantages with cold, pristine logic.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence to substitute
Intelligence in place of any other Attribute, or Academ-
ics in place of any other Ability for the next (Essence +
1) turns, or (Essence + 1) minutes outside of combat.
Alternately, by spending 1 Essence and 1 Willpower, the
Exalt can roll Intelligence + Academics in place of an-
other specific Attribute + Ability pool for that duration.
Apocalyptic Effect: The Abyssal may draw slivers
of memory and identity from the swirling depths of
the Sea of Shadows to serve her needs. By meditating
for an hour and connecting herself to the Tempest that
forever rages in the depths of the Underworld, she may
make an Intelligence roll to retrieve a desired Knowl-
edge (difficulty 6), Skill (difficulty 7), or Talent (diffi-
culty 8). She gains a number of dots in the retrieved
Ability equal to the successes rolled (to a maximum of
5) until she next sleeps or meditates.
Both of which are 2 dot charms. The logic goes something like this: solaroids are champions of perfection. They have their own excellence and brilliance which allows them to accomplish impossible feats. Infernals are not. They are tainted essence and broken primordial might catalyzed by mortal will into something potentially transcendent. They should be late bloomers, wading through garbase refuse of hell until they bloom into a flower so beautiful it outshines the sun.
So, instead of allowing an infernal to do her own thing, she instead transcends her mythos and imitates someone else. Note, that the charm text was intended to make it clear - she isn't borrowing anything, She is imitating what she sees. In-universe this would be Molly-the-Primordial taking a peek at the target she is touching, and, because she's not as limited by her themes as original Primordials were, temporarily stretching beyond her own themes to gain ability to compete skill-wise, with her opponent.
Also, to be clear: using it against hostiles is only one option. EMH is absolutely intended for this too. I would even argue that non-solid EMH should allow Molly to do this.
Speaking of late bloomers and endgame charms, what do you think about this charmline (the two-dot charm I'll probably be redoing completely or at least significantly, and probably folding it into a proposed additional charms for Fivefold Courts)?
Willpower used defensively is basically covered by our Perfect Mental defense, so there's no point to it.
Essence on the other hand, is highly relevant to all attempts to counterspell our Charms, especially those without activation roll.
You're locking out Mages from messing with us there, which is one of the last places shere they can mess with us at all, since certainly no mage we've seen so far can win a straight physical fight, and the mental side is shit down anyway.
Please just keep in mind that DP has to be able to build enemies that can credibly threaten Molly, or we might as well call the quest over.
Shitting down one more of the few ways to do so is counterproductive in my eyes.
That doesn't necessarily tie him to us, and Angelic intervention is a very tricky thing in any case. I favor answering their questions ourselves first.
Yeah, probably. In any case, a basically, as soon as we have a moment to breathe, we need to organize full briefing for them. Get them hotel rooms (if we are not hosting them in the Sanctuary), then do a full briefing of what's going on as far as we understand it. Explain magic and a lot of context about it, like the Laws. Explain at least some history.
About the Surrender Oath issue, you are aware that Infernals, like most sorts of Exalted in ExWod have a Caste for that?
the CroWn oF Kings
The Infernal may spend 1 Essence to sanctify any oath she has personally witnessed, scribing the words of the pact on the air with Essence. Any who should break this oath begins to radiate corrupt Essence that draws in great swarms of powerful, wicked spirits that desire nothing more than to feast on the oathbreaker and everything she spends a great deal of time in contact with. Additionally, if the Infernal approaches any of the night folk on legitimate business and they offer her or her companions unprovoked violence, then any roll made by the offending supernatural during the course of that violence which produces even a single 1 becomes an automatic botch.
Yes, I am aware, but I feel there's a difference. For one, "sanctify an oath she witnesses" is much, much more broad than what I am proposing. An exalted hidden in a crowd when a politician gets sworn into office, or hearing someone "I'll give my right testicle for a can of beer" could sanctify such an oath. Oath in general is a more broad category. "We shall go to the moon" is an oath. I intended the commandments to be more prohibitive.
The difference between my proposal and the sanctify oaths ability is like the difference between Naked Wicked Souls and the Crown of Eyes, I think. Or at least it was intended as such. It seems I'll have to workshop it more.