A Known Unknown
4th of December 2006 A.D.
Monday rolls around and Lydia does not have school, she is
fine talking to the Keepers of the Threshold on her own. You realize with a start that there is very little of the shyness disguised as solemnity you had seen on that first meeting at Deep Dish Dave's Pizza Place. Whether it is arguing over the canonicity of comic books and just how had Crises on Infinite Earths was, comforting the departed or squaring up against an asshole vampire your friend has now come wholly into her own, more than just comfortable in her own skin, comfortable in her goals, the path she set for herself.
So you just let her have at it. It is a little weird to think about her talking to people, investigating institutions reading up on the lore of the City of Endings while you are in class taking a pop quiz in math, because apparently you had not taken enough mind numbing repetition to see you though the holidays to come.
Somehow even with your thoughts wandering you manage to scribble out the right numbers in the right order...
A small mental nudge pushes your hand from A to B.
"OK not somehow, thanks Usum," you offer, a bit sheepishly.
"I exist to serve Majesty," comes the expected reply, but you shake your head a little, getting an odd look from Izzy.
"Don't forget you are a part of this as well, we are a package deal. We are the ones who are about to get ninety plus points on this and have Cindy Nielsen over there glare daggers into our backs," you counter as you finish off the test and start giving it a once over.
"I shall treasure her impotent malice then," the demon replies, deadpan, impervious to any attempts to detect any hidden glint of humor in his tone.
Too bad the studies waiting you after class could not have been of such simple calculus.
"There is a religious schism going on? I caused a religious schism?" you ask Lydia, horrified. "Why didn't anyone tell me? I've gotta...!"
"Slow down there, it's not that bad. This isn't the Thirty Years War" She stops and laughs to herself. "My father says it can't be that bad since there aren't any kings and princes to stir the pot, all answer to the higher power which they invoke."
Good to know distant slumbering gods still have a sense of humor, even if their dad jokes are of the uncomfortably existential kind. "So what are the heterodox people called?"
"The Expansionists."
You pause, steeple your fingers, notice the smle twitching at the corners of her mouth. "Catchy. What do they want to expand?"
"Come on, it was a perfect set up!" She huffs. At your magnanimous nod she explains.
The Wheel of Reincarnation has been understood in broad terns for the entirety of recorded history and while the details of timing and location might still be an open field of sorcerous study that does not really concern the big theological questions that the people of your realm as much as your own have been asking.
Death is a transition, a stepping stone back into life, for some a moment of welcome transformation, for others a break followed by seeking lost continuity, but true Parting, that final farewell from which none have returned is a moment of transcendence, for those left behind of utter uncertainty. None know what might come after, or indeed if anything does. Parables have been written about the folly of wizards that have wasted away to madness trying to divine the answer, tragedies have been written about loved ones left behind by ones for which life holds no more joy, songs have been sung.
Covenant orthodoxy holds that the answer is not only unknown, it is unknowable. As the void gives shape to the world so too does the mystery of Un-Being give shape to existence. That changed though in sight of all with proclamation by divine voice. There is something Beyond the void, a world, a universe and it is one from which divinity had in some way descended. From this was born the doctrine of the Expansion, that there is another greater Wheel for those who take the plunge into the unknown where they will be rewarded for their boldness.
"So that is the problem, the actual problem," your friend says, her voice now far more serious. "If I start bringing the dead from out there into here it is going to cause at a bare minimum a lot of confusion."
"But that will just confirm the old belief, that death is mysterious, that is not so bad," you say after a moment's thought.
"Not just that, in bringing in the dead, helping them stay with your permission that might be taken as you confirming that the unknown fate, he thing beyond final death is... bad." your friend shakes her head as though to physically clear it. "The Expansionists are basically hopeful, they are not all marching up to the Keepers and demanding Passage so they can get into the Outer Wheel, they think you have to come to that naturally, but if that message gets inverted. I don't know what would come out of that, but we should try to settle it now and not once the first ghosts arrive however we are going to do that."
What is Molly's position on the Expansionist Theology?
[] Contradict it directly, there is no Outer Wheel, Passage is no kind of test
[] Keep to the line of established orthodoxy, what is beyond Passage is unknown even to you
[] Try to introduce it to other notions of the afterlife
[] Write in
OOC: School life on the one hand, being a source of theological upheval on the other, a normal day in the life of Molly Carpenter.