Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Hoping I'm not too late to get in on it
[X] Vorrathis Aetherasax

Vorrathis Aetherasax
Seeming to collapse in on herself her peerless metallic armor shreds into an endless Cascade of flowing iron, a shifting Tempest of iron Sands. The edges of her form becoming distinct blurred by the ceaseless motion.

Throughout this form multiplicitous veins of burning plasma, deep ancient gold, a blazing ruby red, a sharp emerald brilliance, flowing Sapphire cold and mesmerizing, an eerie amethyst radiance emanating, coiling.

At the very center where a heart should have been a green star impossible, searing, alien, a viridescent glow cast Shadows that should not be, a pulsing inexorable rhythm of something ancient writhing, Beyond mortal comprehension.

This is no mere light it is hunger, it is hatred, it is Will Incarnate, a beacon of Untamed power around which the storm of metal and plasma is bound.

Demonic Aspects Non- mechanical explanation
Flexible - used in Incarnate Apotheosis Shintai to represent non-solidity.
Body Spikes - Raging iron tempest, Veins of Plasma, Star heart could be any of them.
Demon Armor - body became iron sand

I will admit I do not want to become more like an angel or even anything humanoid this is the ultimate final form this is like the last form of a being of great power. This is the five fold Court of fate at its most wild and most intense the iron winds ragin plasma Rings the storms the rivers of floating ice the cities as represented by plasma it is Molly to the Core.

It feels like to me that this should represent Molly as a distillation of Supernatural powers and Fury. Which to me says her world and her exaltation. she didn't have true faith when we started the quest and we've been kind of asking questions of god/ biblical things this whole time and we know the angels can be called by people that are wrong and we know angels can be mistaken as Uriel literally admitted it. It doesn't feel quite right to move towards a biblical form at least in my mind.
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2) I sure hope that seeing the Fall doesn't violate our agreement with God.

Pretty sure we technically only promised not to read god's mind with the crown. Seeing this Angel's experience of the Fall isn't technically the same.

How does Extra Limbs work, since we bought that with By Rage Recast?
Oh yeah. I guess that needs swapped out. Kind of concerned about splitting the vote over a feature like that though.

You see, the angel aspect i can take or leave. I like the motive, biblically accurate angels are one of my favourite motives since i was like 12 , but it doesnt feel in character with how devout she is. Hubris, you know.

I am more interested in the other parts of your proposal. Finding your way back to heaven? Great.
Becoming a Heretic to Heresy to find Heaven?
I love it, everytime it happens.
Big Hellboy fan.

The part where its an angel just doesnt feel right. Even if it would look awesome. Ill vote for it, if nobody has something more fitting, since its still really good.
Fair enough. Though I'd argue infernals, and exalts in general, all have a bit of hubris going.

I think the theme fits very well with the impression made on Molly here and the nature of her position in the world.

There are plenty of approaches that would also fit her in general, but this moment is a defining one too.

Hoping I'm not too late to get in on it
[X] Vorrathis Aetherasax

Vorrathis Aetherasax
Seeming to collapse in on herself her peerless metallic armor shreds into an endless Cascade of flowing iron, a shifting Tempest of iron Sands. The edges of her form becoming distinct blurred by the ceaseless motion.

Throughout this form multiplicitous veins of burning plasma, deep ancient gold, a blazing ruby red, a sharp emerald brilliance, flowing Sapphire cold and mesmerizing, an eerie amethyst radiance emanating, coiling.

At the very center where a heart should have been a green star impossible, searing, alien, a viridescent glow cast Shadows that should not be, a pulsing inexorable rhythm of something ancient writhing, Beyond mortal comprehension.

This is no mere light it is hunger, it is hatred, it is Will Incarnate, a beacon of Untamed power around which the storm of metal and Flame is bound.

Demonic Aspects Non- mechanical explanation
Flexible - used in Incarnate Apotheosis Shintai to represent non-solidity.
Body Spikes - Raging iron tempest, Veins of Plasma, Star heart could be any of them.
Demon Armor - body became iron sand

I will admit I do not want to become more like an angel or even anything humanoid this is the ultimate final form this is like the last form of a being of great power. This is the five fold Court of fate at its most wild and most intense the iron winds ragin plasma Rings the storms the rivers of floating ice the cities as represented by plasma it is Molly to the Core.

It feels like to me that this should represent Molly as a distillation of Supernatural powers and Fury. Which to me says her world and her exaltation. she didn't have true faith when we started the quest and we've been kind of asking questions of god/ biblical things this whole time and we know the angels can be called by people that are wrong and we know angels can be mistaken as Uriel literally admitted it. It doesn't feel quite right to move towards a biblical form at least in my mind.
SP is a large burning star-eye of poisonous flame floating in five crowns of brass with obsidian mouths. Not exactly humanoid.

Your design is good, but for my part I think it focuses too much on the literal physical elements of the FCF and not enough on what these things represent or what Molly has experienced herself.
Oh yeah. I guess that needs swapped out. Kind of concerned about splitting the vote over a feature like that though.
I would say that exchanging it for Body Spikes or Demon Armor might be the best choice

ED I honestly think that demon armor is better but we might need it for By rage recast
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[X] Stella Prasinus
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor

Added because it's an interesting element and most of the others don't fit our needs at all.
I'll be honest, I vote for Shintai's non-human appearance. Not for the lore related to Christian symbolism.
*Pops back in*

Btw swording is our main method of combat. Any idea how that's supposed to work without hands?
Pretty sure we technically only promised not to read god's mind with the crown. Seeing this Angel's experience of the Fall isn't technically the same.

Oh yeah. I guess that needs swapped out. Kind of concerned about splitting the vote over a feature like that though.

Fair enough. Though I'd argue infernals, and exalts in general, all have a bit of hubris going.

I think the theme fits very well with the impression made on Molly here and the nature of her position in the world.

There are plenty of approaches that would also fit her in general, but this moment is a defining one too.

SP is a large burning star-eye of poisonous flame floating in five crowns of brass with obsidian mouths. Not exactly humanoid.

Your design is good, but for my part I think it focuses too much on the literal physical elements of the FCF and not enough on what these things represent or what Molly has experienced herself.
I didn't really argue that yours was humanoid though I did feel like I addressed the fact that it was biblical right I did address them in the same place so I get it. I didn't mean to say that yours was humanoid.

On the character front I'd argue the kingdom and the thing that formed the kingdom her friends being kidnapped buy broken seeker and her wanting a sanctuary for them is way more important than her being Catholic I'm sorry it's not a particularly important facet of a character in Canon and it's an even less important one here.

it informs her morals and who she looks to for guidance but in story we've essentially made enemies of 30 beings that turned away from God despite being his direct Creations straight up not like humans and directed Evolution but like straight up his creations and they just turned away from him.

We asked questions that we know angels can be fallible and we know angels are capable of being summoned by beings that are evil like straight up capital e evil.

I just don't find the biblical angle particularly in character or indicative of the origin of this God body or The Story So Far. If anything we've done nothing but stray further and further from the light of God as this story is gone on we've gone to places Angels could not tread. We've gone to places that were apparently once within God's remit to administer and he has let fall through with the souls of the innocent filling them to be ground down to their smallest portion before letting them reincarnate.

That's not to say I dislike yours I actually really like the aesthetic I'm just not feeling the biblical push at the moment at shaped by the story so far at least.
*Pops back in*

Btw swording is our main method of combat. Any idea how that's supposed to work without hands?
Well mine is still partially solid so we can grab things with our technically not hands the iron sand is still solid enough to do damage to things that touch it straight up so we can hold things in their current I assume for BronzeTongue's telekinesis would take the place of hands maybe I don't actually know though.
The Form of Promised Victory, the Paradox made Manifest, She who Makes Herself.

The Empress to Come

In a moment of her greatest need, the Empress-to-Come reaches beyond the means available to her, refusing utterly to let Fate, Reality and Chance to oppose her. Her hands, or perhaps just their shadows, or maybe just their intent to move form themselves into a gesture of heartfelt prayer. Her lips, or perhaps the winds of her soul, or even just her yet unformed thoughts utter a prayer, a call for help, the terms of pact unbreakable, in the words that Shaped Creation. Not to an ancient, long-forgotten legacy that forged her exaltation, not to a distant and Rules-bound God, but to herself that is Becoming, the Promise of impossible Victory and the Glory of the Next Age.

She calls - and she receives an answer. With a sound like distant thunder, like a proclamation from the highest throne, like a whisper of the deepest mystery, reality breaks, rushing from outwards in, as the future dares the present to reject it. The basalt and brass armored form of the Empress disappears from all Sights for an infinitesimal moment, obscured by the Probability Storm. When that moment passes, she is revealed again - changed.

Where before a giantess armored in metal and stone stood, a terryfying war helm obscuring her face, now stands what can only be called an Eye of the Hurricane. She, and that is undeniable a she, is at once a beautiful dancer, and a shining star, a cutout in the fabric of Creation presenting a glimpse into the world of Sanctuary, and an epitome of mechanical engineering given form - all those and more besides. The curves of her body seem to defy close observation, emerging partially into broken fractal dimensions that transcend mortal reason as a lifetime transcends a dot.

No matter the angle she is seen from, she is always facing the observer, her five-irised, five colored gem-like eyes always gazing back upon those who dare behold her majesty. One can almost see and will always understand that, like an asura, she has numerous faces, all watching in their own direction, and yet just out of sight. When she changes her impressions, it passes without notice - one face replacing the other seemingly seemlessly. When she laughs, one can note the holy icons carved into the surface of her teeth, depciting the story of her deeds in impossible detail - some of them perhaps yet to come. Upon her brow rests a crown that is fire without color, woven directly into her hair which are snakes, or perhaps dragons.

She moves her arms, and one loses count to their number, seemingly anywhere between two and infinity - each movement leaving behind a shadowy trail that may coalesce into reality at the moment notice: into high tech prostetics, young maiden's arms covered in intricate runic tattoos which might hold truth dangerous and profound, into armor-covered arms of a warrior, and many more. The only constant among them is the sword of her soul that she holds.

She stands twenty feet tall, and yet gives an impression of being far larger - an image cast upon the world through the prism of itself. It is by some miracle of her own making that she fits in spaces that she really shouldn't be able to, condensing to the point she requires. She is clad in futuristic armor, a cybernetic living thing that is as much a sorcerous formula given shape as a marvel of engineering, not just covering, but growing through her body, its power coming from the center of her being, where, at the core of her transparent chest, shadows coalesce into a shining Green Sun - but it isn't green of any type anyone has seen for more than Age, or perhaps ever - the color sitting at the center of the observable spectrum, no matter how far said spectrum extends in either direction.

A rosary hangs around her neck, carved of stone and bone, magic and numbers, each bead weighing as much as the moon, as little as sin, and connected by a triple helix strand of her soul's ancestry. The cross at the end of it may or may not be occupied by herself.

[X] The Empress to Come
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor

Ok, so, I think I'll throw my hat into the ring. Mechanically seemingly adjustble size is handled by Flexible. WIthout purple prose Molly is supposed to look something like this:
1) Body:
1.1) Twenty feet tall
1.2) Covered in futuristic magitech armor. Some parts of said armor is transparent.
1.3) Have a transparent chest, which is seemingly a portal into a void. It is filled with shadows that are only partially transparent, and coalesce into a green star at the center of her chest. Green is defined as "at the precise center of the observable spectrum". It gives off an impression of being impossibly far away, only the distance preserving the observer from going blind
1.4) Has variable amount of arms. When she moves her arms, images of possible appendages trail before and after the movement, and may coalesce into real arms. Those arms can be different - mechanical and cybernetic prostetics of various designs, magical puppet arms, bioengineered ones, and normals ones.
1.5) The precise dimensions of her body, or rather the border between her body and reality cannot be determined, and are fractal. You can always tell that this is Molly, and this is not Molly, but you cannot find the border between the two, it becoming more and more complex as you try. Think Mandelbrot set. Or the shores of England. Or the borders of Creation, I guess.
2) Face:
2.1) Always facing the observer. Even if there are multiple observers.
2.2) Has multiple (infinite number of) faces. Think Chakravartin Jagganoth. Instead of changing impressions, she changes faces facing the observer. This is done through higher dimnsional rotation, and normal mortals don't really see the motion. Some of those faces are those of her clones.
2.3) Her teeth are carved into holy icons, some of them with posibly prophetic images on them (think what Harry saw when he soul-gazed Molly in canon)
2.4) Her eyes have five irises in them, each of different color
2.5) Upon her head rests a crown made out of colorless flame. It is held in place by her hair, woven into the crown. Each of her hair is an eastern dragon. It's still the thickness of a hair, but it's a dragon.

The idea is to heavily invoke her transcendent nature, and at least some of her charms. Mltiple clones, multiple aspects, shadow manipulation, etc. Hope the description is understandable enough
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I'll be honest, I vote for Shintai's non-human appearance. Not for the lore related to Christian symbolism.
Both are equally nonhuman, and even share vaguely similar body plans.

The difference as I see it is in the symbolism invoked.

SP is intertwined with the FCF, but with more emphasis on the people and what they mean to Molly rather than the physical elements of the planet.

The body plan is heavily inspired by some kinds of Angels, but alloyed with Molly's circumstances.

She isn't an empty wheel of eyes, she's a vast alien eye with teeth. She quite literally eats secrets.

Her crowns are covered in prayers, in the hopes and dreams of her people, and she speaks as mortal wisdom in their image trespasses on the divine. Literally in the case where all those mortal voices are used for SCCP. Which is from a certain perspective the inverse of a choir of angels proclaiming the word of god.

When she fights it's with bladed arms held like a five tailed scorpion - the herald of the sixth age in a way the jades would find alarming familiar.

The metaphorical sentence structure is inspired by Christianity, which is very appropriate for how Molly thinks and the place we find ourselves right now, but the contents of the story told are hers.

Hopefully I'm not gilding the lily here, but I put a great deal of thought into how the various pieces of this play off each other.
[X] Vorrathis Aetherasax

Not a fan of angelic themes in general, a I enjoy the non-solid aesthetic so I'm going to stick with this one unless something else comes up that I like more?

I'm kind of half tempted to give molly some kind of Cybertech magic five sided pyramid form but I've no idea how I would even go about doing that mechanically?

Edit: and Yog posted a thing right as I was writing this apparently… hmmmm
Cyber fractaline Asura is thematic… guess I'll leave both of these here for now…

[x] The Empress to Come
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[X] Vorrathis Aetherasax

Not a fan of angelic themes in general, a I enjoy the non-solid aesthetic so I'm going to stick with this one unless something else comes up that I like more?

I'm kind of half tempted to give molly some kind of Cybertech magic five sided pyramid form but I've no idea how I would even go about doing that mechanically?
Molly is very Christian though, and this situation is steeped in that ethos. She's literally taking the next step of her path from inspiration drawn from witnessing the Fall.

Taking some angelic inspiration isn't the same as declaring Molly an Angel or somehow "limiting" her. I'd argue it's more a spiritual fingerprint, a mark of where she came from and what she believes. The primordial equivalent of having your grandfather's eyes.

I think there's something to be said for the step being fitting to the character.
[X] Stella Prasinus
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor

And I think for the favoured I'm throwing SSC. I remember being convinced by an argument that it causes solid Difficulty debuff under flexible conditions.
Before I sleep, an argument for my design - abandoning human form completely is a thematically wrong choice, from both parts of the crossover:
1) From bible lore, humans are made in the image of god. Angels aren't.

2) All the greatest exalted beings have some sort of human like shape. Ligier is a green sun, but is also a four armed man. Malfeas is both a demon city and a brass dancer. Etc. Devil Tigers are transprimordials without abandoning their humanity and exaltations.

3) We fight with a sword. We open doors, swing a forging hammer, make sorcerous gestures with hands. We speek with a mouth. Some concession to practicality should be given.

4) This is Molly building upon herself. Her charms, her choices, I feel should be reflected in her godbody.

Which are all the reasons I went with my design. It's supposed to be transhuman and divine. I sprinkled the following references in there:
1) Colorless flame crown - Theion had colorless flames
2) Dragon Hair - reference to twin dragons in Sanctuary
3) Eyes that always look back - "gazing into the Abyss" saying. Five irises - imagine that the whole of Sanctuary is an eye, the window of the soul
4) multiple limbs is fairly obvious

There are more, but I really want to sleep
Arms and hands sufficient to allow swording are a necessity.

[X] Yog
[X] Stella Prasinus
-[X] Flexible
-[X] Hardened Devil Body
-[X] Demon Armor

I find that I like the idea of this one a lot more, after all this is supposed to be our final boss form, sticking with a human body plan, more than anything else just seems boring.
Before I sleep, an argument for my design - abandoning human form completely is a thematically wrong choice, from both parts of the crossover:
1) From bible lore, humans are made in the image of god. Angels aren't.

2) All the greatest exalted beings have some sort of human like shape. Ligier is a green sun, but is also a four armed man. Malfeas is both a demon city and a brass dancer. Etc. Devil Tigers are transprimordials without abandoning their humanity and exaltations.

3) We fight with a sword. We open doors, swing a forging hammer, make sorcerous gestures with hands. We speek with a mouth. Some concession to practicality should be given.

4) This is Molly building upon herself. Her charms, her choices, I feel should be reflected in her godbody.

Which are all the reasons I went with my design. It's supposed to be transhuman and divine. I sprinkled the following references in there:
1) Colorless flame crown - Theion had colorless flames
2) Dragon Hair - reference to twin dragons in Sanctuary
3) Eyes that always look back - "gazing into the Abyss" saying. Five irises - imagine that the whole of Sanctuary is an eye, the window of the soul
4) multiple limbs is fairly obvious

There are more, but I really want to sleep
Is it possible the we could have our sword transform into a key blade in this form? I like the symbolism.

[X] The Empress to Come
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