Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Well the crew has to be at least somewhat aware of what to look for to actually know when they've retrieved what Odin sent them for. I'll rephrase the questions a bit.

Yeah I can't remember what was revealed in Odin's interlude he may be aware of what it is. I need to go back and check.
Marcone's interlude is this one, and specifically this part:
"So the girl. Margret Carpenter, do you have any better of an idea what she is now that you searched around?" He asked as much to distract her as anything else.

"No and that should worry you," she replied, expression darkening. "With that much power... it cannot be something new, if it were everyone with eyes in their heads would have noticed it being born. Which just means she has to be something very old."

"So you need more money for old books?" Over the years John had learned that magic know-how could be as expensive as a a high priced lawyer or a drug habit, or maybe a high priced lawyer with a drug habit, but he has also learned that it was much better to pay in advance than deal with the occult when it was already trying to kill you.

Gard shook her head, her braid flying off at the vehemence of the motion. "Old enough that if anything is written about what she is it's on clay tablets... or cave paintings, as remote from me as it is from you. Yet she is still Margret Amanda Carpenter at her core. I've checked that she finished the school year and there is no indication she will not return next year for her Senior Year, she goes to Church on Sunday... This power did not cut the thread of her mundane life though it cut the thread of her fate. You wanted a threat assessment... Superman."

"Pardon?" John asked, not trying to hide his confusion. Gard was not usually the sort to use pop culture in her comparisons.

"Otherwise ordinary human teenager who has been granted powers which are near divine in scope and authority. Nathan said Superman would be the most appropriate current cultural context only and I quote 'ignore the all-American apple pie bullshit'."
Gard did research on Marcone's dime. Was unsuccessful, or at least was pretending to be unsuccessful.
Okay this is what Odin knows or knew back then.

Don't worry about his interlude. Check my post on Odin's. That's what we need to focus on.
Ok, so, another solar-abyssal pair? Cannot be the same one, because the Dawn Solar in Vegas is not under sea. It's not even in the present - it's still in the ancient Egypt, about to leave its dying host as they accomplish one of their great workings.

We can also expect at least some dragonblooded opposition. Maybe take the Arthurian knights with us? And Lydia. Lydia for her likely affinity to Abyssal (not in the sense that she is eligible, but in the sense that her magics are likely close to it in nature), and the knights should have ride / sail abilities, probably.
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We can also expect at least some dragonblooded opposition. Maybe take the knights with us? And Lydia. Lydia for her likely affinity to Abyssal (not in the sense that she is eligible, but in the sense that her magics are likely close to it in nature), and the knights should have ride / sail abilities, probably.
I thought about it but if this is going to take place underwater I don't think they'll be of much use. I suppose it could be in an underwater temple of some kind like back in Vegas when we broke into Charon's place.. though back then we had Tiffany give them gills. This is starting to look complicated, I think we should wait to see what the Crown shows/tells us first then decide who to bring if any after. Underwater combat is bad for anyone not Molly, as far as we know the knights don't have anything for that.
One thing that we cannot do under any circumstances allow to happen is to let Odin know we are involved before we, first, verify it's an exaltation, and b) secure it, ideally in a host. Why? Because we owe Odin, and he can and will use all of his favors with us to tell us "step aside, don't interfere". I am not prepared for the Father of Hosts to get a loyal exalt of their own, neither Abyssal, nor Lunar, especially if the Lunar shard is our mate (narrative convenience!)
I agree with the general point of keeping Odin ignorant, but it's worth remembering that we were a bit more cautious than this implies when dealing with him.

We made deals for specific services, not general favors of whatever he'd like at the time. He could offer to clear our debt with another service, but the point of set terms is that neither of us can unilaterally change them.

What he could do is call all our debt at once and try to tie us up while he rushes for the finish line or something like that.

I'm still very skeptical of our ability to make an exaltation do what we want it to without credentials and tools we don't have. Especially since Molly IC doesn't know as much as we do about how they work, or the IC nitty gritty necessary to play with them. We can't exactly research that before we have something to start with in a plausible way even if we allow for the idea that it's possible.

If it's currently trapped in a weapon we might be able to stick it in Demonreach though. I'd prefer forever, but at minimum until we know how to make the most notoriously contrarian type of celestial exaltation go where we tell it to.

Maybe avoid killing the dragon if it's still alive and kidnap it to serve as additional insulation during transit instead.
I thought about it but if this is going to take place underwater I don't think they'll be of much use. I suppose it could be in an underwater temple of some kind like back in Vegas when we broke into Charon's place.. though back then we had Tiffany give them gills. This is starting to look complicated, I think we should wait to see what the Crown shows/tells us first then decide who to bring if any after. Underwater combat is bad for anyone not Molly, as far as we know the knights don't have anything for that.
It's more about diplomacy. Dragonblooded will probably get a better chance of diplomancing things through than we will, given how we feel.
I agree with the general point of keeping Odin ignorant, but it's worth remembering that we were a bit more cautious than this implies when dealing with him.

We made deals for specific services, not general favors of whatever he'd like at the time. He could offer to clear our debt with another service, but the point of set terms is that neither of us can unilaterally change them.

What he could do is call all our debt at once and try to tie us up while he rushes for the finish line or something like that.

I'm still very skeptical of our ability to make an exaltation do what we want it to without credentials and tools we don't have. Especially since Molly IC doesn't know as much as we do about how they work, or the IC nitty gritty necessary to play with them. We can't exactly research that before we have something to start with in a plausible way even if we allow for the idea that it's possible.

If it's currently trapped in a weapon we might be able to stick it in Demonreach though. I'd prefer forever, but at minimum until we know how to make the most notoriously contrarian type of celestial exaltation go where we tell it to.

Maybe avoid killing the dragon if it's still alive and kidnap it to serve as additional insulation during transit instead.
He might not be able to tell us to stay away directly, but yes, calling us for a different fight is almost certainly an option. Also, note the quote @BoredMan found. We might be looking at a completely different solar-abyssal pair. We might also be looking at elder exalts, not their shards, locked in stasis / eternal combat. Not sure what else qualifies as "a Beast of Gold and a Beast of Night". Sol and Luna? That would be something (to stay very, very far away from).
On the wizard arch-mage debate. Mostly if the council has multiple WOD arch-mages unaffected by paradox then we we should expect the Red Court to be destroyed within the next month now that they don't have highly placed traitors in their ranks and subtle mind control on all the senior leadership.

That big huge blood ritual the red Court was putting together to kill The black staff and instead killed the red Court? Multiple Arch-mages should be able to put together something similar fairly easy.

A united white council using WOD mage rules without paradox is the most powerful organization on earth.
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It's more about diplomacy. Dragonblooded will probably get a better chance of diplomancing things through than we will, given how we feel.
I suppose I shouldn't assume that it'd inevitably devolve into combat and ideally handle it peacefully before Odin gets involved but when choosing who to bring later we should keep in mind the tactical details in case negotiations break down.
Not sure what else qualifies as "a Beast of Gold and a Beast of Night".
Some kind of experiments or warriors or some equivalent made by Exalted? I think we figured out that Gilgamesh was something like that? Though DP also noted that didn't necessarily mean that Gil wasn't also an exalt.
It's more about diplomacy. Dragonblooded will probably get a better chance of diplomancing things through than we will, given how we feel.

He might not be able to tell us to stay away directly, but yes, calling us for a different fight is almost certainly an option. Also, note the quote @BoredMan found. We might be looking at a completely different solar-abyssal pair. We might also be looking at elder exalts, not their shards, locked in stasis / eternal combat. Not sure what else qualifies as "a Beast of Gold and a Beast of Night". Sol and Luna? That would be something (to stay very, very far away from).

I don't think the setting we've seen so far matches the idea that multiple significant elements of the age of legends are that close to the surface. If they were more people should know about them.

This includes that thing in Egypt, something screwy is going on besides the obvious because ten thousand years is not long enough for people older than time to forget this much about what Exalts are. If a Dawn caste was running around for more than a few days it wouldn't really make sense for Molly to be so completely out of context for all of the gods we've seen. Even the ones whose faiths are younger than that time period are still older entities wearing younger masks.

Actually having Sol and Luna around in comprehensible form would make that even more nonsensical. An age so distant that it's a mystery to timeless gods should be buried deeper than the bottom of the sea.

If it's imprisoned exalts they should definitely stay in their box. We have no way of stopping them from doing absolutely anything they want to once they're out.
I don't think the setting we've seen so far matches the idea that multiple significant elements of the age of legends are that close to the surface. If they were more people should know about them.

This includes that thing in Egypt, something screwy is going on besides the obvious because ten thousand years is not long enough for people older than time to forget this much about what Exalts are. If a Dawn caste was running around for more than a few days it wouldn't really make sense for Molly to be so completely out of context for all of the gods we've seen. Even the ones whose faiths are younger than that time period are still older entities wearing younger masks.
Something very, very screwy is going on. Because we also know of at least three Infernals running in Middle East within recorded history, one of whom made Gilgamesh.

Personally, I would start looking at the Tower of Babel accident, and how White God is not that shu about mass memory modifications.

If it's imprisoned exalts they should definitely stay in their box. We have no way of stopping them from doing absolutely anything they want to once they're out
Ok, now, this part here I disagree with. We are an E4 circle. We are not helpless against peer opponents. And unless the exalts in question are E6+ elders, they are going to be peer opponents, not superior beings we can't hope to stop or direct.
We should wait to see what the Crown tells us first before deciding anything. Odin is planning on poking them either way.
Temperance is not a virtue the exalted have ever possessed. I have doubts about the idea that a pair of high essence solaroids from another age let loose on the world would do anything other than build kingdoms for themselves and try to rebuild the world to suit their sensibilities.
Something very, very screwy is going on. Because we also know of at least three Infernals running in Middle East within recorded history, one of whom made Gilgamesh.

Personally, I would start looking at the Tower of Babel accident, and how White God is not that shu about mass memory modifications.
Do you have cites on that? Potentially being a thing and actually being a thing are very different.

One or two exaltations briefly brushing the world and getting stuck back in a box is one thing, but upwards of five solaroids all coming out and then quietly going away without anyone* remembering enough to recognize them? That's too ludicrous to make sense.

* Beyond people literally older than the current iteration of linear time.

Ok, now, this part here I disagree with. We are an E4 circle. We are not helpless against peer opponents. And unless the exalts in question are E6+ elders, they are going to be peer opponents, not superior beings we can't hope to stop or direct.
My assumption is that they'd be 6+ because someone trapped them instead of killing them.

E1-5 are killable for less effort than permanently locking them up, so if they're living humans there's almost certainly something making super jail a better option.

Even if they're not, ExWoD favors solars to a significant degree. We only have two practical ways to measure up; crafting equipment for ourselves and building our custom charm set in such a way that it bridges the gap.

We don't have serious equipment built yet, and even if we had more charms from the current FCF stuff on whole it currently lacks the synergy and/or focus to actually make a difference in this context.

A combat build could trivially drown our entire party in excellency backed attacks in the first turn, and any sort of social build would be lethally dangerous.

Being unreadable, including to the crown given how things have gone in the past, but knowing exactly what Molly's about at a glance is entirely possible.

Even looking right at them we would be unable to tell a good actor from a bad one because a bad actor with any investment in avoiding detection could look like whatever we want to find.

So it comes down to how much you trust someone from the days where "an eye for an eye" was considered a progressive judicial reform with unlimited cosmic power whose nature cannot be known with certainty in advance.
Temperance is not a virtue the exalted have ever possessed. I have doubts about the idea that a pair of high essence solaroids from another age let loose on the world would do anything other than build kingdoms for themselves and try to rebuild the world to suit their sensibilities.
Okay. This doesn't have anything to do with what I said though. It literally might not even be exalts in the first place.
Do you have cites on that? Potentially being a thing and actually being a thing are very different.
Thorned Namshiel directly named at least three Infernals. Or, I guess, maybe three incarnations of an infernal:
"Ah my dear that is where you are wrong, age breeds thrift in word and deed. Ah but I do not need to offer this lesson when you have near as the beat of your heart a companion more ancient and seeped in power than mine own. "Hail Lillake, spirit of the waters, ever changing in form, hail Lilû who wanders the plains like wind, hail Kilili, Queen of the Windows, hail Weaver of Flesh and Midwife of the tyrant two thirds god and one third mortal. You have come again then? This time with fire, this time with sword, this time by the stealth of your Father Who Was Murder?"
Those are not Molly's past lives. One of them sas Gilgamesh's midwife, and likely designer /maker.

One or two exaltations briefly brushing the world and getting stuck back in a box is one thing, but upwards of five solaroids all coming out and then quietly going away without anyone* remembering enough to recognize them? That's too ludicrous to make sense.

* Beyond people literally older than the current iteration of linear time.
My guess is that the Tower of Babel happened. The mythological timing is close enough. A reality-wide mindwipe about the subject. It's not like that os impossible to achieve.
Odin shouldn't be able to exalt a einherjar or Valkyrie as no one dead has ever exalted. Abyssal can only do it as their dying.
Odin shouldn't be able to exalt a einherjar or Valkyrie as no one dead has ever exalted. Abyssal can only do it as their dying.

This is accurate, death does things to the soul that render it beyond the reach of Exaltation, even the Abyssal. It should be noted though that he does run a mercenary company, he probably does employ some mortals as well and knowing his standards they are likely to be quite impressive.

Edit: Good night guys.
This is accurate, death does things to the soul that render it beyond the reach of Exaltation, even the Abyssal. It should be noted though that he does run a mercenary company, he probably does employ some mortals as well and knowing his standards they are likely to be quite impressive.

Edit: Good night guys.
Yeah and it's not like most can control exaltations that's a feature of the exaltations after all. It's real fickong hard to hold them and basically impossible to plan an exaltation. There's a chance as someone like the unconquered sun lets one go someone in front of them exalts if they were doing something great. But that's near impossible to replicate after all.
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Thorned Namshiel directly named at least three Infernals. Or, I guess, maybe three incarnations of an infernal:

He told us the name of three people he thought were the same thing as us, we have no confirmation he was right and they actually were infernals.

Telling what you think is the truth doesn't necessarily makes it the truth.
Yeah and it's not like most can control exaltations that's a feature of the exaltations after all. It's real fickong hard to hold them and basically impossible to plan an exaltation. There's a chance as someone like the unconquered sun lets one go someone in front of them exalts if they were doing something great. But that's near impossible to replicate after all.
As far as my extensive dive into E2 books demonstrated to me, this is wrong. The "exaltations were designed so it's impossible to guide them" is fanon. What is true, is that exaltations have specific requirements for their host souls and situations in which exaltation can happen. Those are very hard if not outright impossible to tamper with. But while operating within those parameters, at least according to canon books, with access to Lytek and/or specific tools, it's entirely possible to a) select specific individuals for specific exaltations, and exalt them immediately b) make it someone's destiny to exalt with a non-specific shard, c) exclude people in specific regions of space from exalting, d) exclude humans of specific lineages from exalting. If you want a detailed list of quotes, proofs and speculations of how this is compliant with lore, I'll PM you, as I have been asked to stop this discussion in the main thread.
He told us the name of three people he thought were the same thing as us, we have no confirmation he was right and they actually were infernals.

Telling what you think is the truth doesn't necessarily makes it the truth.
Ok, that's a fair point, and one I haven't considered, but it would be the Fallen themselves mistaking us for something else, and they had a chance to really look at us, so I think there's at least a good chance they were able to identify the class of being that we are.
Ok, that's a fair point, and one I haven't considered, but it would be the Fallen themselves mistaking us for something else, and they had a chance to really look at us, so I think there's at least a good chance they were able to identify the class of being that we are.
Namshiel baited us with that knowledge when we were on our way to him rather than after doing shintai in his face so I wouldn't say that he got a "chance to really look at us". Before then he saw us through a camera phone.
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