Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

As far as I can see Hardened Devil Body is the only one called out as being able to take multiple times which would imply the others are not, that said I'm not sure why the author thought armor was less balanced than health.
Probably for the same reasons brought up for the demon emperor vs Devil Shintai discussion. Getting a lot of health means you're a good tank, but enough mortals with guns can eventually kill you if you let them keep trying.

Get enough soak, like say from taking demon armor 4 times, building with good stamina, and taking a soak charm, then you could stand there while a dozen guys with assault rifles unload at you to no effect at essence 2.
We can take essence ox body. That is to say 5 times so 5x3 hlvls by base.

Hardened devil body is the equivalent of taking an ox body charm. So it is necessary to avoid getting the shintai oneshotted.

Ah... I see, that makes sense

@uju32 I can think of two ways to handle this, either one armor and is stacks with the Ebon Scales or up to two and it does not stack with mundane armor. That feels resonably balanced.
No, the difficulty of all actions still rises.
For things like Parry that allows for a lot of actions, but not infinite ones.
And each one is less likely to succede.
Does Parry even suffer penalties?

Only Devil body was stated to be allowed to take multiple times. That had to be specificially stated. Demon Armor has no exception.
Dont get me wrong. I would LOVE it if we can take it multiple times but I do not think it is allowed so best get it clarified.
No, I dont think thats how it works.
Else he would have said at the beginning that you can only take 1 instance of each aspect.
Rulebooks ban things that arent permitted, not the other way around.

As far as I can see Hardened Devil Body is the only one called out as being able to take multiple times which would imply the others are not, that said I'm not sure why the author thought armor was less balanced than health.
You can potentially take 3x different versions of this for 3x points:
Keen (Sense)
One of the Shintai's senses (sight, hearing, or smell)
is incredibly acute
. Lower the difficulty of all Percep-
tion rolls using that sense by two.

In my experience, RPG books are pretty fortright about what isnt allowed; Holden was pretty explicit about what you can get from crafting for example, and even discouraging exploitative interpretations that are still accurate by RAW(see the discussion about the Dog That Can Gun around pg 300).

But I can see why Yzarc might argue otherwise, so this is a matter of your judgement, and whether you think its unbalanced.
You can potentially take 3x different versions of this for 3x points:
That is because Harden and Keen Sense are locked to 1 thing, heat or cold. Sight or smell. So it does not stack.

Armor is, well universal. It is only one thing. So it stacks. Though DP did rule on it.
Ah... I see, that makes sense

@uju32 I can think of two ways to handle this, either one armor and is stacks with the Ebon Scales or up to two and it does not stack with mundane armor. That feels resonably balanced.
Solars can just Fivefold Bulwark Stance and parry everything from everyone with no penalties, so I don't see why a Soak equivalent of the same thing would be unbalanced, if Solars and Infernals are both Solaroids.

And Shintai is harder to use than a Charm anyway.
Not how it works?

System: Spend 1 Essence and 1 Willpower reflexively to activate this Charm. For the rest of the scene, at the beginning of each turn roll Dexterity + Athletics against difficulty 7. The Infernal applies the successes on this roll as a reflexive dodge against all attacks made against her of which she is aware during that turn.
How parry works is that you can only parry OR Dodge once a turn. You roll stats and the attacker roll stats and winner is decided by the highest number. You cannot parry/Dodge anymore after that.

The above charm and its Solar and Abyssal equivalent allows you to apply the sux to ALL parry/Dodge attempts in one turn.
Can we use excellency on rolls taken for charms, or only direct uses of the ability in question?

Not that we have an athletics excellency yet, but it might actually be worth buying on if we take that charm so that we can get stupid high dodge pools.
Multiple Opponents
Exalted vs World of Darkness doesn't use the rule
for multiple opponents found on page 276 of V20.
Burying an Exalt in enemies may be effective due to
sheer weight of numbers, but the Chosen have no par-
ticular difficulty dancing through swarms of foes and
striking them down.
What does this mean, then, in that context?

Do you roll individual parries even if 5 or 6 people start shooting at you, or you can't parry if it would bring you above 9?

Pretty strange.

Can we use excellency on rolls taken for charms, or only direct uses of the ability in question?
You can use it for Charms too, if its the same Ability.
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The Aspect Hardened Devil Body (ExWod p199) specifically calls out that it can be taken multiple times. Please explain the purpose of doing so if it is not an exception to the normal rules.
This is an inferred prohibition.
Its a one man supplement; not all the t's are crossed.
Compare to the Lunar Rage Form, where there are no Ox Body restrictions and they have combat time regen.

Ah... I see, that makes sense
@uju32 I can think of two ways to handle this, either one armor and is stacks with the Ebon Scales or up to two and it does not stack with mundane armor. That feels resonably balanced.
I will make one objection, about this being misinterpreted.
The Lunar Rage Form in the same book has fewer available aspects at chargen(you can buy more later) and no restrictions on how many times you can buy Rugged Hide(+2 armor) either. Their Ox-Body is operative in Rage Form. And they have a combat time regen charm.

Also, as far as I can tell, armor stacks for them, if it fits.
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The Lunar Rage Form in the same book has fewer available aspects at chargen(you can buy more later) and no restrictions on how many times you can buy Rugged Hide(+2 armor) either. Their Ox-Body is operative in Rage Form. And they have a combat time regen charm.
But they don't get an entire new healthtrack.
Huh, Rage Form looks to be just...better than Shintai?

No limits how many times you can take it on, you can roll OR spend essence to automatically do it, it can do all the Shintai stuff like deal Agg, all the other Aspects, and even has +4 dex +1 Str +Stamina form.

Infernals are kind of...even with them, maybe.

Weird decision from Holden imo.
Can we use excellency on rolls taken for charms, or only direct uses of the ability in question?
Yeah. If it is an Attribute + Ability then we can use an excellency no matter how that roll came. Even if it comes about due to a cham as long as it is an is an Attribute + Ability roll.
Do you roll individual parries even if 5 or 6 people start shooting at you, or you can't parry if it would bring you above 9?
No. You get one Parry/Dodge/Block per turn. If you are attacked multiple times, you soak.

There are charms like Opened Eye of the Hurricane to mitigate it. But by base being attacked by multiple people means you have to soak or die.
And they have a combat time regen charm.
I am not arguing against you as I do want to take armor multiple times but this part is wrong as we do have this charm.
Digesting the Great Beast (••••)
Speaking a secret name lost to the grinding passage of the ages into the quiet vaults of her innermost self, the Infernal summons a single demon maggot into the chambers of her heart. There the maggot vomits forth a scrap of immortal, undying flesh chewed from the corpse of the Great Beast, which briefly lends its vitality to the Exalt.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence and roll Stamina + Occult against difficulty 7. The Infernal automatically heals two levels of bashing damage or one level of lethal damage at the beginning of each turn for a number of turns equal to the successes rolled. Giving up three turns of healing allows her to heal a level of aggravated damage, instead.
Infernals are kind of...
Yeah, Infernals were a last minute job and it shows. They are lacking key abilities Solars and Abyssals have and what they do have is either ported badly or inferior to the Solar or Abyssal counterparts and have nothing to make up for it.
Can we use excellency on rolls taken for charms, or only direct uses of the ability in question?

Not that we have an athletics excellency yet, but it might actually be worth buying on if we take that charm so that we can get stupid high dodge pools.
Excellency last combat round = your essences score, so 2 right now. And minute per essences score out of combat. And it applies to everything while its active.

Yeah, Infernals were a last minute job and it shows. They are lacking key abilities Solars and Abyssals have and what they do have is either ported badly or inferior to the Solar or Abyssal counterparts and have nothing to make up for it.
The Ink Monkey book does a lot to fill in the gaps.
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Excellency = Essence +1.

So currently 3 rounds of combat.

EDIT: Also only applies to ONE ability. You need to spend Essence again for a new ability.
The thing is, multiple actions are so important, much like Flight, that we probably want it in 'By Rage Recast' rather than Shintai.

It might be the smarter pick for Essence 2 actually.

Honestly, Infernals do 'collateral damage' better than anyone else in the Exalted vs WoD. It's a rare demand, but if you want to kill a genuine 'thousands of people' army or a city or something, they do it better than Lunars or Solars.

The 'Apocalypse' theme is well earned.
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But they don't get an entire new healthtrack.
They dont need to.
They are healing 2xBashing/1xLethal HL every combat turn, and if they started with the Earthshaker Form(bear), they have a Rage Form thats like Stamina+5, Strength +5.

And they dont have a limit on how many times they can go into Rage Form.
It doesnt get more difficult for them the more often they use it.
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Looking at it, I think I need to retract my claim on the difficult reducers. From a quick read through, only general purpose options are CCC and the one dot boiling oil charm. The only other straight difficultly reducer is the all things betray charm, and it only applies to perception actions.