I have serious doubts that the night is over
If nothing else, Molly is still in shintai mode; I have my doubts that she got all dressed up but that there's nothing else to stab in the face. Still expecting dear Marcus to throw something at us.
[X]Plan Hell Seer
-[X] Molly: Try to destroy it yourself (Risk of taking considerable damage from backlash)
-[X] Sophia: Confirm Merlin ID first. Secret of Gaia + Sense The Unnatural
-[X] Sophia: Howl of Healing to save the still living wizards. Help with magic bomb if necessary
-[X] Lydia: Focuses on saving as many wizard souls as possible. Anima Power and Excellency if necessary
-[X] Sanctuary Fire Team: Secure the battleground and every body here.
-[X] [Crown Question] [Focus - Broken Warden Sword 1] Who of those who have walked this Labyrinth have been tainted by it?
-[X] [Crown Question] [Focus - Broken Warden Sword 2] Who and where are the missing wizards?
Willpower 4/9
Essence: 7+1(Harry)-2(Crown) = 6/18m
Molly has 20+ Soak, 29 HP, a surprise negator and an antishaping charm.
Craft and Occult are both Key for her.
Without Honor, BSM and All Things Betray are active, in addition to the DC bonus from King and Kingdom.
She is the best positioned and best equipped to survive defusing/manhandling this device.
Whether its using her Tool charm to disable it, or using Occult Excellency to counterspell/unweave it.
Plus, if she's injured, Sophia can heal her.
Lydia is the Exigent of Death, and she has Authority of the Psychopomp, and the anima power to let her see the dead.
If there are any wizard souls of the dead that linger, she has the authority and power to actually see and gather them.
This is her domain, not Molly's.
Sophia is the only healer currently present.
Also, she can teleport out with the device and just dump it in the wilderness, or at sea.
So if necessary, she can help Molly with it.
But the most important thing is confirming the Merlin's ID, and that we're not dealing with a doppelganger, an illusion, or another trap, or someone who has been Mastered. We are STILL in the Labyrinth, after all, and the perpetrators have had long warning of Molly's coming, since her shintai and its AoE are both active.
The Sanctuary fire team secure the scene, including both prisoners and the dead.
The events in the Hidden Halls with the notvampires tells us that we dont want to leave any wizard bodies lying around because they will be weaponized.
Crown questions are to find out
1) Which people have been tainted by the Labyrinth.
Checks not just the Merlin, or wizards, but everyone who has been here
After all, we know that Ashraaaf Marcus has at least one follower in the White Court
2) There were 20ish junior Wardens who came to Paris with Luccio.
And the QM tells us there's at least 6x unaccounted for. We need to find them, living or dead. Or their bodies.
No man left behind for the Nephandi to weaponize