^^^^We can secure the gates for now and learn more about the situation at our leisure. There is no reason to rush this, and every reason to delay it.
[X] Harden the door as much as it's needed that Lydia might take what hounds wish with her. You will have words with Amoracchius-that-is-Excalibur and perhaps with others and then you will find some way to right this ancient wrong one way or the other.
There is NO RUSH.
We cannot undo releasing these people, and we have no control over what they choose to do after they are released. Or over the reactions of others to our doing so.
The option literally says to talk to Amoracchius.Who would you consult further? It's about his knights, not Arthur himself, so what would (or could) Amoracchius tell us? Especially after Arthur put it down? There are certainly Fae who knew them (and Odin certainly has access to more accurate stories, if he didn't knew them personally). But we can just ask Arawn, who shared an island with them, and who is not exactly going to hold back any potential negative things we should know about them.
Ultimately, any opinion is just going to be given to us from the perspective of either maintaining the status quo or releasing some potential wild cards into it. And that's going to be given based on the views of the person, not some knowledge we don't have.
And that cost-benefit analysis is ultimately something we will have to decide ourselves anyway, which we can do depending on how the negotiations go.
Our father's sword. There in our home.
We also get to talk to the Fae, who were consulted originally.
Saints are not infallible.
Howver, there's reasons why several hundred years later, the Saint David still had no problem with leaving them imprisoned when he did.
Again, do not rush into things you cannot rush out of.