So, anyway, I think we agree that, as long as we don't actually need to nearly cause the apocalypse, from the moral and utilitarian perspective, it's better for the exaltation to happen.
We are talking pre-Dynastic Egypt here, a process that took place around the drying of the Sahara so not the pharaohs, the gods they worshiped in memory of an even older time.
Still, this is modern enough that at least Mother Queens of the Fae, probably Odin and Archive should have records of / remember solars being around... I wonder if this is the only such container around.
Hmm... Call Odin, get him to send his most heroic mortal employee here pronto? That's a big enough favor I think to get taught soul fire and still be in the black.
But if he's exalted, the sword will still do its best to keep any fight he enters a fair match, and in 99.99% of all cases, that means disabling the glorious dawn bullshittery. Also, becoming effectively unaging and immortal, always fighting, while watching his wife and kids grow old and die, seems like Michael's personal hell.
Which is why we should call Charity.
Why would we call either of them, neither are particular good candidates from our perspective?
Charity doesn't want supernatural powers. Murphy has a full time, demanding job that she's committed to which is basically incompatible with full time hero-img.
Charity, i think, would take solar exaltation at this point. Maybe reluctantly, but she'll take it. Murphy, as a solar, would quickly reorganize special investigations and get herself enough free time to go adventuring with her glorious solar BS.
They are not perfect but they are good enough candidates. We could do better though, yes. Hmm... Brother Divsimar? He is a genuine hero, and a warrior-philosopher of the kind exalted are supposed to be. And solar qiao
master is a kind of thing that will probably make Yama Kings and eldest Jades feel genuine fear (and also
all the hate). Not sure who else we could call. Our brother I am very iffy about.
Anyway, voting, for now.
[X] Hope and relief. It is good to know that there are more backups, more hidden vaults, buried treasures and sleeping heroes in the world that you thought of and knew about. That in the darkest hour, even if you are not there, there's a chance for another to rise from among the ranks of humanity and face the monsters from beyond the borders of Creation.
This, I think, is what this genuinely is - it's another independent force that, in the darkest hour will be there to safeguard Creation. it is relieving to know, inspiring to see, that we have more allies than we or anyone else thought we had.