Probably, but it seems like a waste. We probably wouldn't even really want to personally use most of it and teaching other people is very time consuming because mortals don't learn at quest relevant speeds for the most part.
I'm of the opinion that it's better to use them for something specific rather than shot in the dark power grabs. Things that achieve what'd otherwise be out of practical reach.
A lot of what you said is true but it would grant us the library background which would allow us to reduce the XP it would cost us to gain any level of Arcane knowledge that isn't innate and also raise our abilities possibly cheaper related skills never mind that all of our allies can also benefit from that every time we pay for XP stuff they could roll using our library that is pooled.
The roll is an intelligence plus a library rating with each success granting a discount of One XP down to a minimum of one. If they can get us a library that is close to five dots in magical knowledge and practice the closest I could find to a base difficulty is eight but with our difficulty reducers and possibly potions to increase our intelligence while searching through our library that is a really good discount. Though increasing our own Library through our and getting just a flat discount on abilities in general it doesn't hurt.
Though that is indeed me angling again to make us a better magician rather than a certainly better investment than anything else.
Edit: the scale of the request I'm mentioning would be on the scale of an 8 dot Library which is a National Archive which given the role I mentioned is a 12 dice roll to get possible discounts on abilities and Magic. That all of our allies can use as long as we put our library in a position that they can access it Harry earned 18 The Last Arc I imagined he could have spent that way more efficiently if he had a National Archive of magical information to look through.
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