Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

On this. You cannot multi attack unless a charm or power allows it. You can do multi ACTIONS but not attacks.

You also cannot multi attack a single target unless a charm, like the Infernal one allows it.

Foe comparison, the Solar charm allows you to multi attack multiple oppondnts at full dice. The Infernal version uses atheletics to multi attack a single opponent, which as per V20, you normally cannot do.
I keep forgetting that you can't do that. In any case the lunar charm looks like it allows this.

oCtopus and spider Barrage (••••)
The Lunar moves like something out of primordial nightmare, either launching a flurry of attacks, or else splitting her extremities momentarily into several, per- haps even dozens, of darting tentacles and killing limbs.
System: Reflexively spend at least 1 Essence. At the end of the turn, after all characters have taken their actions, the character may make two additional attacks at her full dice pool per point of Essence spent. She can make no more extra attacks than her unmodified Dexterity rating.
The infernal one places restrictions on the attack, which implies if the charm doesn't give a restriction on how you use the attacks it die and have one.

These are additional attacks, so it implies they go after your initial one. So the number goes to 10 attacks.
Nemesis isn't going to wait quietly either, there's going to be a hook either way.
I think we should definitely use the crown here to check on the play involved so we know what they'll try.
Problem is that asking risks exposure of that particular ace in the hole, while we're under the scrutiny of a lot of magical heavyweights in the heart of Summer.
And Im not sure its worth the risk.
It's possible that the thing is both.

Molly's exaltation was used as a super weapon even without a human bearer, it was just a hilarious waste on the same order as running people over with self propelled artillery instead of shooting at them from miles away.

Maybe Balor had a trick for keeping it bound tightly when in the presence of mortals or something.
Possible, but unlikely in this case IMO.
If an Exaltation was used to make Balor's Eye in this AU, I'd have found it more likely to be an Infernal or Abyssal or even a Solar Exaltation, given the associations of burning and destruction and obliteration, and Balor's association with the Fomorians.

There's no associations of change or mutation, like you usually see with Lunars.
A Lunar Exaltation just doesnt seem to fit in my opinion.
These are additional attacks, so it implies they go after your initial one. So the number goes to 10 attacks.
Not sure what you are saying here.

If you are saying, attack same target multiple times in a turn, then V20 says no.

I checked and only the Infernal charm allows you to do so at the cost of not being able to attack anything else.
Alright, then sorry about my needling, I just thought it was funny.

About poison and perfect defence: you don't need anti-poison measures, if poisoned attacks can't reach you because of your awesome general defence.
Area attacks are a thing, though.
With proper support Lunars are absolutely terrifying. A lunar with friendly solaroids is far stronger than a lunar without. Especially a lunar with a crafter circlemate. Because suddenly all those finicky prodigies and temporary splendors? Are permanent. And then you the infernal makes a 5 dot horror arcana, and the lunar eats it and gains access to its form. And everyone has whatever the maximum fleshcrafting can grant to a person (which should be higher than 5, but probably not higher than 10 or so. @DragonParadox how high can you go with fleshcrafting? I mean, it's supposed to be able to make inhuman monsters, and there's nothing about "no higher than 5" in there, but it can get silly quickly with DC adjustment and dice adders).
Anybody with proper support is terrifying. That goes without saying.
Fomor with proper support are terrifying. Winter Knight Dresden almost got killed by pixies with proper support.
We are not using it on her, and we already did it with "is Lily a nemesis-possessed?" question
No we didnt.
The Crown didnt trigger because the answer was null, so noone saw anything.
Technically you can go up to 10, but anything over 5 looks unnatural, anything over 7 and I start looking at the rules for Delirium.
Does this include Appearance? Because you can fleshsculpt Appearance. Anyway, this is probably solvable with some additional stealth charms.

Anyway, this means that we can assume base 5 stats (possibly with base 7 dexterity and Appearance - those should be concealable), and base 10 for any combat where we are the aggressors. And, with a permanent WP point sacrficice, that's permanent, meaning it's on the character sheet. Meaning that excellency works off it. Then you throw in rage form, and coiled cobra strike, and probably some other charms, and you are making attack rolls that completely ignore armor (armor rending claw fist) and rolls 30+ dice for both attack and damage at at least -2 DC adjustment. Fairly sure that from ambust a lunar can kill almost anyone sans perfect defense.
Not sure what you are saying here.

If you are saying, attack same target multiple times in a turn, then V20 says no.

I checked and only the Infernal charm allows you to do so at the cost of not being able to attack anything else.
Looking at ExWoD:

multiple aCtions
Exalted vs World of Darkness uses the multiple ac- tion rules from V20 Dark Ages. If you don't own that book, they work like this:
When you want to perform more than one action at a time, you must first declare how many actions you're going to take. Then, the first suffers a –1 die penalty, and also raises its difficulty by +1, with each ac- tion afterward increasing the penalty and difficulty by one additional point. If this would push the difficulty higher than 9, then no more actions can be taken. Ad- ditionally, when using multiple actions, no more than one action may be an attack.
Design Note: This version of the 20th Anniversary multiple action rules was chosen chiefly because while multiple actions can be exciting and useful in moder- ation, watching characters roll out attack after attack after attack slows play to a crawl when it happens every turn. Many Exalts can trivially generate enormous dice pools, and the "split up your dice pool between your
various actions" version of the multiple action rules were a recipe for disaster in that respect.
extra aCtions
"Extra actions" are actions generated by a special rule or power such as the Time Sphere, Celerity, or spending Rage, usually rolled with your full dice pool. Unlike multiple actions, above, extra actions can and usually will allow characters to launch more than one attack in a single turn.
All extra actions occur at the end of the turn, af- ter everyone has taken all of their normal actions. In the event that more than one character is taking extra actions, these are resolved in the same Initiative order that characters used to act during the turn.

The first section says you can't make more than one attack using the base multi-action rules, which directly nixes the thing I was starting with on rolling out attacks prior to the charm.

The next section specifically talking about extra actions that generate other attacks just warns that they exist and stipulates the order they happen in. It doesn't add any clause about distribution, and if there was going to be one it should be here.

Infernals can make extra attacks against a single target, Lunars just generate extra attacks without a rule in the base or the charm itself saying otherwise.

It's just like the counterattack charms that generate extra action attacks against whoever tries to hit you regardless of who you attacked this turn or what your last counter was aimed at.
Edit: error
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Not with that ability, there is a different five dot lore for appearance.
? Fleshcrafting explicitly has rules for modifying appearance:
•• Fleshcraft
This power is similar to Malleable Visage, above, but
allows the vampire to perform drastic, grotesque altera-
tions on other creatures. Tzimisce often use this power
to transform their servitors into monstrous guards, the
better to frighten foes. Only flesh (skin, muscle, fat,
and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed.
System: After spending a blood point, the vam-
pire must grapple the intended victim. The player of
the Flescrafting vampire makes a successful Dexter-
ity + Medicine roll (difficulty variable: 5 for a crude
yank-and-tuck, up to 9 for precise transformations). A
vampire who wishes to increase another's Appearance

Trait does so as described under Malleable Visage; re-
ducing the Attribute is considerably easier (difficulty
5), though truly inspired disfigurement may dictate a
higher difficulty. In either case, each success increases
or reduces the Attribute by one.
The rules mentioned are:
Increasing one's Appearance Trait has a difficulty of 9,
and the vampire must spend an additional blood point
for each dot of Appearance increased beyond their nat-
ural total. A botch permanently reduces the Attribute
by one.
The question right now is if we can actually win, because this guy is strong and a cheater.
Since he is a single foe and basically offers a duel, I suspect he's something of a puzzle-boss himself.

For most of our fights the work around and before them was important, as well as our priorities of different foes and targets during the battle.
None of this matters here, we don't get preptime or multiple targets.
And we don't have multiple offensive options really, just different buffs.

So unless DP wants to make it into a simple roll-off, there's probably some trick involved?
That is a vampire power, Lash does not have that. She's got shape flesh which does not do appearance.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, there's a lunar charm I was talking about:
Flesh Sculpting art (••••)
The Lunar may sculpt living flesh and bone as
though it were modeling clay, creating masterworks or
horrors as her whims and skills dictate.
System: This Charm's effects are identical to
those of the Vicissitude powers Fleshcraft and Bone-
craft, found on pages 241 and 242 of V20. The Lunar
substitutes Essence in place of blood points, and any
alterations she inflicts on other characters automatical-
ly revert after (Essence rating) days unless the subject
spends a permanent Willpower point to keep them.
Since he is a single foe and basically offers a duel, I suspect he's something of a puzzle-boss himself.

For most of our fights the work around and before them was important, as well as our priorities of different foes and targets during the battle. None of this matters here, we don't get preptime or multiple targets.
And we don't have multiple offensive options really, just different buffs.

So unless DP wants to make it into a simple roll-off, there's probably some trick involved?
Part of the question here is if he's a dupe or a willing agent.
A willing agent is presumably irredeemable and up for the chop. A dupe is something that we might not want to kill out of hand, because presumably the people who imprisoned him instead of murdering his ass did so for a reason.

Assuming we can kill him of course.
We dont really have any charms at the moment capable of stopping him from running the fuck away if he takes enough damage to matter, just like last time.

At the very least, we want to minimise what Nemesis can gather from this.
Ask that Titania blind/deafen the Nfested Sathar, so that Nemesis cant gather intelligence through his senses.

Oh sorry I saw Tzmice on there and thought you meant to use the actual discipline they have. Yeah that charm works for appearance.
I was confused because Lash also has an ability that can make permanent improvements to people
1)Is Lily here? Or Fix?
Im thinking that this would be a very good opportunity for someone who is familiar with Avalon and its defense, like Ellawyn, to attempt to sneak in and either free the other Nfested, or work havoc.

2)Is it safe to assume that every member of Titania's Court currently present is aware of the Outsider threat being addressed? Because it will affect how freely Molly might want to speak.

3)Should we put up a charms list? Or can that wait until next turn?
1)Is Lily here? Or Fix?
Im thinking that this would be a very good opportunity for someone who is familiar with Avalon and its defense, like Ellawyn, to attempt to sneak in and either free the other Nfested, or work havoc.

2)Is it safe to assume that every member of Titania's Court currently present is aware of the Outsider threat being addressed? Because it will affect how freely Molly might want to speak.

3)Should we put up a charms list? Or can that wait until next turn?
  1. Both of them are present
  2. They all know what they are here for, namely to witness an exorcism
  3. If you want to do combat sure that would be good
On a tangentially related note, since SCE is ancient sorcery and splendors are on the same wavelength so to speak does having access to both make us capable of making an exorcism item? Something with the same general requirements, but that someone else could activate.
Assuming we can kill him of course.
We dont really have any charms at the moment capable of stopping him from running the fuck away if he takes enough damage to matter, just like last time.
We don't, but he just asked for a duel with the Summer Queen's guest in her place of power.

I'm very certain she can force him to stay to the bitter end.
Running during a duel would very much go against the etiquette she is empowered to enforce here.
We don't, but he just asked for a duel with the Summer Queen's guest in her place of power.
I'm very certain she can force him to stay to the bitter end.
Running during a duel would very much go against the etiquette she is empowered to enforce here.
Im not.

He's an incarna-tier god monster from when the gods were actually allowed to walk abroad in reality, who was imprisoned by other gods/god-tier supernaturals of the time for being too powerful and too ornery to play nice.
Titania can defeat him no doubt; enforcing rules on him is a very different matter.

I am reasonably sure he can run, and Titania has other things on her mind than compelling him to stay.
Especially since its not like she doesnt know where he sleeps.

Think of it this way: Do you think Titania could stop an E1 Sidereal activating Duck Fate?
Not to mention that Im not sure the rules of the Summer Court would even extend to her stopping someone from running away from a duel.
On a tangentially related note, since SCE is ancient sorcery and splendors are on the same wavelength so to speak does having access to both make us capable of making an exorcism item? Something with the same general requirements, but that someone else could activate.
If allowed, something like that would be at least 5-dots, if not NA, and would thus be only wieldable by serious-tier supernaturals.
I suspect Holden would say no.

If you were doing it?
Id suggest something like borrowing Tolkien aesthetics and making them trees that bear fruit.
One in Winter, One in Summer.

Then all they have to worry about are giant spider spirits.
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Maybe we should ask Iku-Turso what it's done to offend Nemesis such that the Outsider has gone to so much trouble to arrange its death. After all, it's not even been two months since we inflicted true death upon one of its fellow Walkers. Extruding only a portion of itself into reality didn't save the Walker, so what makes Iku-Turso so certain it will survive its second encounter with us, especially here of all places?

Is it so eager to be a sacrificial pawn in the games of a parasite?

Whether or not this has any effect on Iku-Turso itself, we have an audience to make an impression on.
If allowed, something like that would be at least 5-dots, if not NA, and would thus be only wieldable by serious-tier supernaturals.
I suspect Holden would say no.

If you were doing it?
Id suggest something like borrowing Tolkien aesthetics and making them trees that bear fruit.
One in Winter, One in Summer.

Then all they have to worry about are giant spider spirits.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking of handing them out like candy or anything.

It's just that I'm reluctant to share ancient sorcery stuff around because it's very exploitable and we can't take it back once someone had the authority extended to them.

That said, arranging it so the critical defenders of reality are defenses from possession and have a way to undo it if we're not around for one reason or another is a good idea.

Making infrastructure is a good compromise between those motives.

Something that's fey Queen level only would be plenty.
[X] Plan Look before you leap
-[X] Activate ATB with willpower
-[X] Use the scene to ask a crown question "what is the plan of the one behind creating this scene?"
--[X] If us fighting doesn't directly play into the prepared enemy plans
---[X] Activate VIridian Legend Exoskeleton, Melee excellency when needed, Steel Skin
---[X] Dive into the lake to fight it in the water.
---[X] Activate shintai, and form a localized dueling arena, with a chilled air and iron sand hurricane bound to your will
---[X] STUNT: "Let none say that I shrink from defense of Creation. And before you start worrying, I'll clean everything up by the time I finish this little bit of pest control" - so saying, you step forwards, first close , and then to stand directly onto the water. As you do, serene look of concentration passes over you, and both you, and the world around you shift. Your mortal-looking flesh is discarded for the armored form of your god body, covered in balefire glowing sigils you know to proclaim your glory to come. In the five corners of the impromptu arena, banners of the Five Cities rise, connected through am impassable circle of black iron snow, which even now howls and tears through the arena of combat, rapidly freezing it to the point you start feeling invigorating. All this changes happen between heartbeats, so seemingly subtle and natural, that a mortal mind would likely not notice the transition. None present here can precisely be called mortal. The preparations complete, you salute your opponent, and fall into the water, sword already swinging.
--[X} If you can't fight based on the information learned, help Titania how you can.

We really want to fight in the water. It provides way too many bonuses, and RVD can act as a substitute perfect defense.
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Im not.

He's an incarna-tier god monster from when the gods were actually allowed to walk abroad in reality, who was imprisoned by other gods/god-tier supernaturals of the time for being too powerful and too ornery to play nice.
Titania can defeat him no doubt; enforcing rules on him is a very different matter.

I am reasonably sure he can run, and Titania has other things on her mind than compelling him to stay.
Especially since its not like she doesnt know where he sleeps.

Think of it this way: Do you think Titania could stop an E1 Sidereal activating Duck Fate?
Not to mention that Im not sure the rules of the Summer Court would even extend to her stopping someone from running away from a duel.
Here and now I think she can.
Her word is pretty damn close to a physical law in this particular situation.

He arrived in the heart of Summer and merely by giving lipservice to the etiquette of a duel he has given Titania the handhold she needs for this.

If we are on the verge of winning and she sees the chance to make sure someone who is crashing her party gets true-killed, I believe she can and will take it.

And I don't know if she could stop a Siddie from Ducking Fate here, most likely not, but she could do a lot of other things in response to him doing so.

Setting the Wall/Gaunlet to 10 locally is the least of her options I think.
[X] Plan Look before you leap
-[X] Activate ATB with willpower
-[X] Use the scene to ask a crown question "what is the plan of the one behind creating this scene?"
--[X] If us fighting doesn't directly play into the prepared enemy plans
---[X] Activate VIridian Legend Exoskeleton, Melee excellency, Steel Skin
---[X] Dive into the lake to fight it in the water.
---[X] Activate shintai, and form a localized dueling arena, with a chilled air and iron sand hurricane bound to your will
---[X] STUNT: "Let none say that I shrink from defense of Creation. And before you start worrying, I'll clean everything up by the time I finish this little bit of pest control" - so saying, you step forwards, first close , and then to stand directly onto the water. As you do, serene look of concentration passes over you, and both you, and the world around you shift. Your mortal-looking flesh is discarded for the armored form of your god body, covered in balefire glowing sigils you know to proclaim your glory to come. In the five corners of the impromptu arena, banners of the Five Cities rise, connected through am impassable circle of black iron snow, which even now howls and tears through the arena of combat, rapidly freezing it to the point you start feeling invigorating. All this changes happen between heartbeats, so seemingly subtle and natural, that a mortal mind would likely not notice the transition. None present here can precisely be called mortal. The preparations complete, you salute your opponent, and fall into the water, sword already swinging.
--[X} If you can't fight based on the information learned, help Titania how you can.

We really want to fight in the water. It provides way too many bonuses, and RVD can act as a substitute perfect defense.
Given that his presence turned the water black it may count as essence regeneration too, not that we'll be in there that long.

I think you should modify the plan a bit though, cause it sounds like we're going to waste time on our excellency by having it up before the first turn of combat.

[X] Yog
Here and now I think she can.
Her word is pretty damn close to a physical law in this particular situation.
Not close to, is. She can't warp everything at once, but when she froze time earlier that was her exerting authority over her throne room, not casting a rote or something.
We really want to fight in the water. It provides way too many bonuses, and RVD can act as a substitute perfect defense.
1)RVD is not reflexive, and thus cant be used that way as far as Im aware.

2)Your stunt isnt really applicable; dude might be working for Nemesis, or could be a dupe. We dont know yet.

3)And I think I for sure oppose risking revealing the Crown under these circumstances.
You're risking a major strategic advantage for not all that much payoff.
And you're doing so right after the Archive warned us about the importance of keeping secrets in this war. Even from allies.
Here and now I think she can.
Her word is pretty damn close to a physical law in this particular situation.

He arrived in the heart of Summer and merely by giving lipservice to the etiquette of a duel he has given Titania the handhold she needs for this.

If we are on the verge of winning and she sees the chance to make sure someone who is crashing her party gets true-killed, I believe she can and will take it.

And I don't know if she could stop a Siddie from Ducking Fate here, most likely not, but she could do a lot of other things in response to him doing so.

Setting the Wall/Gaunlet to 10 locally is the least of her options I think.
Not really.
See Arctis Tor, where something similar was tried around seven months ago; the bodies of the attacking and defending armies carpeted the approaches to Mab's citadel. The perpetrators got away clean

If MAB couldnt hold them, I doubt her opposite number can manage that in a similar situation.