Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Fighting in Creation from the outside and being within one aren't necessarily the same and doesn't support your point that they were part of it.

Malfeas being a demonic Dyson sphere is an example of this. Shooting at him from the outside isn't the same as going in and picking a fight in the deeper layers.

I never claimed exalting twice was possible, not sure where you got that.

My point was that we don't know what the reaction would be and unknown interaction between exaltations aren't a fun thing to explore inside one's soul. The only specific example I raised was of the lunars trying to force their way out and our exaltation pressing the panic button as we were told would happen if CCG was used to breach the border.

You're making a lot of claims here with about as much substance as punctuation, and don't see a reason to treat them as given.

Our world is different in many ways from the other hells and the nevernever, at least one of which we have a ruling stating impacts crossing dynamics. Your argument basically boils down to "what could go wrong?", and taking an optimistic stance by default is risky.

That is my fault for posting a lot tired. Though to meet your example of Malfeas the brass dancer, yes it is every layer of Malfeas the demon city is exactly the same as everywhere on the inside. Unless you meant going inside to fight Liger the green sun the heart of the Yozi Malfeas.

Two while I could have phrased it better you are assigning new functionality to things that are fundamentally not meant to do that. When exultations were made there was exactly one spiritual Realm the heavens and that had calibration Gates that were constantly open as well as a spiritual hole that prayer could flow through from creation.

Exaltations do not possess the ability to destroy random things this is not a hard statement they're not inherently physical objects either. They specifically can be held in cabinets, montrances, Lilun the phylactery womb and the only one that shows any issue with holding them for extended periods of time are the demons and that's more so because they're not prepared ahead of time or considered sacrificial so they can just be dissolved by carrying them.

The point of this over long post is that I believe you were assigning extra functionality or risks to things that would not possess them. At no point in their Creation, design process or history would they have needed any of the things you're talking about nor have they ever shown to do the things you're talking about in an age where they're mostly worn down.

So in my opinion my view is, I'm just not assigning random bullshit abilities to things that don't have wills of their own that have never been shown to have them.
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I'm pretty sure our options are to fight it now or ignore it while Titania smites it. This thing is an Outsider, there is nothing making it follow any of the typical rules regarding duels, except if it wants to. And why would it abide by any of Molly's obvious attempts to stall for time?
I'm pretty sure our options are to fight it now or ignore it while Titania smites it. This thing is an Outsider, there is nothing making it follow any of the typical rules regarding duels, except if it wants to. And why would it abide by any of Molly's obvious attempts to stall for time?
Because if it declines perfectly reasonable condition, Molly can kill it in cooperation with Titania without losing an ounce of reputation. And, as far as I understand, Iku Torso is a Raksha, but not an Outsider in Dresden Files sense. It probably received some buffs from Nemesis, though.
[X] Do like any reasonable nobleman would
-[X] Activate ATB, Charisma excellency.
-[X] «I accept your challenge, Dreameater! The hour after sunrise after my duty before the Queen is done, you will find your death here, wretched thing!»

People are overthinking when looking for a trap beyond the obvious. The trap is that if an Exalted is called a chicken, then they will likely accept a duel with someone who could plausibly kill them. I mean, it's working.

So either it refuses to actually play the game it tried to start, which means we get to kill it with Titania's help, or if it somehow agrees, then it means we will have time to do the exorcisms and prepare.
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As usual curiosity gets the better of people. If ya'll are going to spring the trap on purpose at least attempt to vote with a plan to account for that rather than do exactly what Nemesis seems to want Molly to do.

I'm trying to figure out what his game could be here, is it really as simple as gather info on a problematic enemy? There has to be more to it than that.

Too bad we aren't willing to use the Crown with the Archive and Nemesis possessed right there or we could just ask.
Spoiler for being too long.
This deserves a detailed reply, but I cant address it right now. I'll try to get back to this later today.

So, I've looked through Lunar splat since it might become useful shortly. To summarize my impressions:
Lunars start with a higher floor than Infernals and other Solaroids.
But they are pretty clearly balanced to peak lower than the Solaroids; once an Infernal buys its first Shintai, the gap begins to open, widens markedly with the first Signature charm, and once the second Shintai comes into play, the gap becomes a chasm.

Gate Crasher​
7th of January 2007 A.D.
Thats a prophecy that Ivy just shared.
"Ware He of the Long Arm who across the Heavens threw a dart from west to east against the passing of the sun. Ware the bulging eye eye that bleeds. Ware the time of Sumner's dimming, Winter's glory." She offers a loud 'Hmm' for punctuation and again those barely-formed expressions. "Six years between, the number imperfect. "
In order:
He of the Long Arm
Lui Lavada/ Lugh Fadlámhach/Lugh Lámfada. Lugh of the Long Arm. Son of Ethniu and Cian, maternal grandson of Balor.
He killed his grandfather, Balor of the Evil Eye, in Irish mythology by throwing a spear or slingstone through his eye.

Bulging Eye That Bleeds
The Eye of Balor. Irish mythological and Dresdenverse superweapon, wielded by Balor of the Evil Eye.
Some of the myths characterizes it as an eye that bleeds

Time of Summer's Dimming
Summer solstice. At the solstice, Summer is at its greatest power, but begins to wane, while Winter's power begins to wax all the way to the winter solstice. Similarly, at the winter solstice, Winter's power is at its greatest, but begins to wane, while Summer begins to wax all the way to midsummer.

Six Years Between
In canon, Ethniu coming to Chicago with the Eye happened in Year 14; we are currently in Year 7. Close enough for an imprecise accounting

Not a Lunar Exaltation, apparently.

"Just" a mythological citykiller/armykiller superweapon that was the keystone of the canon Formorian attack on Chicago that killed 60,000 mortal civilians, an unspecified number of supernatural soldiers, and gave Drakul the opportunity to grab a couple White Council wizards for his retinue.

And it fits better with the picture given in the poem we received.

Balor was in Irish mythology both a leader of the Fomor/Fomorians and a king of the Hebrides; Islay, which is where the Epidii used to live, is an island in the Hebrides.

The Eye of Balor is described in
Wikipedia said:
But another version of the folktale (from County Mayo) says that Balor was one-eyed, yet it was usually covered: "He had a single eye in his forehead, a venomous fiery eye. There were always seven coverings over this eye. One by one Balar removed the coverings. With the first covering the bracken began to wither, with the second the grass became copper-coloured, with the third the woods and timber began to heat, with the fourth smoke came from the trees, with the fifth everything grew red, with the sixth it sparked. With the seventh, they were all set on fire, and the whole countryside was ablaze!"[1]
great tumult there was over the land and a storm out of season light passing from west to east and the beasts of the fields were disturbed and in the lands of the Epidii and they spoke as though with tongue of man and once the wit had passed from them they went mad and bit out their own tongues in sorrow

Weep, for the world that is no more

One moon-turn ere the turn of the wheel of seasons there came into the sky a bright wanderer with a tail of fire and a bulging mad eye, lo and where it looked the fields of men turned fallow and where it wept there was hail and famine and where is fell calamity. The sea rose up to swallow the fallen seed and the sea was smote for its presumption for it was a seed not for fish to devour.

Weep, weep for the chair that lies empty

The earth groaned and cracked, it quickened as life in its mother's womb and yet the dream was stillborn, smothered in its crib by the one that should have nurtured it, warded off by false counsel. So does the father devour the sun and so is the passing of ages made delayed. Look ye deathless Gentry upon broken ramparts of the Empire of Wolves, like rotted teeth in gums of green and wonder what might have bee born of its death if folly was not called wisdom if the hungering wyrm had not been called blind and grasping

Weep, weep, weep for the Prince that is Unborn

Which makes Prince Trucc either a Fomorian, or a Fomorian-favoring Sidhe.
The Sidhe and the Fomor, while enemies in both Dresdenverse and Irish mythology explicitly had some interbreeding going on, both in Irish mythology and in the Dresdenverse, as evidenced by the story and parentage of Lugh Longarm.

And also explains why no Sidhe have had any interest in seeking something that was supposed to empower an ancestral enemy. Better it stay lost.

Some very nice research work here, @DragonParadox, and the integration is very well done.
Take a bow.
You earned it.

Going to note that Ivy has figured out how to recharge an Exalt.
That rather implies that Ivy/the Archive knows significantly more about how Exalts work than it might first seem to the open eye.
That goes with her warning to know when to keep your secrets.

Im going to note that Iku-Turso is blatantly lying to Summer, and knows he's lying.
Molly duelled him solo because Michael and Lydia were holding off the mortal Pathfinders, and he fled after she hurt him several times and before Amoracchius came into play.

If he's willing and able to lie, we cannot rely on him being bound by his word the way the Fae are.

Furthermore, Iku-Turso being here suggests that the Outsiders either brute-forced its way through his prison unnoticed, or got their hands on someone descended from the Finnish god-hero who imprisoned him to give him parole of some sort. Whether that was through possession, or just recruiting a Finnish-descended disciple/acolyte with magical talents.

Note that performing a magical working of this magnitude, giving Iku-Turso access from its prison to the inner lake of the heart of Summer's power would have been a fairly major magical undertaking. In addition to which, doing this in the two days between Titania beginning to grab Nfested people and today would have been a rush job.

So either they already had advanced plans to free Iku-Turso for some other purpose, or they have the mojo to do this quickly and quietly.

Either way, this looks like the Summer version of what happened to Arctis Tor seven months ago in Proven Guilty, when it came under attack out of the blue by Outsider-associated forces.
Only, instead of sending an army like they did at Arctis Tor, they sent one Incarna-tier entity.

Iku-Turso is explicitly an Incarna-tier entity; Molly used him as a benchmark for Seeker when we first scryed a naagloshi at Greene's home. But I doubt he is as powerful as a Fae Lady, not normally. He sure as fuck isnt as powerful as the Queen of the Court, let alone a Queen in the heart of her power.

That he's doing this suggests he's being juiced up by someone or something, and being compensated hugely.

That an Nfested knew he was approaching suggests that he could be Nfested, which is unlikely since he neither fits the target profile nor does Nemesis have unlimited slots to spend on someone in prison.
More likely he's working with them.

It also suggests that he didnt hear about Molly permakilling a lesser Walker a month or two ago, or I dont think he'd be taking the risk, not after being beaten the first time.

I dont think we can afford to have him fight Titania, because it will let him at the Summer Queen's inner court, and that was how they got the first try at infecting Lily. Not to mention that the confusion might allow them to free the prisoners. It would be immensely aggravating to go to the trouble of delousing Summer only to have some asshole fuck it up.

Mark this down as the Archive telling us that oversharing is a bad idea. To go with everyone else who's done it.
Its nice to have IC reinforcement of what seemed self-evident OOC.

In a setting like the Dresdenverse where knowledge and secrets are power, and some of your allies can have hard coded restrictions, knowing when to keep your mouth shut is critical.
Even among people you think are allies.

Remember when I told people that we actually need to prioritize shit like rounding out our combat and survival suite?
We still have no poison negator.
At least we have anti-shaping, which shuts down a major element of Iku-Turso's power.

Lunars have a way around that though. They have a charm that lets them move dots around in the same attribute category, which outright changes the base score. It's expensive essence wise, but given time to prep they can be built for exactly what they need to kick the most ass in a particular situation. Their base stats also change with the animal forms they assume, which don't have the same caps as humans.

A well built lunar who knows the fight is coming can set up stuff like a superhuman hybrid animal form before excellency and buffs apply.
With the right charm choices?
Its rules-legal to have a Strength 1, Dex 5, Stamina 5 Lunar out of chargen with access to both the
  • Beastman(Strength:+1, Dexterity:+4, Stamina:+2, Manipulation:–2, Appearance:–1, Perception:+1, Aspects: Choose two)
  • Earthshaker(Strength:+5, Dexterity:–1, Stamina:+5, Manipulation:–3, Appearance:0, Aspects: Choose one)

rage forms out of chargen.
So believe me when I tell you that its not enough against a Solaroid.
At least, not an Infernal with equivalent XP at E3.
Only if she is planning to run herself out of it, she's not and she has 10 total.
As the Archive, I would not be at all surprised if one of her previous holders has learned the Bridge of Dreams specifically to address that particular issue, and that its knowledge that Ivy has. When you have access to the sum total of Humanity's written knowledge, you have a large pool to draw on to address potential weaknesses.
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That might be a part of why my brain very stubbornly tries to insist that Lunars can do silly things with dice, even though I haven't found terribly many ways to do that on a recent charm-rereading, rule-skimming session. Somewhat underwhelming, compared to vague impressions in my brain... Maybe fairly recent dive into 2e optimization silliness is leaving prints where they aren't welcome?

Oh well. If I didn't mandela myself, once it becomes actually relevant, this thread gonna find it in a couple of weeks at worst.
They've got a lot of nonsense hooked on shape shifting that looks like it might apply, and then buffs to stack on that. Like this:

hyBrid Body rearrangement (••)
The Lunar may conjure a particular beastly feature into whatever shape she currently wears.
System: Spend a turn in concentration and roll the Lunar's Essence rating against difficulty 7 to mani- fest one of her rage form's Aspects while wearing a dif- ferent shape. Alternately, reflexively spend 1 Essence to manifest the Aspect without need of an action or a dice roll. This feature remains present until this Charm is used again to dismiss it, or until the Lunar changes into a different form.
Hybrid Body Rearrangement can be repurchased as many times as desired. Each additional purchase adds a new Aspect to the Lunar's options for this Charm, based on some form in her shapeshifting library.hyBrid Body rearrangement (••)
The Lunar may conjure a particular beastly feature into whatever shape she currently wears.
System: Spend a turn in concentration and roll the Lunar's Essence rating against difficulty 7 to mani- fest one of her rage form's Aspects while wearing a dif- ferent shape. Alternately, reflexively spend 1 Essence to manifest the Aspect without need of an action or a dice roll. This feature remains present until this Charm is used again to dismiss it, or until the Lunar changes into a different form.
Hybrid Body Rearrangement can be repurchased as many times as desired. Each additional purchase adds a new Aspect to the Lunar's options for this Charm, based on some form in her shapeshifting library.
First purchases get their rage form, but they can also pick from their entire form library.

Some of those are extra dice and others, like say eagle eyes, are constant -1 to -2 difficulty reducers for the applicable roll. Depending on how you read it the rebuys could let you stack more components at once too, though I can also see it being purely one at a time.

There are plenty of other things they can do to harvest power from others to chain into themselves.

Like using the above with this:

atavistiC legend Form (•••)
This bizarre Charm allows the Lunar to expand her shapeshifting prowess to recapture the bygone legends of a world long-extinct. If she can somehow obtain the relevant form, the Lunar may transform into extinct or legendary creatures such as a dinosaur or basilisk. The logistics of obtaining such a form in the first place are left as exercises for the Lunar's ingenuity, but certain Umbral realms are a good place to begin to hunt.
System: This Charm's effects are permanent, al- lowing the Lunar to take on the forms of extinct crea- tures or Bygones (see The Bygone Bestiary). A charac- ter must take this Charm during character creation if she wants her totem form to be some extinct or legend- ary creature. When assuming the form of a Bygone, us- ing any sort of fantastic power such as a dragon's flame breath requires 1 Willpower point per turn.

Or the equivalent that lets you take the forms of proper WoD werewolves as part of your library with statline changes and features but not the learned supernatural powers.

Then you can get weird with it.

Take their clone charm:

ant and starFish division (•••••)
The Lunar splits herself asunder, creating inde- pendently active duplicates of herself.
System: The Lunar spends 3 Essence and two turns of total concentration to split off a clone of her- self from her own flesh. The clone shares the Lunar's personality, agenda, memories, Traits, and doesn't consider itself to be an independent entity – it is, rath- er, a remote extension of the original Lunar's identity and being. The clone shares the Lunar's Charms and other powers, but both bodies must spend resources from a single Willpower and Essence pool, and any injuries inflicted on one of the Lunar's bodies also ap- pears on the other.
The Lunar may reabsorb her clone by spending a turn in physical contact with it, gaining all of its memo- ries in the process. The Lunar may also cause her clone to denature into streamers of unraveling silver Essence at any time by spending another 3 Essence, which may prove necessary if it is captured, trapped, or otherwise in imminent danger of death, since any damage inflict- ed on the clone is also suffered by the Lunar
It's more dangerous to use because you share a health track and essence pool, but they also get to use all your charms and a lot of stuff doesn't require essence if you are willing to roll for it. Note that there isn't a limit beyond what you can maintain. Remember how much of a bitch multi attacker and multi attack penalties are as a defender? Yeah, we're going to exploit that.

Suppose for a moment we drop things like dragons off the list of forms.

Our lunar optimizes their build by dot trading, then splits off 2 clones. Either before or after the following process they maximize their combat skills as much as they are able by using lessons in blood to harvest ability dots. It has a 24 hour duration and can't raise their skill above the targets, but that still means they can be as good as anyone they're willing/able to hunt.

Then they shape shift into their rage form* and added either regen from something supernatural or multi limb from a squid if that's not viable.

Then use this:
tyrant mouse dominion (••)
The Lunar may increase or decrease the size of any of her animal forms, becoming a bear capable of creep- ing in through pipes or a cobra of terrifying size.
System: When transforming into an animal form, ei- ther increase the difficulty of the shapeshifting roll by 1 or reflexively spend 1 Essence. The shape may be adjusted up to the scale of any beast the Lunar can hold in her form library (and so Humble Mouse Shape and Towering Beast Form significantly expand the scope of this Charm). An animal made much smaller than its normal size suffers –1 to its Strength and Stamina (to a minimum of 1), but +1 to Dexterity. A scaled-up form adds +1 to Strength and Stami- na, but reduces Dexterity by –1 (to a minimum of 1).
To individually optimize each body's strength/dex/stamina spread.

Finally, use this:
tale-spinning mastery (•)
The Lunars once possessed a strong tradition of oral history. All of those tales are now less than dust in the wind, but the Lunar facility for spinning an inspiring yarn remains.
System: The Lunar recites a short story, fable, par- able, or personal recollection, which the player should at least detail in broad strokes. Then, spend 1 Essence. Everyone who listened to the tale gains a specialty in some way related to the moral or details of the story, which is applicable to all Attributes and Abilities, and lasts for the next 12 hours.

To give themselves an applicable combat specialty.

Now our lunar collective regenerates essence and goes to pick a fight.

Tank spec adds scene king armor and soak boosts if available, then jumps our target with foot trapping counter to pin them. The remaining pair trigger combat excellency engage and throw as many attacks as they can before the difficulty hits the cap with multi limb using armor piercing fist for the difficulty reduction/to ignore armor based soak. Burn 2 motes each, for a total of 8 in this scene, to add an additional 4 attacks without the multi attack difficulty increase.

The target must deal with 12 attacks at full dice pool with varying difficulty. The target exact number depends on the build, but this should be in the 19-24 range only using the buffs mentioned here and the base rage/animal forms.

No soak from armor, +1 soak difficulty from charms and +2 from multi attacker penalty before the action split applies.

From an outside perspective Barney The Terrible Tentacled Tyrannosaurus covered in bone plate armor and his younger meaner siblings show up and throughly paste their target.

Alternatively, skip the multi attack bullshit and buy the lunar perfect instead. 3 perfects at once from as many different people. Add armor piercing to make soaking harder. At the end of this they'll be low on essence, but they'll still be a horrifying abomination against god despite that.

Even the minimum investment to get this is pretty high, but it's what I'd expect from them as they get going.

A particularly good one would have different form mixes for each combat roll to minimize the immediate need for essence, then stack flesh shaping on top. The more forms they get the nastier they can make this make this.

* Honestly the right werewolf statline might be better anyway, but rage form is good enough to drop them to save exp for this.
Some very nice research work here, @DragonParadox, and the integration is very well done.
Take a bow.
You earned it.

Thanks :oops:

As the Archive, I would not be at all surprised if one of her previous holders has learned the Bridge of Dreams specifically to address that particular issue, and that its knowledge that Ivy has. When you have access to the sum total of Humanity's written knowledge, you have a large pool to draw on to address potential weaknesses.

Even if she did she would not use it as a child, burning your chi is dangerous enough as an adult, trying to do that in a body that is nine years old is suicide.
[X] Use the scene to ask a crown question "what is the plan of the one behind creating this scene?"

@DragonParadox is this a viable vote? Because on one hand, the update would take less than a turn in-story time, in order to answer this question
Remember when I told people that we actually need to prioritize shit like rounding out our combat and survival suite?
We still have no poison negator.
At least we have anti-shaping, which shuts down a major element of Iku-Turso's power.
I'm sorry, uju32, but I can't stop myself from calling you out on this. I remember you consistently voting against both anti-shaping defence and perfect defence.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 26, 2023 at 2:18 AM, finished with 346 posts and 44 votes.

Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Nov 19, 2023 at 11:04 AM, finished with 328 posts and 30 votes.

  • [X] Plan Appropriate Wherever I go
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Anonymity Through Propriety: 8 XP
    --[X] Calling the Calibration Gate: 10 XP
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    --[X] Alertness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Ox Body: 3 XP
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Speak Fervently and Have Reliable Defence
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Alertness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Counter-Conceptual Interposition: 16 XP
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    --[X] Hear Prayers: 2 XP
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Speak Softly and Have Reliable Defence
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Alertness 2: 5xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Counter-Conceptual Interposition: 16 XP
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Stats and Followers
    --[X] Molly 28xp
    -[X] Alertness 2: 5xp
    -[X] Awareness 2: 5xp
    -[X] Ox-Body (•) (x2): 6xp
    -[X] Inner Devils Unchained (••••): 12xp
    --[X] Lydia 6xp
    -[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    -[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X]Plan gaining influence
    -[X]Verdant Emptiness Endowment (•••••) (20 XP)
    -[X] Ox-Body (•) (x2): 6xp
    -[X]Prayer Eating (•) (2 XP)
    --[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    -[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    -[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Speak Fervently and Have a security blanket that synergies with our current defenses
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Alertness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X] The City Still Stands 15 xp
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    --[X] Hear Prayers: 2 XP
    --[x]Save 1 xp
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Speak Softly and Be a Big Stick v.2
    -[X] Molly: 27 XP
    --[X] Alertness 2: 5xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Ox Body X2: 6 XP
    --[X] Bloodless Murk Evasion: 9 XP
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan What Happens in Vegas Stays In Vegas
    -[X] Molly:
    --[X] Alertness 2: 5xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Black Mirror Incarnation: 20 XP
    -[X] Lydia:
    --[X]Mo Kung/Demon Fighter 1: Steelskin(Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    -[X]OTHER: Hand over Jade Talisman/Essence Battery to Lydia, with caveat that we might borrow it later to see if we can duplicate it
    [X]Plan Hell in Vegas
    -[X]Molly: 26XP + 2XP Reserve: 28XP
    --[X] Alertness 1: 3xp
    --[X] Awareness 1: 3xp
    --[X]Survival 1: 3xp
    --[X]Ox-Body 2: 3xp
    --[X]Hell-Walker Technique: 12xp
    --[X]XP spent: 24xp
    --[X]Unspent XP: 4xp
    -[X]Lydia: 7xp (26/4, rounded up)
    --[X]Mo Kung/Demon Fighter 1: Steelskin(Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X]Occult 2: 2xp
    --[X]Spies 1: 3xp
    --[X] XP spent: 7xp
    -[X]Total Unspent XP: 4xp
    -[X]OTHER: Hand over Jade Talisman/Essence Battery to Lydia, with caveat that we might borrow it later to see if we can duplicate it
    [X] Plan Seeing, but unseen
    --[X] Molly 28xp
    -[X] Alertness 2: 5xp
    -[X] Awareness 2: 5xp
    -[X] Ox-Body (•): 3xp
    -[X] Black Mirror Incarnation: 15 XP
    --[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    -[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    -[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X]Plan gaining influence covertly
    -[X]Verdant Emptiness Endowment (•••••) (20 XP)
    -[X]Anonymity Through Propriety(6 XP)
    -[X]Prayer Eating (•) (2 XP)
    --[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    -[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    -[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X]Plan gaining influence covertly
    -[X]Verdant Emptiness Endowment (•••••) (20 XP)
    -[X]Anonymity Through Propriety(8 XP)
    --[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    -[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    -[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Appropriate Wherever I go hear prayer
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Anonymity Through Propriety: 8 XP
    --[X] Calling the Calibration Gate: 10 XP
    --[X] Source Code Compliance Protocol: 4 XP
    --[X] Hear Prayers: 2 XP
    --[X] Ox Body: 3 XP
    --[X]1 xp left
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
    [X] Plan Speak Abracadabra and Have Reliable Defence
    -[X] Molly: 28 XP
    --[X] Counter-Conceptual Interposition: 16 XP
    --[X] Calling the Calibration Gate: 10 XP
    --[X] Hear Prayers: 2 XP
    -[X] Lydia: 7 XP
    --[X] Mo Kung/Demon Fighter (•) (Training Discount): 2xp
    --[X] Willpower 6: 5 XP
I know counting our chickens before they've hatched is a bad idea, but I can't help but notice that Iku would probably work as reagent for our first 5 dot splendor.

Which I think should be some puzzle boss armor for Molly. There are legitimate concerns about the impact on combat, but there are also plenty of exotics that would get around it. Like the illusions swords from the white court party.

The question right now is if we can actually win, because this guy is strong and a cheater.

I dont think we can afford to have him fight Titania, because it will let him at the Summer Queen's inner court, and that was how they got the first try at infecting Lily. Not to mention that the confusion might allow them to free the prisoners. It would be immensely aggravating to go to the trouble of delousing Summer only to have some asshole fuck it up
Nemesis isn't going to wait quietly either, there's going to be a hook either way.

I think we should definitely use the crown here to check on the play involved so we know what they'll try.
Not a Lunar Exaltation, apparently.

"Just" a mythological citykiller/armykiller superweapon that was the keystone of the canon Formorian attack on Chicago that killed 60,000 mortal civilians, an unspecified number of supernatural soldiers, and gave Drakul the opportunity to grab a couple White Council wizards for his retinue.
It's possible that the thing is both.

Molly's exaltation was used as a super weapon even without a human bearer, it was just a hilarious waste on the same order as running people over with self propelled artillery instead of shooting at them from miles away.

Maybe Balor had a trick for keeping it bound tightly when in the presence of mortals or something.
I'm sorry, uju32, but I can't stop myself from calling you out on this. I remember you consistently voting against both anti-shaping defence and perfect defence.
Uh no.
To quote myself roughly a month and half ago:
We need Awareness AND Antipoison; we're still building out our basic combat suite.
Awareness 3 is 9xp.
Fathomless Poison Haven is 2 dots/8xp.

Maxing out Craft right now is an egregious misallocation of resources.
We need the XP elsewhere a lot more.
I will repeat:
If you were worried about the Red Court as a military threat, you'd prioritize Fathomless Haven.

Make an argument for EIPP. I fully agree that its an important charm, and one that we need to grab soon.

But the Red Court is not why it exists.
And it has no real utility against them that IPP + Exalted countermagic doesnt already give.
Its a choice of
  • Constructive Convergence of Principles: 15xp. Exalted Crafting charm
  • Ego-Infused Pattern Primacy: 20xp. Shaping defense

Im going with CCP because
1) It has broader applications, in everything from making armor to house gods for buildings where we want to put people
2)Its the cheaper option, which allows us to use the saved XP to buy dots of Awareness, which improves her ability to notice supernatural threats.

Also, CCP allows us to do something about Lydia's armor situation; she is worryingly fragile for being in the general area of the sort of threat Molly attracts, and has no lowprofile armor or magic amulet thing that she can take everywhere.
We can buy EIPP next turn.

Awareness is the notice supernatural shit passive ability. We currently have Awareness 0.
We didnt notice Hank the shapeshifter because we had no Awareness.
The naagloshii has taken an interest in us, and it and its minions use a lot of concealment magic.

Thats a hole that needs addressing fast.
I made it clear that EIPP is an important part of our combat suite.
What I didnt prioritize, given the setting is a perfect defense.
That was not an immediate priority for me then, not above everything else, and still isnt; important, but not a buy before everything else item.
Lunars start with a higher floor than Infernals and other Solaroids.
But they are pretty clearly balanced to peak lower than the Solaroids; once an Infernal buys its first Shintai, the gap begins to open, widens markedly with the first Signature charm, and once the second Shintai comes into play, the gap becomes a chasm.
With proper support Lunars are absolutely terrifying. A lunar with friendly solaroids is far stronger than a lunar without. Especially a lunar with a crafter circlemate. Because suddenly all those finicky prodigies and temporary splendors? Are permanent. And then you the infernal makes a 5 dot horror arcana, and the lunar eats it and gains access to its form. And everyone has whatever the maximum fleshcrafting can grant to a person (which should be higher than 5, but probably not higher than 10 or so. @DragonParadox how high can you go with fleshcrafting? I mean, it's supposed to be able to make inhuman monsters, and there's nothing about "no higher than 5" in there, but it can get silly quickly with DC adjustment and dice adders).
Burn 2 motes each, for a total of 8 in this scene, to add an additional 4 attacks without the multi attack difficulty increase.
On this. You cannot multi attack unless a charm or power allows it. You can do multi ACTIONS but not attacks.

You also cannot multi attack a single target unless a charm, like the Infernal one allows it.

Foe comparison, the Solar charm allows you to multi attack multiple oppondnts at full dice. The Infernal version uses atheletics to multi attack a single opponent, which as per V20, you normally cannot do.
I made it clear that EIPP is an important part of our combat suite.
What I didnt prioritize, given the setting is a perfect defense.
That was not an immediate priority for me then, not above everything else, and still isnt.
Alright, then sorry about my needling, I just thought it was funny.

About poison and perfect defence: you don't need anti-poison measures, if poisoned attacks can't reach you because of your awesome general defence.
[X] Use the scene to ask a crown question "what is the plan of the one behind creating this scene?"

@DragonParadox is this a viable vote? Because on one hand, the update would take less than a turn in-story time, in order to answer this question
Is using the Crown in the presence of Archive wise? She just warned us against spooking her informational security protocols, I think?
With proper support Lunars are absolutely terrifying. A lunar with friendly solaroids is far stronger than a lunar without. Especially a lunar with a crafter circlemate. Because suddenly all those finicky prodigies and temporary splendors? Are permanent. And then you the infernal makes a 5 dot horror arcana, and the lunar eats it and gains access to its form. And everyone has whatever the maximum fleshcrafting can grant to a person (which should be higher than 5, but probably not higher than 10 or so. @DragonParadox how high can you go with fleshcrafting? I mean, it's supposed to be able to make inhuman monsters, and there's nothing about "no higher than 5" in there, but it can get silly quickly with DC adjustment and dice adders).

Technically you can go up to 10, but anything over 5 looks unnatural, anything over 7 and I start looking at the rules for Delirium.