Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

With our occult we could disguise the cold accommodations as a necessity of the ritual an evocation of Winter thru cold and wet the prime enemy of this age to those who break the gates of the outside.
That's one possibility, though this sort of thing isn't necessarily a good idea. We're not playing with mortals here and even if they can't match our occult in this area they can theoretically see through bullshit.

The inside of our hell acts as a world body which means having exaltations in there would just exalt people inside of our hell you wouldn't cause an energy field thing to happen very least it shouldn't because well those people are of us they are not us they are built from our Essence and they pay their respects and they are inherently made up from us but they are not us no more than any other Offspring are I guess.
That's supposition. Molly's hell clearly follows different rules than creation proper. I have no idea if this ever happened in exalted, but it seems reasonable to me that exaltations couldn't easily be trapped inside a world-soul when separated from a bearer. Exalts died a lot during the primordial war, and did some of that inside their bodies. If it worked that way their troop recovery mechanism would have had a serious issue. It'd make capturing fresh exalts in the depths of places an essence 1 can't handle easy.

Maybe it works out just fine, but messing with exaltations demands similar respect to handling enriched nuclear materials.

Do not guess, know.

My guess about why it's in space is because just the sheer distance the exaltations will have to travel makes it less likely to start budging or breaking the prison the fact that at its pass a while ago something broke out makes it seem like just the sheer distances involved are why it's out there rather than any metaphysical reason it's just not as powerful as the Jade prison was so being close to Mortals who fit the criteria is enough to make them to shake loose and break apart the prison they're in.
Distance is certainly an advantage. I'm not really convinced the FCF are a better resting place on that basis alone.

If your other assumption is correct then I'm even less inclined to drop it in the courts*. If it does connect with our people it'd explode immediately after transit.

* If our weight limit doesn't stop us first.
It's something to keep in mind but they have no reason to think those aren't just weird requirements for our forgotten magic

Maybe, but we have shown hints in public before of some of them.

I'm not saying to avoid using them necessarily. It just seems like something we should go over before the last minute and more relevant than continuing to argue about exalted research we won't be able to start on until the end of the arc anyway.
I think this is a different dragon, from the sounds of things a Wyrm of the sea ate whatever fell from the comet.
Possibly, yes, and I freely admit that a large part of the argument is narrative conveyance and conservation of detail, but consider:
It's 1986, around the time when Michael would have slain Siriothrax. The following chain of events happens:
1) A piece of Halley comet, presumably containing a lunar exaltation, breaks off and drops into the ocean.
2) The ocean tries to swallow the physical (likely jade?) container of the exaltation, but is "smote for for its presumption":
The sea rose up to swallow the fallen seed and the sea was smote for its presumption for it was a seed not for fish to devour.
3) Then we get this text:
The earth groaned and cracked, it quickened as life in its mother's womb and yet the dream was stillborn, smothered in its crib by the one that should have nurtured it, warded off by false counsel. So does the father devour the sun and so is the passing of ages made delayed. Look ye deathless Gentry upon broken ramparts of the Empire of Wolves, like rotted teeth in gums of green and wonder what might have bee born of its death if folly was not called wisdom if the hungering wyrm had not been called blind and grasping
"the dream" is presumably "someone exalting". "So does the father devour the sun and so is the passing of ages made delayed" seems to refer to a dragon or a Dragon eating the exaltation's prison and thus containing the exaltation before it could pass on and exalt someone. Importantly - someone or something gave "false council" to the dragon, so its folly (eating exaltation) was called "wisdom". Why do I think this might have been a Dragon? Because of the earth reference - Dragons in this crossover almost certainly being connected to or just being Elemental Dragons and thus connected to Gaia.

Now, "broken ramparts of the Empire of Wolves, like rotted teeth in gums of green" is almost certainly a location referring to rampants of Roman Empire. The interesting part is "what might have been born of its death", specifically the "death" part. So, I think exaltation's container breaking open would have destroyed a large chunk of landscape, and a local dragon / Dragon was advised by something to prevent this by eating the exaltation.

4) Finally we get
...and so Prince Trucc battled the Wyrm of the sea for the whole of the moon-that-is-no-moon, yet he was overcome when he felt the one for which the treasure was meant fall to the whispers of ambition, hope-to-rule, and be undone.
So, a fae noble fought the dragon who ate the exaltation for a month, and lost when he felt the person for whom the exaltation was meant (and that's a separate thing that he was able to feel the exaltation's destination) fall to whispers of ambition and be undone. So, ok, I was clearly wrong about Charity being the target, I think. Still, it's likely someone we know.
That's supposition. Molly's hell clearly follows different rules than creation proper. I have no idea if this ever happened in exalted, but it seems reasonable to me that exaltations couldn't easily be trapped inside a world-soul when separated from a bearer. Exalts died a lot during the primordial war, and did some of that inside their bodies. If it worked that way their troop recovery mechanism would have had a serious issue. It'd make capturing fresh exalts in the depths of places an essence 1 can't handle easy.

Maybe it works out just fine, but messing with exaltations demands similar respect to handling enriched nuclear materials.

Do not guess, know.
Seal of Eight Divinities worked to prevent people trapped inside it from being targets of exaltations.

Anyway, on the matter of current vote... I am honestly torn. @DragonParadox could you note me as not wanting to talk to Archive for now? If she doesn't get information from the fae, then the calculus changes. I maintain that she's unlikely to try and steal the exaltation, but we could exhaust other sources of information first, and only then talk to her. Check with Lydia and check with the crown first. Get the thing next turn. Get a circlemate (interestingly, I think Isabela might fit as a lunar quite well, and as she hasn't fully transformed into a whampire, she might still be a viable candidate).

Also, in regards to Archive noticing the crown - it would have happened already if it would happen at all. Because we used the Crown to scan Ivy's soul for Nemesis corruption. Archive is part of True Venatori. We checked them for spies and traitors. The Crown scanned their minds and souls. Inculding Ivy's. So, if Ivy was going to know about the Crown, she should know already.
That's supposition. Molly's hell clearly follows different rules than creation proper. I have no idea if this ever happened in exalted, but it seems reasonable to me that exaltations couldn't easily be trapped inside a world-soul when separated from a bearer. Exalts died a lot during the primordial war, and did some of that inside their bodies. If it worked that way their troop recovery mechanism would have had a serious issue. It'd make capturing fresh exalts in the depths of places an essence 1 can't handle easy.

Maybe it works out just fine, but messing with exaltations demands similar respect to handling enriched nuclear materials.

Exaltations on top of not being sentient do not possess the ability to cross true dimensional barriers by themselves this I know to be true. If the humans in our hell exalts which they might be able to we can talk to them and either to let them out or let them be exalted in our hell nothing about the function of the exalted required that to be changed the primordials were integrated with creation during the primordial War.

If you got dissolved by the River of torments unfortunate got sucked up into the typhoon of nightmares really sucks for you get stomped into a monomolecular mass by a black body the size of 10 million mountains really blows it's still inside of creation the whole time. If you lived near a Shadowland and there was a solar shard in the Underworld you could be exalted because the way to pass through where the shadowlands. If you live near a place of desolation and there was a shard in possession of a demon it would come out through that desert or desolation in place.

Also exaltations numinous powerful things nowhere near as strong as any of the exalted weaker than some deities being fully capable of being manipulated if you have the spiritual Mojo they just can't be lessened or prevented from exalting Mortals but their strength is constrained and monofocused they don't cause things to explode they aren't capable of autonomous action without a wielder.
The fact that Nicodemus very carefully had everyone not say the name Hades when plotting to rob him argues against this. They just know how to practice proper information security.
Or maybe Hades is enough of a Great Power that the Fallen cant protect against him
Unlike the Archive.

No idea which.

Not every job they pull is about crazy high level stuff. That thing in Cleveland for example; it would have been bad, but it wasn't a profound sign of anything.
Not every job they pull has immediately evident consequences. That doesnt mean that there isnt some sort of prioritization process going on, and the fact that this was considered worth getting Sanya's attention is suggestive.

That thing in Cleveland is a bad example; if it had been allowed to go on, at best it would have allowed the Fomor to perfect a
mass-deployable servitorization formula that would have caused tens of thousands of human disappearances while allowing them to amass a disposable army that they would be able to use in the real world.

Worst case, they would have fumbled and Iku-Turso would have broken out of jail in the middle of a major waterway, next to a 2 million person metropolitan area, with another 40 or 50 million people within 200 miles.

You're the one making strong claims here; if it's unclear the null hypothesis is that they aren't.
There are entities available who were around when the current iteration of the setting was set up, and most major players were around for the latest software patch implemented by the White God.
We know, for instance, that Dragons helped build the place, and some of them are still around.

This isnt just ancient history.

Follow the movements of local events and reacting explains it better. Nobody has complete information, they know enough to make good plays but not so much that they can make perfect ones.

It doesn't open up questions like "why did Hades know all this, but the fallen didn't and got played for it?". You could just keep piling on restrictions, but at that point you're just taping over plot holes.
I dont agree.

According to Skin Game, Hades performs a function, apparently, and has since at least the death of Christ.
And he both predates the Fae Queens, and is apparently linked to the Fae, because he was pretty strongly linked to Hecate, the Triple Goddess, who apparently empowered the Fae Queens in the Dresdenverse.

Do remember that he was present in the armory during Skin Game, and none of the three living Denarians there or their Fallen apparently saw him; not Nicodemus, not Blood on His Soul, not Hannah Ascher.
Only Dresden did, and only because Hades wanted to meet and talk to him.

There's a difference between not be able to attempt something and be blocked from succeeding.
I'm not sure what you're talking about with the exaltation being impossible to manipulate. The base criteria literally did change completely for different exalt types when they got reworked, and that's not even what Mab would need to do here.

When Uriel arranged for Molly to exalt he didn't strong arm the exaltation, he arranged for it to get loose when she was the only even vaguely valid option nearby and it couldn't get away on its own*. That's why she even got it in the first place instead of going to a person with a stronger infernal resonance.

Getting a marginal candidate into her own garden with no other mortals in the same dimension to choose from before getting grabbed again doesn't require primordial power to arrange if you know the trick of it.

* The exaltation is not an exalt. It can do a lot, but without a wielder there are more limits. Which is why trapping them worked where putting the entire Solar deliberative in a single box and keeping them there would have energetic consequences.
Im not sure I agree there's a difference under these circumstances.

The base criteria were tweaked not wholesale changed, and remain similar enough that you can convert a Solaroid's candidate back to factory settings without killing or harming the current bearer.
Thats how similar they are.

Putting a marginal candidate next to the shard does not, as far as I am aware, make any difference to the Exaltation.
It could still travel half a world away for a candidate that suits it better.

Uriel and his companions are GMPCs on an entirely different scale of plotting and knowledge than any other NPC in the setting .Or indeed anyone else allowed to act.
And even he didnt strongarm the Exaltation, as you note.

Not by scrying it alone, but the dragon blooded didn't need to be Celestines to materially effect their activation by opening the door to their cage. I find it unlikely we're going to scry it and leave it alone if we see a working prison.
The DBs didnt affect their activation; they simply unlocked the box they were in.
If they hadnt already been active, there is no indication that unlocking the Black Vault would have had any effect in the first place.

Where I'm getting this from is that we're clearly not just taking a peek. This is most likely going to end with us going to get the thing.

There's also the issue of people picking up information from us. It's not like we have something to protect us from being spied on. Going to add things to the defenses could easily be the thing that reveals them.

If this stuff could be immediately turned into an exaltation road map without our input I'd expect Summer to be on the way to attempting to free a Lunar by now. Our input isn't necessarily a requirement, but it's highly likely to dramatically ease the process.
1)Thats not a given.
Its certainly possible, but not a given. Especially since we cant actually use a Lunar Exaltation or determine its candidate, and at best, we get a headstart on using the Crown to figure out who it goes to.

If it is a Lunar Exaltation, I am entirely willing to call the entire exercise a success if we can keep it being dunked into Oblivion, or having the newly chosen Exalt fall into the hands of a Yama King.

2)I will reiterate that assuming this is a Lunar Exaltation is premature at best.

3) I have zero anxiety about people picking up information from us.
Nemesis has had pretty high-level penetration of Summer for several years now, up to the level of Summer Lady Aurora. Anything we've been told, I think its safe to assume Nemesis already knows.

3)There is no motive Im aware of for Summer, or Winter, or any of the Fae to have been previousl interested in awakening/freeing any Celestial Exaltation shards.

When Winter came into possession of Usum?
Mab simply buried Usum in Arctis Tor after recovering him from Enma-O's forces; she didnt try to find candidates, weaponize it, or even attempt to interrogate Usum for any lore he might have had, unlike the Yama Kings.

Progress isn't the same as success. I don't doubt Emma-O has been looking for a another infernal shard since he got the first one, but despite having personal knowledge of how they're hidden, what they look like, and access to the region containing them he's got nothing.

It'll happen eventually, but I don't see a particular reason to believe anyone is doing very well yet.
And there's no indication that has stopped him or his peers from looking.
Any more than Nemesis has stopped working at undermining the Courts despite, at a minimum, hundreds of years of failures or at best, marginal successes.

That doesnt mean you dont take them seriously.

True, but I was thinking more about stuff like this:
They're not the worst option or anything, though a well built one will be able to kick our ass pretty quickly if we don't leverage our crafting edge well enough, but Lunars have a whole thing about being outcasts and not playing well with groups.
1)I do not agree.
ExWoD Lunars are very tough and resilient soakmonsters, but I did a thought exercise on building an optimized Lunar a couple months back, which involved looking at most of their charmset.

They have 25% less Essence than a Solaroid at E3, and no real perfect defense other than the Full Moon anima power, their version of Rage Recast is a 5-dot charm, and they have no Signature Charms to fall back on.

Lunars come hard out of the gate, and there was always the potential that an E1 Lunar would be able to kill an E1 Infernal with the same XP, because the E1 Infernal didnt have access to shintai, while the Lunar has Rage Mode from the beginning.
But that was only true at the start, and changed as soon as they started climbing in enlightenment.

E3 Infernal!Molly in shintai will murder an E3 Lunar in Rage Form with roughly the same experience to spend on charms, assuming a 1v1 engagement. No need for craft or anything else.
The Lunar would need Investments from an external power(Yama Kings, Old Ones, Hell, etc) to punch at the same level 1v1.

2) Thats about the same argument made about Infernals.
And Solars for that matter. And Abyssals.
I dont really see it as an issue.

Friendly is better than not yeah, but I containing a Lunar long term isn't an easy thing.

I think there are good odds it's a lunar; the themes are right and this sort of prison setup isn't as necessary for Rakasha.

It's worth noting that he seemed to be the only one, and that everyone else disagreed with him because a rogue lunar would have been a disaster. It looks like he felt that way in the end too.

My read is that he had a specific person he wanted to exalt, but before it could happen they did something that disqualified them from becoming a lunar. Rather than roll the dice he locked it away.

Summer fey could weep for the death of a well meant and wondrous dream dying even if they didn't want it to succeed. Feeling sorrow isn't the same as being sorry after all.
1)I dont expect it to be, and frankly having to contain a Lunar Exalt is a failstate.
But I'd rather have that problem than have to deal with the one from a Celestial Exalt having been tossed into the Dresdenverse equivalent of a Nephandi caul, or having been induced to make binding deals with a Yama King.

2)The themes for a Lunar and a Fae-aligned entity are very similar. So it could easily be either.
Its just the details that make me doubt that this is a Lunar Exaltation.
A lesser dragon seems an unlikely candidate for containing a Lunar Exaltation; I doubt a Great Dragon could.

And I dont see a Sidhe noble thats not a Queen having the mojo to contest a big-D Dragon.

3)The children of the moon he was referring to appears to be whatever group that shapeshifter that Sanya shot belongs to.
Im thinking some sort of cult.
Not like its the first one we've seen in canon OR this quest; see the Stygian Sisterhood.

4)The thing there is that Exaltations in general are designed not to take external orders/designation.

Its possible, with some effort, if you are a Primordial-tier entity with preptime to modify the targeting criteria. Its not possible to tell them who to pick.You can put the perfect candidate right next to an Exalt you are about to murder, and its entirely possible it flies half a world away to pick someone else.

Maybe if you are Uriel in this AU.

Does anyone remember what we did with that Yin sword we got back from Dresden did we give it to our brother or something I can't remember and I don't remember what chapter it was in?
Its in our treasury.
We promised it to Daniel, but he's going to have to get training, and we are going to have to remodel it so that carrying the weapon of a dead greater akuma doesnt put a target on his back.

Unrelated to all this, but don't we have three of exorcisms to perform?

If we're planning on using the crown against nemesis and trying to soul kill the individual pieces we probably want a ritual space set up for our charms. Which has the complication of hinting at how our buffs work, and asking the Queen of Summer for a walk in freezer if we try to use WHWH.
Its safe to assume that Titania/Lily/Summer are competent enough to arrange a secure ritual space.
This is Avalon after all. The heart of Summer's power.

As for our charms, there's really nothing that marks it out as a general Molly thing as opposed to a component of the magic ritual we are using to exorcise Nemesis, and we can use any liquid to do this to obscure things. If we ask for holy water from a Catholic church, or a gallon of olive oil in order to activate Boiling Sea Mastery? Still works.

Besides, Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism is a yes/no spell where you roll Int+Occult against DC8.
One sux and you pass.
Since Occult is Key for Molly, we cant botch. We can just spend a Willpower to autopass the roll.
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Possibly, yes, and I freely admit that a large part of the argument is narrative conveyance and conservation of detail, but consider:
It's 1986, around the time when Michael would have slain Siriothrax. The following chain of events happens:
1) A piece of Halley comet, presumably containing a lunar exaltation, breaks off and drops into the ocean.
2) The ocean tries to swallow the physical (likely jade?) container of the exaltation, but is "smote for for its presumption":
1) The Halley's Comet shard dropped back around when Talhearn was alive.
Since Talhearn is known to have lived circa 6th century AD, that means its (likely)referring to either the 530 AD or 607 AD appearance of Halley's Comet.

2) I dont see a Sidhe noble short of a Queen being able to contest a capital D Dragon like Siriothrax. Not when Ferrovax is supposed to be a peer of Mab. Since the poem speaks of fighting a wyrm, there's good odds that he was fighting one of the lesser dragons. Not a great one.
Spoiler for being too long.

If the humans in our hell exalts which they might be able to we can talk to them and either to let them out or let them be exalted in our hell nothing about the function of the exalted required that to be changed the primordials were integrated with creation during the primordial War.

If you got dissolved by the River of torments unfortunate got sucked up into the typhoon of nightmares really sucks for you get stomped into a monomolecular mass by a black body the size of 10 million mountains really blows it's still inside of creation the whole time. If you lived near a Shadowland and there was a solar shard in the Underworld you could be exalted because the way to pass through where the shadowlands. If you live near a place of desolation and there was a shard in possession of a demon it would come out through that desert or desolation in place.

Also exaltations numinous powerful things nowhere near as strong as any of the exalted weaker than some deities being fully capable of being manipulated if you have the spiritual Mojo they just can't be lessened or prevented from exalting Mortals but their strength is constrained and monofocused they don't cause things to explode they aren't capable of autonomous action without a wielder.
The primordials weren't integrated into creation that way. They were the source of concepts in it which they supported, but their jotun bodies werent linked to it in the fashion. Creation was a generator for their clubhouse in a separate construct, not a labor of love.

This is also putting the cart way before the horse.

The fact of the matter is we don't know anything about what or how many exaltations are on there, what defenses are in the place, what the reaction to being inside another exalt's soul which is also an afterlife may be, what the seal of eight divinities' status is, and many other relevant factors.

Strong statements like what you're making require more basis than the knowledge that there's a big space rock which might have more lunars in it to substantiate them.

Not every job they pull has immediately evident consequences. That doesnt mean that there isnt some sort of prioritization process going on, and the fact that this was considered worth getting Sanya's attention is suggestive.
Yeah? Prove that the prioritization process is optimizing for what you think it is.

Remember when Harry talks with Uriel and he goes through the butterfly ripple of innocent lives saved and improved, briefly stumping Harry since he wasn't talking about the big picture issues?

This isn't the only thing happening on the planet right now that he has to deal with, and Uriel's priorities haven't completely been replaced by exalted bullshit.
There are entities available who were around when the current iteration of the setting was set up, and most major players were around for the latest software patch implemented by the White God.
We know, for instance, that Dragons helped build the place, and some of them are still around.

This isnt just ancient history.
So? You've simultaneously claimed that it's unclear if the stars are feeding people prophecies/actively taking a hand in fate and that they're doing exactly that. It cannot be both.

Pattern recognition and good information gathering leading to effective action doesn't require prophecies that people only partially use to their advantage.
According to Skin Game, Hades performs a function, apparently, and has since at least the death of Christ.
Very clearly his afterlife full of souls that he's responsible for. That's why he's mostly retired but still around to mind the shop.

Being aware of the plot, having good security, and using his vast experience and still fairly decent connections from the old days to put his thumb on the scale is more plausible than a nebulous prophecy that somehow gives everyone just enough information about the future to make them do something specific without exploiting it any other way.
Im not sure I agree there's a difference under these circumstances.
There very clearly is. It's the difference between Mab being required to tell the truth Molly using the Factual Determination Analysis to immediately detect lies.
Putting a marginal candidate next to the shard does not, as far as I am aware, make any difference to the Exaltation.
It could still travel half a world away for a candidate that suits it better.

This is exactly what happened to Molly though.

Usum chose her because she was close enough and he didn't think he'd be able to escape unbonded, much less reach the mortal world for other candidates. That's why he didn't flee immediately rather than sticking around and risking getting caught again while convincing Molly to take the crown.

Mab's garden is the center of a major nevernever domain with no consistent untainted mortal population and alone he couldn't force his way across the gauntlet. Nothing Uriel did required more than his knowledge of the mechanics of the crown to do, and in fact relied on Winter's material abilities to force the situation to happen.

The DBs didnt affect their activation; they simply unlocked the box they were in.
If they hadnt already been active, there is no indication that unlocking the Black Vault would have had any effect in the first place.
What point are you trying to make? The activation we're talking about is turning them on.

You argued I was overestimating our ability to influence this situation in a way that speeds things up. I highlighted that dragon blooded with knowledge of where they were could set them loose on the world, which moved up the time table from "until someone else learns enough to hunt it down and fight past us" to now.

If Molly knows then she can reach them and she can do the same. Therefore she can materially influence their activation by letting them loose.

Pretending activation was referring to anything else when the post you introduced the term to the discussion in was replying to mine about facilitating their early release is shady rhetoric at best.

1)Thats not a given.
Its certainly possible, but not a given. Especially since we cant actually use a Lunar Exaltation or determine its candidate, and at best, we get a headstart on using the Crown to figure out who it goes to.
Please tell me more about how we'll definitely only want to look at the shiny cosmic power instead of touch it once we're there. More than half the arguments about this have been explicitly on releasing it or trying to get a Lunar circlemate.

2)I will reiterate that assuming this is a Lunar Exaltation is premature at best
It's a silver energy thing surrounded by wolf and moon allegory and laments over the fact that the silver chair is empty. That's Lunar enough to make it a solid working theory even if it isn't confirmed.

3) I have zero anxiety about people picking up information from us.
Nemesis has had pretty high-level penetration of Summer for several years now, up to the level of Summer Lady Aurora. Anything we've been told, I think its safe to assume Nemesis already knows

Only if you assume we're not going to work anything else out that's necessary in the process, and that nemesis is the only other party involved. You constantly mention how easy it is to spy on us but you think the grandest treasure hunt ever would be given respectful privacy?

3)There is no motive Im aware of for Summer, or Winter, or any of the Fae to have been previousl interested in awakening/freeing any Celestial Exaltation shards.

When Winter came into possession of Usum?
Mab simply buried Usum in Arctis Tor after recovering him from Enma-O's forces; she didnt try to find candidates, weaponize it, or even attempt to interrogate Usum for any lore he might have had, unlike the Yama Kings.
Other than the parts where Molly perfectly solved several huge problems for them in ways they couldn't replicate no there isn't much motive. Which they'd know if your whole prophecy thing was right.

Summer has also had this information since before Molly exalted. If it was simple they've had plenty of time to do something about it since we started making waves. Mab not having done anything with the exaltation indicates she didn't know what it could do, or what Molly would do with it.

And there's no indication that has stopped him or his peers from looking.
Any more than Nemesis has stopped working at undermining the Courts despite, at a minimum, hundreds of years of failures or at best, marginal successes.

That doesnt mean you dont take them seriously.
It's a serious issue, but if they're not succeeding and they're not making progress then the solution isn't to do it for them.

1)I do not agree.
ExWoD Lunars are very tough and resilient soakmonsters, but I did a thought exercise on building an optimized Lunar a couple months back, which involved looking at most of their charmset.

They have 25% less Essence than a Solaroid at E3, and no real perfect defense other than the Full Moon anima power, their version of Rage Recast is a 5-dot charm, and they have no Signature Charms to fall back on.

Lunars come hard out of the gate, and there was always the potential that an E1 Lunar would be able to kill an E1 Infernal with the same XP, because the E1 Infernal didnt have access to shintai, while the Lunar has Rage Mode from the beginning.
But that was only true at the start, and changed as soon as they started climbing in enlightenment.

E3 Infernal!Molly in shintai will murder an E3 Lunar in Rage Form with roughly the same experience to spend on charms, assuming a 1v1 engagement. No need for craft or anything else.
The Lunar would need Investments from an external power(Yama Kings, Old Ones, Hell, etc) to punch at the same level 1v1.

You mean other than this?
FloWing Body evasion (•••)
The Lunar flows like quicksilver away from an at- tack, parting her body around it if needs be.
System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence. The Lunar perfectly dodges a single attack of which she is aware.

And this?

Wound-mastering Body evolution (•••••)
The Lunar's flesh learns from that which harms it, adapting to temporarily become immune to a particu- lar kind of damage.
System: After suffering damage, the Lunar may re- flexively spend 2 Essence. For the rest of the scene, the Lunar cannot be harmed again by that sort of attack or damage source. If she activated Wound-Mastering Body Evolution in response to being shot, she would become bulletproof. If she activated it after being burned, she would be temporarily immune to flames. If she activat- ed it after having her joints wrenched in a clinch, she would become immune to damage from grapples. If she activated it after being stabbed or cut with a knife, she'd become immune to edged weapons. If she activated it af- ter being savaged by a werewolf, she'd become immune to claws and fangs. Ultimately, the Storyteller is the fi- nal arbiter of what a Lunar is or isn't immune to while this Charm is active. Wound-Mastering Body Evolution cannot be stacked; activating it again while it's already running simply changes what the Lunar is immune to.
Becoming immune to Usum's edge and keeping us locked in grapple range isn't impossible for them. They can also get deep enough into shape shifting to be ridiculously dangerous and if given any time to prep at all do things like graft on temporary specialities, steal ability dots from people, reshuffle and partially reshuffle their state line to get unearthly good at at exactly what they need right now.

They also have some fun synergy effects like a charm that gives a free reflexive dodge every turn for their essence rating in turns and a scene long charm that gives a free counter attack the first they dodge a close range attack each turn.

There's also a straightforward combo for making 5 attacks with -1 difficulty that the target has to soak at +1 difficulty all of which ignore soak from armor, just to illustrate how very unpleasant getting stuck in a box with them would be.

Perhaps short order was too pessimistic, but one built for murder is good enough at it to be a threat.

2) Thats about the same argument made about Infernals.
And Solars for that matter. And Abyssals.
I dont really see it as an issue.
I have made similar arguments about all of them. To be fair they're far from the worst pick to start with, but they are particularly anti-social. They're the only type that explicitly have call outs to how they don't join groups and don't care much for respecting society around them. Which is to say it's a notable extreme in comparison to other exalts, who aren't exactly well known for their easygoing and cooperative nature.

1)I dont expect it to be, and frankly having to contain a Lunar Exalt is a failstate.
But I'd rather have that problem than have to deal with the one from a Celestial Exalt having been tossed into the Dresdenverse equivalent of a Nephandi caul, or having been induced to make binding deals with a Yama King.
Only if you take it as a given they'll succeed at getting one and then making them take the deal.

2)The themes for a Lunar and a Fae-aligned entity are very similar. So it could easily be either.
Its just the details that make me doubt that this is a Lunar Exaltation.
A lesser dragon seems an unlikely candidate for containing a Lunar Exaltation; I doubt a Great Dragon could.

And I dont see a Sidhe noble thats not a Queen having the mojo to contest a big-D Dragon.

They're not that similar. The thing with the target mortal is pretty telling. You're also implicitly expecting the dragon to be a wise one here and that they fey had to deal with it at full power:

One moon-turn ere the turn of the wheel of seasons there came into the sky a bright wanderer with a tail of fire and a bulging mad eye, lo and where it looked the fields of men turned fallow and where it wept there was hail and famine and where is fell calamity. The sea rose up to swallow the fallen seed and the sea was smote for its presumption for it was a seed not for fish to devour.

It was down, and then after that the fight started. Sounds to me like somebody tried to claim a lunar exaltation and got slapped around for it, then the fey confronted it some time later before it recovered.

)The thing there is that Exaltations in general are designed not to take external orders/designation.

Its possible, with some effort, if you are a Primordial-tier entity with preptime to modify the targeting criteria. Its not possible to tell them who to pick.You can put the perfect candidate right next to an Exalt you are about to murder, and its entirely possible it flies half a world away to pick someone else.

Maybe if you are Uriel in this AU

Wanting to take a shot isn't the same as being guaranteed to succeed. If my supposition here is correct he failed precisely because he didn't know what he was doing and couldn't change the parameters.

That said, you're framing this as a more impossible task than it really is for this AU. We saw Uriel do it, and we know how he did it because he told us.

He didn't hack the exaltation, he abused abused the situation around it to to induce a choice.

Free exaltations can be contained, and Usum was contained by winter the realm even after he was out of storage. If the exaltation cannot go across the planet it evidently will pick a candidate from where it can go if there's a valid one.

Its safe to assume that Titania/Lily/Summer are competent enough to arrange a secure ritual space.
This is Avalon after all. The heart of Summer's power.

As for our charms, there's really nothing that marks it out as a general Molly thing as opposed to a component of the magic ritual we are using to exorcise Nemesis, and we can use any liquid to do this to obscure things. If we ask for holy water from a Catholic church, or a gallon of olive oil in order to activate Boiling Sea Mastery? Still works
I'm not worried about security in that sense, but in the sense of showing our charms. The Archive and Titania aren't stupid, and we've used them in other places previously.

Holy oil or whatever is fine, I don't want to skip them, but it's worth giving some thought to how to play it out.

Besides, Sapphire Ritual of Exorcism is a yes/no spell where you roll Int+Occult against DC8.
One sux and you pass.
Since Occult is Key for Molly, we cant botch. We can just spend a Willpower to autopass the roll.
I'm aware. My concern was more the part where we're probably going to ask question on nemesis and try to kill it after the ritual. Dex+ occult is a good pool for us, but it's pretty likely nemesis has high willpower.

That's a minimum of 9 high difficulty rolls we really want to make. Draining our entire pool isn't ideal.
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@BronzeTongue to what you said about my points all of those things were World body joutuns Hegra the typhoon of nightmares, Adrian the river of torment and isidiros the Black Boar that twist the sky.
To the latter point I think you may be misunderstanding you cannot be exalted twice them being spiritually present inside of our soul but not attached to it would not do anything exaltations cannot destroy anything they are numinous bits of spiritual machinery they do not carry a will they cannot break a world around themselves and also our hell is not connected to them them being in there would be just like them being in yomi or the Never Never just because it is also our "soul" doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate spiritual space just like how if autocorthonia without the Seal of divinity could have people exalt on the inside of Autocathon exaltations can be caught in prisons, montrances random girl's bodies, random demon bodies, a cabinet the idea that a spiritual world cannot hold them is ridiculous it is not being exalted twice just to have them in there.
Adhoc vote count started by Anaja on Dec 10, 2023 at 3:20 AM, finished with 69 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
    -[X] And use Halley comet scientific data (and telescope images) as foci
    [X] Wait, you'll ask Lydia, maybe look though her library
    [X] Wait, you'll ask Lydia, maybe look through her library
    [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
    [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[x] Also become the North Atlantic well using ATP and see what you see.
[X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
-[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
-[X] And use Halley comet scientific data (and telescope images) as foci
[X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
-[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
-[X] And use Halley comet scientific data (and telescope images) as foci
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Dec 10, 2023 at 6:00 AM, finished with 71 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
    -[X] And use Halley comet scientific data (and telescope images) as foci
    [X] Wait, you'll ask Lydia, maybe look though her library
    [X] Wait, you'll ask Lydia, maybe look through her library
    [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
    [X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
    -[x] Also become the North Atlantic well using ATP and see what you see.
X] The Archive is right there, ask her if she knows anything that can help you track down this 'egg'
-[X] Also ask Lydia and maybe look through her library at a later date if the Archive doesn't or can't help you.
-[X] And use Halley comet scientific data (and telescope images) as foci
So, I've looked through Lunar splat since it might become useful shortly. To summarize my impressions:
1) Lunars are either far more straightforward or far more monstrous than an infernal. An infernal is an ACME kind of villain with an assortment of Wile E. Coyote tools. A lunar is either a juggernaut that few can stop, or a monster out of your worst nightmares.

2) There's a number of synergetic charms. A lunar with a circle is much more than a lunar without one, and a circle with a lunar is also much more than a circle without one. Solaroid synergies exist. Surprisingly enough, very high willpower for Lunar is not ideal from min-max perspective. I am honestly unsure how intended that was.

In more detail:
1) Their excellency kinda sucks. It's directly worse than Lydia's, and is arguably worse than ours. It adds Attribute dice to rolls using that attribute

2) Their warform is an inferior version of our shintai (two aspects compared to our seven), but it can be used far more often. In principle, it has no ceiling as additional aspects can be bought, but that's really, really suboptimal (one aspect is a 5 dot charm buy, and anything above Essence rating additional purchases causes permanent derangement).

3) They have a lot of permanent DC adjusters, and theirs are far less conditional than ours. They also get flat success adders.

4) Their shaping defenses against anything but being teleported away are better than ours.

5) When I talked about synergetic charms, I meant this:

Harmony With Reality Technique (•••••)
By giving a gift of her Essence, the Lunar may harmo-
nize some aspect of the otherworlds with prosaic reality.
System: Spend 3 Essence and spend at least a min-
ute in unbroken concentration, focusing upon the ob-
ject or being to be blessed. Enchanted objects become
entirely capable of existing in the physical world for a
year and a day, or permanently if the Lunar gives up a
point of permanent Willpower. Ghostly relics and ar-
tifacts may survive the weight of reality, sorcerous won-
ders become immune to the Paradoxical friction of
reality's laws, and chimerical objects and treasures are
granted immunity to Banality's ravages and become
entirely real in all aspects of the world. If this blessing
is granted to a creature such as a ghost, living chimera,
changeling, or Bygone, then they become able to exist
in their true aspect with full physical presence in reality
for (Lunar's Essence rating) days.
And this is also what I talked about Lunars being optimal with minimal willpower. Because this allows for temporary things like Splendors, and summons to become permanent. If a lunar have a wonder-forging solaroid in their circle, the results of their collaboration could be far more powerful than what either can achieve on their own.

There are others too, like the charm where Lunar learn a language of a person whose blood they drink - it combines super well with Source Code Compliance Protocol.

6) As far as I can tell, one of, if not the most broken charm they have is this:
Flesh Sculpting Art (••••)
The Lunar may sculpt living flesh and bone as
though it were modeling clay, creating masterworks or
horrors as her whims and skills dictate.
System: This Charm's effects are identical to
those of the Vicissitude powers Fleshcraft and Bone-
craft, found on pages 241 and 242 of V20. The Lunar
substitutes Essence in place of blood points, and any
alterations she inflicts on other characters automatical-
ly revert after (Essence rating) days unless the subject
spends a permanent Willpower point to keep them.
What are the powers mentioned? Well, let's see:
• Malleable Visage
A vampire with this power may alter her own bodily
parameters: height, build, voice, facial features, and
skin tone, among other things. Such changes are cos-
metic and minor in scope — no more than a foot (30
cm) of height gained or lost, for example. She must
physically mold the alteration, literally shaping her
flesh into the desired result.
System: The player must spend a blood point for
each body part to be changed, then roll Intelligence +
Medicine (difficulty 6). To duplicate another person or
voice requires a Perception + Medicine roll (difficulty
8), and five successes are required for a flawless copy;
fewer successes leave minute (or not-so-minute) flaws.
Increasing one's Appearance Trait has a difficulty of 9,
and the vampire must spend an additional blood point
for each dot of Appearance increased beyond their nat-
ural total. A botch permanently reduces the Attribute
by one.
•• Fleshcraft
This power is similar to Malleable Visage, above, but
allows the vampire to perform drastic, grotesque altera-
tions on other creatures. Tzimisce often use this power
to transform their servitors into monstrous guards, the
better to frighten foes. Only flesh (skin, muscle, fat,
and cartilage, but not bone) may be transformed.
System: After spending a blood point, the vam-
pire must grapple the intended victim. The player of
the Flescrafting vampire makes a successful Dexter-
ity + Medicine roll (difficulty variable: 5 for a crude
yank-and-tuck, up to 9 for precise transformations). A
vampire who wishes to increase another's Appearance
Trait does so as described under Malleable Visage; re-
ducing the Attribute is considerably easier (difficulty
5), though truly inspired disfigurement may dictate a
higher difficulty. In either case, each success increases
or reduces the Attribute by one.
A vampire may use this power to move clumps of
skin, fat, and muscle tissue, thus providing additional
padding where needed. For each success scored on a
Dexterity + Medicine roll (difficulty 8), the vampire
may increase the subject's soak dice pool by one, at the
expense of either a point of Strength or a health level
(vampire's choice).
••• Bonecraft
This terrible power allows a vampire to manipulate
bone in the same manner that flesh is shaped. In con -
junction with Fleshcraft, above, this power enables a
Vicissitude practitioner to deform a victim (or herself)
beyond recognition. This power should be used in con-
junction with the flesh-shaping arts, unless the vam -
pire wants to inflict injury on the victim (see below).
System: The vampire's player must spend a blood
point and make a Strength + Medicine roll (difficulties
as above). Bonecraft may be used without the flesh-
shaping arts, as an offensive weapon. Each success
scored on the Strength + Medicine roll (difficulty 7)
inflicts one health level of lethal damage on the vic -
tim, as his bones rip, puncture, and slice their way out
of his skin.
The vampire may utilize this power (on herself or
others) to form spikes or talons of bone, either on the
knuckles as an offensive weapon or all over the body
as defensive "quills." If bone spikes are used, the vam-
pire or victim takes one health level of lethal damage
(the vampire's comes from having the very sharp bone
pierce through his skin — this weaponry doesn't come
cheaply). In the case of quills, the subject takes a num-
ber of health levels equal to five minus the number of
successes (a botch kills the subject or sends the vampire
into torpor). These health levels may be healed nor-
mally. Knuckle spikes inflict Strength +1 lethal dam -
age. Defensive quills inflict a hand-to-hand attacker's
Strength in lethal damage unless the attacker scores
three or more successes on the attack roll (in which
case the attacker takes no damage); the defender still
takes damage normally. Quills also enable the vampire
or altered subject to add two to all damage inflicted via
holds, clinches, or tackles.
A vampire who scores five or more successes on the
Strength + Medicine roll may cause a rival vampire's
rib cage to curve inward and pierce the heart. While
this does not send a vampire into torpor, it does cause
the affected vampire to lose half his blood points, as
the seat of his vitae ruptures in a shower of gore.
Essentially, a circle with a lunar who has this will always have their physical attrbitutes at 5 or more (note that there is no limitation on raising the attrbitute to five only - though @DragonParadox would probably limit it to something, I hope, otherwise this way lies madness). And probably some subdermal bone armor that adds soak, as this also seems like something Bonecrafting should be able to do.
Arc 11 Post 23: Gate Crasher
Gate Crasher

7th of January 2007 A.D.

Mind whirling with possibilities and half-formed plans, from exploring he bottom of the ocean to the depths of space you decide to start closer to hand with a tap on the Archive's shoulder.

She jumps a little at the touch. "That is... rather frightening." Despite the words, her tone is still placid, so as not to draw undue attention, after all you are still under a veil, she is not. "I hope whatever in those pages wasn't too distracting. We still have an exorcism to go though and I do not trust that it will all go as well as it has so far. The Enemy is rarely so accommodating."

At this Kincaid sets own a bejeweled goblet and offers something approaching an approving nod before checking his guns. If there is one difference between the high halls of Summer and those mortal fastnesses which is mirrors most closely it is that one are disarmed within it: not brownies from their bronze daggers, nor fauns of their clubs of living wood that match the color of their horns, lords or ladies, mites and muses all are here under arms. Perhaps Titania is of a mind with the girl, or perhaps she had heeded the wisdom of the Seer, from deep wells of experience drawn.

"There's something I want to run by you," you admit.

She pauses to think to speak a pair of words under her breath, then tips her head in the direction of a small green door you had not noticed before, so small in fact that while she can walk though normally you have to stoop. The chairs, the tables, the plate of sweetbread on it are all sized for her, not for you.

"Blast, this keeps happening," she says, before raising her head and her voice to talk at the ceiling. "I'm fine with normal chairs."

There is no answer and yet you can swear the silence it a little huffy. It does not take Usum explaining to realize what had happened, yes the Archive had used her own magic to reshape this narrow corner of the castle that the two of you may speak in private, but this is an ancient place and filled with its own will. Avalon itself would make its guests comfortable, will they nil they...

"OK so I got these verses from an old poet that passed though here and..." you start your account. The more you speak the more attentive she grows, her expression darkening all the while from Lilly's account to verse, to your own speculation. Then her lips start to move, so minutely that no mortal eye could have discerned it, fractions of fractions of words unspoken: "Ware He of the Long Arm who across the Heavens threw a dart from west to east against the passing of the sun. Ware the bulging eye eye that bleeds. Ware the time of Sumner's dimming, Winter's glory." She offers a loud 'Hmm' for punctuation and again those barely-formed expressions. "Six years between, the number imperfect. "

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 11/15 (Subterfuge Excellency)

Aloud and still dead serious she adds. "Sorry can't help you with that." Before you can thank her she adds. "Plots and schemes can be as sharp as arrows and spears you know and even more deadly when one doesn't notice. Fortunate are those sharp enough of eyes to notice them and wise would they be not to speak of it. In fact sometimes it's even a good idea that your friends don't know how sharp your eyes are."

"That's very insightful, thanks," you flash her a smile, privately swearing that you're going to give her that unseen play as soon as it's safe to bring civilians across.

A small nod into which one does not have to look too deeply to see satisfaction. "Do you need to top up your reserves?"

"Yes, can you...?" Today is full of surprises. This particular surprise tastes like fire, cinnamon and symphonies all mixed in a whirlwind funneled into your heart.

Regained 3 Essence -> Now at 14/15 (Magical recharge)

"I don't suppose you can teach that to Harry?" you ask, a little giddily from the rush of power.

"Not until he's at least two hundred years old..." she pauses. "Three hundred for him."

By the time the hour appointed comes, on the shore of the lake, the court forming a crescent all around you the last of your essence had been restored by the magical air of Faerie and so when Titania brings forth Sathar bound in chains of gold and silver you are ready to speak the rite. What you are not ready for is the tainted knight to giggle madly though his gag.

Regained 1 Essence -> Now at 15/15

In one swift shocking motion he bites though the gag, teeth snapping, jaw grinding unnaturally and through bloody lips proclaims: "Heee's Baack!"

The waters of the lake, the waters of Avalon turn darker, frothing churning and in the eye of the cyclone they go black as shouts of alarm and anger rise from the watching faerie folk. A familiar shadow is cast among your thoughts, Iku Turso now returning... with more than his arm.

In the midst of her host Titania burns defiant as phoenix fire and where the light touches knight or sprite, dryad or nymph all are now arrayed for war. "Begone wretch, your time is done! To the darkness that is yours be return or be consigned in in fire and sword!"

"I... challenge... the proud-poisonous... heir. Thief-of-Dreams I name her... and... craven... to hide... behind the.... Herald-Sword-Love..." He does not rise, as a mountain from the sea, but more it seems to you the very waters of this place recoil from his impossible mass, thousand-headed, thousand-horned, father of plague, bringer of ruin.

For just a moment Titania pauses as she looks to you, the question in her eyes obvious: 'Do you want to do this?' As your host she would of course bar this thing's way with all her might and here in the heart of her power you have no doubt that she would win. And neither do you doubt that He Who Walks Beside knew both these things. So what's his game? What did he wager you would do so that you can surprise him?

[] Accept the Duel

[] Let Titania and her Court deal with this

[] Write in

OOC: For the recond Molly isn't looking at him at the moment but Kincaid is inventing new swearwords.
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Permanent derangement
I wanna note that while "derangement" is a pretty goddamn strong language, the gameplay manifestation really depends on how punishing QM wants to play it. It could take a shape of comparatively reasonable compulsive habits, or it could be straight up ruinous nonsense. Consult Your QM™ . Bottom line, a derangement usually could be suppressed for a scene at a cost of 1 WP, but if you got a bunch that proc reasonably often, that could get pretty expensive.

That said, 5 dots charm for a +1 aspect is not particularly efficient. This seems to be more of "charm as worldbuilding" rather than "charms as a toolkit" element; a nod toward how Lunars could turn into insane monstrous shoggoths back in the age of legends, rather than something that provides actual mechanically-relevant tools to the players.

I also gotta note that I can't really say that Lunar excellency is that much worse than Lydia's, mostly because attribute-boosting is a lot more flexible and somewhat more xp-efficient than WP-boosting. WP 10 + WP regen trick required a pretty major investment.

...IIRC, there also were some non-fleshcrafting tricks for attribute-boosting Lunars into the stratosphere, but I can't find them on a quick rulebook skim, so IDK.
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I don't trust this.

Use the crown with this scene as the focus to figure out what his goal is here in this moment and react acvordingly to prevent/mitigate/choose least worst outcome?

Iko being here does not mean he's truly free, tmright?
It might be easier to reach reality from Avalon than from his old prison, but far from easy.
@BronzeTongue to what you said about my points all of those things were World body joutuns Hegra the typhoon of nightmares, Adrian the river of torment and isidiros the Black Boar that twist the sky.
Fighting in Creation from the outside and being within one aren't necessarily the same and doesn't support your point that they were part of it.

Malfeas being a demonic Dyson sphere is an example of this. Shooting at him from the outside isn't the same as going in and picking a fight in the deeper layers.

To the latter point I think you may be misunderstanding you cannot be exalted twice them being spiritually present inside of our soul but not attached to it would not do anything exaltations cannot destroy anything they are numinous bits of spiritual machinery they do not carry a will they cannot break a world around themselves and also our hell is not connected to them them being in there would be just like them being in yomi or the Never Never just because it is also our "soul" doesn't mean that it isn't a legitimate spiritual space just like how if autocorthonia without the Seal of divinity could have people exalt on the inside of Autocathon exaltations can be caught in prisons, montrances random girl's bodies, random demon bodies, a cabinet the idea that a spiritual world cannot hold them is ridiculous it is not being exalted twice just to have them in there.
I never claimed exalting twice was possible, not sure where you got that.

My point was that we don't know what the reaction would be and unknown interaction between exaltations aren't a fun thing to explore inside one's soul. The only specific example I raised was of the lunars trying to force their way out and our exaltation pressing the panic button as we were told would happen if CCG was used to breach the border.

You're making a lot of claims here with about as much substance as punctuation, and don't see a reason to treat them as given.

Our world is different in many ways from the other hells and the nevernever, at least one of which we have a ruling stating impacts crossing dynamics. Your argument basically boils down to "what could go wrong?", and taking an optimistic stance by default is risky.