Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Good Woman, we brought 5 Exalted, 1 Enlightened Wizard and a Demon with us.

We should light up every scanner that can possibly exist.
This is a party that threatens gods by casually strolling by.
We threaten God just existing to the point he decided bribery was the correct course to keep us from from casually plundering the mysteries of his divinity.

Edit - Though I still think the White God got the better end of that bargain. Sure he agreed to let us get assistance from our dad if we want it, but God got the awesome power to invoke "Bring your daughter to work day" as a solution to any number of problems.

There are powers man was never intended to be capable of mastering. And on top of being a teenage girl Molly is ALSO exalted.
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Good Woman, we brought 5 Exalted, 1 Enlightened Wizard and a Demon with us.

We should light up every scanner that can possibly exist.
This is a party that threatens gods by casually strolling by.
6 exalted: Molly, Lydia, Silver Phantom and 3 Arthurian knights, unless I am miscounting.
They're way too good at this. The laws of magic do change, but not based on how an individual practitioner feels about things because this isn't a consensus reality setting.

Moreover, the meta-law behind tech bane is that magic isolates you from regular society. When the effect changes from something it also changes to something else equally potent.

The reason you're giving for why techbane is failing is almost exactly the one canon gives for why it exists in the first place. When technology advanced enough that it became a core part of people's lives and mitigated the effects of the old issues it started to cause new sorts of trouble.
2006-2007 is at the point, where technology is also starting to become an alienating influence by itself, though. A programmer or a research and development engineer in electronics and such exist in a wholly different world than normal people, and operate using different terms. They are hard to understand by normal people, and may struggle to understand them in turn. Hell, look at this. And this is not a joke. There's something to it, where older generations are alienated by modern IT infrastructure.
Yeah lamo thats probably the case

A: "okay this is a *insert technical and correct term here*"

B: "oh so a fancier geiger counter?"

A: "no, a geiger cant tell different wavelengths, this can"

B: "so...a fancier geiger counter, since it can say what versus just 'yes' "

A: visibly fights the urge to go in depth on how geiger counters work versus this machine "sure you got it"
Yeah, basically this. You need... I would say soft x-ray spectrometer for, well, the spectrum, but if I was a technician, I wouldn't even try to explain it to field agents. "It's a black box that gives you this data, you don't need to worry about how it works".

Regarding the vote - we need to wait until the Library smooths things out, I think. So, we may investigate. Perhaps we'll get some clues to the identity and the circumstances of the new exalt, and about the denarian operation.
I have to say, that's a damn good roll, getting 8 successes on 7 dice.
2006-2007 is at the point, where technology is also starting to become an alienating influence by itself, though. A programmer or a research and development engineer in electronics and such exist in a wholly different world than normal people, and operate using different terms. They are hard to understand by normal people, and may struggle to understand them in turn. Hell, look at this. And this is not a joke. There's something to it, where older generations are alienated by modern IT infrastructure.
Thats digital tech. Dedlus is pure mechanical technomancy.
Anything radio frequency and higher, analog or not, is magic.
Some older folks are disturbed by air-conditioning. A device that does something to the air you breathe and somehow "changes the weather" in a room so it's different from outside. It also makes a suspicious amount of noise as far as they are concerned.
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@DragonParadox can we stunt having some manner of Sanctuary-tech handheld scanners / recording equipment? We have just passed through sanctuary, and could plausibly have gone through the armory / equipment room in the palace. Basically, I want a high-tech doodad that Molly (and maybe some others) can whip out to investigate the scene with. To further sell the "we are a much more competent U.N. version of Daedalus" to Daedalus, and to actually maybe get some more info.

Functionality doesn't really need to be fancy - basically a multi-spectrum high-res camera and microphone, probably, connected to offsite SUTRA.
@DragonParadox can we stunt having some manner of Sanctuary-tech handheld scanners / recording equipment? We have just passed through sanctuary, and could plausibly have gone through the armory / equipment room in the palace. Basically, I want a high-tech doodad that Molly (and maybe some others) can whip out to investigate the scene with. To further sell the "we are a much more competent U.N. version of Daedalus" to Daedalus, and to actually maybe get some more info.

Functionality doesn't really need to be fancy - basically a multi-spectrum high-res camera and microphone, probably, connected to offsite SUTRA.

You do still have TTC active, you could turn that into the kind of essence tools you want.
@DragonParadox can we stunt having some manner of Sanctuary-tech handheld scanners / recording equipment? We have just passed through sanctuary, and could plausibly have gone through the armory / equipment room in the palace. Basically, I want a high-tech doodad that Molly (and maybe some others) can whip out to investigate the scene with. To further sell the "we are a much more competent U.N. version of Daedalus" to Daedalus, and to actually maybe get some more info.

Functionality doesn't really need to be fancy - basically a multi-spectrum high-res camera and microphone, probably, connected to offsite SUTRA.
I get it it's funny to troll on them but and I do have to emphasize this... why? Why tempt fate like this we already have access to the information we came here for and fucking around with them is a waste of time because we came here for the Abyssal and possibly the denarian and we're already an hour late.
I get it it's funny to troll on them but and I do have to emphasize this... why? Why tempt fate like this we already have access to the information we came here for and fucking around with them is a waste of time because we came here for the Abyssal and possibly the denarian and we're already an hour late.
My reasoning is that doing this is less risky than not doing this:
1) We told them "someone should have contacted you already, and if not, will be contacting you soon. We will not leave until they do". If we try to leave before the Library smoothes things out, we might get away with it momentarily, but we will be risking shattering the illusion we built
2) We established the "we are also secret agents investigating the event" narrative. If we just leave without investigating in any way, that's suspicious.
3) We already established that we are not exactly mundane with Tiffany's comment about radiation protection. Daedalus is mistrustful of "esper" abilities. So, we need to lean into sci-fi tech instead. Again, to seel the illusion, and to prevent Daedalus from barging in at the worst time

Basically, by using the crown and immediately leaving, we risk shattering the illusion we have built. By doing a part of "ultra high tech U.N. Daedalus", we play on Daedalus preconceptions and get them off our backs. At least that's my logic.
[X] Plan Playing the Part
-[X] Investigate until the Library actually calls, and you can leave without arousing suspicion
-[X] Use the scene as a focus to locate the abyssal before leaving, if you haven't gotten results via mundane means before that
Wind the clock forward and it becomes not just central to life but understood as well, the same reason why the Blue Beetle works better than more modern cars or a revolver more than a modern gun, for wizards after Harry's generation a modern gun and a modern car are normal.
I don't understand what you mean by this. The wizards' judgment isn't what makes it work and the reason it has less effect on older stuff is because it's generally less complicated.

Techbane is like paradox in the sense that its rules don't care about what the mages think about what is going on. Moreover, the time scale we're given on how it changes allows for wizards who are living in Harry's lifetime to have experienced the change over but no one is standing around under the old rules free of the stuff.

When the rules change they change for everyone. Some people getting to break them outright makes as much sense and iron only being conducive for some people.

The major reason I can think of for this discrepancy is the fact that Daedalus just doesn't have full Wizards or major talents so they can just completely circumvent Tech Bane. Dresden is a particularly powerful wizard and he can still drive a car with a combustion engine it doesn't matter that it's 20 years old by the time we get to see it first time it's still a modern vehicle. Never mind using the guns that he does that are visually old-timey but newer than his car both in design and material.

If techbane is as crippling or as obvious as you were saying then Wizards literally would be relegated to Towers but we know that they go to college they can be near electric lights and cityscapes.

Edit:DDragon ninja
Techbane is actually that hard to live with and most wizards don't live in major cities. It's a plot point that it's too dangerous for the average wizard to fly on commercial airlines, and Dresden lives in an apartment so unfinished it's probably illegal to rent out. His car is substantially older than that and still breaks routinely.

Anyone with enough magic to do more than give themselves a headache destroys any electronics they regularly interact with. It's how it works.

A minor practitioner can get away with living a more modern life, but they do it by not rubbing their magic all over modern technology.
2006-2007 is at the point, where technology is also starting to become an alienating influence by itself, though. A programmer or a research and development engineer in electronics and such exist in a wholly different world than normal people, and operate using different terms. They are hard to understand by normal people, and may struggle to understand them in turn. Hell, look at this. And this is not a joke. There's something to it, where older generations are alienated by modern IT infrastructure.
So? It didn't change for the course of the Dresden Files under those same conditions. Magic isn't measuring a threshold of sufficient isolation then stopping, it's imposing a rule that isolates you more than other people in a comparable circumstance would be.

More generally, is this the Dresden Files or not? How many iconic features and plot beats can be cut away it's a generic urban fantasy setting with some character imports?

Sure we brought a demon planet of the stuff with us, but it's a different paradigm that's by design at odds with the world that the plot has to grapple with reconciling. The huge deviation is the point. This is just going "nah, they totally can do that when it's convenient, world building be damned".

It's especially annoying that the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet are building stuff that shouldn't be possible and getting away with poking things that should killed everyone involved in the thought process of designing it like the saw.

The whole thing validates the attitudes Daedalus has to the supernatural.
I don't understand what you mean by this. The wizards' judgment isn't what makes it work and the reason it has less effect on older stuff is because it's generally less complicated.

Techbane is like paradox in the sense that its rules don't care about what the mages think about what is going on. Moreover, the time scale we're given on how it changes allows for wizards who are living in Harry's lifetime to have experienced the change over but no one is standing around under the old rules free of the stuff.

When the rules change they change for everyone. Some people getting to break them outright makes as much sense and iron only being conducive for some people.

It's past midnight for me but I will answer this in the morning. I will say that this is not as simple as what you were told by someone in a hurry on a phone, Von Trier was certainly simplifying and she can be wrong about things. That said Molly does have occult knowledge so she can make some guesses which I will present... tomorrow because it's very late. Again sorry but either stop here or I fall asleep on the keyboard.
It's especially annoying that the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet are building stuff that shouldn't be possible and getting away with poking things that should killed everyone involved in the thought process of designing it like the saw.
I'm still convinced they're dupes for someone providing them just enough information to get their noses wet, along with some guidance in creating minor magitech, or outright enchanted objects that mimic some technological functions.

They're still mostly stumbling around in the dark, but that doesn't mean they can't be dangerous, and if you're the sort to hedge your bets, growing such an organization from the roots up can be very advantageous when the supernatural is finally revealed.

[X] Yog
I'm still convinced they're dupes for someone providing them just enough information to get their noses wet, along with some guidance in creating minor magitech, or outright enchanted objects that mimic some technological functions.

They're still mostly stumbling around in the dark, but that doesn't mean they can't be dangerous, and if you're the sort to hedge your bets, growing such an organization from the roots up can be very advantageous when the supernatural is finally revealed.

[X] Yog
That's the thing though, minor magitech based on mortal magic is minor in this context in the same way Pfizer announcing they have a shot which gives you minor super powers of the "slow flight" and "weak laser vision" variety would be in real life.

It's fundamentally nonsensical, you can make it crazier by increasing their strength but there's no level that's actually sane.

Our crazy magitech has a lot of stuff written into it to justify why it's allowed to work in the context of this setting. So far Daedalus has had the explanation of the setting rules being inconvenient, making everyone else look stupid for not being given the same hall pass.

Why did we even bother working around world building if you can evidently just say "no thanks"?
wizards don't live in major cities. It's a plot point that it's too dangerous for the average wizard to fly on commercial airlines, and Dresden lives in an apartment so unfinished it's probably illegal to rent out. His car is substantially older than that and still breaks routinely.

Anyone with enough magic to do more than give themselves a headache destroys any electronics they regularly interact with. It's how it works.

A minor practitioner can get away with living a more modern life, but they do it by not rubbing their magic all over modern technology.
That's just not true no minor practitioners seen in Dresden files has any level of difficulty with technology. Magic is the essence of creation itself per the word of Jim it really has no problems being conjoined to technology there is something inherent to Wizard magic unrestricted in the control of mortal hands magic that causes tech bane or milk currdle or hives it's not an inherent part of wielding Magic.

As every non-human magic user also has no problem using technology. So there are Myriad sources they could be getting for this magic non-humans which in this Quest we know there are a couple of factions that could be that the Dwarfs, Mika, fairies of the steel variety or otherwise and finally lesser practitioners of magic who are just trained with technology and just have a gift at combining them like path of Enchantment but cast with Mortal Instruments.

Take your pick.

Again if you what you were saying about tech pain is true then no they literally couldn't be near any Tech at all and Dresden wouldn't be able to drive a car because every wizard older than resident that we see either walks or transforms into some kind of bird or uses the ways because they can't actually drive cars. It also doesn't explain dresden's guns which are yet again newer and in better condition both materially and by Design better than his house and his car. Dresden himself has created magic circles that contain electrical items in his house they just eventually fail.

This is before we get into the fact that all of human technology by the fay is called ferromancy which is highly indicative of something though I'm not sure what.

Also that meta narrative reason for the tech pain is just wrong it's so the detective Noir Style of Dresden Files can actually work because if Dresden had ready access to a cell phone and the internet half the books will be over by chapter 5 per Jim's own words.
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