A Brazen Shield
9th of July 2006 A.D.
This is your life now... "Sniper! Twelve o clock high" you shout, as with a eye-bending twist your sword returns from wherever it goes, cutting a second bullet out of the air. Car's already driving off and you wouldn't want to owe Marcone the save anyway. "Dad, we're running to the house. Go!" you continue, falling back to put yourself between the rear of the party and the distant marksman.
Lost 1 Essence
To his credit your dad does not stop to gawk at you cutting bullets out of the air but grabs one of the prisoner's arms... the left that puts him at most risk of getting shot in his place while the monk who had been holding it starts to run unencumbered
Like father like daughter, you guess with a giddy surge of fire in your veins. Once, twice, three times your sword moves during the short rush, deflecting riflefire before you can even hear the shot. A snatching motion of your offhand grabs the last bullet out of the air, the one that had
almost gotten past your guard as it deflects off your sword.
The door ahead of you slams open and this time you are not the reason for Mouse's barking echoing down the halls and up the street as you are greeted to the sight of Harry in a bedraggled bathrobe, but with fire-rune focus already in hand.
"Sniper, human I think!" dad calls ahead as you get your prisoner inside and the heavy, warded door slams behind you.
"Is anyone..." Harry gets a good look at you. "Are you hurt?"
"Not this time, it's from before, got shot in the chest with an automatic of some kind." You wince a little and not with pain. "It was silly, I
thought I could get take both guys out before either of them got a shot off. Though to be fair I did not know I could parry bullets before I tried it on him..." you motion at the unconscious Gorfel.
"Wait, slow down a bit who's he?" Harry asks and you realize you had been shooting off words like that asshole sniper was shooting off bullets.
"Ah..." you wipe the sweat from your brow. "Nazi sorcerer from the bad old days out to get some relics the Brother Divsimar..." you look around for the monk and find him talking to Mouse in his own tongue or trying to.
"I don't think he speaks anything but English, he's been with Harry since he was a pup," you explain.
The elder monk looks around the living room, tapestries and bookshelves vie for space with old movie posters and handmade Navajo rugs mingle with Elvis rugs. He is too polite to say 'In here?' but the look may as well have done it anyway.
Mouse gives a clearly affirmative "Woof!"
I wonder if there's some kind of spell or enchantment that would allow him to speak English as well as he understands? It's gotta be pretty annoying after a while to have to play charades when you want something.
"You are one of the Wise yes?" Brother Divsimar asks turning to Harry.
"I don't know if I would call myself wise, but that is what the White Council used to be called, maybe still is in some parts of the world." He glances towards the door. "Do you think they're going to try to come in?"
"It was only a single shooter, well hidden and too skilled for my liking, but they would not dare attack us in a place of strength," dad answers.
"He is truly wise to does not need to take on the title for it is given to him as a gift and adornment," the elder monk says, going on to explain what the package was himself.
The sound of laughter, cold and wheezing cuts him off. Gorfel, whom Dad had set down on the couch opens watery blue eyes. He had been awake for a while you realize, maybe even biding his time to escape until Grad and then the sniper had made it perhaps more safe to play dead.
"I may haf been vanquished I at least haf had my hands bound by my foes. Vhat do you call the mighty who tie up their own hands for the benefit of the veek? Certainly not 'wise'."
"Your captors," you reply with a a smile cold as midwinter. "Maybe keep that foremost in your head if you wish to keep
"I do not fear death," he scoffs, and in body he is still as a stone, but you can feel the tensing of his will like a shadow looming over barren hills, "I haf seen it, raw and red on the face of the world. I haf looked into his eyes black as pitch."
"His eyes?" Harry snaps suddenly looking at Gorfel with an intensity that is almost like... fear. "Kemmler? You were one of his?"
"Ah, you know that name, you fear it. Perhaps there is a viff of wisdom about you." Sneering is apparently also one of Gorfel's skills. "I had the honor to serve the Great Man."
"What's a Kemler?" you ask. It really does suck that for all you know about the supernatural it is literal ages out of date. You wave off an 'apologies for my shortcomings mistress' with a wince of guilt. It's not his fault he was bound in hell and you don't want to remind him of that even if he is a demon.
"Heinrich Kemler was an insane warlock, a necromancer and all around dangerous lunatic the White Council killed for the last time in the sixties." Though the words may be recited like history the feelings behind his eyes feel worryingly personal, like a man more than forty years dead had managed to get into his head somehow. "Anyone who calls him great is as much of a loon though thankfully not as dangerous."
You don't have to be good to be great, you think, the words you had spoken to your mother echoing back at you, but you don't say anything.
"Vell then you do not haf need to the ravings of a loon yes?" Gorfel asks, leaning back into his seat with what you can only describe as a shit-eating grin. He must have had plenty of practice after all.
"I am sure they will have
a lot of questions for you in Edinburgh, maybe you will even meet some old acquaintances," Harry threatens., but the old man is unmoved.
"Death is all you can promise and death is all you can threaten, here or elsewhere, try to take me to England and perhaps I shall escape along the Ways. A faint hope but more than you can give me."
What do you do?
[] Try to threaten (Charisma+Intimidation)
-[] Write in how
[] Try to bargain (Charisma+Empathy)
-[] Write in how
[] Write in
OOC: The gunman was only human and you were rolling 19 dice after the two dice stunt and the -1 dice from multiple actions I did forget your injury DC penalty rolls, but even accounting for DC 8 and not 7 as I rolled it, nothing got through, because again you ignore 1 for Key abilities.