23th of December 2006 A.D.
It does speak to how far Harry has come, or at least how much he trusts Molly's judgement, that he's willing to take a plate of food from ghouls and vampires without even thinking about it. Do remember this is the guy who was poisoned by a Red Court-drugged drink, so he would normally have issues about that sort of thing.
It does speak to the ghoul experience, and that of the humans and vampires with them that a place held by a majority ghoul population would appear to have fresh food available almost constantly if they
If there's nothing else Molly can be proud of having accomplished this year, that much
Porter is certainly getting an eyeful. The last six months have been exciting for him.
So she's a Demon now. Lores of Flesh, Light and Longing.
Looking at her offer, that sounds like she has Flesh 4 at a minimum.
Could be wrong though.
You know, I wonder if Lash can only make Pacts with vanilla mortals.
Because I can very much see her being able to make deals with some Fae for things like immunity to mind control or supernatural charm in return for Faith. Given how many Little Folk there are in Chicago?
Even if it doesnt work for pure Fae, it probably works for changelings who want to stay changelings and not Choose.
Im guessing that little black dress is a product of the Lore of Light.
Either Light 2: Bend Light, or Light 5: Coherent Light.
I'll lowball it at Light 2. Wonder if Molly will realize it.
The fact that shes walking around in a Chicago December like that suggests she retains immunity to environmental conditions/hazards.
Ground Rules
24th of December 2006 A.D.
Loling at Molly's cheerful reaction to Harry's careful non-reaction to Lash flirting.
Given Lash's apparent voraciousness, we should probably make a detour into the kitchen when we get home.
But on our way home, we could stop at a drivethrough and get her a Big Mac or something.
Good thing she has such a clear view
Because Im betting that mechanically, she currently has Enemy 5 on her char sheet, just by existing. Possibly multiple Enemy 5s, depending on whether we count individual Denarians as separate entities.
A LOT of people are going to be interested in her, and not just the Denarians who want to kill or vivisect her.
Naagloshii who want a powerup snack, Rampires who might want to drink her blood, other spirits who might want to steal the body, fomor and their minions looking to enslave her, Outsiders looking to do the same thing....
Even the Fae will be curious. Her name probably has popped up on
Odin Santa Claus's naughty or nice list.
And Molly has probably picked up Lasciel as a personal Enemy, same as Harry has.
I wonder what her True Name is now, since it almost certainly has changed from whatever her clone-mother originally bestowed upon her. Molly should know given her role in incarnating her. Harry might, depending on what he saw.
I assume she isnt going to just go by Lash.
Given that her Apocalyptic Form appears to have wings while none of her Lores has wings as a base thing?
Im guessing she has Flesh 5. Probably going to need the Lore of Fundament if she has any aspirations to engaging in serious combat, because thats where the Demon version of Celerity is.
Longing 1, Light 2, Flesh 5.
Apocalyptic Form: Aruru, Visage of Flesh
Visage of Flesh said:
The angels of the flesh, who can alter their forms more completely than even the Defilers, manifest themselves as idealized versions of their own mortal forms. Their power exalts the mortal shells that they inhabit, removing any blemishes or deformities and refining their original features to perfection. In away, this makes their appearance just as alien and wondrous as the shimmering apparitions of their Celestial kin.
The Visage of Flesh confers the following special capabilities.
• Enhanced Social Traits: The refinement of the character's features, mannerisms and voice provides the following bonus traits: +1 Charisma, +1 Manipulation,+2 Appearance.
• Immune to Poisons: The character is immune to damage or impairment from any toxins, including alcohol and nicotine.
• Improved Initiative: Add two to the character's initiative.
• Casts No Reflection: The demon's image does not appear in a mirror, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.
Torment: High-Torment Aruru bear little resemblance to human beings, their original shape being lost in a swollen mountain of undulating flesh. Muscle,bone and organs roil and shift from moment to moment without the demon's conscious control.
The Visage of Flesh confers the following high-Torment special capabilities.
• Extra Health Levels: The demon gains three extra Bruised health levels for the purposes of absorbing damage.
• Armor: The demon's undulating mass of gristle and flesh provides four levels of armor for the purposes of soaking bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
• Gaping Maw: The demon can chew and digest almost anything — metal, stone or flesh. The difficulties of bite attacks decrease by two, and a bite itself inflicts Strength +4 aggravated damage.
• Regeneration: The demon regenerates one health level of bashing or lethal damage per turn, automatically as a reflexive action.
Looking at the rolls: Charisma + Subterfuge 5. Charisma + Empathy 6. Perception + Awareness 5. Perception + Empathy 7.
If I had to guess, that comes to Charisma 3, Subterfuge 2, Empathy 3, Perception 4, Awareness 1
Any idea on who it would be, er, polite to try to minionize in the near future? As useful as it would be the idea still makes me somewhat uncomfortable both because there might be metaphysical considerations for the recipients, a potential of relapse for Best Girl Lash, and other figures who rightly worry about Denarian-adjacent creatures power building too hard and fast. And the basic power dynamic snarls if she ends up aiding any of ours and crossing puppet strings.
Or what happens if her Coin reaches her and subverts the whole network in an instant.
Like I said above? My immediate inclination is to go look for some pixies.
Consider how many Little Folk there are in Chicago, and find out if they are mortal enough to qualify.
A troop of Wyldfae would probably cover all her Faith issues, and she's been privy to Harry's friendship with Toot-Toot et al.
Especially if she adds a subscription of pizza.