Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

-Almost 400km between Mexico City and Leon, and Molly literally moved the distance in seconds.
That is very impressive tracking and coordination.
And genuinely makes me wonder how good Red Court tracking is by comparison.

Certainly justifies my caution about Rampire institutional sensing capabilities, and our need for Black Mirror.

-That said, this cell appears to be suicidal.
A Rampire so powerful that you can actively feel it at a distance as a half-Red is throwing around more power than an Ick, and Fellowship members are terrified of Icks.

You dont confront such a thing in public, or try to engage such a thing with handguns or PDWs in an airport at close quarters

Not to mention that, given who trains them and applies their tattoos, they should be aware that there's a lot more shit out there than Reds. I mean, there's almost certainly naagloshii in Mexico as well as the US; more than 40 native American tribes have territories that cross the border.

-I dont see how they would think that a Red would be less willing to resort to violence than a St Giles team either.
Its explicitly canon in Changes that, south of the border, the Red Court WILL commit open, public atrocities, even against govt offices or law enforcement and pin them on a rebel movement, drug cartel or the other.

Hence Agent Tilly's reaction to the strike on the Chicago FBI Field Office by the Eebs.

-Team of at least four half-Reds.
Maybe as many as six; twos and sixes is a recurring motif IIRC for both the Red Court and the White Council combat teams, and I can see smaller groups copying it.

-I do smell opportunity here; a wayward St Giles team is one to take in hand
That said, we're burning power, and the more power we burn the less we have for the night's festivities proper.

-Note that the Fellowship was canonically penetrated by Martin, who is a Red Court triple agent and deep cover mole, and allegedly the oldest operational agent and on the Fellowship inner circle for more than a hundred years.
It was a plot point in Changes.
"Please excuse me, my lord," Martin murmured, giving a slight bow of his head to the Red King. "Drop it," he said in a flat voice to Susan. He twisted his body more, bending her painfully, and pressing the machete's edge against her throat even harder, until Susan's fingers opened and Amoracchius fell to the floor, its light slowly dying.
"A trick," said the Red King. Anger began to pour off of him. "A charlatan's trick." His eyes moved from Susan up to Martin. "And you have revealed yourself."
"I beg your forgiveness, my lord," Martin said. "It seemed the proper time. On my initiative, strike teams began removing Fellowship personnel and safe houses two hours ago. By this time tomorrow, there won't be an operative left alive south of the United States. And our financial division will have taken or destroyed well over ninety percent of their accounts."

"You son of a bitch," Susan said, her voice overflowing with pain. "You fucking traitor."
Martin's expression flickered at her words. But his eyes never left the Red King. "I give you the Fellowship of St. Giles, my lord," he said. "And I beg you to grant me my reward."
"Reward," Susan said, loading more contempt and hate into the word than should have been possible. "What could they possibly give you, Martin, to make it worth what you've done?"
The Red King stared at Susan and said, "Explain it to her."
"You misunderstand," Martin said calmly. "I have not betrayed the Fellowship, Susan. This was the plan from the moment I joined it. Think. You've known me for less than a decade and you've seen how near some of our scrapes have been. Did you truly believe I had survived a hundred and fifty years of battle against the Red Court, outlived every other operative ever to serve the Fellowship on my own merits?" He shook his head. "No. Escapes were provided. As were targets. It took me fifty years and I had to personally kill two of my fellows and friends working much as I was, to win the trust of the Fellowship. Once they admitted me to the inner circle, their time had come. Trust is a poison, Susan. It took another century to ferret out their secrets, but it is finally done. And our people will finish removing the Fellowship, in every meaningful sense, by tomorrow. It is over."
Susan's eyes flickered over to me, and Maggie continued to weep quietly, huddling in on herself. Susan's face was twisted with pain. There were furious tears in her eyes as she looked at me.
And I couldn't even speak to her.
"And what do you get?" Susan asked her, voice shaking.
"Ascension," said the Red King. "I have no interest in admitting bloodthirsty lunatics to the nobility of my Court. Martin has proven himself—his dedication, his self-control, and, most important, his competence, over the course of decades. He was a priest for fifty years before he was even permitted to attempt this service."
"Honestly, Susan," Martin said. "I told you many times that you can never let emotion interfere with your duties. If you had listened to me, I'm certain you would have caught on. I would have been forced to kill you, as I have several others who were too wise for their own good, but you would have known."
They have very good internal security to survive this long, but Martin has apparently been on their inner council for a century now.
And he wasnt the only such double agent working to penetrate the Fellowship, just the most successful one.
There's a very real risk that whatever we say is going to get back to Red Court high command.

And yes, Martin is at least two hundred and twenty years old.
Why are they even talking to us? Surprised that they didn't open with gunfire considering that they haven't even made an demands of us.
Maybe they are suicidal. Maybe they are new.
Maybe they're posturing.

My question is why she thinks a lord of the outer night is a teenage white girl with dyed hair.
Fleshmasks are a thing.
We see Arianna Ortega change her appearance in canon between her appearance at Edinburgh and the one at Chitchen Itza
I assume more drastic appearance changes are a possibility.

And thats not counting magic a la Fae glamor.
My question is why she thinks a lord of the outer night is a teenage white girl with dyed hair.

The Reds are in no way constrained to take flesh masks in imitation of the appearances they had as mortals, most of them prefer to do so out of lingering attachment, but it is a an ectoplasm suit not part of them. As long as they practice it enough (buy with XP) they can look like whatever they want, although most will keep some kind of consistent tell or mark though all their flesh-suits for sentimental reasons, that is to help them from going insane.
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The Reds are in no way constrained to take flesh masks in imitation of the appearances they had as mortals, most of them prefer to do so out of lingering attachment, but it is a an ectoplasm suit not part of them. As long as they practice it enough (buy with XP) they can look like whatever they want, although most will keep some kind of consistent tell or mark though all their flesh-suits for sentimental reasons.
Well yeah but I don't think many red court would willingly wear dyed hair like ours. At least not a lord of the outer night.
Well yeah but I don't think many red court would willingly wear dyed hair like ours. At least not a lord of the outer night.

Why not? These things are unspeakably ancient and with that age comes boredom.

@DragonParadox : Any water around us to escape to in case things don't go well?

You are in an airport corridor in the way to a bathroom, you would have to dash inside to get to a source of water
I don't really want to fight them more inclined to run and a bit of lethal damage from guns isn't that big a deal when we can heal in bleach.

Also we are super damm fast even without spending essanse.
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This woman is hardcore. If Molly were truly a Lord of Outer Night, regardless of whether or not Molly chose to back off for fear of getting outed, this woman would still be murdered for the temerity of, well, trying to order a Lord of Outer Night. Good thing Molly's on the side of angels here.

I'd be surprised the Fellowship found Molly so quickly, but when someone with her aura of power and zero dots in Stealth moves around it was inevitable that someone would notice.
Hardcore? More like either ignorant or reckless.
Initiating hostilities with something the apparent power of Molly at short distance is an omae wa mo shindeiru situation.

When Martin tried to kill Duke Paolo Ortega in Death Masks, he had Dresden pulling aggro at short distance while he was personally well away with a high caliber sniper rifle, and was engaging with the element of surprise.
Paolo Ortega took at least two hits and still made it out under his own power. And he wasnt that old a Red.

These guys have handguns and an alert enemy, in the middle of Red Court territory, with the potential for massive civilian collateral.
This is the sort of thing you'd dress them down for.
Hardcore? More like either ignorant or reckless.
Initiating hostilities with something the apparent power of Molly at short distance is an omae wa mo shindeiru situation.

When Martin tried to kill Duke Paolo Ortega in Death Masks, he had Dresden pulling aggro at short distance while he was personally well away with a high caliber sniper rifle, and was engaging with the element of surprise.
Paolo Ortega took at least two hits and still made it out under his own power. And he wasnt that old a Red.

These guys have handguns and an alert enemy, in the middle of Red Court territory, with the potential for massive civilian collateral.
This is the sort of thing you'd dress them down for.
I mean it's possible that they have other stuff ready that we don't see, but right now I am getting the impression that they are not that good at this. Which is understandable the fellowship of St. Gilis is a group of highly motivated volunteers but with how decentralized they have to be they likely don't have training camps and standards are going to fluctuate wildly.
Hardcore? More like either ignorant or reckless.
Initiating hostilities with something the apparent power of Molly at short distance is an omae wa mo shindeiru situation.

When Martin tried to kill Duke Paolo Ortega in Death Masks, he had Dresden pulling aggro at short distance while he was personally well away with a high caliber sniper rifle, and was engaging with the element of surprise.
Paolo Ortega took at least two hits and still made it out under his own power. And he wasnt that old a Red.

These guys have handguns and an alert enemy, in the middle of Red Court territory, with the potential for massive civilian collateral.
This is the sort of thing you'd dress them down for.

Way I see it, the reason she's not prepared to take on a Lord of Outer Night is because, well, she can't.

And she sees this monster and realizes no one else can do anything either. Lords of Outer Night don't exactly walk around everyday, so whatever Molly's here for it's probably something very bad. So her best hope (not a good hope, just her best hope) of averting a massacre or whatever this Lord is planning is to try and scare them away with the prospect of drawing too much attention.

Is it a poor plan in absolute terms? Yes.

Is it still her best chance at possibly stopping Molly, even at the almost assured chance of her own death? Yes.

That's why I say she's hardcore. She knows she's dead but she's doing the best she can with the shit hand she's got.
Way I see it, the reason she's not prepared to take on a Lord of Outer Night is because, well, she can't.

And she sees this monster and realizes no one else can do anything either. Lords of Outer Night don't exactly walk around everyday, so whatever Molly's here for it's probably something very bad.
So her best hope (not a good hope, just her best hope) of averting a massacre or whatever this Lord is planning is to try and scare them away with the prospect of drawing too much attention.

Is it a poor plan in absolute terms? Yes.
Is it still her best chance at possibly stopping Molly, even at the almost assured chance of her own death? Yes.
That's why I say she's hardcore. She knows she's dead but she's doing the best she can with the shit hand she's got.
No that makes no sense IMO.

Something like that, at an airport, would only be there if it was going somewhere else.
You'd track it and call for backup, or send info up the line about the encounter, and the ID it was travelling under, which would allow your colleagues to actually try to stop what its going to do.

Not attempt to commit suicide by Nightlord at an international airport, which just means the Nightlord will travel tomorrow instead of tonight.

I mean, its worth remembering that Paolo Ortega literally had a village of people attached to his Honduran hacienda as food supply.
And he's nowhere as Big Dark Energy as something the size of Molly would be.
If it wants people to eat, it wont be at an international airport or on a 2 hour flight to Austin, Texas.
Being honest I'm fairly sure even the red king doesn't radiate as much energy as we do passively. Maybe during rituals and stuff or them and the lords of outer night. But, like we're pushing out a darkhallow amount that's above his weight class.
No that makes no sense IMO.

Something like that, at an airport, would only be there if it was going somewhere else.
You'd track it and call for backup, or send info up the line about the encounter, and the ID it was travelling under, which would allow your colleagues to actually try to stop what its going to do.

Not attempt to commit suicide by Nightlord at an international airport, which just means the Nightlord will travel tomorrow instead of tonight.

I mean, its worth remembering that Paolo Ortega literally had a village of people attached to his Honduran hacienda as food supply.
And he's nowhere as Big Dark Energy as something the size of Molly would be.
If it wants people to eat, it wont be at an international airport or on a 2 hour flight to Austin, Texas.

Things as ancient as the Lords of the Outer Night do not get out much and they are very confident in their power, one of them eating a plane full of people and leaving it for younger vampires to handle is not out of the realm of possibility

What if they yell "Stop" or "Stop or I'll shoot"?

That would trigger CCC yes as they would not be using the threat of violence in an attempt to imprison Molly.
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A crane, you know, definitely a crane.
It was supposed to be a close but no cigar sort of reference to that.
She probably thinks we are a lord of the outer night
Doubt it.

Wether our aura is peer to one of theirs or not is difficult to say, but these guys probably don't have an accurate scale for comparison. If they did it's more likely they'd be spying instead of confronting, because there would be no point in picking a fight you're going to lose.

We're also not really acting like one; the lords of the outer night are high rollers, they don't walk into the pleb section of airports or wander around in public alone.

I think this bit is the biggest hint:
"I'm not lettin' ya get on a plane like that old one. This ain't the old days when a bunch of sailors just go missin' between here and there, so much meat on the hook."

Just like that her body language changes, more assertive, more aggressive looking at you head on. "You choose the wrong time to shake your minders leech." There are footsteps behind you and beneath the muffled sounds of the entrance-way not fifty feet 'round the corner, an all too familiar click, a safety coming off, then another and another.

Reds have a cultural thing about self control, it'd be very unusual and politically dangerous for a powerful elder to do something like wander onto a public flight to eat everyone.

However as they grow older their control seems to slip, part of something like their version of going senile.

Hence the minders. Old vamps that are slowly slipping are a liability, but they're still just as powerful and connected as they ever were. Which makes them dangerous to just try removing and fairly useful if they can be managed.

My bet is that vamps with a weakening grip like this get shuffled off stage with the equivalent of a nursing staff which is supposed to steer them away from causing problems until they stop being useful or something happens that makes them convenient to cut loose.

They could very well think that we're the vamp equivalent of a doddering old gramma who slipped her minders and went to relive her glory days.
-Almost 400km between Mexico City and Leon, and Molly literally moved the distance in seconds.
That is very impressive tracking and coordination.
And genuinely makes me wonder how good Red Court tracking is by comparison.
I doubt this is related. They had no way to know where we were going, and having assets everywhere like this on no notice isn't a simple thing. If they did have those resources burning them like this would be pretty foolish.
They could very well think that we're the vamp equivalent of a doddering old gramma who slipped her minders and went to relive her glory days.

*rolls for it*
Bingo, the Lords of the Outer Night are scary, they are less scary when unusually isolated and the fact that this one is looking confused in an airport... Well they used to do the whole 'all you can eat buffet' with ships in the old days.
So when talking we should make a point of including modern pop culture references and correctly used modern slang. So they know that we are young and hip.
[X] Explain you aren't a one of the red court
-[X] Attempt to convince them that you aren't something that feeds on mortals and today you're just making use of the airport, not going after the people in it.
-[X] [Stunt]: Snorting, Molly all but rolls her eyes " You should get your eyes checked. Dark I may be, but a leech I most certainly am not. A catfish, maybe a heron depending on your metaphor, but not one of those squirming little creatures."
—[X] Taking a more serious tone, she continues "Out of sincerely held respect for your organization I will allow you to test my nature with items of whatever faith you follow, but you of all people should know that choice makes monsters of men before nature does. I have no taste for and even less interest in ending mortal lives"
[X]Plan Seize The Day
-[X] Explain that you are not one of the Red Court, but an enemy of theirs. Do NOT allow yourself to be tested by whatever holy things they may possess (Charisma+Etiquette; will open you up to further questioning)
--[X]Crown Question: Table of organization/membership of the Fellowship of St Giles. Focus: Current situation.
--[X]Address her by her name
--[X]Give them an email address/electronic dead drop if they want. Plus or minus St Mary's
--[X]STUNT: With more than a little whimsy, you murmur. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." At the woman's look of confusion, you add "Hamlet. Act 1 Scene 5. My English teacher loves that play." Continuing, you say "Respectfully, Ms [NAME], if you and your associates go around picking fights with unknowns at an international airport" you stress the words slightly, emphasizing your American accent in the process "on no better identification than <<feels dark>>, you will do your organization and its backers a lot more harm than good." And end up dead, you dont say, imagining the consequences if they had run into Seeker instead.


A scenario of confrontation with multiple St Giles operatives is a potential Crown focus for the organization.

St Giles membership is a supernatural secret.
Uncovering it is +1m net for the scene, taking us back up to 10m of Essence. And allowing us to identify the vast majority of St Giles operatives and sympathizers on sight.

Importantly, it gives us this lady's name, and the probable identities of her working partners here from the Crown question.
Which works for social rolls. And gives us plot hooks for the future
Also, bonus XP

As for tests?
I dont really find it plausible for Molly to submit to unknown tests by people she's never met before out in public.
Even shit that wont harm her can materially impede her plans by, for example, making her glow. Rather pass on that.

Things as ancient as the Lords of the Outer Night do not get out much and they are very confident in their power, one of them eating a plane full of people and leaving it for younger vampires to handle is not out of the realm of possibility
Possible, yeah sure. Shit that powerful definitely has that amount of clout.
But is it likely or even plausible that a Night Lord came to an international airport just for a change of diet? Just to add a random sampling of foreign travellers to its regular diet of Mexican natives? Nah.

I doubt this is related. They had no way to know where we were going, and having assets everywhere like this on no notice isn't a simple thing. If they did have those resources burning them like this would be pretty foolish.
The update says, and I quote:
OOC: The Fellowship has been consistently rolling high to zero in on you since you showed up in Mexico.
Foolish or not, thats what they apparently did.
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[X]Plan Seize The Day
-[X] Explain that you are not one of the Red Court, but an enemy of theirs. Do NOT allow yourself to be tested by whatever holy things they may possess (Charisma+Etiquette; will open you up to further questioning)
--[X]Crown Question: Table of organization/membership of the Fellowship of St Giles. Focus: Current situation.
--[X]Address her by her name
--[X]Give them an email address/electronic dead drop if they want
--[X]STUNT: With more than a little whimsy, you murmur. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." At the woman's look of confusion, you add "Hamlet. Act 1 Scene 5. My English teacher loves that play." Continuing, you say "Respectfully, Ms [NAME], if you and your associates go around picking fights at an international airport" you stress the words slightly, emphasizing your American accent in the process "on no better identification than feels dark, you will do your organization and its backers a lot more harm than good." And end up dead, you dont say, imagining the consequences if they had run into Seeker instead.
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