In terms of infrastructure while you will not be getting Exalted Manses ready made with mutant pops and trees with golden fruit that grow on little floating islands and such that is not to say you cannot do any kind of large scale magical infrastructure. If you really want to go that way. A lot of the crafting in the doc actually needs a Dragon's Nest for one and for even more stuff I will even plumb the dark depths of Mage books for inspiration.
Going to note:
-The late unlamented Baroness Bianca St Clair's mansion/estate, which
suffered a bad case of Dresden burned down mysteriously with everyone inside four or five years ago during Grave Peril and had hundreds of dead vampire victims buried underneath it? Is probably still on the real estate market just because of its bad reputation, and is legitimately haunted because of all the dead.
I assume the Red Court vampire picked that location for a reason.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)
Here me out, we go into mechanics. We make ourselves a motorcycle. We use that motorcycle to beat a monster to death. It will also leave green flames when we're really invested in things.
I think a bike is probably well within her capabilities.
Just buy one used, or even more likely trashed post-vehicle accident, then break out the repair magic.
And once done, awaken the spirit inside it.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)
I want an exoskeleton. And probably a mecha. And the only thing stopping us from having an exoskeleton power armor is a power source, and we have demons for that.
Eh. Its within her capabilities to build it.
Its just unlikely to be necessary for herself, and I question the thematics.
For human or spirit allies maybe. Or even just as a home security system.
I like the idea of exoskeleton, but I'd want it to be focused on not reducing our agility over boosting our strength. I'm thinking 'Tech-ninja in very light power armour with superbike* and fire sword'
*has magical abilities like going fast without being noticed/invisibly, and maybe can also fly 'cuz that sounds cool.
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)
Doubt power armor is necessary.
She's Strength 4, which is almost human maximum, in her normal state. Girl is not ogre strong, but she's probably sronger than her father. And if she breaks out shintai, she gets stronger.
Same for flight; there are two charms that can do it for her personally.
A bike would be for noncombat travel, and possibly for transporting other people.
If she's breaking out the sword, she's almost certainly on foot.
Or flying.
A magic motorcycle would be a Wonder and at the top end of what a Solar with Craftsman Needs No Tools can expect to create without like, decades of labor and hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm going off page 55 in the crossover book here.
Edit: The Recommended Wonder scope is stuff like bulletproof jackets, guns with unlimited explosive bullets, etc.
No it isnt, neither in scope of effect or scale of project.
Wonder Forging Genius benchmarks off things like rocket packs and plasma cannon. In ExWoD the Solar Medicine charm Wholeness Restoring Meditation is explictly capable of engineering transhuman traits into humans as an Int+Med roll against difficulty 9. The example that was used was flight.
A magic motorcycle is a pretty smallscale project when the benchmark projects are rocket packs, plasma guns and the like.
Years of labor and billions of dollars?
Thats stuff like helicarriers.
[X] Blacksmithing (includes weapons and armor as well as pre-industrial tools)
[X] Mechanics (Includes auto repair and construction as well as large scale construction)
Two dots is the average base craft score for a professional right? So at three we should be good enough that we could try getting a cover job as a mechanic. Getting someone to give us a shot would be tricky, but exalted social competence should be enough to get a foot in the door.
I mean we're not planning to live in the Carpenters' basement forever, regardless of the current situation, and college would be a hell of a thing to juggle with all the other nonsense. Might as well simplify the whole thing instead of scrambling once we decide to go independent again.
It's not really the direction I'm hoping to go in, but if we did end up riding a motorcycle around, it wouldn't really need to be magical to do stupidly amazing shit. Even regular muggles can do crazy stuff on the right motorcycle, so an Exalt with superhuman stats and skills should be able to do even more. And as long as we don't care about driving the bikes to destruction, we could push them to the breaking point as needed.
This does, however, assume we're wealthy enough to replace them like disposable umbrellas.
Blessing of the Wood Dragon makes your mundane stuff self-repairing as long as it has not been destroyed altogether.
Go to a motorcycle junkyard in Chicago.
Buy a bunch of totaled and junked bikes for a couple hundred dollars.
Break out Tool Constructs and rebuild them to factory condition, then sell them back to a secondhand bike store.
We could probably cut down on that with access to magical resources and crafters, but getting that won't be exactly easy and probably limits us in terms of how far we can go(can't make something with inferior parts). And it means paying in favors and deals, which are likely to be harder to acquire than cash.
Svartalves that can craft high level magic are more numerous and they'll work for money or favors.
They arent that numerous, their specialties arent that broad, and high level magic isnt available off the shelf.
What is known about the Svartalves is limited, but in the Dresdenverse they are picky about what they do, and who they work for
And you may not necessarily want to pay for their favors in kind, depending on how sexually liberal you are.
Svartalfar wiki said:
Spindly humanoids, about 5' high, weighing about 50 kilograms, with gray skin, and huge, bulbous, black eyes. While wearing their flesh masks, they resemble Ken dolls. Svartalves look like grey little aliens, although the females are a bit more human-looking, with attractive features and long silver hair; they wear a human disguise much the same way the Red Court Vampires do.
They are peerless artisans of the supernatural world, providing the Norse gods with weapons and armor.
Their craftwares are sold out of a shop in Norway. They are very powerful and skilled in the Magical Art.
Svartalves are
very private and independent and they absolutely do not tolerate any nonsense. The can also be prickly about their territory, take their honor very seriously, and are very old school; they are known to react very badly to anyone violating guest right. They are such fighters that they have few opponents, including
Harry Dresden, willing to tackle them.
According to
the Leanansidhe, Svartalves
covet beauty the way dragons covet gold; they also accept sex as payment for favors, or compensation for transgressions. Thomas Raith is required to pleasure Svartalf females when he has been caught spying in their fortress, while Freya had to do the same with most if not all Svartalves to pay for the restitution of her necklace.
Waldo Butters describes them as being alien but looking human, since they're capable of wearing
flesh masks. However, the lore surrounding them is very extensive and contradictory, and next to nothing is known for sure about their motivations.
The Winter Court is hardly short of resources or unwilling to spend to make an impression, but after he became Winter Knight, they thought it was a better deal to replace Dresden's old Beetle with a vintage Cadillac repaired by a human mechanic than to attempt to commission him some custom magic bullshit from the svartalfar.
There's a reason why giving Molly modern Craft specialties is a Big Deal for her; there's good odds thats the only way she'd otherwise be able to get her hands on anything partway modern in the short to mediumterm.
I mean, if you want to trade money for magic items .... isn't the obvious starting point Dresden?
The dude who is hard up for cash and is actually great at crafting magic items, as well as a character who is friendly with us?
1)He's not hardup for cash
2)He's got his own stuff to maintain.